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@ThomasMarkov Because it isn't the kind of question that displays our site well. I read the question and my instincts were telling me that was the the kind of thing that is a thinly disguised rant or posted while OP was upset and the actual issue is unclear. From experience those types of posts attract the kind of network attention we don't want, low quality answers, sensationalist drama. Often we would end up protecting or removing from HNQ anyway. So I pre-empted it.
And I'm going to follow that up with a polite request. Please don't make a habit of double checking and following up on mod actions. We take action where necessary to the best of our judgement. Please trust that if I do something I had a good reason. I'll try to be as transparent as I can, but having to explain or justify everything I do doubles the workload of mod activities.
Eric Silver wrote a twitter thread of Jewish TRPG content.
"How to RPG with Your Cat turns your feline friend into a furry d20" article by Matt Jarvis for Dicebreaker. Make your purring pal a character, dungeon meowster or even the die itself using the upcoming RPG - roleplaying pet game - book.
"House Rules" A collection of stories about how people play games. (not many TRPGs yet but you can submit your own!)
Villainous Volume I, The Widow of Roses - Campaign BBEG by A Couple of Drakes. A Calculating Villain, Monsters, Treasure, and Hooks for your favorite Fantasy TTRPG
Lay On Hands Jam hosted by Alfred Valley. Want to make a TTRPG that uses real-life activities for action resolution?
3 hours later…
Q: How to handle breath weapon recharge when combat is interrupted?

TaliesinI have a question about monster abilities that recharge, like a dragon’s breath weapon. Is the ability considered “charged” on the first round of combat, no roll required? If the answer to that is “yes,” what’s to prevent a dragon from swooping down from a great height, breathing fire on a party,...

2 hours later…
Q: Is there any lore regarding the calendar of Sigil?

CooperFor the sake of keeping track of my campaign, I've been looking for any guidance regarding the structure of a year in Sigil. In my searching, I've found a wiki page associated with a Neverwinter Nights roleplay server, but this page doesn't have any sources listed. I'm aware that the time of day ...

Q: Can Transmute Rock to Mud be cast on both ceiling and floor if they are within 40 feet of each other?

Guillaume F.The level 5 spell Transmute Rock of Wizards and Druid can be used to Transmute Rock to Mud: You choose an area of stone or mud that you can see that fits within a 40-foot cube and is within range, and choose one of the following effects. Transmute Rock to Mud. Nonmagical rock of any sort in the ...

5 hours later…
Do closed questions no longer enter review queues after their first edit?
Finally found something on it, I guess it's body edits only
A: Lots of questions in the reopen queue

Shog9On September 6th, 2013, the automatic triggers for putting questions into the reopen queue changed. They were tweaked repeatedly over the years and, as of December 20th, 2019, a closed question will automatically be added to the reopen queue when it is... ...Edited (body edits only) within 70 da...

