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@BESW theresattrpgforthat.tumblr.com/rss looks like a valid RSS feed?
Yeah, but I plugged it into the chat feed and it didn't work. If it worked, it would have spat out the five most recent posts into chat, and changed the feed listing from the website address to the website name.
It can take time, but not this much time.
1 hour later…
@BESW wasn't there a change where tumblr sites needed to switch something on for rss (or similar) to work?
Hmm I think this user did that, but investigating it led me to another potential fix.
BESW has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
BESW has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Now, we wait.
@BESW The waiting game sucks, lets play hungry hungry hippos!
2 hours later…
BESW has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
BESW has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Anybody got recommendations for a free-to-use solo RPG engine that supports high-risk, high-reward, sudden-death gameplay? My brain just coughed up an idea.
@BESW nothing comes to mind
I'm thinking about modifying Push.
@BESW I had to google it, but it looks interesting
Oh right. The Push SRD by Cezar Capacle. It's not strictly solo, but it's GMless by way of using solo-style oracles so it's solo-adaptable with no mechanical changes.
@BESW I'm reading right to mean that you'll play by yourself?
and I haven't played it, but I think that this game by the honey heist guy supports that - lemme find it.
I've got an idea for a game to write, for others to play, but it only needs one person to play.
Grant Howitt's done a lot, I wouldn't be surprised if he's written some interesting solo stuff.
eh, It was Royal Blood and that's 3+ players
The only solo game I see of his is Fetch (given less than 2 minutes of checking)
@BESW Oh, you want to play a roguelike lol
@goodguy5 that doesn't sound like a rogue like to me
yea, I guess Roguelikes aren't high risk high reward.

They are just inherently "risky and you get rewards"
I was mostly thinking of the "solo sudden death gameplay"
@goodguy5 but also rogue-likes have a bunch of other attributes like item collection and exploration etc
interesting because I wouldn't put "exploration" as an element.
but reward = items
but I can imagine a high-risk, high-reward game that doesn't give you items
I was admittedly thinking of a D&D-like system being used where the reward would either be items or xp
@goodguy5 I've been leaning into others for my map needs. Patreon has some amazing resources.
At least for VTT
@NautArch My problem is that I hate sticking to maps
I've got a homebrew world that I put all (ish) of my games in.
It's reese's cups shaped.
I only flesh out parts when I need to.
I'm thinking more battlemap rather than worldmap.
@BESW that looks like a good fit from what you've said
3 hours later…
Sometimes I remember this chat exists and has a lot of people who know about many systems. Sadly, my current needs keep me mostly focuse on other places and I'm not as active as I used to be. Hello everyone, familiar faces and new o... hello everyone, familiar faces.
I'm here because shopping questions are off topic on the main site. I'm looking for a game that is crunchy enough to be liked by a player that likes D&D 3.5e but finds Pathfinder 1e too complex (wants to play characters who don't have a lot of movingparts), D&D 4e too streamlined and fortuneless games uninteresting... or maybe I'm more trying tolook for a set of questions to ask this player and me to find a game that we both like (maybe this might be a main site question?)
2 hours later…
@Zachiel Hullo, nice to 'see' you but I've got nothin.
@Zachiel Ok, but 3.5 is a large system. What does your friend like about it, specifically? Also consider self-assessing on the 8 Kinds of Fun, and/or assessing each other. That might help you clarify what kind of system you're looking for.
Maybe 3.5 is good because it gives the player a ton of customization options, so you can use that net-shield combo. Or maybe it's the satisfying crunch of big numbers.
That's what I would be trying to understand. I guess half of what he likes is that it's the system he played more, so it's just nostalgia (2e would also be fine, playing with the stats gathered by leveling up Baldur's Gate characters would probably be the best as that's how he started).
Good idea on the 8 kinds of fun.
You could also try and reverse engineer session 0 tools like Same Page, and try to figure out what system best supports the gameplay experience you both want (or at least can agree to).
I think it's more the big numbers than the options, for whenever I give more than a couple of manuals to pick from he grumbles (understandably, he doesn't like to have to do a doctoral thesis to find out what's best, he wants to rely on his previous knowledge, his biggest hit being...
..."cleric who needs Eagle's Splendor to cast a single divine metamagic: persist-ed divine power", "barbarian with boots of flying because a core only 3.0 game doesnìt have enough feats to jjustify fighter" and "sonic delayed fireball archmage"
If you want a political intrigue or slice of life game, and you pick a system where most or all of the character description is defined by how to kill or hurt others, you'll have a bad time or mostly ignore the system.
He also likes games with lots of people, for the company, but I find it untenable to play D&D 3.5e or PF1e with more than 5 players, and 4 + GM would be best...
I would like to play some Pathfinder APs, but most probably not with PF1e because APs go to high level and character bu9ilds just reach a point where to challenge the players I have to risk character death, which does not make for a good "we lived an adventure" story.
I find Dungeon World to have a good amount of the D&D flavor and customization options without the raw number crunching. Disclaimer: DW is one of my favorite systems.
It also emphasizes story beats over dice rolling combats, which you may or may not think is an advantage.
I like DW in concept, but the amount of player's influence over what's going on makes it almost impossible to play published PF adventures with it. Also, that's a thing this player loathes, he doesn't want to have to influence the story in author stance.
I also don't think I'd ever be a good "PbtA" GM/MC/etc.
Sometimes I'm just hoping PF2e scratches enough of his itches while still being manageable by me as the DM to really work, but I have no PF2e experience.
So I'd like to understand what he does like about 3.5e and what he disliked about 4e to make an informed decision
Obvious question: what about 5e?
In many ways, it's a streamlined version of 3.5
Oof, if there's trouble with the amount of moving parts in Pathfinder, that is not a thing that goes down in Pathfinder 2.
@JoelHarmon I don't like it. Too much GM work in adjudicating rulings IMO
@Glazius Player said "why does every class gets something every level? I just want to take feats and be done with it" (also liked clerics not being proficient in heavy armor but there's ways to get that back)
hey there btw @Zachiel, how've things been?
Ups and downs and it's 1 AM so I'm going to bed now
"Dice substitute for Jenga towers" a thread by the Wretched & Alone Jam community
@BESW Huh. Feels a lot like The Sun's Ransom.
Well, in the "here's a massive pile of dice to roll but eventually they'll all be gone" sense.
Oh, the 100d6 thing, yes.
I like having two different paths to failure, but neither the tower nor a hundred dice really work for me.
Hmm. One of the things I've liked about Dread is the ability for somebody to break the tension and go out on purpose to reset the tower. In a solo journaling game delimited by a Jenga tower that doesn't really seem like an option.

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