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@DannyBeckett: Hey, I edited your question (aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/613/…) to remove the USA tag because it is a regulation question and the country really doesn't matter, but you put it back. Do you think that we need to specify the country regardless?
hey @lnafziger, how's it going? :) I mentioned the US specifically in the question, that's why I added it back in
@DannyBeckett: There is also a meta question about country specific questions (meta.aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/3/…) which has an accepted answer about using the regulatory authority instead.
I think the country does matter. For example, in the UK, some other "smoking in a work vehicle" law probably applies
@DannyBeckett: I'm good, thanks. You?
good too thanks!!
just reading that Meta question now
Well, I've been under the impression that if you as a question tagged as FAA, that kind of implies US regulations.
(And don't worry, I'm just trying to standardize some of the questions.. maybe it would be better to have both in this case.)
hmmm, the accepted answer says "If a user wishes to ask about an issue in regards to a specific country, they should mention it in their question and tag it as such."
I just hate to have both every time because it eats up two tags when others may be more appropriate... Especially since FAA does cover the US aviation regs..
think of it this way though: presume somebody goes here: usa
Yeah, that's immediately after "We should create tags for major aviation regulatory bodies on an as-needed basis."
maybe they want to see all US-related questions
but not specifically FAA-related questions
just all US
...are you following?
(I don't know the best answer, also trying to wrap my head around it)
Oh, and Bret's comment under the answer (with three up-votes) mentions using the regulator authority... It's come up in a couple of meta questions.
Yeah, I know what you are saying.
I put another meta question that suggests using "faa-regulations" (and "icao-regulations", etc.) for regulatory questions and "faa" for issues related directly with the faa.
That seemed to be received well, but we haven't implemented it yet.
It seems to me to be the best way to go, but that's just my opinion after thinking about it for awhile. :-)
I'll leave it with you... do whatever you think :)
On this specific question, if you are interested in answers other than FAR/FAA answers, maybe drop that and only leave the USA tag, and clarify in your question that you are interested in answers that cover more than just FAR's, but all pertinent US laws. (I would think that FAR should be enough, but maybe not.)
Depends on what exactly you are looking for, lol.
(And if that's the case, then the accepted answer only covers the FARs. :-) )
Anyway, how is the bot coming along?
@DannyBeckett - I was wondering if I can help with adding some new commands to it.
how's your JavaScript? @lnafziger
@DannyBeckett as usual, javascript's awful
it really isn't
@PatoSáinz There's nothing wrong with Javascript. It's a turing-complete language, just like Brainfuck.
ah, Brainfuck... now that's awful
hello @voretaq7, btw :)
brainfuck is a syntactic delight compared to JS
you must be joking
what's with this vendetta against JS anyway?
every website you go on uses it
@DannyBeckett Written anything in JQuery lately? :)
nah I don't like frameworks
@DannyBeckett Every website you go on uses it incorrectly <-- Fixed that for ya.
also true ;)
done correctly though, it can be beautiful code
see weather.js (the !!weather command's code)
My JS is so-so, but I'm wanting to learn it better. I'm an iOS developer and understand the concepts though, lol.
Plus Google is my friend. :)
blame GitHub for the weird indenting
@lnafziger Firstly you need data from somewhere. Do you have a command in mind you'd like to make?
Ideally you want the data in JSON or XML
Generated by a GET Uri
@DannyBeckett: I was thinking of something the other day (don't remember off the top of my head)... It will come back to me though, lol.
@DannyBeckett websites should run lolcode and you know it
give me a shout when it does! I'll guide you a bit @lnafziger
I'm currently writing a screen-scraper/HTML-parser to get the full airport name (sadly the only way)
What about just generating a link to the airport diagram and approach plates? Like !!charts KMIA
@voretaq7 Give the weather command a try - few changes: accepts IATA codes; human observation time; AGL moved
