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Remember, when deleting comments: wild. uncontrolled. bursts.
2 hours later…
@BrianBallsun-Stanton LET'S ROCK!!!!
1 hour later…
Those who are about to die salute you...
Hmm I think ive come up with a question now.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton sometime after 10am Sunday work for you?
@BrianBallsun-Stanton cool, it's been like a month since I've had a game. getting itchy.
@Novian Dynamic Priest, Legends of the Twins, fixes that
@Novian the real problem is the lack of things like Knowledge (religion) or Turn Undead: very hard to qualify for Divine PrCs without those.
also, Clerics can have good BAB if they want to, because divine power is a thing
and, of course, that Sorcerer spell progression is a significant downgrade compared to Cleric
@KRyan how does this help?
Save DC's are still wisdom either way.
Dynamic Preist just makes Bonus Spells and General Casting(IE the minimum score needed. ) Charisma.
Favored Soul 8 spells per day 0th: 6/1st: 6 /2nd: 6/3rd: 5/4th: 3
Cleric 8 0th: 6/1st: 4 /2nd: 3/3rd: 3/4th: 2
+1 Domain Slot Per day. Still Less.
How is this a downgrade.
If I switch from Favored soul to cleric My deity has the Magic Domain so Eternal Wands work for me yay.
and I suppose Dynamic Priest works with cleric, Makes them a Dual Stat Caster but I get more Spells per day and domains and Turn Undead for Divine Metamagic.
8 hours later…
Could someone check my math that a Eternal Wand of Luminous Armor(Cl 8th) is 4800gp. Its a 2nd level spell caster level 8th Spell Trigger 2/day charged item.
Warlocks can take weapon focus ray.....then Deadeye.
1 hour later…
I return.
Jonn Underwood will be pleased. I think he managed to miss all your comments about being out of town, and on Tuesday was like, "Has anyone seen BESW recently?"
@BESW fie, I tried to make an educated guess about your return time so I could say something impressive like "by the arcane power invested in me, I summon @BESW" shortly before you appeared... but I missed the mark by a few hours.
@Problematic We had a tailwind and the Grace of God.
But either way, welcome back. How was your trip?
@Problematic Absolutely amazing. The Shrines and holy place are so powerful, but the people, man, the people.
Something like 1,500 people from nearly 160 countries, all working toward the same goals and supporting each other and sharing their learning...
I went to the pilgrim house each night found a different group of people to have dinner with.
That sounds fantastic.
If you happen to write up the experience, shoot me a link
I paid for a Belgian's falafel in a back-alley shop and got treated to lemon sorbet by a Czech on the street below the Shrine of the Báb. A Finnlander helped me look at our local challenges in a new, constructive way, and I talked about the practical considerations for quality consultation with a Brit.
Wow. That makes my week getting familiar with FATE so I could hold my own in our conversations seem kinda hollow.
Okay, really hollow :P
Aw. I look forward to talking about FATE with you.
But yeah, I am so honored and humbled to have had that experience. It took more than four hours to cast the ballots.
@BESW remind me of the purpose?
@Problematic I'll let the Baha'i World News Service explain it.
[zooms in] ...Yup, I'm in that photo of the room too.
@BESW so you were representing Guam?
@ObliviousSage I'm a member of the NSA of the Mariana Islands, of which Guam is one, so... yes.
All nine of us were able to go in person, which was a great blessing.
how many people follow the Baha'i faith in Guam? 2010 census says Guam is 85% Roman Catholic, do you guys have good relations with the RC church?
oops, that 85% is apparently a 1999 estimate, wonder what it is now
@ObliviousSage Probably a little less, but not much.
There are about 150 Baha'is on Guam.
@BESW were you born into it, or did you convert later?
Our relationship with the Church is excellent on an individual, personal level. We do our best to avoid confrontations whenever possible; the Faith's goal is unity, not competition.
@Problematic I was born into it. My parents became Baha'i with they were dating.
that's been my experience with the RC church as well: full of great people, but run by a bureaucracy whose non-local leadership is sometimes short-sighted and a bit full of themselves
If we're gonna continue this, we should probably take it into a side chat to avoid overrunning the main RPG chat.
i originally had the word "ultimate" in place of "non-local" and then realized that could be interpreted in a somewhat... antitheistic manner
...how did I pick up 90 rep on a six-month-old answer while I was gone?
presumably it got bumped to the top of the active list somehow; what question?
A: How do I play a paladin without being a stick in the mud?

BESWThe biggest issue with paladins is when their partners' behavior is judged as if the paladin himself had done the deed. If your DM is willing to avoid that pitfall, may I suggest... A paladin who does not expect non-believers to obey the laws of his faith. He hopes that through his shining examp...

