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Heh. I and another guy just answered the "should I change from PF to 4e?" question simultaneously with nearly opposite answers based on the same concepts.
I noticed that. It was a little silly.
@somori The question? Or our amusingly antithetical answers?
The amusingly anti-thetical answers appearing at the same time.
You get my upvote though. PF crunch is annoying and 4E really does do good work in that direction.
What's more important for him, I think, is that the skill system is fundamentally the same in both games.
@somori Thank you. I think the other guy has some good points against 4e, but overall I think 4e wins in this particular scenario because of advantages in other areas for this person.
mmmm, reduced crunch == good. But not everybody likes the 4E version of the crunch of course.
One thing I really like about 4e is that it uses the same basic power system for everybody (instead of having to learn an entirely new subgame for sorcerers, clerics, and fighters respectively) but clever use of class features makes it feel different for each class (and subclass; a feylock and an infernal lock are surprisingly different in combat).
@somori Yeah. And as a DM I fell in love with the fluff.
@BESW Absolutely. That's what I really like about the simplifcation of the game into a tactical combat game and not a full simulation.
(We came into 4e straight off a campaign where I had to fluff a 3.5 warlock as having a fey pact, and it was very straining on disbelief. Also, PoL is brilliant metagame-wise.)
@somori Points of Light, the default 4e setting.
@BESW Of course. I was thinking along the lines of warlock pacts. Didn't quite compute.
@somori Ah, yes. My sudden and whiplash-inducing topic changes claim another victim.
PoL explicitly removes the "always a bigger fish" feel of most other settings I've run in: the PCs are now the heroes because there is no one else who can help.
Hehe. I'm not sure those gamers will suffer horribly if they move away from d20. Something like BRP might work well enough to help them learn their feet.
The biggest civilization you'll find is a city-state, and those are far and far.
@BESW and it means that anything could be over the next hill.
@somori Possibly, but they've already started in d20 and there might be feet-dragging about discarding all that effort.
I know that if I had spent a weekend reading the PHB and making a character in a system I had no previous experience in... and then the GM said "Nope, we're doing Dresden Files RPG instead!" I might mutiny.
(Despite that I'd probably really love DF RPG given half a chance.)
@somori Yes! I'm looking forward to that.
@BESW Well, it wouldn't be that big a jump. It would still be the same setting, and possibly the same characters (which apparently aren't very invested in).
(My current campaign set in the Imperial Wars era is partly because both my players and I need to ease into the PoL setting philosophies slowly.)
Going to something like BRP would also have the benefit of being less to learn and remember, which appears to be a problem.
Going the other way would be nasty.
But none of this is really here or there, as the question was pretty explicit. I like the comments because we get to say random off-question stuff that might be relevant, without just ignoring the guy's carefully-worded missive and giving an answer that doesn't have anything to do with his concern.
Yeah. I was very careful to point out that there are other ones to look at and leave the answer section to actually answer the question.
Yar. [the more you know] and all that.
...how did I miss that The Moon Rises composer has produced a companion song? [does the Dance of Belated Joy]
Paying attention to other things?
Clearly I need to stop doing that.
Perhaps. Or improve your incoming information flow ;)
@somori Nicholas Carr might have something to say about that.
Who's that?
Author of an essay called "Is Google Making Us Stupid?"
That's a different thing though - Google Search is changing our use of memory (and possibly making us stupid) but RSS reading is more "Is the Internet drowning us in rubbish?"
It's about how the information age is actually causing us to learn less because we have to filter out all the useless stuff. Each piece of information coming to us has to be evaluated as "pay attention to" or "ignore," and as a result of the overload of decision-making we either close down and stop processing much at all, or we lose our evaluative processes and become gullible.
Ahhh, that's a different argument than I expected from the title.
I don't agree with him entirely, but certainly we have reached the age of cybernetic memory downloads.
Yes please!
Hopefully uploads won't be far behind....
"I don't need to remember that; I can look it up later" is functionally the equivalent of "I will download this knowledge to be accessed at a later date."
(Google is not just a search engine; it's a philosophy that's being embedded in our culture without comment.)