@lnafziger you'll have to forgive me, what's an airport diagram and approach plates? an image?
because we should be able to embed images directly
similar to the !!youtube command, like this:
!!youtube rickroll
@DannyBeckett: Well, there is more than one: aeronav.faa.gov/…
@DannyBeckett: The individual plates are PDF's though.
yeah, PDF's aren't gonna be embedded any time soon..
then again, they could be proxied through PHP and converted to an image
I see what you mean with more than one
Well, because there are so many I think that it would be handy to just spit out a link to the airport page with the list of procedures
Sometimes there aren't as many though
we need an !!airport command anyway, to retrieve aerodrome info
could always include the link on there
Yeah, maybe include it there. That's a great idea!
"Instrument procedures: <link>"
yeah exactly
you have some free time now?
I can get you setup on FTP and SSH with a login
Actually I'm at work right now.. About to get off of here.
and tell you the basics of how to get started
ok man no problem!
We can do it later when we both have time or you can email me.
I'm not gonna be around later tonight, but we can chat tomorrow
Okay, sounds good.
yeah, thanks to you too! saves me from doing all the work :)
I think it will be best to chat... once you're setup, it's easy enough, but it bitches at every turn, so knowing how to overcome that will be needed
probably easier to explain as you see what I mean, than in an email
Haha, yeah right? I can work on the airport info command if you want.
yeah, sounds good.
yeah that sounds great!
I still have some work to do on the weather command anyway
Okay, talk to you soon.
(currently no gust info or QC flags)
ok, talk soon!
Think about how you want to handle that usa tag. ;-)
ok, talk to you tomorrow at some point!
!!weather KHTO
@voretaq7 KHTO: LIFR • Observed: 3 hours ago • Wind: 190°/S @ 14kts • Visibility: 0.13mi/0.21km • Sky (AGL): Obscured @ 0ft • Temperature: 12.0°C/54°F • Dewpoint: 12.0°C/54°F • Pressure: 29.51" Hg/999mb
I think they have a weather station....
Obscured @ 0ft?
bad weather
(that's the OVX we talked about)
also need to add the remarks still, e.g. fog @voretaq7
@DannyBeckett it's raining here, HTO is probably socked in under fog.
aaaand that's also 3 hours old?
hah, that matches the ADDS data
somebody broke something
@egid It's the hamptons. Nobody's there, the season is over.
(They get a tower now during "The Season" though)
@lnafziger the more I think about it, the more I wonder if a tag would be useful. We can't assume that amateurs or students necessarily know to search or tag things .
that's kinda what I was alluding to, also @egid
that somebody might just be browsing the [usa] tag
yeah, i agree with you
especially for non-americans, even professionals, they may not know how to find us-oriented questions
i think that's a little less likely, but still probable
man, our questions per day keeps dropping :(
personally, I'd like to see the [usa] tag full of all sorts of things
as a non-American, I definitely don't know every US-centric abbreviation
@egid The more I think about it the more I think country-specific tags are a good idea, but at the same time "professionals" are going to look for or / etc....
we'll have to have some redundancy
there's really no way around it imo
@voretaq7 exactly, so use both and , imo
and won't even necessarily always be a synonym for
...but then you're probably gonna get too
which is 3 for the sake of 1
...btw, how do you make a tag in chat?
square brackets around tag:tagname
ah, thx ;)
oh btw @voretaq7 I ended up listening to 5 Uncontrolled Airspace's at like 1.5 hrs each
about to start my 6th
300 to go! haha... cheers for the recommendation
@egid Questions/day is always artificially inflated at the start of a beta (because of all the first-day questions) - if we stay around 6 I'm not too worried
@DannyBeckett did you listen to Amy's ditching? :)
all the area51 garbage about successful betas has me worried
@voretaq7 I did
@voretaq7 listened to the whole of #68 instead of the classic #1
@DannyBeckett did you listen to Amy's ditching? :)
@egid I agree
@egid With the exception of questions/day & visits/day (which are basically the same metric from different angles) we're not doing too bad
hugs @egid
don't you worry child, it's gonna be alright
that's better
whiskey tango foxtrot O.o
@DannyBeckett It's a cat. Trying to ship itself to Abu Dhabi.
that makes even less sense

