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I think I cleared up the whole "private carriage" thing aviation.stackexchange.com/a/1453/391
"It's adorable how you pilots all seem to think that laws are automatically internally consistent." -- My sister, a law student, after hearing about this discussion.
I don't even know what that means :)
She thinks we're naive because when confronted with a regulatory problem we assume that there is one and only one right answer, and not that the regulations might say one thing in one place and another thing in another place, and those things might contradict each other.
Well yeah she is probably right in many ways. Either way the big misconception I think is that "private carriage" you are exercising your private pilot certificate not your CPL if it is Part 91
@p1l0t In the same sentence where you are acknowledging that it is a grey area, you're again stating that it's a black/white issue and that you are right and the others are wrong.
I'm not saying you are wrong (I don't know enough about this subject), but it's probably something that can be interpreted in different ways
3 hours later…
@DannyBeckett You around?
just flying atm :p
on flight sim lol.. whats up? :)
Are these questions on-topic? TV shows/movies
Based on the votes, it kind of looks like we have our answer....
I guess so, but @Qantas94Heavy only posted his answer <24 hours ago
so far it has +2/-0
I was thinking that it had been longer than 24 hours, lol
We can wait a little longer. :)
Whatcha doing in the sim?
well I haven't got a yoke or anything (I need to get one!), but I just figured out I can attach my PS3 controller to the laptop
Although I just realized that I hadn't voted on his anwer (even though I commented) so now it's +2/-1 ;-)
I did the first 7 tutorials or something, then got annoyed that I can't get the hang of a glider :p
Yeah, gliders can be a little tricky. Did you read my recent answer about landing gliders?
so I skipped that one and doing the intro to jets. Short positioning flight in a CRJ700
I don't think so
about making a goaround?
I was struggling to gain altitude
...so I crashed before, just reset the sim... on the runway now with my engines on idle and the parking brake off, I'm reversing :S @Lnafziger
You crashed during the go-around
Did you bring the gear and flaps up?
@Lnafziger no you asked if I read your answer about landing gliders? the only one I see is about go arounds...
the crash was too steep of a descent in a jet :p
Wow, I missed quite a debate tonight.
@DannyBeckett yeah, in the one about go arounds I talk about how a glider is normally landed
@BretCopeland Yes you did, lol.
@BretCopeland It isn't really over yet though, so you may get the chance.
@BretCopeland You can always comment on the answers if you have an opinion, lol.
@Lnafziger I have absolutely nothing to add. Looking at the regs, it seems like you are correct, but I'm probably the least informed of those involved.
@BretCopeland Fair enough. :)
well I managed to touch down fine this time, but somehow turned on to a runway instead of a taxiway, then trying to do a 3-point turn, increased my engines too much and went out of the airport! lmao
@DannyBeckett Haha, well at least you are making progress!
I can't believe that the stall question got over 5,000 views in just over 24 hours.
@DannyBeckett @voretaq7 and I went to a Q&A session with pilots and controllers tonight, and one of the more concerning questions was when a pilot asked if he could simply turn exit one runway onto another without approval, because that's what the controllers normally tell him to do anyway.
What was more worrisome was that the controller responded that it would be a "grey area".... a FAAST guy stepped in and said, uh, no that's not a grey area, that's considered a runway incursion.
You already have clearance to cross the runway... Seems odd that they would categorize that as a runway incursion.
question for you guys... I need to get my rudder setup on this PS3 controller, but on this screenshot, how come the PAPI lights say I'm lined up, but it looks as if I'm on an angle?
@Lnafziger crossing clearance is not the same as taxiing down the runway.
@BretCopeland Oh, I get that. I'm just surprised that it is a considered a runway incursion.
@DannyBeckett PAPI lights give vertical guidance only
ah I see! thanks
@Lnafziger well, I guess if the controller doesn't care, and doesn't report it, then it's like it never even happened.
