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and capped
haha, well done :)
@SimonGill honestly not sure. I haven't spent any time studying generic systems enough to know and I have no familiarity with the specifics.
He did seem to ignore your actual comments and instead repeated his same basic argument.
I probably agree with him that core systems are reasonable provided they are appropriately modified and actually fit the setting you're trying to run.
You don't run a fantasy dungeon crawl by abstracting away all combat. But you might run a spy game that way.
@waxeagle mmmm, thinking on it - I don't think it's so much setting as style. Some settings make big assumptions on style and they need a system that can handle it.
@SimonGill yes. You define your setting and then pick a system that fits it. I doubt he would argue with that. just that you don't have to craft a system from scratch to fulfill the requirements of an arbitrary setting.
(if i'm understanding the post correctly)
@waxeagle Almost. He does seem to say that any generic system can handle any setting - which falls down on when trying to run things out of style for that generic system.
The main argument does seem to be that no custom system could ever be better than a generic system though.
@SimonGill that doesn't really make sense :(
a system designed for a setting should be better than trying to fit a generic system. The abstractions in the generic system are likely to be off, even if only just.
Possibly because the blogger has a thing against rules that aren't how to pick a randomiser and generate a target number.
That whole chrome thing would seem to include the list of skills in D&D.
@SimonGill I find 4e's skills to be a rather nice abstraction. next goes even further (and backwards in some ways)
but its an abstraction that fits the setting
@waxeagle Yeah, that works well in 4E.
Not quite so helpful outside of the dungeon crawling space though.
@SimonGill right. Because if you want to play a game that's not a dungeon crawl, you probably don't want to play 4e :)
@waxeagle Exactly. A spy thriller needs a different set of skills.
Likewise, GURPS bills itself as a universal system, but its highly lethal combats make it very bad for, say, video-game inspired campaigns
@SimonGill and a different set of abstractions. Skills are more nuanced, combat might be more abstract
I'm not sure 'abstractions' is the right term to use. I mean, Hit Points are abstract as all hell
And yet they're used in systems that place a high emphasis on combat
@Lord_Gareth In the case of spy on spy combat, there might be less emphasis on positioning and more emphasis on the psychological factors of combat.
That's why we need sets of abstractions and to be careful they don't leak.
Aaand random rep boost from months-old question awaaaaay!
@BESW Bird bird bird, bird is the word?
@SimonGill What about MLWM?
@BESW In relation to the blog post conversation or something else?
Blog convo.
I don't know enough about it to talk about it. Feel free to add it to his comments, if you like.
I'm not sure if it can be said to be setting-specific, but I think a very strong case could be made for it being experience-specific.
@BESW A very strong case indeed. Although, isn't the implied setting that of Hammer Horror films?
DFRPG would be an interesting case, too, as an astonishingly generic system was the product of trying to design a game that reflected the ethos of a very specific setting.
rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/22470/… <-Help me @KRyan Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!
@BESW It was helped by the fact that FATE is a generic system that focuses on Narrative experiences.
@SimonGill Yes, but I'm under the impression that for most of FATE's life, its development had "able to support a DFRPG" as an explicit goal.
@BESW It's much older than that - it's a refinement of FUDGE that eventually got turned into the product Spirit of the Century. Not sure when Dresden Files got involved or who approached who though.
....what's the plural of ethos?
Isn't it ethics?
No, ethos is more like the word spirit in "Spirit of the Century."
Don't know then.
Ah, wiktionary tells me.
@BESW interesting
odd pluralization
I'm using ethos to describe the essential experience of a setting in my comment.
I feel all proud of myself now
Comment made.
@Lord_Gareth Grats.
Do you get a badge at 50, too?
@BESW no, 10, 25, 100
I know there's one for 40.
and 10, and 40 if accepted
although the secnod 10 one is only if the first answer is accepted
so my Mary Sue answer won't get enlightened even if he comes back and accepts :'( :)
Silly silver badges.
@BESW Glorious gold badges and batty bronze badges too.
@SimonGill I just got my first gold badge yesterday.