Beta Q&A site for ebook publishers and readers

Currently in public beta.

ohhh, the picture... lol!
@egid ^^ As a somewhat-inaccurate basis of comparison
just the first site I spotted that's been in beta for about the same length of time as we have. I've got no insight into their content because I kinda WTF'd at it myself
ebooks were good for one thing back in the day... getting your eBay rep up
1 cent per point :p
then of course once you'd bought one for a penny, you could sell it for a penny, and then have 2 points... lol
@voretaq7 when is this FRG midair from?
@DannyBeckett lima oscar lima
is there an NTSB report?
@egid October 2007 - I linked to the NTSB report back up in the chat
ah ok i only saw it in the right sidebar
(search for "Delightful NTSB report" :)
I didn't even realise you could search til you mentioned... just saw the search box now
got it
(basically the NTSB report can be summarized as "it's too damn busy and y'all done fucked up")
I feel really bad for that student solo though :)
"OK, you're all set, the weather is great, the winds are about as good as we ever see - go shoot your 3 landings" . . . then planes start crashing into each other
did you see the mid-air video I posted? @voretaq7
@DannyBeckett that was the one that happened recently yeah?
It's from one of the Uncontrolled Airspace episodes
yeah about November-ish
yeah, that was pretty freakin' amazing
the fact it was caught on camera is amazing too
@egid area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/43283/space-exploration as another (more-closely-related) data point on beta stats :)
@DannyBeckett that's going to get way more common since everybody puts a GoPro on their plane/helmet/whatever now
this is my shot for the aviation.se logo
100% original, quality work
@PatoSáinz I'm voting for ✈ in the blue talk bubble :)
@voretaq7 i think i do too
It's not quite Unicode Panda but it'll do.
@voretaq7 that's awesome
:sings: Unicode harassment.... 🐼Panda🐼!
@DannyBeckett Any font with decent Unicode support will work :)
ah fair enough
(it shows as squares in your singing message)
> Congrats, you've gained the privilege – talk in chat – learn more
@DannyBeckett Your unicode font coverage is inadequate and you should feel like a terrible human being :-)
Can you even see the unicode ✈ Airplane✈ ? :)
panda at the top, plane at the bottom (Windows 7/Chrome)
panda is emoji, airplane is unicode
most fonts don't support that many utf entities
@egid Panda is Unicode - it's a defined character per the spec (like Dragon, and Pile of Poo, and "floating man wearing a suit")
it's the 21st century - everyone should have an expansive collection of unicode character support! How will you communicate with the aliens?!
Final Report on Planet QPX3915 ("Earth"): We attempted to make contact with the dominant species on the planet, but they just kept showing us pictures of pandas and piles of feces. We recommend avoiding this planet until such time as intelligent life develops
!!weather SCL
@PatoSáinz SCEL: VFR • Observed: 48 mins ago • Wind: 160°/SSE @ 9kts • Visibility: 6.21mi/9.99km • Sky (AGL): Ceiling & visibility ok • Temperature: 31.0°C/88°F • Dewpoint: 11.0°C/52°F • Pressure: 29.88" Hg/1,012mb
!!weather mia
@PatoSáinz KMIA: VFR • Observed: 55 mins ago • Wind: 220°/SW @ 8kts • Visibility: 10.0mi/16.09km • Sky (AGL): Few clouds @ 2,800ft; Scattered clouds @ 10,000ft; Broken clouds @ 13,000ft; Broken clouds @ 25,000ft • Temperature: 28.3°C/83°F • Dewpoint: 20.6°C/69°F • Pressure: 30.03" Hg/1,017mb
yep, our visibility is shit atm
!!weather jfk
@DannyBeckett KJFK: MVFR • Observed: 44 mins ago • Wind: 240°/WSW @ 11kts • Visibility: 10.0mi/16.09km • Sky (AGL): Broken clouds @ 1,700ft; Overcast @ 5,000ft • Temperature: 7.0°C/45°F • Dewpoint: 4.0°C/39°F • Pressure: 29.47" Hg/998mb
JFK's improved - visibility was 0.0mi earlier
there was a huge wild fire
and all smoke went into our small santiago valley
and now we are all drowning in smoke, like beijing
"like Beijing", lol!
@PatoSáinz ...so is there a local airport where I can actually see a METAR reporting FU? :)
