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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 22:00

Sharing this with you guys, since it'll probably seem unreal in the States...
1 hour later…
@DannyBeckett That does seem unreal. Here we just taser them.
yeah here we'd just have 20 coppers diving on him
(we used to just shoot them, but we've discovered they have a better chance of not dying if we taser them. Not sure if it's easier to defend the brutality suit for the taser or the wrongful death for the shooting though)
@DannyBeckett no, I'm serious - the NCPD manual allows you to taser a suspect if they try to kick you and you can't otherwise control them
yeah that's why I thought it'd be interesting to you guys, since your cops are brutal :p
(you're supposed to try to take them down and put the ziptie on their ankles first, but it's much easier after they've had a few kV run through them)
lol I watch Cops...everyone gets tasered
@DannyBeckett This bothers me because the taser is an inherently unsafe device
cardiac conduction block? 50% chance of a heart attack. Diaphragmatic breathing trouble? You may not be able to breathe after it...
2 mins ago, by Danny Beckett
yeah that's why I thought it'd be interesting to you guys, since your cops are brutal :p
@voretaq7 ....most Americans probably struggle to breath through the layers of fat anyway though
bwahahaha "WTF He don't like a shoe in his ass?" -- well you never know what the doctor is into in his spare time....
@DannyBeckett Hey! My country resembles that remark!
Mar 28 at 18:58, by voretaq7
Aviation Diet: "Don't eat that cheesecake! We'll never get this little Cessna 152 off the ground!"
Aviation and rock climbing keeps me thin :P
my ex's brother was the national climbing champion of Norway
that's as much as I know about rock climbing :p
@DannyBeckett you occasionally have to haul your fat ass up steep inclines and through tight spaces
the fatter the ass the harder it is to haul and the tighter the spaces get :-)
lol! I like it
I'm actually kinda sad I need to start lifting weights or something - I don't think I could do any kind of near-vertical climbs anymore. I'm totally out of shape :-/
that's what planes are for :/
that's what fighter jets are for
@DannyBeckett that is one crusty autopilot
what's your sim?
@shortstheory lol you like it? :p
i'm a fan on DIY stuff, so +1!
in all seriousness, I'm just figuring out the components and circuitry. I'll eventually get a PCB made, to proper size, in the proper panel
makes sense
@shortstheory on the video? FSX
for which sim btw?
I've read that the circuitry for toggle switches isn't exactly straightforward
lolwut is 5A over USB actually a thing?
I could power a 25W light bulb with a USB port!
@shortstheory you're exactly right
because using a keyboard card, a toggle switch would hold down the key on the keyboard
yeah, keyboard card
that's the thing I read about
you need to use a relay and capacitor
the green PCB is the keyboard card
i forgot how it works, but I think I read pretty much the same thing :)
4 hours ago, by Danny Beckett
user image
are you going to make the displays for the A/P too?
I just took 16 of the 24(?) wires of an IDE cable and soldered it to the board
eg for IAS/MACH/Heading
currently, the relays just plug in with wires into the IDE connector, but I want to get the matching IDE plug off an old motherboard and make it properly
yeah I haven't looked into how to do that yet, but I do want to
@shortstheory 5A isn't possibly on USB 2 at least. That's why I used the power brick. USB 3.1 however....
4 hours ago, by Danny Beckett
> Using three power profiles of those defined in the USB Power Delivery Specification, it lets devices with larger energy demands request higher currents and supply voltages from compliant hosts—up to 2 A at 5 V (for a power consumption of up to 10 W), and optionally up to 5 A at either 12 V (60 W) or 20 V (100 W).
@shortstheory the circuitry wouldnt need to be too complicated. A simple T flip flop would do.
all of my (6) questions on Electronics.SE cover how I've got to this stage: electronics.stackexchange.com/users/36617/…
I just thought of something: wouldn't powering 8 x 25W USB devices on your desktop screw up the PSU pretty soon?
