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On an entirely different note, what do you think about the music in Dear Esther?
Specifically, what feeling do you think it would evoke divorced from the game?
@BESW Appropriate - is the best answer I've got for that.
I've bought the soundtrack separately from the game, so I can find out.
I do think it'll be missing something though. Without the presence of the bothy house and hearing about Jakobson, the scandinavian music would make less sense.
I'm trying to identify good bgm for Night Fears.
I've got this idea of having three sound tracks, one for each act.
@BESW I'm not much good at soundscape design.
Neither am I. I fly by the seat of my pants.
I'm thinking maybe Silvard Kool into Nox Arcana.
> "It's the 50th year of Doctor Who and look what's going on! We're up in the sky and under the sea! We're running round the rings of an alien world and then a haunted house. There's new Cybermen, new Ice Warriors and a never before attempted journey to the centre of the TARDIS. And in the finale, the Doctor's greatest secret will at last be revealed! If this wasn't already our most exciting year it would be anyway!"
Neither of those are names I recognise.
@BESW Arrrgh, just hurry up and finish last years season will you Moffat. Grrrrrr.
Silvard Kool is a contemporary baroque pianist. His work is generally calm but optimistic.
Nox Arcana does dark ambient genre albums based on horror and gothic fiction.
@SimonGill Or, yanno, stop trying to make everything the Mostest Bestest Finalest Firstest Thing Ever?
Well, they do sound like they would fit in with a dreamy game.
@BESW facepalm
Why... why must they constantly turn the Doctor into an action hero?
@SimonGill Well.... Three...
...would've been if they'd had the budget?
@BESW Exactly :P
And as much as we'd like to forget, Eight rode a motorcycle quite recklessly.
On the other hand, Seven looked extremely uncomfortable riding pillion.
@BESW I kinda liked Eight, but yes, the action hero aspect was a bit much.
@SimonGill Eight was awesome. He just happened to be in a really lousy film.
He also suffered from the same blowback that Eleven did: they killed the previous Doctor in a really stupid way.
Some day, I should try and listen more to the Eighth Doctor audio. I did enjoy the Top Gear murder mystery episode.
@BESW Although - in a way that had an interesting mythology implication. A 'Critical Timing Failure' of the TARDIS?
The only audio I've heard was Zagreus.
It was pretty cool. Great internal conflict imposed by external conflict, Romana being disgustingly practical and trying to ruin the story, and Time Lords were even more self-obsessed arrogant jerks than usual.
@BESW Never heard it. There's so much Who audio out there, I fear to begin. And I don't really have the travelling time to justify listening to it.
I know!
I listened to Zagreus largely for inspiration for a D&D campaign.
> Zagreus sits inside your head,
> Zagreus lives among the dead,
> Zagreus sees you in your bed,
> And eats you when you're sleeping.
Zathras no like little brother.
I ran a campaign with Zagreus and "Azilon" as main villains.
Rassilon, of course.
heh, just enough distance to disconnect your version and his then :P
My Azilon was a yuan-ti prince who was trained in forbidden necromancy by a dragon named Zagreus that visited him in dreams. Azilon was killed by his brother in the middle of the ritual to become a lich, and the dragon burned and buried the yuan-ti city in retribution before retreating into grief-laden dreams in a cave beneath the island.
Years later the worms that fed on Azilon's corpse became a Worm that Walks, which discovered that humans had settled the island and his people were all dead.
So he began using his knowledge of alchemy to turn humans into yuan-ti, and secretly worked to repopulate his race.
@BESW hehe, that's a worthy goal of his.
How did the players come across it?
That was the main thrust of the campaign --discovering and foiling his plans-within-plots conspiracies that supported his work to turn humans into yuan-ti.
Sadly the campaign fell apart before we could get to the real meat of it, but just about anything they did on the island touched at least one thread of his plot.
His major human processing centers were a finishing school for young noble ladies, and an orphanage.
@BESW hehe, hmmm, old English boarding school comedy stories. With added snake-people.
He set up a snake cult in the wizards' tower, partly as a patsy to blame if people started noticing anything, and partly to produce the mystical drugs he was using to keep the local lizardfolk chief complacent.
Through a number of facemen, he ordered mercenaries to dress up as pirates and terrorize the mayor, so the mayor dedicated his energies and resources to the local pirate problem.
