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Leona Neelam wrote a twitter thread about aftercare techniques for handling drop from TTRPG sessions.
A: How do I model the fighter's Great Weapon Fighting fighting style in Anydice?

Dale MIt's a common mistake with anydice to look for a procedural solution- anydice models dice. Therefore cast your problem as "What does the dice look like that gives the answer?" Think about how Great Weapon Fighting works with a d8. We are potentially rolling 2 8 sided dice so our result die has 8...

Ty I'll check
1 hour later…
@Someone_Evil I see that there's a discrepancy, but I don't know how to fix it.
And more to say: I see the difference in our code, but I don't understand the differences in how the engine executes our code.
2 hours later…
FSohns wrote The TTRPG art production monsterthread on twitter. "This thread is born out of years of seeing a massive gap between the solidarity extended to per-word remunerated artists in the space and those working on the illustration side of things."
"Solo But Not Alone 2 Bundle Sale - Part #1" on Hessan's County. Today I discuss three games that would be a good place to start if you decide to pick up the Solo but not Alone 2 Bundle on itch.io to raise money for Jasper's Game Day.
4 hours later…
I have a D&D question but no non-D&D question to ask as well ...
@AncientSwordRage What TRPG products has Shannon Kao illustrated?
What mechanical changes were made to Cthulhu Dark during its re-write?
Maybe something about what group aftercare looks like for online games?
I'd like to ask one I would want answered so I know how to accept an answer.
@BESW it's a contender
Group aftercare would have to be either discussed with the group or quite theoretical...
@goodguy5 Define your GWFDIE as {{1..2}:2, {3..6}:8}
I think the reason is that anydice expands the d6's as their sequence {1..6} and then concats with the rest, so the probabilities is all out of whack
@BESW the second of those two blogs on religion and clerics in rpgs reads a lot like the piety system from the Theros setting in D&D 5e
1 hour later…
@AncientSwordRage I've integrated the Theros piety system into a homebrew setting game, it was pretty cool
It's a really good replacement for alignment as a role playing tool.
Not sure that's a high bar to pass
Yeah. Alignment isn't super useful as a prescriptive tool, but the piety system seems to be. It gives the player something less arbitrary to grab onto.
@ThomasMarkov What is it, in a nutshell?
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica It's a point system where each session you award a point if the character acted in a manner consistent with the deity's goals/morals/whatever. It recommends awarding one point per session unless something big is accomplished.
Then there are a few tiers of boons from the deity at different point totals.
The Theros book has pretty detailed guidance on each deity so that things are less arbitrary than with alignment.
@ThomasMarkov I only skimmed the second article, did you read it? How does it compare?
@ThomasMarkov So it's firmly on the 'piety is whatever the gods decide' horn of the Euthyphro question, do I understand that correctly?
Do we have a question that talks about why a pearl is used as a material component to D&D's identify spell? (Like, what's the inside joke, or lore it's referencing?) I would have sworn we did, but can't find one. (cc:@KorvinStarmast, who might just know off the top of his head!)
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica implicitly, as that is how gods work in the setting
@Someone_Evil Awesome yea. thanks. I'll add that in
@nitsua60 @vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica Are you familiar with Theros? Reading up on that might answer a bunch of your questions
@nitsua60 we do
I'm certain
@AncientSwordRage Unfamiliar. I should take a look. Which Q&A do you mean I should read for that though?
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica well, just the source book really or the novels would help you immensly
Ah, I misunderstood. Sorry.
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica it happens to the best of us
It is now my justification for the creation of the mage hand and prestidigitation spells — SeriousBri Jan 14 '21 at 16:12
I've just closed two questions as dupes (here and here) if someone doesnt mind checking behind me to confirm.
@nitsua60 I think the reference is to "a pearl of wisdom" and someone (maybe SSD?) had folded that into either an answer or a comment a few years ago. here is my answer on Identify from a while back
@ThomasMarkov looks ok at a glance
A: What is the point of a spell component pouch?

Brian Ballsun-StantonIt's a relic of earlier systems. From the "Dungeonomicon:" Material Components: A Joke Gone Way Out of Hand Material components are a joke. I'm not saying that they are metaphorically a joke in that they don't act as a consistent or adequate limiting factor to spellcasting, I mean that they are ...

