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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

I'm thinking that that data from the chat-post ought to be in the question somewhere.
Not it.
Not sure if I need to fiddle that paragraph to make it closer to the questioners word choice.
It seem close enough.
That's alright then :)
Dear Skype: what did the contact drawer ever do to you?
@Magician I still believe Nostalgism is a branch of Simulationism.
@Zachiel I agree, but I'll let it slide for the funny jab at DDN.
Is there a way to remove an answer from a question
Aaaaah, I know. Let me remind you I have a nostalgist in my group.
@Novian Yeah, you can delete your own answers.
@Novian If it's yours? I think you can delete it, though maybe not if it's been Accepted.
It isnt one of mine but its on a question of mine and I dont feel it contributes anything at all. its vauge and just says use this it has profit. with no explanation

I hoped that the author would come back and edit it to be better but they never did.
You can flag it for mod evaluation if you have enough rep, but don't do it casually; better to use comments and edits to improve if possible.
That's... not flag-worthy.
I do not have access to that to better that answer.
Comments are clear, downvote it if you want.
Ask KRyan or Lord_Gareth to edit it for extra detail.
will do.
Dragon mag and Dungeon I cannot get so i hope they can better improve it.
I wanna know how it has 3 upvotes
SE is designed to let unhelpful answers sift to the bottom, but is only interested in actually purging answers that are Not Answers, Spam, or Not Welcome In Our Community, or the like.
Mxyzplk's answer was pretty difinitive.
and actually followed the context of what I was trying to acheive the answer to.
A quick Google does track down the basic half-minotaur template info, though.
I guess the "other advantages" are something like ability bonuses
Among other things, +4str, +2con, +2wis, -2int +2NA
Because, you know, cutting the ECL to 1/8th but cutting the stat boosts in half is balanced.
Considering that LA and ECL are generally broken, I don't think it really matters too much except in the level of crazy you can achieve.
Yes, but most ECL insanity is at least possible to miss if you drive by it at high speed wearing sunglasses at night.
Gotta get to Chicago man. Think of the orphans.
2 racial HD
factor those in
For the half-minotaur?
That's.... still less than 1/2 the total level bump of a full minotaur (+4 ECL, +4 HD)
Sorry, +2 ECL, +6 HD.
yes it is
ok time to go
Okay, so last night I decided to give my party an even nastier Stain-related choice.
Can it get any worse?
You can add any size bonus to any roll you want, after you've rolled it, as often as you like.
You gain +1d6 Stain for each point of bonus you add in this way.
hmmmm........... interesting
It's like a really really awful version of the DFRPG changeling's Choice.
I'm really going to have to read DFRPG deeply at some point, aren't I?
it's pretty cool....
Where is it hiding?
The description of the Choice.
heh, danke. Maybe I should have searched for Changeling instead of Choice.
"the Nevernever really wants to breed with us, it seems" - of course the faeries want to breed with us - we're far more interesting than the weirdness beyond the world.
Yup! We're unpredictable.
@Magician hi!
@BESW Hello!
What is, as they say, "up"?
Up? There is an.. up? Aaaaah. runs away.
@Magician Some people can't handle the third dimension ;)
Darn. I forgot people on the Internet never go outside.
@BESW Out... side? Aaaaaaaah. runs away
[sigh] Sunlight, people. It makes you sparkle.
It buuuurns. Scorching sun here, I've just walked through it :P
@BESW No. Not the... sparkling. shocked gasp
Yeah, I could use some darker irises in this tropic sun.
I just got the PC ghost's pep speech from the player.
It is glorious.
That is fantastic.
I am in awe of your epic writing skills.
That's not me.
In both senses of the phrase.
@BESW his skills then :P
I went to the player who left island a few months ago after his character was one of the few to last the whole campaign up to that point.
His character's dead by now, so I had him write a speech for his ghost.
It'll be good to have the character show up at the end, since he's been there from the very beginning.
mmmmmm, has he got a role in the fight? Maybe a few free healing surges with the pep talks to get them through the nightmare?
He's gonna give them an extended rest if they really need one, and will provide them with a clue on how to actually close the Way.
So.... yes.
Good on that ghost ;)
Hey, he got to be a priest toward the end!
....through no merit of his own, it's just that anyone with even the slightest primal power in his culture is a priest.
But he grew into the role when he had to.
(He multiclassed into warden to get a paragon path he liked.)