You get the idea: any plot thread the party pulled, it would eventually lead back to Azilon.
Yuan-ti are great for that kind of faux sandbox, because they're inveterate string-pullers. They're never actually going to do their evil themselves; they have minions who have minions who have patsies for that.
@BESW Eeeeeeexcellent.
Just like the lizard people of our own world.
Yup. Hardly anyone in the city knew what was actually going on; they were working for a harmless if shady snake cult, or hired by a rival noble house to terrorize the mayor, and so forth.
(And being able to turn into a snake of any size at will means your secret hideouts only need entrances about the size of a fat finger.)
@BESW Every bad guy needs a proper hide out.
His longterm goal was to use the orphanage and finishing school to place human-like yuan-tis loyal to him in all layers of society: they're the wives of noblemen, the vinters and the shoeshiners and the bakers.
Also, shades of Innmouth.
Meanwhile the dragon Zagreus was dreaming --and as a dream-specialized spellcaster, his dreams had influence, Cthulhu-like.
@BESW uh oh....
The party met beggars and artists who recited strange verses about Zagreus, but no one knew who or what that was.
Oh, and the human city was settled on top of the melted ruins of the stone yuan-ti city that was destroyed by acid rain during Zagreus' rampage.
@BESW Things people should notice - melted stone in the shape of walls.
Yeah, it was pretty obviously a melted city.
But hey, that means we have ready-made building materials, no carting or quarrying needed!
Humans are practical, and some unexplained disaster a hundred years ago won't get in the way of that.
@BESW True... Very true...
Also, sigh, the UK Independence Party are going to be insufferable for the next few months.
I'm sat watching by-election results for a parliamentary seat vacated by somebody convicted of perjury. It's a swing seat between the two members of the current ruling Coalition.
UKIP (who hold 0 seats in the UK parliament, because they are a single issue right-wing party) look to have gone into second place from a 3% share of the vote 2 years ago.
Bizarrely, the current party also looks to be holding on, despite the broken promises in this government and the current sex-less sex scandal.
Leaving the Conservatives to fall into third place (and giving Cameron a bit of a black eye).
What's the UKIP's single issue?
Getting the UK completely out of the European Union and going back to a common market.
Basically, anti-federalism.
Which, I wouldn't find so annoying, except that every single problem in the UK is blamed on European interference.
Why waste a good scapegoat?
And Nigel Farage comes across as a smarmy git.
"Know your audience"?
Yeah, I can see that being useful as a persuasive technique.
Still really annoying though :P
[grin] I stay out of partisan politics of all sorts; it's divisive to the point of making any advantages to the system moot.
I vote, but I don't take sides.
@BESW Good plan.
Every now and then I lose control and I point and laugh in a despairing kind of way.
Unfortunately, the British system is entirely adversarial.
So I gather.
@BESW Is that at party, or individual, stupidity?
@BESW Not having a seperately elected executive branch doesn't help.
@SimonGill I try not to single people out; nobody's going to be able to look good in that kind of system.
@BESW Even the guy who was worried about Guam tipping over?
@SimonGill [sigh] I don't want to laugh at him. I want to say "Oh, bless."
@BESW actually, that's a sensible reaction too.
But that's not politics. That's... something else, probably to do with the modern conflict between overspecialization and expanding general knowledge.
@BESW OK I'll go with that.
At least the Monster Raving Loony Party is good for a laugh at our elections.
hey SE has a java forum correct?
I expect so.
Im having quite a pickle in an Java assignment at the moment.
Hopefully it's got enough people in it to answer your question and not too many that they are all talking over each other.
Can you give a quick run down, I might be able to give you a nudge in the right direction.
Im supposed to be making a simple program where a user inputs 3 numbers and then the program should output whether the numbers are negative positive or 0
I am supposing it has something to do with a switch statement.
but I have no clue.
have you managed to parse the numbers from the input?
Explain it like im an idiot.
ok, are you getting the numbers on the command line, are they coming through a window or are people typing them in after your command line app is running?
@SimonGill Also, as an American national politician said about four years ago, (can't find the quote so I'm paraphrasing), "When you talk as much as I do in a week, you can't expect everything to be accurate."
String ans;
ans = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter a Number.");

Im using these statement to allow the user input.