It's a force multiplier of a kind though - keeping just the index in our wetware does help increase the amount of knowledge an individual can access in their lifetime.
@somori yeah, there's no "Internet Bad! Memorizing Dictionary Good!" simplicity to this.
But Google's stated objective is to create a program that appears to read your mind by anticipating what you personally are interested in before you know it yourself.
And the wife of one of the owners of Google has founded a company to collect the DNA of everyone in the world (though the clip of her actually saying that is increasingly hard to find).
And if I didn't already have a strong sense of my narrative position in the world, I'd probably become a conspiracy theorist.
@BESW It's alright. Everything will go bang in the next 100 years or so I expect.
"Our keyboards have tiny suction fans to collect your DNA as you type! They scan it and send it to Mrs. Brin when you use gmail!"
@BESW You've seen Gattaca, right?
@somori I have great faith in the continued existence of humanity and the continuing process of building an ever-advancing civilization that reaches great new social, technological, and spiritual heights. I don't pretend to think it'll be easy, quick, or painless, or that we may not do some really stupid things on the way.
@somori Yes. Yes, I have. I think Mrs. Brin has too.
@BESW Well, if shale gas becomes a reason not to invest in renewable energy until it starts running out agaain - that's a problem.
@somori Yes, well. If we don't pass a test the first time, we'll keep being given it until we do.
(Apparently I'm philosophical at 11am too.)
(See our first off-chat conversation for reasons why I feel this way about humanity.)
@BESW It's the middle of the night... and I could really do with sleep...
On a more RPG-related topic, why is "miniature dependent" such a popular criticism of RPGs that use them?
There was an article I read about this being a significant perspective issue about creativity.... let me see if I can find it.
Here cease more questions:
Thou art inclined to sleep; 'tis a good dulness,
And give it way: I know thou canst not choose.
[MIRANDA sleeps]
@somori Thank you!
heh, I could do with sleep.... but it ain't happening yet :/
Skimming these articles, I'm reminded of the difference between my group playing DitV and MLWM.
Between the two games or between those two and 3.5/4E
@somori All of the above, but mostly comparing how the two gridless systems were played by a grid-accustomed group.
mmmm, it does make a real difference. I find combat very hard without a grid
MLWM has a simple single-roll conflict resolution system. The idea is to narrate a TotM situation with tension, conflict, and pathos, and use that to set up mechanical advantages to add to the single roll (touching someone on the shoulder reassuringly so you can invoke the Intimacy die, for example).
DitV uses a wager-based conflict resolution system where the situation is set up in the TotM as the outset, and then everyone rolls dice connected to the situation and bets using the results.
Yeah. There is a lot less combat involved in games with strong narrative conflict-resolution systems.
The main difference being that in DitV, the conflict continues during resolution.
Say you started out trying to talk to a guy, so you rolled whatever negotiation dice you have. You narrate your conversation and wager dice to try and make if effective.
I just has a Epiphany. If you cast Time Hop one someone who is on a moving ship they may not be on the ship anymore. when they get out.
@Novian Did you take a Time Hop from when I mentioned that to you yesterday? :P
If the guy you're talking to has better dice than you, or bets more cannily, you may be in danger of running out of dice (and losing the debate). However, if you decide to swing a punch then you can bring in your fist/melee dice... and so can he.
@somori maybe i did seem to miss alot.
so whats the current discussion?
You can then escalate to gun dice by drawing (making consequences even more significant, of course), and hope he doesn't have a gun so you get gun dice and he doesn't.
@BESW I didn't say with single roll systems. DitV is still the same kind of narrative conflict-resolver.
@Novian I asked why "miniature dependent" is a common insult for RPGs that use them, and @somori 's links led to me start thinking about my group's experiences with gridless systems.
@somori Yeah, but my party was as engaged in DitV as they are in D&D, and not nearly so engaged in MLWM's single-roll system. I'm curious about that and trying to figure out what it means about my group.
@BESW my insights will be little as I have no experience in the matter.
Ah, that makes more sense then. I didn't pick up the connection.