I was about to ask, how did he manage that - until I realised you meant a social priest rather than a class one.
His half-orc society actually got steamrollered as the Little Guy caught between two colliding empires, and he used his role as priest to revitalize the society later. When the player left island, the PC retired from adventuring to become the Raja's spiritual advisor (and try to turn the kid into someone the nation of half-orcs would actually follow, instead of a prissy lisping poser raised in a dragonborn state).
...then the rest of the party timeskipped 78 years and he died in the meantime.
What now?
That's pretty cool.
More-coffee-zombie turned up?
No, that's "blaaargh."
no, meeting zombie ;looking at huge comment threads
I really just want to ban 3.5 questions. I know I can't but I really want to
@BrianBallsun-Stanton I'd vote for that.
@SimonGill or require a "simulationist-fetish" tag or a "rules-fetish" tag. So that the two camps can stop fighting and have a rebellious son marry a rebellious daughter.
I'm afraid I participated in that once or twice.
Honestly, banning 3.5 would do nothing.
cause there are really (at least) two major 3.5 games out there.
and people play it for antithetical reasons.
and just ::grump::
3.5 is just a particularly fertile ground for a philosophy divide with much deeper roots.
(this is not because I've been in meetings all week and have a hangover, of coruse)
@BESW yes
Shh, don't you know that people play 3.5 because of character customization, which lets them make unique snowflakes, unlike that heathen 4e in which everyone is the same.
That, and the seductively dichotomous inclinations of modern thinking and the cult of the individual.
@Magician So say the army of morninglords :)
mind you, special-snowflakes has nothing on academic special snowflakes
Where people base their job on being an individual special snowflake with unique research talents working on a problem no-one else can work on unless they have a copy of excel.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Have you played 3.5 with academics? I have.
@BESW um... properacademics? no. But that's mainly a question of what fauculty.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Does this include them working in an area that is so specific they are the only ones who have heard about it?
Students aren't academics. They haven't been corrupted.
@SimonGill Being someone who does just that... I have no idea what you're talking about.
::rolls bluff... 2:: ::innocentface::
If you'd said "Students aren't academic. They haven't been corrupted.", I would have starred it instantly.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton I will choose to believe you :P
didn't I say that?
Empathy roll at +3.
Not quite - the "don't count" robs it of needed context. Don't count for what?
Bah humbug.
Yep. Time for a flamethrower, isn't it? :)
> The Humbug whistled gaily at his work, for he was never as happy as when he had a job which required no thinking at all.
It's not that bad. There's hardly any outright namecalling, for one.
The comments are still for the most part on topic, even! They just.... aren't doing any productive work.
Two incommensurate groups staring at each other across a void of words that don't make sense.
I wish usb-startup-gtk didn't suck so much.
> "A slavish concern for the composition of words is the sign of a bankrupt intellect," roared the Humbug, waving his cane furiously. "Be gone, odious wasp! You smell of decayed syllables."
Much better.
(Internet arguments often make me think of The Phantom Tollbooth.)
Perhaps I should add the Island of Conclusions to my profile.
Is the Island of Conclusions the place arguments go to die?
> “You’re on the Island of Conclusions.”
“But how did we get here?” asked Milo.
“You jumped, of course,” explained Canby. “That’s the way most everyone gets here. It’s really quite simple: every time you decide something without having a good reason, you jump to Conclusions whether you like it or not. It’s such an easy trip to make that I’ve been here hundreds of times.”
“But this is such an unpleasant looking place,” Milo remarked.
“Yes, that’s true,” admitted Canby; “it does look much better from a distance.”
The only way you can leave Conclusions is to swim through the Sea of Knowledge.
(Unfortunately, some folks --like the Humbug-- can swim in it all day and never get wet.)
It could be added to the FAQ actually. That's useful info there.
[snerk] By that reasoning, the book's whole plot should be in the FAQ.
Required reading for the Internet? That might keep out some of the Wrong 'Uns.
King Azaz the Unabridged and his brother The Mathemagician quarreled about whether words or numbers were more important. They asked the Princesses Rhyme and Reason to settle the debate, but the Princesses said each were equally important.
So the brothers banished Rhyme and Reason to the Castle in the Air, and have never agreed on anything ever since.
It's not a subtle book, but it is very nuanced and clever.