it boils down to..
like my laptop's power brick is only 65 W, so I used 3 x 25W devices + (IDK, maybe 30W for the laptop itself?), I'm pretty sure I'll be exceeding the design limits of the brick.
from my understanding, the device can request a certain amount of power
but the OS decides if it gets it
there's a little section in Computer Management about it, in fact
if you go on the properties of a connected USB device, somewhere it tells you the requested power draw and how much was allowed
@DannyBeckett do you run into problems with key ghosting with that setup?
@casey as in sometimes the key is hit more than once? no
I'd favor a setup of T flip flops or perhaps RS latches to handle the toggle logic and switch lighting, but a keyboard controller does simplify the computer interface
I used a different uF capacitor though... a different value would have that effect
does anyone have experience with Arduinos here?
@DannyBeckett no, not that, with many USB keyboards for example, they can only register 6 keys pressed at once
I need a little help :d
it seems like "holding down" keys to handle a switch would hit that limit
should I go with 2 of these breadboards: protocentral.com/breadboards/…
@casey ah, that! everything I've read says "just override existing keys, there are tons, and it's easier than trying to get it to press multiple keys"
or should I just get 1 full size breadboard?
I did read one thing, which just said you need to put a 25ms gap between key presses
@shortstheory nope, sorry
okay, help on just the breadboard would be good enough? :)
@casey holding down keys? no, it converts it to a momentary keypress
@shortstheory I just soldered wires to eachother
we don't need no stinkin' prototypin'!
but I do!
I've an idea for replacing the pitot static system on airplanes!
okay, not replacing
more like redundancy for the P/S system in lieu of AF 447, and possibly MH 370
@DannyBeckett ah, i misunderstood :)
i think I'll build my prototype with arduinos and stuff
@casey ah ok! :) yeah, a standard toggle switch without the relay/capacitor would do that
(this probably sounds sort of uneducated, but I kind of know what I'm doing)
@shortstheory what's the idea?
sound :)
IMO if you know the distance between the transmitter and the receiver of sound, you can calculate the Mach number by measuring the delay it takes for sound to reach the receiever
radar wouldn't give you your airspeed would it?
True (just groundspeed, right?). I don't see where you're going with this, but good luck!
google science fair 2014
i would fit in with the 15-16 age bracket
@shortstheory you can already get altitude and ground speed from GPS. What you don't get from it, which you can really only get from the pitot-static system, is airspeed.
Which is why the P/S system desperately needs redundancy
I still don't understand how you're gonna get airspeed using sound...
yeah, nor do I
not airspeed per se, but you can definitely find your mach number
which, again, you can already get from GPS.
in terms of ground speed.
not airspeed.
i thought GPS only gives G/S?
how do you get the mach number from the GPS?
how will you get it from your system?
> Airspeed Reference units can be manually toggled between IAS and Mach units using the SPD Key
@shortstheory it is redundant. my jet had 3 of them
Garmin G1000:Socata User Manual (Page 398 of 542) - manualslib.com/manual/358397/Garmin-G1000-Socata.html?page=398
So, my idea is to place a transmitter (a speaker) at the front of the airframe, and the receiver somewhere near the back
the distance between the two is known
so, now, if you can measure the delay it takes for a sound wave to reach from one end of the plane to the other, you can calculate your mach number by knowing the speed of sound
that isn't gonna work, I don't think
@shortstheory your problem is your reference frame
the plane's gonna have travelled that distance in nanoseconds
close actually. I think it's in the order of ms :)
@casey could you specify?
It's an interesting idea.
@DannyBeckett just be safe, remember, the first rule of EE is: don't get electrocuted
@PatoSáinz one step ahead of you...
Q: Just making sure I won't fry my motherboard?