Hmm, you look a little low there.
hahaha no shit
@Lnafziger I think it's considered an incursion because they could clear someone to take off or land on that runway seeing that you are going to cross before it becomes an issue, but if you turn onto the runway and taxi down it, then all of a sudden you are going to be on that runway a lot longer than the controller expected.
@BretCopeland Yeah, I guess that makes sense....
@BretCopeland Kinda scary that the controller didn't know that though (and worse, said that it was a "gray" area).
Alright, I'm off to bed. Have a good night guys!
uhh guys?
I have a solid tone
and I see this :P
I fail to see the problem.
the door's open and the gear's on the fuselage
@DannyBeckett and?
@Lnafziger night!
@BretCopeland :p
@DannyBeckett I feel like you're not getting how airplanes work.
also, this plane's a pos... no rudder, no stickshaker (vibration aint working) :p
also, the mouse seems to be set to move the yoke as well as the controller, because I can't click any of the dials, so I can't turn any lights on, lol
@DannyBeckett FSX?
need to get Xplane
the copilot seems to think the lights are on, "landing light on" he says... but it aint
I'm not impressed with X-Plane. I keep thinking about going back to FSX, but I like that the navigation database is up to date with x-plane, and I like that it integrates with Foreflight.
what don't you like about X-Plane?
Scenery is one big problem. It doesn't have any landmarks unless you pay for third party scenery, so every city you fly to looks exactly the same.
The built in ATC is a joke. FSX ATC certainly isn't as good as vatsim, but it's at least flyable if you want to use it.
For a long time it didn't integrate with SaiTek products well, but now I believe that's changed.
It's nearly impossible to land several of the aircraft without bouncing them.
quick question on VATSIM... I applied to train as a controller. I guess you also need to train as a pilot on their system before you can use it in FSX/XP?
The left turning tendency with single-engines is hugely exaggerated in x-plane compared to real life.
yeah they're never gonna be perfect though
@DannyBeckett I don't believe you have to officially train as a pilot, but you should know what you're doing (know ATC phraseology and how to control your aircraft) before using it.
ah really!
gonna have to set that up too when I get the hang of this then! :)
I've never used it, but that's what I've read.
I saw that I have both a pilot rating and a controller rating on VATSIM
I would love to be a controller on there, but I don't have the time availability.
I have my first training session on 11th Feb
hopefully there will be some questions I have from it (generally, not the session)
@DannyBeckett are you familiar with ATC phraseology?
yeah I listen to ATC a fair bit
I just passed the initial exam a few days ago
I obviously want to learn more though!
Listening to ATC helps a lot.
I actually have the recording of my first ever radio communications.
that's pretty cool
I keep trying to listen to VATSIM UK live, but missing it because I logon too late (~1am)
listening :)
Also, the story behind it: facebook.com/notes/bret-copeland/…
And the general story of getting my license: facebook.com/notes/bret-copeland/…
"United's channel 9" - wish more airlines did that
@DannyBeckett ditto
gonna read that 2nd one in a bit :)
also listening to your ATC still... you didn't stumble at all
@DannyBeckett I just figured you might find it interesting since you want to get your license.
yeah it's definitely interesting, thanks!
@DannyBeckett not totally true, but I felt pretty good about it.
My call to approach was messy and I missed the transponder code they gave me.
ah well, good enough ;)
The initial call to approach is still the hardest for me. There are just a lot of pieces of information you are trying to convey, and it's incredibly east to forget some of them.
You're supposed to tell them: who you're calling, who you are, where you are, what altitude you're at, what ATIS information you have, what you're intentions are, and where you're parking.
I guess it's one of those things you get better at the more you do it!
but hey, I'm gonna go try and get this plane on the ground without crashing it again and hit the sack! it's pretty late here
haha, best of luck.
it was good talking to you man!
lol cheers, I'll need it... just set the PS button to be max thrust in case I need to go around lol
3 hours later…
@BretCopeland It sucks that aviation radio reception/recording is illegal in both the UK and Germany. If nothing else, it would help people get acquainted with the comms, which people around here at least (Germany that is) are notoriously bad at.