I'm reading the wiki page. It does seem like a monk with a kusari-gama. Lots of heavy hits in a whirling unpredicatable pattern.
It's about a fighting monk? Sold! :P
The wiki page just can't do the language and presentation justice.
@Magician It's not about a fighting monk :P
@SimonGill It's like a fighting monk.
Also, the illustrations by Jules Feiffer kick it up into a whole new realm of awesome.
@Magician Trolling is bad, and will incur warping for your new PC until you stop :p
@BrianBallsun-Stanton I'm getting a new computer?!... I'll stop now.
@Magician speaking of which have you statted your tytalus tonight?
There's trolling and I wasn't invited to mock it?
oooh, we can have a character roll for twilight before it even exists yet! We're old school, we are...
@BrianBallsun-Stanton I'll get home earlier than usual to look through virtues and flaws. have something of a personality for him already, though
@BrianBallsun-Stanton I think Twilight's probably really high on Int, average Cha, low Wis, not much in the way of San...
@BESW .. ah. Wizard's twilight. Where you don't go all sparkly unless a Merinita feels like fucking with you when you return.
::twitch:: And doesn't have access to a grease pencil.
@magician did horrible... horrible... things with a grease pencil.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Twilight Sparkles, vampires don't?
@BrianBallsun-Stanton In Ars Magica, or at the table?
@SimonGill ummmmm
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Oy! They were perfectly natural things any completely irrational person with a grease pencil would do given an immobile comrade that's off on a magic trip.
oh.... dear....

Is this any rational Mage rather than person?
There, fixed with my mod powers.
@SimonGill Mages are like people!
These... so-called mages would like to have you believe that they are people too! But I ask you, can a mage be made into soiylent green?! I think not!
@BrianBallsun-Stanton The glitter gets stuck in your teeth?
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Soylent Sparkle, maybe.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton glorious use of said powers, almost wizardly
@waxeagle thankee
Edited for accuracy :)
> “They’re very tasty,” explained the Humbug, “but they don’t always agree with you. Here’s one that’s very good.” He handed it to Milo and, through the icing and nuts, Milo saw that it said “THE EARTH IS FLAT.”
“People swallowed that one for years,” commented the Spelling Bee, “but it’s not very popular these days– d-a-y-s.” He picked up a long one that stated “THE MOON IS MADE OF GREEN CHEESE” and hungrily bit off the part that said “CHEESE.” “Now THERE’s a half-baked idea,” he said, smiling.
@Magician I showed my players the Same Page Tool, and they said they think the group is comfortable enough to not have to formalize the social contract like that.
It's opening up a good discussion, so thanks.
@Magician you're all going to die tonight. Just telling you.
you shall be forced to endure a dungeon of installing ubuntu, repeatedly, on a 13 year old computer.
@BESW My pleasure. My group is currently ignoring it, but that's probably because I've put it up as a post on our G+ community page, and TECHNOLOGY HOW DOES IT WORK.
@Magician I'm not!
@BrianBallsun-Stanton What else is new? :P
the 12.04 netboot installer would like to tell you that progress bars or indications are for sissies. You will wait patiently untli the machine gracefully moves to the next step, YOU PEON!
What's on the ttys?
@SimonGill nothing. Nothing at all.
going to expert install cause at least I get SOME feedback that way
oh that's nice
Finally moved on to the next stage?
nope. This was the wrong image, requires PAE
I'm so glad the DEFAULT INSTALLER doesn't error out that way
Wow, that's useful.
tty 3 has stuff
1 and 2, of course, are activatable
oh wow, this machine is sloooooooooooooo ::takes a nap:: w
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Good plan. It'll help kill the hangover-gremlins.
@SimonGill HANGOVER GREMLINS. Excellent idea.
@SimonGill Care to take a crack at the new DF question?
@Magician Calvin's intution, somewhere in the middle east, crawls into its bunker.
Muto Corpus, this hangover of mine, it's now an external fey gremlin
@BESW Already done :P Just waiting on his other question to come back.
@SimonGill it was reasonable to ask for a split right?
@waxeagle Yes.
@Magician With a hammer. Hitting you on the head.
@BESW always a little dicey to ask for things like that for questions outside my knowledge base
@SimonGill May I edit your post to clarify?
@BESW If you still need to, yeah.
Do you think that my comment has merit enough to be expanded on?
That's a good answer for his other question, when he posts it.