@somori I was being Eastern in my discussion style, sorry.
(Western style puts the thesis at the front and then backs it up with context. Eastern style puts context at the front and concludes with the thesis.)
@BESW The glib answer is that they are looking for short actions to achieve advantages that they can use later. MLwM clearly doesn't have a tight enough feedback loop.
@BESW Good to know. Although it suffers when you present thought by thought in a forum like this.
@somori I'll agree that MLWM is not good for people accustomed to swift catharsis or reward.
@somori ....yes.
@Novian I highly suggest that you have a read of the links above about the grid. There's some interesting insights in there.
I flip-flop in my styles, having been trained in Western systems and raised in more Eastern contexts.
I once drove a philosopher batty.
[this is not an achievement to be considered unusual or difficult]
@BESW Haha. Yeah, reality kinda does that too, doesn't it?
FATE is gridless, right?
@BESW It uses zones. They are areas that are big enough to attack each other in close combat.
The advantage of FATE over the gridless D&D example that Mr. Lizard presented is that the players can define the environment.
@somori Aspects make me giddy.
The new rules in FATE core provide for your players too - they can take lots of actions to get aspects in conflicts that should make them much less of a slugging match.
@somori Where do I find those?
Pledge a dollar to the kickstarter, and you can download the draft rules now.
And if you pledge $10 - you will get something crazy like $100 worth of settings and extra rules when the KS ends.
Hmm. [pokes kickstarter with a stick] How well does it handle international donations?
...and do I really need to use Amazon?
You pretty much have to pay with a credit card through Amazon payments.
Unfortunately so.
[face/palm] I hate Amazon with the fiery passion of a dozen burning weasels.
Oh? Why's that?
@somori Typical Evil Corporate Overlord Jerking Small Businesses Around and Sending Them Out of Business stuff... and they keep pretending Guam isn't part of the USPS.
Fair enough then... what's your e-mail address?
Well, I've got a copy of the PDF, and better that another eye looks at it than doesn't because Amazon is involved.
They'll mail books to me, but not let me download ebooks because I'm "not part of the United States." They won't give me software under any circumstances because I'm "international."
Heck, Netflix only noticed Guam less than a year ago.
(Before then they'd mail us disks but not let us stream.)
That's ridiculous. Althought that won't stop you getting this, Amazon are just used to collect the money.
Welp, let's see. They're going to want me to go through the whole rigamarole before they tell me if I'm allowed...
If it all screws up because they don't like you, I'll make sure you're sorted out.
Much obliged.
I really like the idea of kickstarter.
Hey look! They think Guam's a country. [bitter laugh]
Okay, so it seems to have let me pledge $10. [flutteryey]
Yay :)
Apparently, the draft of the first fantasy adventure should be available soon too.
That should help with playtesting
I really do expect to be running a single-player DF RPG game starting late spring or early summer.
Are FATE dice regularly available at gaming stores?
I haven't checked out our local gaming stores in years, for anything.
@BESW Depends on the store. But you can mark d6s to make them into FATE dice.
@somori I certainly have d6s to spare, and a Sharpie.
Or just use 1-2 as '-', 3-4 as ' ' and 5-6 as '+'
@BESW There's a conversion diagram available too
@somori Cute.
...I have a new minigame: coming up with amusingly self-deprecating descriptions of the edits I make to my questions and answers.
Hehe, you must be a little bored by that empty box :P
[added gushing praise of DDI subscription]
Though--am I the only one who has run into some serious Mythical Maths issues with the character builder?
I never noticed any, but I never really rechecked the maths. Even with the level 30 versions of the Brotherhood fo the Golden Skull going up against Orcus.
I had a warlord who acquired a mysterious +1 to all NADs, and just as mysteriously lost it a few days later.
Weird... sounds like someone failed to write proper regression tests.
I don't expect the CB to do things like factor in the bonus to thunder damage that only applies because I'm using a weapon that makes all damage thunder; that's too much to ask.
But qualifying for dragonborn feats because the goblin learned draconic seems iffy.
@BESW Freaky. Very freaky.