> Most material components are based on technological gags, when you cast scrying you are literally supposed to grab yourself a "specially treated" mirror, some wire, and some lemons – which is to say that you make a TV set to watch your target on and then power it with an archaic battery. [...] Get it? You're making the effects MacGuyver style and then claiming that it's "magic" after the fact. Are you laughing yet?
Fitness news: I'm back up to squatting 70kg, and in a month or two I'll be breaking the 100kg barrier even if this progression doesn't quite stay linear. I'm feeling good about this.
@ThomasMarkov I'll be picking up a belt near that point for safety. So far doing well without it.
@doppelgreener That is awesome
It feels awesome!
Happy Valentines day all
Happy valentine's!
❤'s all around
4 hours later…
hey guys
@Catofdoom2 Hello Catofdoom
happy love day
@ThomasMarkov hows you day going??
@Catofdoom2 It's alright, got an appointment tomorrow with the chiro for a chronic injury that I irritated this morning.
@ThomasMarkov do you have anyone to spend the day with?
@Catofdoom2 I share an office with my boss. We get along well.
@ThomasMarkov i meant in the context of love day
@Catofdoom2 Yep, definitely not with my boss.
I've a wife and children.
so your wife, so you're not alone for loveday
Saint Valentine was .. as a temple priest who was beheaded near Rome by the emperor Claudius II for helping Christian couples wed. A different account claims Valentine was the Bishop of Terni, also martyred by Claudius II on the outskirts of Rome. Because of the similarities of these accounts, it’s thought they may refer to the same person
@KorvinStarmast are we absoultly sure he was real at all?
@Catofdoom2 I mean, we're sure that there was a guy
@Catofdoom2 Yes, the question is "which one was it?" and that's somewhat unsure hence my offered link.
There was no internet and thus no wayback machine in the second and third centuries.
@goodguy5 but what if it was a legend or story that people made
@Catofdoom2 I mean, what if I'm a legend or a story that people made.
@Catofdoom2 The existence of the two candidates is well documented.
@Catofdoom2 In 1969 the uncertainty as to person was part of why St Valentine's inclusion in certain liturgies was discontinued.
people loved making stories back then so theres very little way to tell if the story is true
I can be of no further help
even if it's 101% factual no one celebrated this until very recent history
@Catofdoom2 I'm 101% sure it was celebrated at least as far back as last year
@AncientSwordRage |:
Cat, it seems like you're just looking to pick at the day. what's up, m8
It looks like two people we know existed, and a third who probably existed, their deeds are relatively well documented but probably embellished, and no one is sure which one the day is really associated with because it's probably all of them.
@goodguy5 honestly man, i never really liked the day and have no one to spend it with. i know, i know, that is dumb and childish and pathetic but overall i find that people make a bigger deal out of it then necessary
i find if you want to give gifts you just should and i also find that they shouldn't be mandatory like val-tines seems to do
@Catofdoom2 It's just a commercialized holiday to help remind you to do something nice and an excuse to buy things.
It's like Mother's day, etc.
I don't love Valentine's day, but it's a nice "excuse" for a lot of people to do something nice (especially parents).