Okay. What was the other question?
Why do all the vampire courts just require inhuman strength when they are defined as being ranked in strength from strong to weak.
aaaaaaany time now.... or is it now? now? How about................................ now?
I should ask Evil Hat to hire me as Customer Service ;)
Ahhhh, NOW.
I'll let you take that one BESW, I'm going to bed for a few hours (hopefully not too many).
@BESW Can I clean that comment thread?
Give me a minute while I use it for reference, please.
Okay, I'm clear.
::charges the flamethrower::
Just tell me when I'm clear on all of his questions
@BrianBallsun-Stanton LOL. I think that he's having a problem seeing the change in probability caused by the presence of Aspects, so he's just looking at the bare numbers.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Go ahead and nuke, I think. At least I'm going to try to take anything else he posts to chat, but I think he's made of his mind, so the discussion isn't going to continue anyway. Sorry about the length.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton What horror have you just purged?
@Lord_Gareth nothing
Oh good, then I'ma keep staring at the answer that KRyan gave me so I can write out the spell list for the horror I would like to unleash
This poor orcish army is going to have a long, long night.
@Lord_Gareth I dropped your edit in, thanks. I was running off three-year-old memories.
@BESW Not a problem, I deal with various edited versions of the CR system a lot so it's fresh in my mind.
The Vorpal Tribble did a great CR calculator that gets used a lot on GitP to find a creature's "real" CR
Heh. Savage Species taught me that CR is a joke as anything but a useful starting point.
Savage Species was indeed an abomination.
Which is why CR re-calculators are popular
SS was lovely as a resource. Less lovely as a guide.
@BESW So I started that Assassin/Wizard question thread because I had a concept in mind that I thought was just going to be lulzy goofing around
Instead I'm converting buckets of assassin spells to free metamagic
My monstrous two-headed lernaean sonic-breath-weapon rats were fun.
Starting to realize on an emotional as well as intellectual level the unending horror that is spellcasting in 3.5
I sincerely hope I never again have a group that insists on it.
I don't think I could return to that blissful era of ignorance.
Yeah, my innocence has been violated and I game with that every day.
But there are lots of fun ways to game at various levels of optimization.
And admittedly since I'm trying to break apart an entire army single-handedly I think a little bit of 'lolwut' is called for
I just never again have to deal with a system in which the victor is the person who found the best combination of poor mechanics. It's like playing with first-turn-kill M:tG decks.
See, I haven't ever run into that as an issue. Players communicate the kind of game they want to their DM by creating certain kinds of characters, and all of those various splatbooks provide you with the means to produce creative challenges for that game.
Besides, you forgot the mantra: The Most Broken Books Are Core.
Though my point still stands tall and proud.
And yes, I played for years in a group that only toward the very end started analysing the system.
And the instant we looked at the system closely, we had to choose: either become devoted to CharOp or be willfully denialist.
See, I started helping my players analyze the system (and other systems) and was able to guide them through the transition process of being able to choose an op level and dwell within it.
For the most part we chose denialism, but it added a level of suspension of disbelief that strained credulity.
It doesn't need to be all or nothing, you know. 3.5 has multiple gradients between "The party contains a Truenamer and a Samu-WHY?!" and "So this is my demiplane, and sometimes I visit the one the Psion lives in."
A combination of mature agreement and judicious banning of some spells or options works out great.
@Lord_Gareth Yeah, and that requires deep CharOp immersion, or you don't know what to agree on or to ban.
I was sorta helped by having a very small book pool
It's like Clippy on MS Word: sure, you can turn it off. But only people who know how can do it.
So there weren't as many to consider in the first place.
So the ability to turn it off is useless to those who are most victimized by it.
Aye, but your group has the knowledge, and I think the maturity.
3.5 can be a nightmare but it can also be incredibly fun. The amount of RAW options (not to mention massive homebrew community) provides such rich ability to bring concepts to mechanical life.
You just need a baseline to start with.
My group does now.
My 3.5 group? Not so much.
Here's a question for SE that I'm not going to ask due to Brian beating me to death with a floppy hat: What agreements and limits are needed to restrain D&D 3.5 to specific power tiers?
If you had a thread, I'd have an answer. The only trouble would be that other mod guy walking in and giving a denialism answer of the kind I've seen him offer up 'round these parts.
It's not denialist. It's a different philosophy.
