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Q: It is legal to adapt a video game franchise into tabletop RPG for private use?

Anduin WrynnIf a video game franchise like Warcraft, Dota, Diablo, StarCraft gets converted to tabletop RPG, will this require a license from owners if this RPG is private only?

Aaron Lim announced on twitter the sign-up for his newsletter of "gamemaking nonsense."
Something From Your Lover by Maria Mison. a generative intimate romance game, of connecting to soulmates
Maria Mison wrote a twitter thread about writing romantic solo RPGs and the audience response to them.
posted on May 13, 2022 by Bardic Wizard

I had all these ideas, but somehow I just have no motivation to write this week. I have a thing, a gaming thing. It is almost done, but I don’t know how to get to the point where it’s done. I am so close. It just doesn’t want to be finished. So today, I’m going to whine about discuss the DMC numbering system for floss colors, and complain about all the better options explore ways that it could

@BESW good advice
How do
With difficulty
More instruction required
@Ben Principles of manual typesetting, a thread by DAI Shugars.
What is?
A twitter thread of things I should've learned in college.
This is going over my head haha
Cam Banks shared on twitter the range categories for the James Cameron's Titanic RPG.
@AncientSwordRage I appear to have lost or misplaced my Pirate and Dragons book (It's not very big) so I'll need to look again in a few days. Hope I have not lost it.
"Kieron Gillen on How the DIE RPG Brings the Heartbreaking Comic to Life" by Linda Codega for Gizmodo. Gillen and designer Grant Howitt tell us how meta-narratives, mind-body problems, and player freedom are at the heart of the RPG adaptation of hit comic DIE.
Aaron Lim wrote a twitter thread about "what can tabletop rpgs learn from lego sets (besides "license everything")"
5 hours later…
Demon Abominating Gnoll - A Hyaenidae Background for Troika! Numinous Edition by Seamus Conneely. Kill demons with their own bones, find your place in the spheres!
2 hours later…
@KorvinStarmast no worried
@BESW I love this. Along with Yuan-Ti, they're one of my favourite races
@Ben me too
but I think that's ok
Q: Running a oneshot for a group with no TTRPG experience

HFOrangefishI'm running a short Pathfinder session for a group that is interested in TTRPGs but has no prior experience in it. What may be some particular issues that I should keep in mind, specifically for a group as green as this one?

1 hour later…
A: How is the community doing? [2022]

David Allan FinchAs far as I can see, my reasons for no longer posting here have not changed. I come back every few weeks and up/down tick question or answers of interest to me, but can no longer see the point in actually using the site in any other way. There are better forums when if you ask a question you are ...

probably worth paying attention to ^
1 hour later…
@BESW I'm thinking my word for the count down in my system be something like 'candle'. But I love your idea of putting tokens into a cup, so I might give the players a shared cup, and the obstacles (items, groups of enemies, etc) cups as well
@AncientSwordRage Yeah, that tracks. I don't ask questions here for a lot of reasons, but a sufficient reason would be that asking about anything except D&D requires fielding walruses who think knowing how the Stack works replaces needing to know anything about the game I'm asking about.
When it's more important to know how to ask a question, than to have a question to ask... well.
And the last time I saw a game creator weigh in their own game here, they got immediately lectured and downvoted about not answering in exactly the right formula.
(I don't think this is an rpg.se problem; it's a Stack problem. To pretend otherwise would be like blaming the DM for the ranger class.)
@AncientSwordRage Ah, is this in response to the Wisdom Zone dump?
and depending on the player's actions they can either work towards defeating the obstacle (some concept of HP/disposition or similar) by removing tokens from that cup (and adding it to the shared players cup?) or you can delay the obstacle resolving by giving it a toke from your shared cup
@BESW Partly! Heavily informed at least
@AncientSwordRage Same on both counts. ...we should make a setting with nothing but snake people and hyena people.
@BESW I'd love it
@BESW this all makes me sad
there's a bunch of users on Sci-Fi who are experts in downloading the ebook, and finding a quote that answers the question
One of my last entirely custom D&D settings was All Elves All The Time Everywhere, with "racial" variation being "D&D has more different kinds of elves than I can keep track of, just use one of them," and yuan-ti being an alchemically-induced transformation of elves.
some go so far as to say stuff like "This <film question> isn't worth answering, it was so bad it didn't even get a novelisation"
@BESW cool!
This sort of layout/system but I don't think I've 'balanced' it correctly
You want to
a) empty your Group cup (when empty you get to activate cool powers)
b) stop the obstacle cup emptying because then they get cool powers/have a negative resolution
c) add to your skill pool to get bonuses to actions
so for instance a bomb with a timer might get 3 tokens in it's cup and a pair of security guards might get 5
if the bomb gets to 0 it explodes, but the only way to defuse it with confront actions
If the guards get to 0 they might draw guns, and get access to a "Shoot the Players" action
the Control action should give the obstacle penalties to future rolls, and maneuverer should give you bonuses?
not sure
Q: What does it mean that an ancient blue dragon's wing attack costs 2 actions?

Rock StoneWhat does it mean that an ancient blue dragon's wing attack costs 2 actions? Doesn't a dragon get one action on its turn like everyone else, whether it's a multi-attack, casting a spell, or using its breath weapon?

2 hours later…
Q: New Character on Player Character Death, what level?

BucketI have just had a character death. The party are 14th level but there is little to no chance of resurrection etc (and not sure the player would want to anyway), the character was the party Cleric and there are no nearby Cleric that could or would do it. What level would it be most appropriate for...

2 hours later…
@AncientSwordRage Yeah, as written nothing positive happens when you confront. What's that supposed to do?
@Glazius damage
You're racing their hp/disposition Vs their fuse/countdown
I should probably track that 🤔
Are you familiar with Genesys?
or the "otherkind dice" system that powers PSI*RUN and inspired other projects like Mesopotamians?
Basically what I'm saying is that this seems like an outcome matrix that favors a multidimensional die roll but maybe the dimensions are different depending on the action type.
like with otherkind, you'd roll your pool and assign one die to Group, one to Obstacle, one to Skill, and one to Effect, and depending on how high the dice were something different would happen to each of them.
you could say that your highest die has to wind up in effect for confront, obstacle for delay, group for control, and skill for move; that would slant the output without making anything necessarily inevitable
and if obstacle needs a higher die to "stay neutral" than any of the other pools that would effectively create downward pressure on it
@Glazius this is interesting but not quite the game space I'm poking at ... I think.. 🤔
What you're describing sounds interesting though
I'll have to read it a few times to absorb it
2 hours later…
@AncientSwordRage now that I see what you are driving at, the Dubloon system from Pirates and Dragons probably won't suffice ... but I'll check that {censored} book when I finally find it.
@KorvinStarmast thanks again

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