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Crowdfunding: OVERISLES by Hatchlings Games. A campaign setting for INSPIRISLES, our groundbreaking tabletop roleplaying game (ttrpg) that teaches British and American sign language. Building on the success of our first outing, OVERISLES will continue to promote empathy, cooperation and Deaf awareness.
Savior From The Sky by Justin Joyce. Battle giant monsters before they destroy the city.
Baby's First RPG by ehronlime. You are Babies. Your goal is to operate a rocket-propelled-grenade (RPG) to take out the tank menacing your village.
Our Haunt by Rae Nedjadi. A creepy-cozy TTRPG about a found family of ghosts and their haunted home.
Rae Nedjadi wrote a twitter thread "to talk about what I love about" Our Haunt.
Pidj Sorenson asks on twitter "What's your favourite mechanic you've used in a game before?"
The Lost and the Jammed - PREORDER by Tom Mecredy and Zachary Cox. A three stat, high lethality dungeon-crawling game filled with strange and esoteric firearms, wandering gunslinger-mystics and high-calibre monsters threatening to overwhelm the last strongholds of civilisation.
Evil Hat Productions reminded its audience on twitter that "If you enjoy our games, note that they are: Created by trans people, illustrated by trans artists, and produced by the parents and allies of trans people."
Update on game system: I've identified a way for the group to define multiple clear goals that don't require violence, but which may not all be mutually achievable. Lethal obstacles get overcome nonlethally, but the question is whether/which goals are advanced or hindered in the process.
Weird Jam Satellite hosted by mv. A jam about nonsensical maps inspired by Weird Spy Satellite.
whaddya do to ping someone? just type "ping the_person" ?
If they're pingable; @<username>
You can type @ and then begin typing the person's name. If the chat interface gives you an auto-complete option for their name, that person has been in the room recently enough that @[name] will ping them.
Though I'm guessing you were looking for me, so *wave*
lol yeah
appreciate your ... help? and patience towards my ignorance to the site :P
guidance, better word I guess
@TrexxæByte see chat.stackexchange.com/faq#notifications for more information
thanks again lol but I haven't played table top D&D since I was much younger... but I DID enjoy it, and have always loved RPG games. Regardless, I don't think I belong here lol ... so, again, thank you for guiding me as I bumped into walls, tripped over 'threads' .. stumbling around the forum
:) thanks @bobble I'll check it out
hmm so the chat rooms are somewhat new... or a work in progress.
thanks @bobble ... better hang out in the sandbox a while with my shovel and pale :P
cya all
It's been in beta since 2016
And hasn't gotten much love - we're largely stuck with the current state of things
Get Into TTRPGs Bundle by kumada1 and 50 others. Whether you're completely new or a hobby veteran, the 73 TTRPGs here cover a wide range of genre and styles, from heroic fantasy adventure to pizza delivery survival horror
@BESW That would be cool :) I know nothing about Fari App as a platform, though
I haven't used Fari App yet but it looks like one of the most Fate-friendly digital tables I've seen.
@TrexxæByte You may also find some relevant info by searching the questions on Meta Stack Exchange with the [chat] tag.
@BESW 73 RPGs for $25? Not bad :)
@BESW Ooh, looks interesting. Thanks for the link!
One disclaimer about my running Fate though: I'm not the best choice for introducing what Fate is "like" because I'm probably incapable of running it "out of the box" anymore, I've integrated so many drifts and hacks and personal variants into my style. On the other hand, that adaptability is central to the Fate experience and every table should be a bit different.
1 hour later…
Q: Can you apply more than one Sword of Wounding wound per round?

AndrendireThe description for Sword of Wounding states the following: Once per turn, when you hit a creature with an attack using this magic weapon, you can wound the target. At the start of each of the wounded creature’s turns, it takes 1d4 necrotic damage for each time you’ve wounded it. "Once per turn"...

Currently rolling death saves, failed my first
To celebrate the anniversary of Across RPGSEA, there is an Ask Me Anything event on twitter.
"8 Tabletop Roleplaying Games to Help You Navigate the Afterlife" by Linda Codega for Gizmodo. It’s dangerous being undead. Take these games with you.
DISTILLED & FOCUSED: a themed quarterly RPG zine of many voices Distilled & Focused is a creative and collaborative publication, intended to amplify underrepresented and newer voices in the RPG world. Be it art or game design, Distilled & Focused is a diverse and inclusive place for voices to be heard.
Q: If a character's body is affected by the Forbiddance or Private Sanctum spells, would it prevent the Astral Projection spell from working?

Nael S. GonzálezBoth the Forbiddance and Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum spells prevent planar travel in the area of the spell, but does that prevent Astral Projection? More specifically: Can I cast effectively Astral Projection (and return through the silver cord) while the physical body is under the effect of t...

I'm reading Blades in the Dark again as research for my current project, and I keep getting impressed by how Evil Hat uses each book to iterate on its explanations and practices.
> What the other players will need to do, though, is buy into the idea of the game. Tell them it’s a game about daring scoundrels in a haunted industrial-fantasy city. Mention a few touchstones that they’re familiar with (see the list below).
“It’s kind of like 'Peaky Blinders,' but there’s also some weird magical stuff and ghosts.” If their eyes haven’t lit up yet, maybe this game isn’t going to click with them. That’s fine. You can always play a different game with that person some other time. You want to have full buy-in from your players.
> When you create a clock, make it about the obstacle, not the method. The clocks for an infiltration should be “Interior Patrols” and “The Tower,” not “Sneak Past the Guards” or “Climb the Tower.” The patrols and the tower are the obstacles—the PCs can attempt to overcome them in a variety of ways.
I'm inverting clocks to be about goals rather than obstacles, but I think the principle remains.
3 hours later…
@BESW that's interesting
2 hours later…
Looks like it would be fun to play that
@AncientSwordRage Which, Blades In the Dark?
1 hour later…
@BESW your game with inverted clocks
Ah, yes.
It's getting more complex than I'd planned!
2 hours later…
The grammar tool in google docs repeatedly wants to replace "expended die" with "expanded due" but "add the expanded due to the damage roll" isn't quite what I'm trying to say
I'm currently convincing Google Docs that robofauna is a word.
3 hours later…
@BESW crunchcrunchcrunchcrunchcrunch
@BESW my short story for my D&d character has Icelandic words... I never stood a chance
today's quordle is rude and absolutely unfair
i got it, but i had a lot of lucky guesses that went right and it was still close
@Yuuki Got it at 7/5/8/9. That was indeed a rough one.
the lower half was just... i don't fault anyone for not getting those
@Yuuki :I go 3/4 again...
like i said, today was rough and you should feel good about getting 3/4. the bottom half is brutal
kinda weird to use "brutal" to describe a word puzzle, but yeah
@Yuuki I'm finding it amusing were all avoiding a certain word though. Thought that was funny.
Thorough user of thesaurus throughout this dialogue
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer, pattern-matching email in answer, potentially bad ns for domain in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (264): How much should NPCs charge for spells cast as services to PCs?‭ by Albert Washington‭ on rpg.SE (@Rubiksmoose @ThomasMarkov @linksassin)
2 hours later…
@SmokeDetector 360,000,000 million is a lot of dollars.
2 hours later…
Q: How do I ask this question without it being closed as opinion-based?

JackThis is a perfect example of a question I believe that our community has valuable, expert answers to, and yet after 6 years and 20,000 xp, I don't know how to ask it without it getting closed as opinion-based. I want good-subjective answers, not just speculation, but answers based on experience....

@Yuuki now I have to try it
That was trick

def thought I wasn't going to get it

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