Danny BeckettI'm building this circuit, which converts a toggle switch to a momentary one, which sends a key to a USB keyboard PCB by connecting 2 contacts together: I just wanted to check, how do I know the keyboard PCB won't get fried when I flip the switch to 12v DC? Or worse my motherboard?

@DannyBeckett I read tumbler switch as tumblr switch
and wondered why the fuck would a cockpit need to blog gifs
it doesn't even say 'tumbler' :p
though it is a synonym
@PatoSáinz (it says toggle switch, not tumbler switch)
bottom left
ah ok on the diagram
I thought you meant what I wrote on the question
let me share a diagram I found for you to help:
@shortstheory if your system is inside the airplane, recall that the "atmosphere" in the cabin is in motion with the airplane, and from the point of view of an occupant it appears at rest (in unaccelerated flight). Sending a pressure wave through the cabin is going to take the same time to reach the other end of the cabin regardless of the airspeed. To get the airspeed of an object you need to bounce your pressure wave from an object stationary with respect to the wind onto the airplane.
@casey I'm pretty sure he meant outside the cabin.
Its hard to get an object broadcasting stationary w.r.t the wind, so instead we make them stationary w.r.t the ground and use EM instead of pressure and then call it radar.
@shortstheory I feel like, as a thought experiment, your idea works. It at least makes sense to me why it would work (which means nothing... I'm full of wrong information). I've very skeptical that it would work from a practical perspective though. Seems like it might require a lot of calibration, could probably be expensive, could be very susceptible to changes in the airflow around the aircraft, or natural disturbances, and is almost certainly more difficult and expensive than pitot static.
@BretCopeland I considered that but I'm having a hard time picturing something capable of producing more sound than the wind or something to discern the two at the far end.
its loud out there!
@casey you don't have to produce more sound, you just have to produce it at a discernible frequency and amplitude.
However, that is partially what I meant by it seems like it would work in theory, but might be less useful in practice.
and yea, at least in the EMB we get some crazy noise at high speed right above the cockpit from a particular airflow pattern going transsonic (or so they tell us), and this would probably mess with efforts to do this
@BretCopeland Agreed, that was the "or discern the two" part of my comment
@shortstheory I'll also point out that altitude derived from static pressure is explicitly required for things like flight into RVSM airspace
so you can't get rid of the static system, and I'm not sure this would be a feasible (practical) improvement on it
yes I meant outside the cabin :)
@BretCopeland you've pretty much hit the nail on its head
I was thinking of ultrasonic frequencies so you don't accidentally wake up pax sitting in 1st class with annoying sine waves :)
@casey thanks for your inputs
I appreciate having a real pilot going over it too!
@shortstheory how do you know we're real pilots? I assume everyone here is a fraud. Especially me.
@BretCopeland I have video evidence
got a link?
though not public, since people might complain me recording an approach and landing into Freeport
@DannyBeckett I could upload it...
@casey why would people complain?
@casey I'd be interested to see it!
but then again, its only my voice on that video, and not my likeness, so it probably wont prove anything
ok, i'll stick it on youtube, give me a couple minutes
@BretCopeland casey said he's a pilot and he's knowledgeable about aviation enough to fool me if he isn't
I could take a picture of my CBA too. Sure, i have plenty of manuals for airplanes, but that doesn't prove anything. However I don't think anyone collects union CBA documents for fun...
I want to become an aerospace engineer, but I'm worried that the job market will totally flush out after fossil fuels become completely exhausted :(
I don't think that's a valid concern for a while...
at least in our working lifetimes
I'm 16, I think I have some time left :d
you think oil will have run out within 50 years?
i remember reading 40 years somewhere
anyway, when we're down to 10 years of oil left, it's gonna be mighty expensive by that time
there'll be other fuel
e.g. nuclear, or something else
like whatever the car manufacturers are doing with hydrogen now
we'd have to redesin how a jet engine works completely
@DannyBeckett: I like H2, but the reality is, it doesn't carry much energy per unit volume
not so much a problem for cars where limited range isn't completely catastrophic
but airplanes?
point is, that's not a valid concern for a job ;)
ofc vol depends on pressure
but you don't want to ignite the h2 in your tanks under extreme pressures
sounds good :)
video is uploading
anyway, in 50 years everyone will have their own personal plane-car-thing
@shortstheory That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@casey nice
i guess i should use !!! next time for extreme exclamation
or !! (with ` either side)
^^^^^^^^ @DannyBeckett @shortstheory @BretCopeland
@casey that place looks beautiful... nice approach and landing! don't you get the "50.. 40.." callouts in that aircraft?
the other guy was flying that one, I was sightseeing
@DannyBeckett no 50 / 40/ 30 / 20/ etc in our planes
but our mains weren't so far back that you needed the help to judge touchdown
sure, I was just wondering :)
I want to learn to fly in 2015
this website just makes me want to fly more and more
@casey do you ever get to fly anymore?
It's not just about the mains... I have the countdowns in my Falcon (and in fact have a 5' callout that I've never gotten in any other airplane.. I actually like it, lol.)
I'm going to see if they can give me a 3', 2', and 1' callout too. Maybe even 6"?
Okay, just kidding on that last one. ;-)
anyway, off to bed. cya all later!
@Lnafziger only a "100" callout in this Falcon 900 :(
@Lnafziger night!