How Casper/Natrona County International could pass up the opportunity to get a crazy woman SID or STAR is beyond me.. :)
1 hour later…
Aviation Humor
A Pilot Looking For A Wife
!!metar EHRD
EHRD 311055Z AUTO 18010KT 160V220 3100 BR OVC004 04/03 Q1007 TEMPO 3500 BKN005
3 hours later…
@roe its a shame that is against the law there. When my instrument students used to have trouble on the radio I'd sit them in front a receiver and have them respond (to me) to anything ATC said to anyone. It definitely helped them.
@roe It is not illegal to listen to ATC using a portable receiver in Europe, as long as you have a radio license (which every pilot in Europe should have)
posted on January 31, 2014 by Bryan Swopes

31 January 1951: Pan American World Airways Captain Charles F. Blair, Jr., flew his modified North American Aviation P-51C-10-NT Mustang, Excalibur III (USAAF serial number 44-10947, civil registration N1202) from New York to London in 7 hours, 48 minutes, averaging 446 miles per hour (718 kilometers per hour). Captain Blair took advantage of the jet stream, […] The post 31 January 1951 a

posted on January 31, 2014 by Bryan Swopes

31 January 1971, 04:04:02 a.m., EST: Apollo 14 lifted off for The Moon from Launch Complex 39A, Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida. The Mission Commander was Captain Alan Bartlett Shepard, Jr., United States Navy. The Command Module Pilot was Colonel Stuart Allen Roosa, United States Air Force, and the Lunar Module Pilot was Captain […] The post 31 January 1971, 21:03:02 UTC, T

@PhilippeLeybaert It is illegal in Germany as long as you're not in an aircraft or in an air traffic ground facility, even if you do have a license (which I of course do). Don't know about UK.
@PhilippeLeybaert I've read a story of guy who've actually been indicted for turning on a hand held at an expo
I think he lost his pilot's license too
@Lnafziger when you get a chance, would you mind re-visiting the holding out question and cleaning up the comments to the question, they have gone way off-track imho.
@casey I'm working on it now, thanks. :)
@roe The phrase "Utterly ridiculous" comes to mind. Seriously - it's AM radio, how do you pass a law saying it's illegal to listen to a signal being broadcast with enough power for you to receive it?
@voretaq7 Preaching to the choir. Germany is messed up when it comes to aviation. You're also not allowed to land at an uncontrolled airfield unless it's manned by an AFIS. It's still uncontrolled, but it has to be manned.
@roe that's not even aviation related - it demonstrates a profound misunderstanding of what radio is and how it works.
It saddens me that "idiots legislating things they don't understand" isn't just a US problem
@voretaq7 Yeah, I know. It's not limited to aviation though, it's all kinds of frequencies. If you're not police you may not listen to police frequencies, etc.
@roe we actually have/had ridiculous laws like that, they were deemed unenforceable unless security measures were taken (so now a lot of police agencies use IDEN, which isn't really "encrypted" in most places but it's "digitized" so you have to take an extra step to listen to it and that part is illegal)
which makes a lot more sense, IMHO.
it's still pretty lame because I can buy an IDEN radio pretty much anywhere that tunes those frequencies, but apparently that's "specialist equipment" and makes me a terrorist or something
but we're also the country that arrested someone for standing on the street holding a sign that said "There's a speed trap 5 miles ahead, slow down"
why don't they just encrypt it. Even with a simple key it's enough for me to consider it 'breaking into' if you try to figure out the key.