@BESW Very true... although one would hope most things are fact checked before they go in to a prepared speech.
So, ans is a string with the number digits in it?
Unfortunately, the question nobody notices is being begged is "do you have to talk so much in a week that your accuracy suffers?"
i am currently using three of those statements 1 per number. each with a different variable name.
@Novian You could use an array for that.
I dont know what that is.
@Novian I really recommend you look it up. It'll be somewhere near the loops in your text book.
Anyway, how would you check that a number is positive or negative?
@BESW Good point. When it comes to legislators, they should be spending a lot of that time reading the epic bills that hit their desk.
There's a good place to minimise exception-based design.
Could an If Else statement be used to compare?
Actually, you were right about using a switch statement because you have three conditions.
Do I need 3 separate switch statements with 3 cases each? 1 for each entered number or is there a way to consolidate that?
@Novian There are two ways - and for the love of all that is holy do one of them - a loop and a function.
If you can put the numbers in a list or array, I'd do it that way, but extracting a function and calling it three times is fine.
im not sure how to do that.
ill read a little more.
Datatypes, loops, conditionals, functions and objects are vital base skills for writing things in Java.
@BESW ooohh, spiffy.
Hahaha! the Instructor makes us do the hard version before the easy version....
"Write a program that prompts the user to input three numbers. The program should then output the numbers."

Something I already Did when messing around with Switch statements.
@Novian shrug If you really want to understand it, you've got to experiment and investigate by yourself. Same as any subject.
Java is making me miss VB. of course for Vb I had an actuall instructor. Online classes are a pain.
VB.NET, right? Right? quivers in fear at thoughts of VB6
@SimonGill Night Fears has the players tell each other ghost stories in character. One of the Actual Plays I ran down had the GM let each player place an aspect on the game based on the story they told. Thoughts?
I'm wondering if maybe it should require a roll to place the aspect, as a maneuver.
hmm I dont remember which version of Visual basic i was using but it was a year and a half ago.
@BESW It's one way of setting up the mythos of the game and the attitudes of everybody involved.
It's also a good bonus for people for doing a little extra work.
The reason I wouldn't use maneuvers to do it is that then some people would fail to place an aspect.
@BESW mmmm, there's no interesting failure result - so no need for a roll.
The module suggests that the players make attack rolls against each others' mental tracks to scare each other with the stories.
@BESW ummmm, okaaaaay.
(The default mental take-out is fleeing the haunted house, thus losing the bet.)
I may be missing some context here. What's going on around them while telling these stories?
Ah, sorry.
Night Fears is a one-shot DFRPG module about a group of teens who have dared each other to spend the night in the local haunted house.
Of course, being DFRPG, it actually is haunted, but they don't find that out until after they've explored, told ghost stories, and so forth.
ahhhh, right.
Metnal attacks make sense if they're actually trying to scare each other out of the house.
So it slowly escalates from "scaring each other" to "OH GOD THE HOUSE IS TRYING TO KILL US"
And the module requires the GM to decide if the goal is to destroy the ghosts or put them to rest.
Getting to place aspects based on the story also works, because the house can use "And there was a hook in the roof" or "There were thumps from the attic" to make the scares more like the teens stories.
Maybe I'll do both.
You get to make an attack to scare your friends, and you also get to place an aspect on the game.
@BESW I assume that someone is likely to run away - so how will you bring them back?
Car keys inside the house?
That's something I'm trying to figure out.
The module is just sort of "oh, they're done."
I'd be wary of that - they do kinda need to come back into the house for one reason or another.
Yeah, but the main goal of the ghosts (meta-wise) is to make them flee.
It's a weird problem...
What about phobophages in the house wanting to make them walk the fine line between fleeing and not fearing?
ooh, how about: being taken out removes you for a scene. If everyone is removed from a scene, they all ran out and won't come back.
@BESW That works.
Being outside gives you time to reflect and rationalize the weird goings on inside.
So there's still a failure clause, but it's a group failure. If even one person hangs on, the story continues.
You've only got a small group for this, haven't you? 3 players?
Two or three.
Yeah, that'll be fine. With 5 people, it'd be iffy.
So having one person run out will be significant.
Concessions may become very popular.
@BESW I suspect that's intended to encourage people to learn the concession threshold.