Anyway, I need a shower. I feel like I was wadded up in a Death Star garbage compactor for a day. Back in a bit. Make that back room if you want to keep chatting; 0245 here but I'm jetlagged.
yeah, looks like someone necroed it 2 days ago
@BESW: What route did your flights take?
@ObliviousSage Guam -> Seoul -> Tel Aviv, then a bus to Haifa.
how long was the Seoul <-> Tel Aviv flight?
Ummm. 11+ hours out, about 10 hours coming back.
So, not as bad as flying to the US.
(Nairita -> Atlanta is 12/13 hours.)
yeah, i think 10 hours is the longest flight i've ever been on (New York <-> London); i can take 3 hours no problem, but after that i start becoming very miserable
really, it's a direct flight to Atlanta, no stop in LA or San Fran?
There's a certain zen art to it, and everybody's different.
Aye. You can get other destinations if you like, but I was heading for South Carolina each time.
I discovered that certain musicians, when looped, let me trance a good portion of the way. Also: aisle seat so I can stretch my long legs.
oh yeah, aisle seat is a must
Especially since most of my flights are over water, so the window is seriously overrated.
On the plus side, window seats mean nobody climbing over you to go pee.
true, though that doesn't bother me much unless i'm sleeping, which i only do on very long flights
my main problem is that i get a little motion sick, so i can only read for an hour or so before it starts to bother me (which is way better than the 10-15 seconds it takes me to get nauseous reading in a moving car), then i have to take an hour or so break
Ah, yeah.
Sometimes I watch the movies, but usually they're too dim and the plane's white noise drowns out the dialogue.
When I flew regularly, I composed: stories, poems, D&D campaigns.
I usually fly on airlines that don't offer movies, other than the silent version (i.e. the guy in the aisle seat on the opposite side 1 row up watching something on his laptop with headphones; saw Argo that way last week).
Korean Air has seriously upped their game lately.
Q: How can I motivate my fellow players?

RobAlthough I'm very much enjoying the one of the games I'm in, the other players seem to be flagging and losing interest. This is a bit disheartening as their lack of enthusiasm is bringing down the game for me and I'd like to help get them re-motivated and back into it The GM is doing all the righ...

Thai Air is stil the most luxurious coach flight experience I've ever had, but the Bangkok airport is a sin against social space design.
This is a good question getting crappy answers. Please everyone consider the scope of the question, a player influencing the other players.
Hmm. Good question.
I've done it, but I'm not sure how I'd codify it.
@waxeagle lurking?
@javafueled Hi!
I am about one hair away from just up and deleting all the answers to that question and saying "start over, and read the damn question"
@javafueled yep
hey @besw
can one @... and add a die roll?
@waxeagle d10
boo... no.
@javafueled nope
has to be by itself
Apparently not. What about reponses, though?
i like that @BESW
@BESW that's pretty consistent with out SE's bots work. notthing but a reply on the line, and no editing
@javafueled [bow and a flourish]
@mxyzplk on a side note, what's the status of this request? anything else that needs to be done before mods can/will take action?
@javafueled What's new?
that works. want a player to roll a d10 for me offline.
ran session 10 of my WFRP 2e campaign on roll20 + Google Hangout last night.
@waxeagle Ye're aliiiiive.
@BESW yeah, off today, so I'm gaming and lurking :)
@BESW got a great group of players invested in their PCs and all of them earned some insanity.
@javafueled Excellent, sounds like a good start based on what I know of WF.
@ObliviousSage I guess I would say "I encourage people to remove the tag when they see it?" We don't have any magic mass deletion tag functionality I know of, just synonyming
@mxyzplk if you can make a case and have meta agreement, SE will come delete it.
@BESW yep. both elves got 2 IP and one lost his resistence to corruption in a wave chaos.
@mxyzplk Are you sure? I thought @waxeagle said SEI could mass-purge it if you guys asked.
actual picture of SE's tag deletion UI:
(cuz I have to share that every time the topic comes up....)
you overestimate how much they listen to us... the best way is to flag that meta q as a feature-request and get it on their radar. Can do that.
Becoming a diamond mod isn't really some cool cabal, it's "here you have some new menu options now, peace out"
@mxyzplk illusions of grandeur... shattered
our main interaction with SEI is via meta
@mxyzplk best way to get something done is to jump up and wave your arms in the TL.
Done and done.
@besw back from Israel?
@LitheOhm Aye!
so the dicebot is not available as a general rule in other SEs?
Doesn't seem to be.
poo. getting a player to link his account over here so I can roll a die with him.
I'm here.
Also at work - responses may be untimely.
@Tymanthius Welcome!
So . . . dice bot? I'm good at breaking things.
last night you failed a WP test. I need you to roll a d10 for the Curse of the Wilds.
I want the better one. :P
Corruption of the Body
You are infused by the Winds of Magic. Gain +1 to your Magic characteristic and you may learn the Dark Magic Talent at any time for 100 xp. However, you no longer receive the benefit of disease resistance (see Children of the Gods pg. 8).
I had DR? Hmm . . . could be interesting later. If I get twisted.
you and Doug are some insane and corrupted.
It still amazes me that the slayer is the sane one.
The knight doesn't really count. ;)
i'm working on getting all the XP together. going to go for round three in groz zorn (round two for you)? :D
T's curse & insanity points in one night. That was awesome.
Yes, 2 for me.
But I get extra magics now. Should be . . . interesting. I could end up w/ 5 dice. What in hell happens if you actually roll 5 1's?
catastrophic chaos manifestation.
@javafueled Good name for a band.
or 5 5s. or pairs, triples, quads, quintets. :)
I was thinking more of the insanity points. Jello for brains.
You wouldn't even mind the personal appearance of T then. :)
@BESW yes, a warhammer metal band.
that Tzeentch's Curse roll last night was awesome. I had to look at it for a minute thinking "did he just roll a pair of threes? yes, yes he did."
the minor chaos manifestation softened the blow. :)
you now have Magic 2. that could happen more often... bwahahahaha.
I know. Esp. as it's almost worth it for Magic Dart, it having a target of 6.
@javafueled any room assocaited with RPG.se it's on, nowhere else
@waxeagle thanks @waxeagle

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