"I'm a DRAGON!"
@BESW "Wait, what happened? I didn't expect that to actually work."
@somori "Umm... I'm a MIND FLAYER!"
@BESW Hehe, I wouldn't say that too loud... you might wake the illithid egg in your brain.
[party vomits at sight of goblin suddenly spewing forth tentacles from his mouth, Ood-conversion style]
Serves them right for leaving the goblin alone to guard the rear.
@somori The tank refused to give up his position as Poker of Head around Corners, so what else do you do with a goblin?
Tie him to a stick and use him to test corridors?
At least they'd be able to hear when the Illithid kissed the goblin's brain
@somori That is the best really-ought-to-be-a-euphemism-but-isn't I've heard all day.
Mind Flayers are a mythos beast in disguise. They should be squicky and terrifying,
@somori yeah, my current campaign is all about the Mythos.
I'm folding the 4e Tomb of Horrors superadventure into it, in which the Devourer is basically licking the corners of the multiverse to get enough dead god residue to become a god himself.
@BESW Tasty.
So I'm ruling that in the process he's weakening the boundaries between the worlds and letting the Stars in.
@somori The superadventure tries to make it sound Grand and Diabolic, but it's really just sad.
Yeah, it does sound a little sad. More like euthanasia than grand combat.
You know how the war between Arkhosia and Bael Turath ended suddenly with the Golden One being killed and Bael Turath's capital city exploding mysteriously?
@somori Vague is a good way to describe the canon for this.
My campaign's final chapter is going to be a fight between a fully manifested Starbeast and the party trying to shove it back through the crack in the multiverse it came through... with the Turathi city as collateral damage.
A game of Cosmic Whack-A-Mole?
....I dont know whats going on but it sounds like a sitcom.
Pretty much. But whenever the mole sticks its head out, cities turn to crystal and shatter, or melt, or get up and walk away. Or any combination thereof.
I'm building on the (very scattered, loose, and contradictory) canon of the events, but adding a Far Realm interpretation.
Hehe. Sounds a little like the Raksha invasion after the Great Contagion in Exalted.
From level 1 the party's been experiencing the cracks in the multiverse: whenever a player can't show up, his PC 'no-clips' until he comes back, and I tell him where he was (hardly any time passed for him, while the party may have been adventuring for days or weeks).
@BESW That's a clever solution to running one-down.
hmm from what i can find Starspawn are a 4e enemy but I was fightin em waaay back when I first started 3.5 where are the statistics for the buggers.
@somori Best I've ever come up with, and I'll never be able to use it again.
Probably one of the later monster manuals. The Far Realm did turn up towards the end of 3.5
Nasty Buggers.
@Novian D&D has always had a strong Mythos influence. In 3.5 it falls under the catch-all aberration.
made ya feel good if ya killed one.
Anyway - I'm going to attempt sleep for a while.
See you guys later. Enjoy :)
In 4e, there's an actual outside-the-multiverse place called the Far Realm that is explicitly Lovecraftian and aberrants are things from there or influenced by it.
@somori Ta!
I gotta go myself. Dad has a doctor's appointment. Ta!
Thrallherd vs leadership.......One could conveivably allow me into the Legendary captain and the other definitely will. I mean there is almost no difference. Exept Thralls and Belivers are more willing.
I want at least the first level of anarchic Initiate So I can SUPERboom.
I cant meet the 8 ranks Knowlege arcane.
lol nother ephiphany Time hop can be used on myself.....To save myself
or to fake teleportation.
Edit: I meant Knowledge the planes.
another stich in my plans I aint proficient with my armor. Which while fine for most things screws over my one damage power. Armor check penalties Apply to attack rolls when not proficient so I take -2(Including Ranged attack bonus.) with the armor I want. I mean its a ranged touch but Im hurting for feats already. I cant take Meduim Heavy and then Exotic for it.
Problem Solved. I dont take Proficiency and just trade for 1 less armor check and 1 less armor. Its also cheaper armor.
Hurf. Tomb of Horrors wants me to run multiple doppelgangers of my party's PCs simultaneously.