Though.... some of these ghosts....
@BESW Big and nasty?
Well, they use Intimidation for touch-range fear-based attacks, blocks, and maneuvers. The lowest Intimidation score is +2, all of them can get a +2 on Intimidate if they make themselves look scarier, and they have +2 on Intimidate maneuvers.
Oh, and their Intimidate attacks are Weapon:2.
So, they'll often have a skill of 4 for attacks and the ability to get up to 6 easily?
Yes, +4 for attacks and blocks and +6 on maneuvers.
And that's the weakest of the ghosts.
+6 on attacks and blocks every other action - with the free manuevers.
The others start with +3 and +4 instead of +2.
What's the defense score of the teens like?
Oh, and one of them is a Poltergeist and the other can make Intimidate attacks at range.
That's Discipline, so...
The premades aren't all filled in, so if they don't have Discipline yet I'll put it at the highest possible.
It'll need to be at least 3 to give them a fighting chance against all of them, I think.
+2 for most, +3 for two of them.
(7 choices.)
They are gonna need lots of good manuevers and Fate Points to handle even the weakest if they've only got +2 Discipline.
And one of the +3s is insanely good; Armor:1 vs social/mental stress, +2 to Discipline when trying to control emotion.
He's kinda unfairly stacked compared to the other PCs.
@BESW At least he should keep the group going.
IF they choose him.
On the other hand, as written and the way I'm playing it, you just need to survive the fear attacks until you can figure out how to put the ghosts to rest.
And for that, there's someone with a decent research skill, a guy who can talk to ghosts, a girl who can sense objects' pasts...
@BESW Fair enough. Blocks ahoy!
I'm gonna give them the ability to defeat the ghosts physically too if they want.
The ghosts have physical immunity, and the GM is advised to determine the catch according to how much he wants physical combat to be the solution.
@BESW That's a sensible way forward.
A catch like "except if they've just attacked a mortal" emphasizes that choice much more than a catch like "unless attacked with a personal possession."
Any ideas what catch you're going to use?
Personal items.
If they want to defeat a ghost physically, they're going to have to strangle it with its own wedding dress or beat it with its dolly.
@BESW and more importantly - find it.
Even if they go for the straightforward approach instead of the "solve the mystery of why they haunt so we can send them to rest," they'll still have to do a modicum of investigation.
Some of the available PCs are more physically oriented, like the jock and the cheerleader.
Then there's the family-in-a-cult True Believer, the changeling trickster, and so on.
Sounds like an interesting blend of pre-mades.
It is.
ŠŠ Andy Drabyk, Jock in the Making
ŠŠ Chris Stein, Trickster Changeling
ŠŠ Dani Lussier, Gorgeous Rich Girl
ŠŠ Jaimie Collins, Psychic Bookworm
ŠŠ Mike Ng, Troubled Medium
ŠŠ Nicky Hamonic, Steadfast Best Friend
ŠŠ Terry Jefferson, Devout Follower of the
(They went out of their way to make the names unisex.)
@BESW That is even more impressive.
Oh, and all of them have the aspect "Not A Kid Anymore."
@BESW I echo your amusement.
Because it's FATE pre-mades, they each start with some skills and aspects blank, to be filled in as play demands.
So you know how many skills of each rank you have, but only the higher-level ones are filled in.
And you start with a high concept, a trouble, and "Not A Kid Anymore."
There's some great stuff. Troubles like "Painfully Earnest" and "I'm a Freak!"
haha - the Elvis loves Pets party just got 75 votes.
@BESW Sounds great. I may have to grab this for running people through the FATE system.
There are two others, at other power levels, but they're by necessity a bit more involved.
Night Fears doesn't bring in spellcasting, for instance.
The other two are Neutral Grounds (Up To Your Waist) and Evil Acts (Chest Deep). I haven't looked at them very hard but I've heard good things and they look engaging.
So I ran first part of Don't Rest Your Head (If You Want Cake) last night. A crossover between DRYH and Portal. Went reasonably well, though was more adventure-y and funy than madness and horror. Well. One of the PCs may have killed his future self, and @BrianBallsun-Stanton may or may not be a soulless automaton now after his consciousness got uploaded to a personality core, and body restarted in Safe Mode. There was command prompt in his eyes and everything.