And for about a month now I've been amused by watching my copper:silver ratio stay at almost exactly 2:1.
@BESW That's pretty good going. I'm stuck around 4:1 bronze:silver...
I'm at...
where is it...
1:5 ç.ç
1:5 ratio (5:26 total) here
so, about 1:5.
@SimonGill the key to staying in that 2:1 ratio is to answer early :) enlightened is a big part of any good silver:bronze ratio :)
it's over half of my silvers
@waxeagle It certainly is. Getting a really good early answer is vital.
@waxeagle Same here.
enlightened is for?
@Zachiel answer score 10+, first answer, accepted
I picked up a Necromancer
Can't remember what for
@Lord_Gareth Resurrecting ooooooold threads.
@Lord_Gareth optimizing the monk q
Can't hope in enlightened then
arggghh I didn't login 3 days ago ç.ç
I'll never get to the 100 days badge
@Zachiel meh, just takes a bit of luck and a bit of knowing when teh days switch :)
I was pretty surprised when I finally got it.
I wasn't - I've been on this site faaaar too much the last few months.
Oh, same here. I just didn't think I'd hit the right timing any time soon.
Hey @BESW, do you feel that the Optimization and GM-Techniques tags were inappropriate for my question?
[gm-techniques] could be applicable, but [optimization] seems like a stretch.
Tag replaced
Definitely going to keep a policy of asking you, or @BrianBallsun-Stanton or another mod before I make counter-edits, though.
@Lord_Gareth which version of Mooks are you using?
@waxeagle or, ya know, just checking the site constantly all the time
@KRyan The one in the PDF you folks just released.
the wha..?
also, I am not a member of Rule of Cool
It's in the main PDF now, though - it's the one with the giant table and the archetypes and suchlike
oh oh
right, so
you have the latest version
ultimately I am so not the person for this question
Valixes or Geigan or VC or gk are
but anyway, I've been told that after level, HP is the probably the best indicator of a character's strength
oh also I didn't realize Nail had manacles; I'd considered having Fearth have them, what with being an escaped prisoner/madman/monster-of-the-depths
it would assume you have something in common
@Lord_Gareth is this game for your wife?
@KRyan There's a reason the gold is called "fanatic" :)
@BrianBallsun-Stanton heh indeed
Can't stop reading telepath as telepeth.... something in my brain must have popped.
that is a strange one
@KRyan Sorry, went AFK to shower affection upon my wife. Yes, it is for my wife. However, the skill is still one I want to acquire for when games are more than just my wife.
so @BrianBallsun-Stanton, I've been considering starting a question on Meta about the possibility of doing homebrew contests here. I am given to understand that the Art SE does something similar, I think it could be interesting, and the SE format is fantastic for it. But it's an inherently subjective thing, experience is unlikely to play a large role, and it's not necessarily solving an actual problem someone has had in their games. Do you think it's worth even writing up?
And aye, Nail has iron manacles; they symbolize her enslavement
@KRyan what?
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Basically, themed contests for homebrew content
Where the "question" lays out the contest
And the answers are entries
@Kryan - Think you could convince any of the folks you suggested to register so that they could answer the question? That way their wisdom can benefit the community
@Lord_Gareth I'll ask around, or you can ask around. You know where to find them as well as I do
Aye, but ATM I cannot get on Mibbit to ask them
@BrianBallsun-Stanton k, wasn't sure if the concept would even be conceivable, or if it was just a non-starter. I need to investigate more how Art SE does it and if there's any other precedents for that kind of thing.
@KRyan ask on meta :)
@KRyan - If Fearth would be interested in grouping up with Nail, she spends a lot of time hunting Wildfey, who are considered dangerous scourges upon civilization (this consideration is accurate)
It'd certainly be deeds that gain the beast praise
even though you don't like that entire schtick to begin with
Aye, but I'm willing to deal in the reality of it
Must AFK now, though. You may wanna check Nail and Faerth for mechanical compatibility
aren't we both Lurking somethings anyway?
