If I switch from Favored soul to cleric My deity has the Magic Domain so Eternal Wands work for me yay.
and I suppose Dynamic Priest works with cleric, Makes them a Dual Stat Caster but I get more Spells per day and domains and Turn Undead for Divine Metamagic.
Could someone check my math that a Eternal Wand of Luminous Armor(Cl 8th) is 4800gp. Its a 2nd level spell caster level 8th Spell Trigger 2/day charged item.
Jonn Underwood will be pleased. I think he managed to miss all your comments about being out of town, and on Tuesday was like, "Has anyone seen BESW recently?"
@BESW fie, I tried to make an educated guess about your return time so I could say something impressive like "by the arcane power invested in me, I summon @BESW" shortly before you appeared... but I missed the mark by a few hours.
I paid for a Belgian's falafel in a back-alley shop and got treated to lemon sorbet by a Czech on the street below the Shrine of the Báb. A Finnlander helped me look at our local challenges in a new, constructive way, and I talked about the practical considerations for quality consultation with a Brit.
Our relationship with the Church is excellent on an individual, personal level. We do our best to avoid confrontations whenever possible; the Faith's goal is unity, not competition.
@Problematic I was born into it. My parents became Baha'i with they were dating.
that's been my experience with the RC church as well: full of great people, but run by a bureaucracy whose non-local leadership is sometimes short-sighted and a bit full of themselves
The biggest issue with paladins is when their partners' behavior is judged as if the paladin himself had done the deed. If your DM is willing to avoid that pitfall, may I suggest...
A paladin who does not expect non-believers to obey the laws of his faith. He hopes that through his shining examp...
Anyway, I need a shower. I feel like I was wadded up in a Death Star garbage compactor for a day. Back in a bit. Make that back room if you want to keep chatting; 0245 here but I'm jetlagged.
yeah, i think 10 hours is the longest flight i've ever been on (New York <-> London); i can take 3 hours no problem, but after that i start becoming very miserable
really, it's a direct flight to Atlanta, no stop in LA or San Fran?
true, though that doesn't bother me much unless i'm sleeping, which i only do on very long flights
my main problem is that i get a little motion sick, so i can only read for an hour or so before it starts to bother me (which is way better than the 10-15 seconds it takes me to get nauseous reading in a moving car), then i have to take an hour or so break
I usually fly on airlines that don't offer movies, other than the silent version (i.e. the guy in the aisle seat on the opposite side 1 row up watching something on his laptop with headphones; saw Argo that way last week).
Although I'm very much enjoying the one of the games I'm in, the other players seem to be flagging and losing interest. This is a bit disheartening as their lack of enthusiasm is bringing down the game for me and I'd like to help get them re-motivated and back into it The GM is doing all the righ...
@ObliviousSage I guess I would say "I encourage people to remove the tag when they see it?" We don't have any magic mass deletion tag functionality I know of, just synonyming
You are infused by the Winds of Magic. Gain +1 to your Magic characteristic and you may learn the Dark Magic Talent at any time for 100 xp. However, you no longer receive the benefit of disease resistance (see Children of the Gods pg. 8).