[stabs developers with a blunted stick and makes the doppelgangers minions with limited at-wills]
Hey, anybody know of a dice bell curve calculator that isn't Windows-only?
nope I barely understand the one that is,
hmm so Ive solved my own problem. No need for flaw(Unless I reaaaally want leadership.) and I have the 3 feats I want. The armor Im nonproficient with would be designed for insta in insta out. and it would only give me 1 less armor than the suit I was wanting before. and impose only a -1(After adding in my RaB) on the one ranged touch attack I have(Although that is annoying.)
Damn Exotic Heavy armors being so good.
My Flat footed is gonna suck.
AC 22
Flat Footed 20
Touch 16
nevermind I recind that statement. I forgot Flat Foot keeps armor.
Flat-footed touch AC = nothing but monks.
(And particularly amused variant druids.)
....Avenging Druids?
might as well chop off your arm.
and a leg
Let's see if I can track down my old Class Variants.doc compilation...
its a druid variant without magic.
Druidic Avenger was pretty lousy. Not what I'm thinking of.
its horrid and ugly
Hunter Druid (UA 59)
Level: 1st
Replaces: Armor and shield proficiencies, wild shape and all later improvements.
Benefit: Bonus to AC (including Wis bonus) and fast movement as monk. Favored enemy, swift tracker, and Track bonus feat as ranger.
I used it regularly so as to avoid wild shape, because wild shape is simultaneously broken in the good and bad senses.
Being part monk does not beat being a bear.
or later a dire wolverine.
or something along the lines therof.
I never wanted to deal with it, especially after I broke shape-changing with my anythinganger and saw just how silly it was. I had the T-shirt.
.....why are shapechangers so easy to break
its like a giant "HEY IM BROKEN" sIGN
Because Wizards never considered polymorph when they designed creatures.
.....Polymorph + Rust Monster.
(And continually failed to fix polymorph spells with increasingly messed-up errata, instead of applying QC to creature creation.)
Still my favorite way of dealing with Iron Golems
I did all the research into polymorph and all its variants and errata for the anythinganger.
@Novian Quality Control.
The originally published polymorph rules gave you access to a creature's special attacks.
The Balor in the MMI had "vorpal sword" as a special attack.
Hoping to find some half assed way to compensate for my Armor situation eventually. Other than that. Imagine........Warshaper + Chameleon(Kinda dumb but good for flavor.) I am anyone and everyone.
@Novian Level 30: doppelganger with warshaper, chameleon, cherry-picked levels from a half dozen different druid prestige classes, a series of poorly-worded feats, and a single very carefully worded wish, accompanied by a bard, could become literally anything with less than 38 HD. Including animated objects, insubstantial creatures, and every single creature type.
Why the wish?
and the bard
Explain those two facets.
@Novian Because I didn't have two levels to spare to get fey through a multiclass, and bards can grant extra temporary HD.
although epic levels are kinds dodgy
gestalting which I hate would make it quicker but weaker.
@Novian Yes. I was taking advantage of a house rule that let me ignore my four racial HD from doppelganger when calculating level, so I was technically level 34.
go with the weaker Changeling and adjust from there.
changelings are 0 LA
But still, I could shapeshift as a free action and absorb or re-shape items to fit my new shape as I pleased, so with a free action I could change my clothing (true seeing showed a doppelganger wearing several dozen pairs of clothing and suits of armor, with a dozen rings and a lot of weapons).
I had a high enough bluff to fool detection and detect thoughts spells into seeing whatever I wanted them to.
Sounds like Batman to me.
Magic Batman.
Magic Batman on shrooms.
I was. I rendered the entire party pointless as I could replicate supernatural and spell-like abilities that let me summon minions to do my dirty work if there was too much to do myself.
My offensive stance was usually force dragon, because I got to add my ungodly Charisma bonus to attacks and damage.
minmaxing taken too far.
My defensive stance was nymph, because I got to add my Cha to defenses and saves, and I could blind my opponents.
I retired the character after a couple of sessions because it wasn't fun.
if the question "are you a god" ever comes up that character could honestly say yes. that level of power is when I ascend characters to godhood.