ah, I can just about hear the "5" at 04:13 on this Falcon 7X :D
@BretCopeland not often... When I finish up my PhD and start working again I'd like to build an RV-10 or something similar and then fly that all the time.
@DannyBeckett find an episode of the aircraft repo reality show. That guy basically finds a plane, makes sure it is legal and has its logbooks and steals it back for the bank using nothing but a type rated pilot.
@casey yeah that show's all b.s. though isn't it?
the show might be (the dramatic thefts) but reality isn't so far away either. repo guys are sneaky
I think it's remarkable that big aircraft don't have keys though
its just like having a car repossessed. If they can find it they'll either have copies of the key or a tow truck, and they'll just take it, because legally they can
@DannyBeckett what would a key get you that you don't already have?
even the small planes with keys are nothing close to the sophistication of a car key
for the small pistons is more like your suitcase luggage key to be honest
it is the most minor of theft deterrents
For example in an EMB-145 to start the airplane cold to engines running you need to turn on the batteries, turn on fuel pumps, start the APU, configure the bleeds, start the engines, turn on the hydraulics, cycle the FADEC and find the parking brake and tiller.
thats at the bare minimum with none of the normal first flight checks and tests
@casey sure but as @Bret mentioned, if you're a pilot, you're gonna know how to do that stuff... a key would stop you getting in
If you are familiar with jets you could probably figure it out, true
astonishing, imo
planes are worth a shit ton of money. If it were actually a significant problem, airlines and manufacturers would have added additional security measures by now. The fact that they haven't points to it not being a problem.
except for the video you posted from ABC... I suspect it won't be the last time either
even the seminoles I used to instruct in needed no keys
you just needed to know where the battery and mag and starter switches were and what the mixture and prop levers did
ok guys, good talking... bed time for me, seeya!
@BretCopeland if it were a problem it would be the aircraft lessors that would mandate keys, but you are correct that its not a problem.
there was more security to get into our sims than the planes, although the sim did cost more than the plane....
@casey well, I assume it would actually be insurance companies which would mandate it if it were a problem, but it would be the operators and manufacturers who would be responsible for doing it.
@casey thanks for sharing, that was pretty cool :)
I found some nice aviation questions here: airliners.net/aviation-forums/tech_ops
Is it okay if I repost some of them on aviation SE to get better answers?
@shortstheory it's okay to post questions here if you think they will get a better answer. Just make sure to not copy and paste from elsewhere. Also, try to limit what you ask to just the things you're interested in. In other words, don't post a flood of questions you found on the internet just to bump the site's question count.
Thanks, got it
How do airplanes get repossessed anyway? There's a show on discovery iirc for that, but isn't repossessing tantamount to stealing?
Shouldn't the guys doing that be in jail?
I imagine it would suck for the owner of the plane to discover his multimillion dollar craft goes missing overnight :(
@shortstheory I watched one episode of that, and to me, it seemed very much fake. There's a guy on youtube video taping and uploading his repo work (of cars, not airplanes) hoping to get donations for the cancer treatment of his wife iirc. Pretty much no sneaking around and stealing stuff, more walking up to the door and going "good afternoon, here's my paperwork, I'm taking the car with me, y'all mmkay with that?"
Although, I can imagine he's one of the nicer ones.
1 hour later…
@shortstheory if you have a plane that isn't paid in full then it technically is owned by the company lending you credit, if you fail to pay then they are allowed to take measures to collect back the plane
@roe I've seen another repo show ("repo men" I believe it was called) and most of the time they walked up to the car checked the vin and then started towing. If the owner showed up then the yelling started.
@ratchetfreak exactly, so there's no need to break or sneak into airports, they have every right to be there and pick up the plane.
@ratchetfreak I think every repo guy would somehow notify the people he towed the vehicle, or they'd have to deal with a shitload of stolen vehicle reports.
@roe yeah but the owner may make that difficult by refusing to return the plane, etc.
@ratchetfreak sure, but not airport security
@roe yeah the bank is required to call the owner about late payments etc. but if you are late paying then you are not likely to just return the car
@roe private airfields with private security
@ratchetfreak still
@roe from the episodes that I saw it was mostly from there that the planes were repoed
woot. Second answer with a 100 upvotes on SO for me.
6 hours later…
@shortstheory if you are making payments on something, you don't actually own it. Whoever you are giving that money to owns it.
Q: Range of smaller jets is less then bigger ones because they cannot/do not carry enough fuel or there are other limitations also?
almost the entire wing is a fuel tank on most planes
plus a tank in the body
also larger jets are faster/go higher where they use less fuel
I know wings are tanks.
I noticed that some smaller jets have ceilings at 51000' whereas 787 or A380 have as less than 45000'.
depends on the fuel burn, some can be really efficient if there is no dead weight (pax and luggage)
Hey folks
Can we help you?
@GraceNote Nice, another SE employee in here, we're getting famous ;)
I'm here to help you folks, actually. I've heard rumblings about a desire for a blog.
Yeah, there's a post on meta about it, hold on
I've got the blog mostly setup, I just need some folks who can start taking charge and working with me for the final setup.
Q: Should we have a site blog?