Noo...I'd classify it as pretty heavily denialist, especially from the comments I've read.
Great example: the comments in the WBL adjustment question
You're a rules-centric thinker, like myself but to a much greater extent. You study the rules, analyse them, understand them, evaluate them, and then decide whether to follow or change them based on that evaluation.
Myx, due largely to his experience with rules-centric thinkers who skip the evaluation stage, doesn't understand that. He is an intuitive GM who makes decisions based on reading group dynamics and feeling out appropriate actions in each instance, usually without generalizing policies from those instances.
Both are entirely valid but largely antithetical approaches to system adjudication.
See, the thing about the second one is that it doesn't produce helpful advice that you can then export to other groups, is difficult and finnicky to do right, and is very often adopted by people who frankly abuse the idea to the point of becoming nightmare DMs.
Which makes it difficult for me to endorse, ever, especially in a Q&A format such as this site.
What's amusing is that D&D 3.5 is such a mess from trying to accomodate everyone that it's become a fertile ground for such approaches to clash without recognizing their differences from the start.
@Lord_Gareth Yeeeeah, and "rules lawyer" is a dirty phrase for the exact same reason.
But you can export rules to another group, and you can export techniques on how to successfully interpret and change them.
Both approaches can be easily abused if taken to extremes, taken out of context, or simply applied without thought.
@Lord_Gareth As you said earlier (deciding power limits in 3.5), rules are often group-specific and just as unique as intuitive decisions.
The problem with 3.5 is that it tries to impose generalized rules where group-specific decisions are needed.
The other problem is that most of the writers, and all of the early writers, were knuckle-dragging space apes
It attempts to be the One RP to Rule Them All, and fails miserably by thinking it can accomodate all styles under one roof.
You need SOME level of intuition in order to tease out what a group needs and wants, even if the end result is a social contract and explicit house rules.
Poor Zachiel becomes miserable when he tries to substitute rules for empathy.
I don't agree with Myx or you entirely. I believe that a group needs to both evaluate the system and figure out what their emotional and social needs are, and then attempt to fuse the two together in what is inevitably a system that can only work for that group (though depending on how explicit they are about it, the system could contain inferences that another group would unconsciously alter to fit its own needs, giving the illusion of a multi-group-compatible system).
Ignoring the rules is a disaster waiting to happen, and even Myx understands that; he just uses the rules as largely subconscious starting points from which to strike out on his own.
Where I hate doing sloppy work and would like to produce something exportable even if I don't intend on exporting it.
And you obviously are painfully aware of the need for group cohesion through empathic and intuitive tools, but use the rules as a framework in which to build that cohesion, kicking out only the most rotten of the wood.
Yeah, years of having to train my players away from some of the most mind-boggling narrative and/or mechanical habits has taught me how to interface with a group the hard way. Thankfully it was a very rewarding lesson.
I've received fairly intensive training and experience in facilitating courses that train people to become active participants in their neighborhood's social and spiritual upliftment. It's not the role of a teacher, but of a more experienced peer working alongside friends on a path of service.
This translates very directly to my approach to GMing.
I really wish that I hadn't been the only one to start exploring system mastery in my group, but more than anything I wish I wasn't the only one interested in exploring varieties of roleplaying experiences rather than making essentially similar concepts over and over.
As a GM, I am a collaborator working with other participants to achieve a common goal. Each of us has unique talents that can be discovered and honed through work and mutual support, and each of us will take on a slightly different role.
@Lord_Gareth mmm, it's always a shame when a group's members can't reconcile their different interets.
Well, see, the trouble isn't varied games. All of the three DMs (including myself) make some interesting and different campaigns.
It's that there's the Guy Who Plays Edward Elric, the Melee Guy, the Evil Guy, aaaaaand me
You clearly have different interests (exploring a variety of RP experiences) than the other players.
If you don't feel like you have the room to do that, then there's something that needs to be reconciled. Somehow.
It's generally been solved; my DMs have let my freak flag fly, even in some cases where minor storyline tweaking had to happen. Sometimes in cases where the DM wanted to hand out, say, a universal bonus feat I've turned it down because I had a concept in mind and that feat doesn't gel.
This happens a lot with Force Sensitivity in SAGA edition, I'm sad to say.
Anyway, must dash.
Got a photo shoot.
@BESW Good luck
Try to remember that just because you've seen an attitude or approach go sour, it doesn't mean it always must --and that some people feel the same about yours.