@goodguy5 but they shouldn't need a day they should be kind to one another without a day and i shouldn't get yelled at if i don't get you something
@Catofdoom2 you're right, if you don't want to participate, that shouldn't be an issue with you and your partner as long as it's discussed.
My wife and I do pizza and a movie and no gift, preferably a small act of service.
that sounds pretty nice
just hangin' out
@goodguy5 well life has been kinda shitty allround for me as of late so its easier to have a day to attack
I get it. Attack away ^_^
Singles Awareness Day (or Singles Appreciation Day) is celebrated on February 15 each year. It is an unofficial holiday celebrated by single people. It serves as a complement to Valentine's Day for people who are single, and not married or in a romantic relationship. It is a celebration of love in all forms recognizing the love between friends, family and loving yourself. Some people who observe Singles Awareness Day do so out of spite for Valentine's Day, as a Hallmark holiday, or for other reasons.Singles awareness day is also referred to as an antithesis of Valentine's Day, especially wh...
@goodguy5 sounds nice... But I don't celebrate it at all. Happy for other to do so though
@goodguy5 that cute
I got my daughters little gifts
@goodguy5 if i'm being real with you i don't have much love of any kind in my life
not complaining of course just stating
@ThomasMarkov that's nice when they're young they appercite it and at that point it's like christmas giving without exppecting somthing in return
this is mainly just me complaining like a bitch LOL
anything else anyone wants to talk about?
@Catofdoom2 self-care/love is important too
Did anybody watch the superb owls last night?
@AncientSwordRage i don't have that...
@AncientSwordRage went to sleep before half time.
@Catofdoom2 it's not have/have not thing... It's like a muscle you work on
@ThomasMarkov being in the UK, I found out about it after it had started
@Catofdoom2 That's really tough, man (correct me on pronouns if needed). I get it. It can be a good time to work on yourself. You can't be happy with someone else if you're not happy with yourself.
@goodguy5 i'm so depressed... it sucks
@Catofdoom2 it does Indeed (not talking from personal experience here btw)
@Catofdoom2 Oh yea, I've been fighting being depressed for a little while now. Covid. Parenting is hard. Stress from work/move/etc. Expecting another goodbaby this fall has the wife feeling a little rough around the edges.
@goodguy5 i honestly don't care about pronouns just thought i'd address that quickly
Somebody drew my current D&D character btw
@AncientSwordRage oooohhhh
I've done some playing with artflow.ai, I don't remember who linked it.
Not as dwarfy as I'd imagined but I'm still pleased
Not at all surprised by the "no beard" comments
I didn't notice she was a dwarf tbh, until the nobeard comments
but that looks awesome!
weirdly, she reminds me of someone I went to college with.
@goodguy5 for no reason... how long would i have to be gone for you to assume i died?
@goodguy5 I had the same feeling...
That's double weird?
@Catofdoom2 I'm going to guess you're younger than me, so probably after I'm dead and gone?
@Catofdoom2 how honest of an answer do you want?
@goodguy5 all of it
@ThomasMarkov me neither
to me, you're an internet stranger. we come and go all the time, I wouldn't assume you died any more than I would assume.... uh...... idk, rubiksmoose had died, or someone else I haven't spoken to on here.