And they're feeding flying goldfishes into their companion cube. Such a fantastic idea, what can possibly go wrong...
Sounds like it went according to plan.
Yup. Randomly generating testing chambers by drawing three icons from a deck worked rather well.
ooh, sounds fun.
And very appropriate.
Yeah, fun was had. May have to blog about it later. Goes on the pile. Just saying "science dominates" is awesome.
...of course there is
> The GM should give Extra or Named characters or creatures a number of starting stress boxes equal to their Challenge Rating minus 5, with Minions having a number of stress boxes equal to half their CR, rounding up.
Ah, I see. They're assuming PCs are level 10 as a baseline. Huh.
Shouldn't minions still have only 1 stress box?
Or is that not 4e term?
@Magician Minions don't get consequences, but they can take more than 1 stress box.
@Magician Similar - but they don't always fall to a hit.
They're minions in the "minimal mechanics, easy to run a lot of them, individually irrelephant to the story" sense.
anyway... I ought to grab some sleep. See you guys later :)
2 hours later…
@Lord_Gareth Hi.
2 hours later…
better than Chauncy imo.
2 hours later…
Avast, yarrr and whatnot
4 hours later…
I suspect Night Fears suffers from some time dilations.
How likely is a teddy bear to survive recognizably in an abandoned house for 80 years?
@BESW If it's the Fetter of a child ghost, it benefits from a reciprocal arrangement of energy. (To borrow a WoDism).
Yes, but that would make it really easy to identify the Important Stuff in the setting.
Good point, hadn't considered that.
WoD Ghosts usually had the skills to protect their fetters with illusion or stuffing it into a hidden crevice somewhere.
I'm currently composing a rather dodgy question about Night Fears' choice of conflict.
These ghosts aren't anywhere near that skilled or aware.
Apart from the sheer terror of them.
Yeah, that's all I can figure --that normally it'd be social, but they're just that scary.
...Which makes my "and then they come back" homebrew a little weird.
@BESW Mental conflict like that generally comes with lasting scars - so they could come back with a twisted aspect.
Hey, can I use "taken out" narration to impose aspects?
Ah, change an aspect. I like that even better.
Don't forget that the results of physical combat can range from death from a light bruise.
@BESW I think so... but I can't find the reference right now.
I'm thinking that instead of twisting an aspect --which might be rough for us to do well on our first night-- I'll just give them something like "Spooked" for the next scene they're in.
So they miss a scene and then are Spooked when they come back.
> The outcome creates a situation that restricts the character’s behavior in some significant way, like owing a large debt to someone. This may require adding an additional, long-term, temporary aspect to the character, separate from his conse- quence track, so that the defeat can be enforced via compels
Page 206 under Concessions.
I think this guy is trying to invent FATE physical combat.
@Rob Hi.
....my "get players to ask questions" answer appears to have been someone's first upvote and first comment on rpg.se.
...and someone upvoted my "being mean to overeager players" comment.
I'm assuming that [mental-combat] is too system-specific to be a reasonable tag to complement [social-combat].
@SimonGill Do you think that the PCs trying to scare each other with stories would be a social attack instead of a mental one?
The module has it mental.
how're you this fine friday morning?
@DForck42 had better fridays :)
@waxeagle heh, yeah
mcdonalds decided to make me 7 minutes late this morning
@DForck42 but back to main campaign D&D tonight, so it's at least promising to get better (hopefully)
@waxeagle cool
i'm quite enjoying my... odd... chaladin
@DForck42 first session with the whole party at L12.
and a new player testing out a couple of characters
he's testing out a cleric|wizard that looks interesting (but overall I'm meh on). And a World Speaker Shaman that I'm much higher on....
(I was trying to push him towards a Morninglord Animist Shaman, but no dice there)
complete with Helf + Magic Stones cheese...
cleric wizard? interesting
@DForck42 yeah, it looks all right. Not sold on hybriding multi-stat. but the thing's AC is 30 at L12 which is better than my sword and board fighter
(with +3 armor, vs my fighter's +2 armor, so that's the difference, but still)
but he gets scale prof by default because of Battle Cleric's lore (plus an auto +2 shield bonus)
and the PP he took enables charging which is fun with a fighter and barb in the party
sounds like it could b efun
@DForck42 yeah it could be. Seems like a solid opening salvo kind of power.
the shaman has more attack granting, which will be nice if he chooses to stick with that
(fighter, barb have good MBAs, rogue has good RBA)
wanna see the chaladin i'm playing? i can email you the pdf
@DForck42 sure would love to take a peek :)
@waxeagle ok. what's your email?