1 hour later…
@C.Ross I notice you've got a few d20 modern questions so I pose this to you. Does buying an object or service with a DC15 or higher purchase DC cost the amount on the supplied table+1, or the amount on the table?
3 hours later…
@BESW One-shot pre-gens: I tried to answer and I have a lot of things to say but I can't pack them in a cohesive answer yet. Ask me.
@LitheOhm I'd have to open my book, but I believe it's just the DC
but you are guaranteed to lose one wealth/assets/whatever it's called
Hooooooom. [pokes half-finished session notes]
@BESW Are you needing to finish them tonight?
The game's tomorrow afternoon or evening.
That doesn't exactly answer my question :P
....I might be able to find some time in the morning.
Any ideas what you want to do to it?
Well, I need to complete the mechanics on the creatures.
And I need to finalize how the Thought Cannon works.
@BESW Memetic magnetisation?
Well, in terms of game mechanics.
Do you plop a guy into the seat and he thinks, or do you need people manning dials and switches and buttons?
How hard is it to make the cannon shoot the feelings you want, instead of your sudden and embarrassingly urgent desire for toast?
oh, there's got to be dials and switches and buttons and things
along with people encouraging the correct feeling in the lens
So... let's assume four PCs.
One in the seat, two at dials, and one as general support where needed.
(there are some disturbing attachments at the base that weren't all removed...)
Sounds like a skill challenge with a preset Guiding Light, and character-specific checks.
@BESW and the army of NPC technicians. THis is a Wave Motion Gun, after all.
@SimonGill In the middle of a Far Realm attack that's turned nearly everyone in the city into slavish mirror warriors?
I think I need the party to do this alone.
@BESW Fair enough.
Doesn't mean I can't tell them it's harder because they don't have the assistants.
Also the cannon needs to be portable, in the early personal computer "My computer can be lashed to the top of my car" sense of the word.
Because it's not where it needs to be.
In the present, it's unguarded across the city.
In the past that they can jump to, it's in the right place.
One of their primary goals will be to get it from the past (lots of guards) or across the town (logistically difficult on their time schedule).
so, two possible skill challenges?
I think I'll make it more detailed than that.
The retrieval of the cannon is a major focal point.
I'll expect them to actually do it.
Expected progression:
1) they fight their way up the tower, bouncing between time streams
by stain-jumping from the past, or by moving the now-cannon to the right place?
2) at the top of the tower in the present, they fight a passing tentacle and discover the orrery that Opened the Way. In the past, they see the orrery being powered by the thought cannon.
3) having been thoroughly whupped by the tentacle, they are visited by the ghost of their old companion who inspires them to use the thought cannon to close the Way.
4) they decide whether to bring the past cannon forward or to drag the present cannon over, and do so (lots of fighting either way).
5) they set up and use the thought cannon while Far Realm creatures try to stop them (skill challenge in combat).
6) profit
Forbesian profit at that.
Then the dragonpope grabs them, without benefit of extended rest, to defend him against the evil party and a devil.
(I haven't statted ANYthing for that fight, nor considered terrain.)
@BESW But that's next week, right?
I'm expecting 1-6 to take two weeks.
Plenty of prep time then :)
@BESW 1) This is Nerra + Serpents, right? You've got this bit sorted haven't you?
Yeah, but I don't have the creatures' stats finalized.
Well, the serpents are done.
But I'm still torn about taking away the nerras' Captured Image ability.
It's awesome! But I can't stack it with time jumps without stranding the party too much.
But yeah, assuming I go with that the way I really should, I need to finalize the tentacle and put together the cannon-operating skill challenge.
@BESW Dull their mirrors - with Allabar this close, clearly it's opaquing their skin.
@SimonGill Actually, I'm having the Matron give all aberrants resist necro and vuln radiant.
(the party's got radiant but not much necro)
So that works.
(Yes, this includes PCs if they become aberrant, but it won't matter TOO much.)
(Though it might matter in the dragonpope fight.)
I was just thinking of explanations for why they'd lost the Captured Image ability.
wheeee... hideously complex ore processor
Aye. I like the tarnish idea.
Just realizing I already have a justification for it.
[yawn] I'm just going to sleep on it and hash this out in the morning.
Goodnight! Thanks for the talking-out. It helped.
You're welcome. I'll try and help more in the morning.
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

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