Or any number of the users that pop in and ask one question and then never interact with the site again
I don't think that's what got the part locked though
@AncientSwordRage i believe you said you're married so i'd guess so also
@Catofdoom2 that's fair, I'm not planning on passing away anytime soon btw
@AncientSwordRage @goodguy5 @ThomasMarkov still Here?
@Catofdoom2 sort of
@Catofdoom2 that really stinks
@AncientSwordRage your a mod right?
can you remove those 3
@Catofdoom2 sure
the one below it also please
thanks thats all
I'm working as far as I can 😅
no, no, thats good, thanks
All good now @Catofdoom2?
yes thanks
Nice, mischief managed ☺️
@AncientSwordRage what does that mean?
I took a moment away from helping my wife, so I will need to head back soon
@Catofdoom2 it's a quote from Harry potter
@AncientSwordRage can i ask you one more thing??
The character's use to hide the magic in a map
@Catofdoom2 sure thing
do you use Xbox or twitch?
@Catofdoom2 This made me chuckle
I tired to get into watching twitch but I'm never free when people stream
It can be read like youre only choices are xbox or twitch
which wouldnt make sense
i stream at really random times so maybe? idk
@ThomasMarkov they're the only only choices... i deleted all the others
It's very cool that you stream, I'd consider it myself if I had the time
only forms of entertainment left
@Catofdoom2 It reminded me of a question I used to ask to confuse other kids:
"Do you pack your lunch or walk to school?"
@AncientSwordRage it's not anything professel by any means but if you stopped by and said hi i'd apperacate it
@Catofdoom2 plus chat
As though they were mutually exclusive options and everyone did one or the other.
@Catofdoom2 I'd definitely consider it
@AncientSwordRage bye
@ThomasMarkov you watch twitch??
@Catofdoom2 Nope.
@ThomasMarkov maybe you'd want to?
@Catofdoom2 Not really my cup of tea.
@ThomasMarkov k
Why was I summoned?
i didn't summon you but i'll ask anyways... @goodguy5
@goodguy5 would you like to stop by my twitch stream??
@goodguy5 later i mean
@BSteinhurst hi...
@AncientSwordRage Yes, I enjoyed it, most of the commercials were lame though.
@Catofdoom2 I'm back but not for long
@goodguy5 glitch in the matrix probably
are you guys private messaging or something? i don't see what we're talking about
@Catofdoom2 what do you play on twitch?
@Catofdoom2 it's a reply to an oooold message
@Catofdoom2 Folks are replying to older messages in the chat
@AncientSwordRage I honestly play whatever but primarly fallout 4 as of late
also deadbydaylight
i take requests sometimes however.
@AncientSwordRage @AncientSwordRage any requests? lol
@Catofdoom2 I mostly used to watch people playing MTG Arena 🤷🏻‍♂️
I couldn't find you on twitch btw
i believe its just my name again
it might be Cat_of_doom7 tho
@Catofdoom2 'tis that indeed
@AncientSwordRage can you tell me what the streams mainly are to confirm??
@BESW can confirm that Murderbot is good :D finally got ahead enough on my homework that I could set aside time to read All Systems Red
@bobble what?
Jan 31 at 0:49, by BESW
@bobble The Murderbot stories are good.
That's not a message meant for you, just wanted to ping BESW
@Catofdoom2 doesn't show any
@AncientSwordRage i don't even know my own name lol
@Catofdoom2 lol
@AncientSwordRage can names have spaces on twitch?
hi @Yuuki
@V2Blast hello
@Yuuki @V2Blast @AncientSwordRage can you guys help me look for somthing?
by no means do i have a proficiency in survival or investigation checks, but i can give it a shot
that took me a second to get
@Yuuki quite humorous
@Yuuki i don't rember my twitch name. i could find it in about 2 hours but it would be nice if you could find it for me
oh, i thought you were looking from something TRPG related
i... can't exactly help you with finding your twitch name
@Yuuki do you have twitch??
depends on what you mean. i assume you mean the streaming service, so no
@Yuuki :(
@Catofdoom2 🤷🏻‍♂️ try logging in?
I'll be here when it find it so no rush
@AncientSwordRage are you sure? it'll be severel hours
The only reason I ever got a Twitch account was to access DDB.
@Catofdoom2 I've been on the site for over 10 years... I'm not going anywhere
@AncientSwordRage you won't go to bed?
Unless you mean, will I've here the precise moment you find the account in which case I can't guarantee anything
@Catofdoom2 yeah, but Insha'Allah I'll wake up the next morning so... 🤷🏻‍♂️
@AncientSwordRage it should be 2 or 3 hours at max
@AncientSwordRage do you think you'll be online at that moment?
I'll probably be up still
Not sure if I'll be online
I'll see your message in less that 24 hours probably
okay, well I'll try to message you when i get the chance
same for anyone else who wants it. just let me know
@AncientSwordRage any requests for games btw?
@AncientSwordRage if not i'll be playing my new fallout 4 charater
Fallout 4 sounds just fine
@AncientSwordRage i'll be on soon
"A Thorough Look at Skill Challenges" (Part I: The Rules) and (Part II: Analysis), essays on A Knight At The Opera. (Note: very D&D-centric)
@bobble Excellent! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Q: How to get the most out of my teleporting

Salami-tsunamiAs an eladrin from Mtof, I have access to the fey step ability. I have already decided to take at least a couple levels of rogue. Assuming I can multi-class my character, is there any way to get the range of that teleport up? If not, is there a way to improve its "once per short rest" status?

@AncientSwordRage its cat_of_doom7
i'm not streaming yet just telling you
@Catofdoom2 👍🏻
I'll be happy when my mystery jaw pain stops
@AncientSwordRage My mystery jaw pain is usually either from displaced sinus pain, or from clenching my jaws too much.
M Veselak wrote a twitter thread about romance in Yazeba's Bed & Breakfast
@BESW it's possibly the former, but I did have a tooth fall out recently so 🤷🏻‍♂️
Correlation doesn't imply causation, but sometimes it should.
@BESW it was find for a while, maybe nature is returning so to speak...
i'll start streaming in about 2 hours
anyone that wants to stop in feel free
okay bye

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