@DForck42 it's in the EN Garde file, or you can snag it from my profile on your site :)
@waxeagle god you're making me work/think ;-)
@DForck42 dot delimt my user name + gmail :)
@waxeagle yeah i know, i jsut sent it
brb, afk
ok i'm back
@DForck42 getting to snap off Guradian's counter + your challenge/sanction must be nice
Anyone know of any historical piratical clergy?
Obscure question o' the day
@waxeagle haven't gotten to use that yet, actually
i'v eonly been in one fight with the pally so far, so he's not fully battle tested
but yeah, that's a nice combo
@DForck42 it's a nice power if you're DM regularly ignores marks.
or if you have a character who can't mark.
the feat that really makes this character kinda tick is virtous recovery
coupled with virtue and lay on hands, i can absorb a pretty decent amount of damage before even getting hurt
@DForck42 yep
cast virtue on your first turn every encounter
go from there
Hang on, I believe I may be saved by voodoo (you do?) do what?
so the optimal start to a fight is to pick out the big guy, charge with virtuous smite, and pop virtue
@DForck42 yep (though pop virtue first if your GM knows the rules :))
@waxeagle ?
@DForck42 charge is supposed to end your turn (you can only take free actions after a charge)
@waxeagle oh, didn't know that
@DForck42 yeah, that's part of how they balance charge
because otherwise it's flat OP, move + attack with +1 to hit as a single standard is a big boost
specially on a class like the Paladin where you're attacking with an at-will
and all the excellent support for it
ahh, ok
@DForck42 and if you're gonna be charging more than 1/encounter, vanguard weapon :)
@waxeagle i'll have to look into those, dunno much about em
@DForck42 add d8 to damage on succesful charge, L3 weapon enchantment
or if you want to go the hammer route, avalanche weapon is good too (thats +1 [W] on succesful charge)
but not sure what level that one is
actually, nm, avalanche doesn't work for a pally has to be a MBA (not power in place of one)
there are seriously too many equipment options. it takes forever for me to outfit new characters....that's often the hardest part
@BESW Yes, actually, telling a ghost scary to scare somebody into embarressment is probably going to be social.
@waxeagle agreed
it's amazing jsut how much equipment cna make a difference
@DForck42 yep, the right gear on a charger can mean a difference of 6-8 DPR and whether or not you can reliably charge every turn (which is a huge DPR boost)
and then there are items to keep you healthy, items to boost saves, etc.
I still don't have a good handle on how to judge item daily powers vs a property. But typically I'm going for always on vs 1/day
@waxeagle I think that's a standard cognitive bias - at least for many people. Easier to work out how slightly weaker things that always happen work against how bigger stuff that needs to be specifically used.
@SimonGill right, and the daily stuff either doesn't get used or is gone when you need it.
@waxeagle Combine that with only one magic item power per milestone... and blecch, just give me something that glows blue near a particular kind of humanoid.
@SimonGill that rule is gone
item rarity errata'd that
@waxeagle Is it? Oh, excellent. That was almost sensible - but actually terrible in practice.
@SimonGill yes it was quite bad. it meant that if you have short work days (like I feel most 4e people do) you just didn't get use out of most of your gear's daily powers
@waxeagle Dunno about that - in theory a 4E dungeon ought to be easily done in a single day.
Assuming the implied pacing is followed at any rate.
@SimonGill I feel like max work day in Heroic/early paragon is 4 encounters which is only one mileston
@waxeagle 4/5 encounters seem about right. 2 easy, 2 medium and 1 boss.
Which gives you 2 magic item usages and 2 Action Points.
@SimonGill true
@waxeagle But that's still not very many magic item usages over a day when you can have 5 or 6 of them.
@SimonGill exactly
ok, heading out, gotta go get a tire on the wife's car :(
3 hours later…
@SimonGill Am I reading too much into the "simply instilling a false sense of security in the loser" part of social conflict? Because that seems to fall outside the scope that some of these answers are saying social conflict covers.
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