Aye. Nail's got HP and Damage going
Smiting/Lurking Terror/Judgement
Considering taking HP feat because lulz
AFKing for real now
that track is amazing
@SimonGill I think the issue behind that setting/system blog post is that he's using the word "setting" when he means "experience" or "ethos."
Because place and system don't really have much need or ability to support each other, while the philosophy and atmosphere of a game can support each other.
@BESW Possibly - but he does start talking about the idea of settings requiring custom rules.
Right, but he's conflating location and atmosphere, so the discussion is a mishmash of two different ideas.
I think it comes down to the old wisdom suggesting that style and ethos comes from the fluff of the setting rather than the mechanics of the rules.
Whose old wisdom is that?
80s/90s era games
Because honestly, every system imposes its style and ethos on the settings we try to play in. A goblin-dice system will always impose a goblin-dice ethos on the setting no matter how hard we try to make it otherwise.
@BESW Which is probably why there was an explosion of games in the Indie Revolution after people figured that out and started playing with it.
Basically it's the idea that a system like the d20 games use has such a long and low bell curve on any individual die roll that single rolls are too unpredictable to be important.
In fighting a goblin, it doesn't matter which d20 roll kills the goblin; you're rolling so many that the goblin will die, and thus no single roll is significant.
The problem comes in when the system forgets that and makes single die rolls important --for example, in 3.5 social settings where one die frequently determines success or failure.
I think the evolution goes through JOhn Wick's games at AEG. Legend of the Five Rings and Seventh Sea have huge detailed settings (which includes people and organisations as well as places - that's an important point) supported by interesting rules.
In a system in which single rolls are so unreliable, the ethos becomes one of seeking out conflicts that support multiple undifferentiated rolls.
If combat systems support goblin dice and social systems don't, then the game is skewed heavily toward combat by the system itself regardless of how heavily the setting attempts to emphasize social interaction.
@BESW I really really like his ideas at the end, and agree with his basic premise
I've commented on this myself numerous times
Tell him yourself - you only need to @-tag Magician :P
combat, in D&D, is interesting because you have choices and options and things take multiple rolls so you can react to how things come out
@SimonGill So, you're saying that Gleichman's conflation of location and atmosphere is a holdover from the days before people realized there were non-goblin-dice ways to build systems?
@SimonGill He just woke up. I've summoned him.
skills, in D&D, are not interesting because it's just "roll a d20 and hope"
4e tried to fix the social goblin dice problem with skill challenges, but didn't quite succeed.
right, because skill challenges weren't well done
and, to be fair, I've spent a bit of time thinking about them and haven't yet come up with a way to do them well
Legend attempts the same with skill games
Even when I used a much superior homebrew variant I adapted from a forum idea, they still lacked vigor.
the general response was "eh, cute idea, still not really working"
@KRyan You might try these links.
@BESW I suspect so. From the couple of articles I've read, he's definitely an old school gamer who thinks that adding special exceptions like classes are bad design.
frankly I have yet to see anything good come from the ENworld forums
@SimonGill Then he's probably not going to appreciate my New Era examples, eh?
@KRyan Give it a shot. I've been using the first link with moderate success (and great success compared to the official 4e version).
@BESW Possibly not. If it's not available to every character, a combat resolution or skill resolution system, then it's Chrome and thus bad.
@BESW ah, well, I have yet to really play 4e (despite wanting to), so I'd only be looking at them for ideas particularly for how it might educate Legend
@SimonGill wow, this guy... does not sound like he knows what he's talking about
@KRyan That's a bit harsh. He has a very different idea about what makes good systems. It's old-school but that doesn't mean it's wrong.
After all, it's obviously working for him.
@BESW except the statement was "it's Chrome and thus bad" which means he's making absolutist claims
i.e. it may work for him but he's claiming to be right
mm, fair enough.
(or @SimonGill is misreporting somewhat)
I'm very curious to see if he responds to my examples, because both of them are really quite Chromeless.
Especially MLWM.
@KRyan Possibly... it is going through my filters. You're welcome to check it out and see what you think. The links up above a bit.
@SimonGill I'm in class, can't really read in-depth right now
Well, it's not important, just interesting. The link isn't going to disapear off the transcript though :P
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