@roe "Digitizing IS encrypting!" -- The US Court System (who should really not be allowed to rule on things they don't understand)
In sweden, speed traps are considered automatic camera surveillance and as such, must have a sign that says so (i.e. a picture of a camera)
basically if you can't receive it by holding a wire in the air and listening to a piezo speaker they considered it "secured" (cough*LAME*cough)
@roe our speed traps are usually real live human beings with radar/lidar guns
we have red light cameras though. it's an 80 dollar ticket
oh, ok, yeah, those don't need a sign :)
I'm talking about the automatic speed cameras
(30 bucks goes to the jurisdiction where the camera is. 50 bucks goes to the company that mails you the ticket)
that is... weird?
no idea how it works over here though
@roe yeah we don't have those around here (yet). Officer Blinky (the automatic radar gun connected to a sign that tells you "Speed Limit: 30. Your speed: 80") has no teeth. All he can do is flash "80" at you in big red numbers :P
but I think neither germany nor sweden has privatized speed cameras :)
This is America. We privatize everything. We'd privatize privatization if we could figure out how!
and every so often some damnfool starts in on "we should privatize ATC" and I start pointing at Australia :P
yeah, it's privatized here too, it's not so bad
by the way, you already have privatized atc :)
not so bad as long as it's really strongly regulated that is..
@roe only contract towers and flight service
and it took Lockheed/Martin like 2 years to stop sucking at the whole Flight Service Station thing
@voretaq7 I know, but towers are ATC aren't they? :)
@roe I suppose you can call their chaos a form of control :-)
in Germany all ATC is run by a company called DFS, in Switzerland it's also privatized (hello, Überlingen)
we have pretty limited privatized ATC
Canada's system is kinda funky
I'm pretty sure that I've only ever talked to one private tower in 12 years of flying
it's privatized but it's all Nav Canada and it mostly operates like a public-benefit corporation
@voretaq7 the guys and gal at FMY is doing a pretty good job from what I can tell :)
@egid I was about to say I never have but sometimes I talk to Groton and apparently they're a contract tower because they were on the "we're closing you 'cuz Congress is stupid and we're broke" list
yeah, Bellingham (KBLI) has been contract for ages apparently
!!airport KBLI
@egid That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@voretaq7 yeah, similar over here, except each country is about the size of a state/province, or smaller :)
@roe I REALLY don't understand why Europe doesn't turn ATC over to the EU to run on a regional level. Is there like one non-member-state in the middle of Europe or something?
@roe: you could be correct concerning UK and Germany, but in Belgium (and The Netherlands) it's perfectly legal (if you have an appropriate radio license)
Belgian law states that you're not allowed to listen in on frequencies that are not meant for the general public. If you have a radio license for ATC frequencies you are authorized to monitor those frequencies because you're licensed for it. Instructors use a portable VHF radio all the time when students are doing solo flights
My answer aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/1402/… here needs some love I had to put a work into it to get these guys to realize that you can't just fly people with a CPL for hire without an air carrier certificate. It is VERY well cited and not just the AC but the appropriate regs.
@voretaq7 Well, there's Switzerland right smack in the middle. But ATC is coordinated by Eurocontrol, which I think works fairly well. The real problem are all the widely diverging rules and regulations. At least they've started to address that with EASA (for example, now an EASA pilots license is valid throughout EASA without any formalities)
@roe Nobody fucking cares about the Swiss! :-)
@PhilippeLeybaert Don't know the exact rules in the UK, i know it's legal in the Netherlands (LiveATC streams Amsterdam for example). Some instructors carry a handheld here as well, but that doesn't mean it's legal. Most instructors pop in to the "tower" and listen along with the AFIS.
@voretaq7 What about their banks? :)
@Lnafziger not as awesome as they used to be :(
@casey I updated my answer on the holding out question. I have changed my mind on the pilot-without-an-air-carrier-certificate part.
@voretaq7 That's a thing about the swiss, nobody cares about them, and they don't care about anyone else... ;)
@roe <Russian Accent>Da. Is good system.</Russian Accent>
@Lnafziger I think your going to win the bounty, I can't give it to myself anyway
Still 7 days to go though..
@p1l0t I have a packet with a few actual cases where the courts have/have not found common carriage. It's on my desk at work; once I get in to pick it up I'll write up an answer if I think it would be useful.