!!metar scl
@DannyBeckett SCEL: 061700Z 16009KT 120V210 CAVOK 31/11 Q1012 NOSIG
@voretaq7 i don't think so... the fire was yesterday and smoke is now smog
FU BS . . . wait, is the weather station reporting smoke and snow, or is it making a commentary on the state of the government? :)
interesting Chilean IFIS service
you even get a webcam
and stats on int'l and nat'l landings/take offs/overfights
grrr argh fucking internet I want to compose a question but every other packet I send down the wire gets eaten by a grue!
but i don't trust this system to be audited, so maybe you could hack into it and make your own flight plan!
woah i didn't even know there was a live feed of the control tower's frequency
!!weather SCTB
@PatoSáinz No METAR data could be found within the last 24 hours for SCTB! Check you typed the correct 3-letter IATA or 4-letter ICAO airport code.
hah - @lnafziger gave me an excuse to link to this :P
!!wiki Eulogio Sánchez Airport
Eulogio Sánchez Airport () , also known as Tobalaba Airport, is a private airport located in La Reina, Santiago, Chile. It is two-thirds owned by the Club Aéreo de Santiago and one-third owned by the Club Aéreo de Carabineros de Chile. The airport is on the eastern edge of the Santiago metropolitan area. It was constructed in 1954 and named for the then-president of the Club Aéreo de Santiago, Eulogio Sánchez Errazuriz. Its runways, taxiways and fueling platform are the only areas of the airport open to the public. External links * [http://www.aipchile.cl/designador/SCTB DGAC IFIS...
@PatoSáinz there is genuinely no weather data, click the link
USA doesn't care about Chile's other not-really-big airports ;_;
oh wow, nice
i'm unclear on how ADDS gets international weather actually
@DannyBeckett haha what's nice?
@PatoSáinz We barely care about our own not-really-big airports :P
@egid me neither
@voretaq7 ;_;
@PatoSáinz that ADDS doesn't like Chile... "nice", as in "not good"
@egid maybe the NSA leaks int'l thermostat data
@DannyBeckett yea that's nice
all the AWOS stations have an NSA back door? :)
i mean... some of what's in there is pretty obscure
!!weather BIAR
@egid BIAR: MVFR • Observed: 8 mins ago • Wind: 350°/N @ 12kts • Visibility: 6.21mi/9.99km • Sky (AGL): Scattered clouds @ 900ft; Broken clouds @ 1,600ft; Overcast @ 3,100ft • Temperature: 1.0°C/34°F • Dewpoint: 0.0°C/32°F • Pressure: 28.97" Hg/981mb
then again i guess we had a military presence in Iceland for 40 or so years
it has Svalbard on there too
(near enough the North Pole, owned by Norway)
!!weather ensb
@DannyBeckett ENSB: VFR • Observed: 18 mins ago • Wind: 110°/ESE @ 20kts • Visibility: 6.21mi/9.99km • Sky (AGL): Few clouds @ 2,000ft • Temperature: -15.0°C/5°F • Dewpoint: -20.0°C/-4°F • Pressure: 30.12" Hg/1,020mb
i'm listening into the control tower feed... god it's a polite and mannered operation (also, some shitty english)
@PatoSáinz you should listen to FRG. It's probably fucking dead
@voretaq7 FRG?
"It's raining. We're basically playing flight-strip 5-card poker with yesterdays flight plans."
!!weather SCCI
@PatoSáinz SCCI: MVFR • Observed: 11 mins ago • Wind: 280°/W @ 30kts • Visibility: 4.97mi/8.0km • Sky (AGL): Broken clouds @ 2,300ft • Temperature: 8.0°C/46°F • Dewpoint: 4.0°C/39°F • Pressure: 29.17" Hg/988mb
Internet! Stop making me have to click "retry" 5 times to post a message! Y U SO TERRIBLE!
stop spamming ;P
oh right, rain.
the algorithm deems you abusive
@egid no, it's timing out because of the... <looks> 25% packet loss we're experiencing right now
@voretaq7 i'll tune into the tower
but... the shit radio quality plus+english accent is hard bro
@PatoSáinz the radio quality for FRG is really good - I think Steve put the antenna on top of the flight school's hangar :-)
@voretaq7 just on chat?
also yea it's better than what i've heard in other places
one of the instructors where I train is the guy who set up the feed for Republic
I had the exact same problem before and reported it to MSO.. didn't hear back
Q: Experiencing major packet loss and timeouts on chat.stackoverflow.com