But aside from the HD hiccough, to the best of my knowledge at the time it was entirely RAW-legal.
you are "everyone and everything" you are a god of deception and power.
Are you Mask?
@Novian I actually became the Avatar and Voice of the minor puppet god Banjo the Clown when I retired. It was a weird campaign.
@Novian If I want to be.
Anyway, after that I was sick of polymorph and never touched it again.
Had a campaign where our group ran into these things called Doors of Wonder which did alot of random things. it was a random chance at the begginning of each dungeon that determined if it was in that dungeon due to them cosmically shifting every so often.
So I built monk-druids who used Wisdom for everything.
it was a will save to resist touching.
We ended up failing Wills saves to Godhood.
@Novian [slowclap]
We didnt even purposely fail.
we just did.
the doors cursed me from man to woman to man to woman to man to woman before they were done.
@Novian Sounds like the Shadow Tomb arches in the ToH Superadventure.
Except the nicest thing they did was give you the inescapable sense that something horrible has happened.
and I was in a personal relationship with death whom was at the time a female fallen angel. she imparted the ability(After I having died 5 times and miraculously recovering.) to find Deathflowers which allowed me to ressurect. because she didnt want to deal with my deaths anymore.
And there was no save. If you walked through one, it happened to you, but you were entirely free not to. They knew PCs didn't need to be coerced to do something like that.
Still Failing willsaves to the point of godhood is lol
the permanent boosts should not have been there.
it was a random 10(I think) Item table that each door had. Which the DM rolled D% for.
well Gnigt
In my opinion, the best dungeons are modeled after the Cyberman trap in Tomb of the Cybermen.
The Professor: How did you know we would release you? You could have remained frozen forever.
The Cyber Controller: The humanoid mind. You are inquisitive.
The Doctor: Ah, I see. A trap. A very special sort of trap too.
The Professor: What do you mean special trap?
The Doctor: They wanted superior intellects. Thats why they made the trap so complicated!
The Cyber Controller: We knew that somebody like you would come to our planet someday.
The Doctor: Yes. We've done exactly as you calculated, haven't we?
4 hours later…
@somori EXACTLY what I wanted! Thanks.
@Rob Evening!
@BESW Glad I can help :) anydice is lots of fun. What are you wanting to do with it?
@somori My players were debating damage bell curves.
anydice is very spiffy :)
And I'm curious about my gut-adjudication of the Adventure Tool's damage expressions.
Adventure Tool?
@Rob D&D Insider tool for building monsters; DM companion to the Character Builder.
Ahh righty; that 4e?
@Rob Yup.
If I want an average of 30 damage per damage roll, the AT gives me 1d6 + 27.
I... kinda think 4d6 + 16 is better.
That's a bit naff
4e appears to have many online tools
average damage of 30 = d6 +27; may as well just say 29 + d2
@BESW yeah, but you said you wanted an average of 30 - nothing about the standard deviation.
@somori Alas, the builder is snide also.
@BESW Sounds about right mathematically, though 2d4+25 would be closer to the mark while retaining roughly the same variance.
@BESW Sounds about right for most cloud software.
@Rob Having spent 6 years with 3.5, I and my group like enjoy our DDI subscription--downloadable access to all the magazines, regularly updated compendium of all monsters, PC options, and rules, a character builder that uses the compendium and provides printouts if we want, and an NPC builder that, while it has its faults, at least lets me fix them.
For something like $2 per month per player, I say win.
@BESW Nice - I'm on the Pathfinder chain myself; fairly addicted to Hero labs for that
Shuffling through books was fun at first.
Phone apps ++
Had I such a phone...
My suggestion for ~30 is 6d8+3 anydice.com/program/1a49
@BESW If you like a bucket of dice, why not 8d6+2 [10-50]? :)
One thing I do with the AT, actually, is convert all dice expressions into d6s. Speeds up my end of combat.
They are the stock die I guess :)
We've got the most of them in our Pile O' Dice, and using the same dice for everything means I don't have to take a moment to check which dice I need to roll each time.

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