voretaq7Many stack exchange sites have associated site blogs for things that don't quite "fit" with the Q&A format of the main site. I think there are quite a few interesting topics we could cover in a blog if we have enough folks interested in contributing posts. There are a some guidelines that Stack...

Q: Should we have a site blog?

voretaq7Many stack exchange sites have associated site blogs for things that don't quite "fit" with the Q&A format of the main site. I think there are quite a few interesting topics we could cover in a blog if we have enough folks interested in contributing posts. There are a some guidelines that Stack...

that's what we have in terms of coordination so far ;)
@GraceNote I need to head out in a couple of minutes, but @voretaq7 will probably drop in any minute now
Sounds like a plan.
It's good to be employed at SE. You can get paid to be on this site ALL day.
@GraceNote I'll be happy to contribute, but I've realized that I'm clearly in the wrong timezone for coordinating stuff... ;)
posted on April 03, 2014

Jack and Dave are joined by good friend Jim Goldman to talk about the day two at Sun 'n Fun 2014. The FAA's announced plans for changes to the 3rd Class Medical, and Jim's new aircraft purchase. All this and more on the Uncontrolled Airspace General Aviation Podcast. Recorded April 2, 2014.

@ratchetfreak I wouldn't generalize "bigger jet" == "higher / faster". Case in point, look at a Citation X vs a 747. The X does mach .935 at FL510, the 747-8 can do mach .92 but only FL430.
but perhaps I misread your statement, if so, disregard.
no you are right
shows that I am not a full expert on aviation :)
@GraceNote heh I was actually going to ping you in TL tomorrow to talk about the setup :)
I'm running into meeting #2 for the day but that should only last about 20 minutes (I hope...)
Alright, so, see you in 20 minutes then?
@casey SR-71? :)
@roe I was limiting myself to planes used for people transport :)
SR-71 is going to win any altitude/speed contest that the space shuttle isn't participating in
@casey To be fair, a space shuttle didn't get there under its own power
also, the SR71 is transporting.. 2? people ;)
SR-71 needs a refuel after takeoff and about every 90 minutes when supersonic, so its not getting far without external help either
@casey oh really? Did not know that :)
yea, it also burns JP-7 so you need a tanker that has tanks separate from its own supply
@GraceNote oogabooga. (Wow a meeting that actually took the estimated amount of time)
Wow that was indeed about 20 minutes.
Alright, do you want to do this in here, or do we want to move the general blog stuff to another room rather than the main chat?
well it was just turning software over to our QA team to destroy lovingly test :)
Probably a good idea to set up a separate room - we can use it for coordinating articles and such
I'll let you make one, that way you'll automatically own it and we won't have to do weird permission dances.
Plus you can like, call it the Control Tower or something else representing that it's where people coordinate and direct what comes out of the community.


What should we blog about? aviation.blogoverflow.com
"I'm a computer scientist, we suck at naming things!" (Control Tower is a good candidate name though :)
Who types Otto's message here or is he smart enough himself?
@Farhan Otto is a (somewhat modified) StackBot. He lives on one of Danny's machines
@voretaq7 DannyBeckett?
@Farhan yup
he also wrote a lot of the aviation specific functions like !!METAR
Interesting. They talk to each other in Groom Lake
So, there are planes with keys. Are there planes with remote keys that go beep-beep?
probably not
Dropping in to say that you can't even put highest/fastest in the same sentence with some airplanes
The Lockheed U2 being a prime example of that
12 hr endurance is pretty damn awesome IMO
@shortstheory We talked about that about 1.5 hours ago if you want to read some scrollbuffer :)
Why, in geometry, we have planes and not plains?
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 22:00

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