Danny BeckettI've been trying to diagnose the problem in the JavaScript chat room; the transcript is here (the messages from then on, between myself and @OctavianDamiean): The long and short of it is that I'm getting major packet loss only on chat.stackoverflow.com. When I do a tracert, after getting the 3r...

@DannyBeckett no, in general. I'm seeing 5-30% packet loss to our ISP's router
ah ok... even worse
chat.stackoverflow? isn't that a whole server apart
it shouldn't be a problem that affected us
@PatoSáinz Different box, same cabinet (same network)
I wouldn't be suprised if it was the same box either
@DannyBeckett btw tips on getting more rep? lol
gonna look it up (there's a list of servers)
@PatoSáinz answers are worth the most rep... 10 per upvote
that and bounties, but there are none so far on here
unless they moved one of them permanently to the DR site, I know things were split up and all over the place when they were moving the datacenter but I think it's all generally sorted now
@DannyBeckett you didn't get me quite right... i meant, sites that sell sockpuppet accounts that upvote you infinitely
@DannyBeckett we don't seem to need bounties yet - everything is pretty much getting answered within a day or two (except some really esoteric stuff that I don't think anyone knows anything about yet)
@PatoSáinz yeah that'll get you banned quite quickly...
@voretaq7 true
like regs for operating drones in India
@DannyBeckett just joking... i'm a good netizen
Q: Has the FAA ever granted anybody a license honoris causa?

Pato SainzSay, anybody who made an outstanding contribution to technology, flight methodologies, etc (for example, the Wright Brothers); has the FAA ever issued a license (private pilot, etc.) to anyone that deserved such honor?

@voretaq7 looks like chat is all on OR-SQL01, per:
@PatoSáinz If I had a functional internet connection I'd look to see how the CAA handled licensing all the people who were already flying :P
Q: How much bandwidth does SE eat up?

Danny BeckettI recently saw this image posted in an answer on Meta by @Nick Craver ♦: I'm interested to know how much bandwidth (in total GB/TB) gets used on average each month for such a large site, and on which services? (IIS/SQL split + any other servers)

@DannyBeckett "Not a lot" actually
@voretaq7 can't you use your phone w/3g?
most of the heavy stuff is served by SE's CDN, and all the post images are through imgur
@voretaq7 sneaky
@voretaq7 43 terabytes per month isn't a lot?!
BITCH u craaaazy!
@DannyBeckett nah
just ask the NSA
@DannyBeckett not when you consider how much traffic Stack Overflow gets
and per that answer only about a third of that is actually being 'served' from SE's network
more like half, but yeah
I don't count their VPN traffic because it doesn't need to go over their internet links
they could buy dark fiber to the off-site facilities
> One last item for those still paying attention: Most of the bandwidth is still internal. Over the same 30 days our core switches went through 586,157,817,892,376 bytes of traffic.
but it works out to be a little over half actually excluding those
I calculate that to 533TB/month :|
@DannyBeckett about. But nobody cares what your internal core is doing as long as it's not falling down :-)
half a petabyte of data is a metric shit ton
it's a little under 13GB/sec
naively averaged out over 30 days
(btw that's my most upvoted question across the network)
I just hit 300 rep across the SE network!
hacker news is still down
i'm getting anxious
I just want to upload a png file
goddamit internet

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