@SteveV. my point is doesn't matter either way you still need the cert
@casey I did remove the part about part 91 always being the private certificate exercised I don't think that's true either. I have emailed that law firm trying to get an explanation why. I think they mean because you really don't NEED it but I think the exceptions in 119.1(e) would allow you to be flying Part 91 while exercising CPL privileges.
@p1l0t You seem to think I'm trying to prove you wrong. I actually think you're right. I'm writing up an answer because your bounty asked for credible and/or official sources, which I have a couple of.
@DannyBeckett around?
beer!stat 64
@Zirak voretaq7 has 4099 reputation, earned 30 rep today, asked 8 questions, gave 75 answers. avg. rep/post: 49.38. Badges: 0g 7s 30b
Double awesome.
Somebody should ask the "What the heck does Flight Service Do?!" question since I just alluded to it in an answer :)
@SteveV. I never said that you were. :) But yeah there's a 100 points up grabs this week @Lnafziger is in the lead right now.
@p1l0t he's usually in the lead these days :)
Without implying anything about Lnafziger personally, i suspect that social life is often inversely proportional to SE rep gain.
Jon Skeet blows my mind.
Apparently he's a functioning adult.
Who, like, has a job.
@SteveV. Haha, for the record I am happily married to a beautiful actress. :-)
@p1l0t We'll see who else comes up with an answer in that time. :)
Working is for suckers.
@p1l0t Working is how I pay for the plane's crippling avgas addiction
Yeah I work 40+ hours a week programming, on the weekends I'm either doing flight instruction or working on my rental property
Trying to finish my capstone project at the same time
just keep swimming just keep swimming..
@voretaq7 whoever comes up with a portable fusion engine that separates the hydrogen out of water molecules in the air and fuses it to produce effectively unlimited fuel, is going to make some extremely happy pilots... I mean you probably won't even notice the tumor growing on your privates until you're at least 50 :)
You won't need them anyway, you'll be busy flying.
@p1l0t What kind of programming do you do?
man everybody jumped on the iPad one
haha, yup
@SteveV. haven't you ever heard of the Mile High Club?
that's okay, we need to get our answers/question ratio up. :)
(we should all be looking at the older questions, even those with accepted answers, and see if we can provide a better answer in order to help with that.)
@allquixotic Heard of it? I invented it!
(All those other people just refined it)
@voretaq7 where's that from? looks super familiar
@egid you get free rep for looking up that FCC regulation. These days I try to stay away from 47CFR :)
@allquixotic imagine it attached to a DeLorean
@allquixotic You're probably more familiar with it attached to a DeLorean with a crazy man dumping garbage into it :-)
@egid Le FCC. I'm sick of these Fing Federal F agencies
It just occurred to me that "DeLorean" and "Time Machine" are synonymous in my mind.
ok time to actually get lunch and then go back to diagramming workflows
(someone wanna kill me? please?)
> The Mr. Fusion was first seen when Emmett Brown returned back from 2015.
so next year we'll all have portable fusion? sweet
@allquixotic Indeed.
And hover boards, apparently.
@Lnafziger I think you'd have to haul out the legal big guns to determine if an iPad is included in that FCC rule
it may have a 3G radio in it, but it is not a telephony device. :|
@egid the general FCC interpretation is that "cellular telephone" encompasses anything with a cellular radio - but to get them to say that for certain would require a lawyer (or a letter to the counsel's office)
right :)
hence "it depends"
oh it doesn't depend - they'll charge you under "cellular telephone" regs and probably win :)
The FCC is perhaps not the MOST evil federal agency I've ever dealt with, but they're a benign malevolence.
(The FDA is schizophrenic, by the way.)
so is ecfr.gov working for you guys? You've linked a couple of regs lately, but I just get a "Oops! Google Chrome could not find www.ecfr.gov" error message. (failed DNS lookup)
@Lnafziger ...is it trimming the WWW off the front?
because the government sucks at internetting
@voretaq7 No, same thing with "www".
but I blame the government anyway :)
Haha, that's what I was wondering. :)
@voretaq7 always a safe bet
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