Apparently if you were one of the people who voted to close a question, your edits can't send it into the review queue
@Medix2 if you are curious about my recent edit, I exploited a review-queue feature to prevent it going into the queue.
Apparently you didn't even have to since you voted to close it
Also, what sort of exploit?
It is not an exploit, it is exploiting a feature. That of the checkmark in the queue, whether the edit resolves the original problems of closure.
I would 100% say exploiting a feature is, by definition, an exploit XD
The feature is working as intended :)
But yeah TIL I can edit questions I close freely
I kinda want to test this to see if it's really true ngl
What part do you want to test?
Whether editing questions I close voted less than 70 days ago actually doesn't send them into the review queue
And apparently if I edit a question and that edit sends it into the review queue and then I cast a reopen vote on the question, I actually remove it from the queue 0_0
I truly don't understand that design choice
@AncientSwordRage Feature request?
Oh they fixed this behavior, yay source
@linksassin If I may +10 to this, offering the diamond mods our good faith in their judgment is not a big ask. They don't need back seat drivers.
Okay finally found an update post with presumably current reopen review queue behaviors
Gosh I wish we could bounty on Meta
Sorting bookmarks would be a feature that would save so much time.
I feel like I can bookmark 30 things in total and any more bookmarks make the search more complicated.
Yeah I gave up on bookmarks and just keep my own list
Yeah I gave up on bookmarks and just keep my own list
@Medix2 If a question asks "are there bad things Im not thinking of here", asking "are you allowed to [bad thing they didnt think of]" isnt a clarification question, it's an answer.
I cannot, in good conscience, put that as an answer when I don't know if it works in the first place
But I will go edit my comments now to be less, idk, sneaky?
This is not a homebrew review the querent is asking about hombrewing in a design space.
I deleted some of my comments.
And those questions are on-topic.
@Akixkisu Right, but we can't move the goal posts with such questions.
Which question?
@NautArch the "brief stun" question.
@Akixkisu I posted an answer outlining a potential abuse based on what the question had, and then OP edited in a clarification saying "you cant do [what TM's answer says]"
@ThomasMarkov I think that your rollback was appropriate.
If we leave the question as-is and say that there isn't any exact text yet, I think it's probably fine
I think giving them a chance to update is fine, posting the answer may have been premature.
@NautArch I'll wait for them to respond with a feature text or to state there isnt one yet before doing anything else.
@KorvinStarmast at some point
k i moved the goal posts back to their original position.
@ThomasMarkov put that thing back where it came from, or so help meeeeeee!
Argh. Should they ask a new question or update the original. THey sure seem like the same question.
@G.Moylan duhm duhm duhm 🎶
tbh, let's just delete the old one.
@AncientSwordRage It's still a work in progress
anyone else okay with just deleting the original and moving on?
Seems like the easiest route.
I'd just update the original, but that's my opinion.
We did ask for more details, and now we have them.
That's fine too.
My Mad Mage group fumbled their way into what looks like a TPK last night.
@NautArch As in, it would take some Deus Ex Machina nonsense to not kill them?
@ThomasMarkov Pretty much. I had thought about capture...but they had basically wiped out the other drow settlement and are not well-liked.
They also have are persona non grata with Xanathar's Guild.
Just going into the dungeon and getting down to the level they are on is dangerous because of the enemies they have made.
They're currently in a 5' wide hallway with Black Tentacles between them and the Drow and Insect Cloud on the other side. One of them went through the tentacles but no others did. That one went down to a drow crossbow bolt poison.
And they're all lined up in that hallway...for the drow mage who has lightning bolt.
@ThomasMarkov "Casters with dex save spells using your action succeeding as the trigger for their readied spells." Wat?
Say you have the stun for one turn action.
You can't ready a spell and use your action
Like, the stun takes your action and so does Readying, so you'd need two actions, right?
On my turn, I ready my disintegrate for after your stun move succeeds.
Two people.
One stuns, the other readies.
Teamwork, the bane of my existence
@illustro did you change your profile image to a different color and pattern?
also dont those images have a name?
Gravatar? Hash?
@bobble what are the default profile images called
We should get a definitive answer when they log in.
I mean, I'm fairly certain it's gravatar
Ah, yes, that's it.
@Medix2 well you can bounty on meta.se!
@doppelgreener Yeah, I just wanted to bounty this one, ended up just writing my own answer
@ThomasMarkov I've never set a profile image, so I have the default one generated by the network. However I access the site from work and home, and work happens to have a VPN in a different country (which I understand is one of the criteria for the stack gravatar implementation). As a result my profile image changes regularly on it's own.
@Medix2 well, now i also wish i could bounty meta
@illustro that's pretty neat.
For one April Fool's it was a unicorn generator
The standard is an Identicon
@doppelgreener Yeah I already upvoted this feature request from 7 years ago too
It poses a small privacy risk (Using Gravatar, not that feature-request)
@ThomasMarkov how would you rate the bobble look-up service? Giving five stars will help us reach more happy customers! ;)
@bobble Well, I only have 1 star to give, but if I had 5, I would certainly give 5.
@bobble How many stars to reach the unhappy customers?
@BESW turns out it takes no stars to disappoint people!
@bobble Very true, and were I in a situation where that privacy risk was unacceptable to me as a user I would set an unchanging profile image that I found on the web and leave it at that :)
@ThomasMarkov FWIW, I do agree with your Berserker Axe answer; just noting that other people don't
pretty sure I ave an answer that points out an exception case...gotta find it.
A: Does the Blood Spear require attunement to gain the +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls?

Thomas MarkovIt requires attunement. You have quoted the relevant rule: Without becoming attuned to an item that requires attunement, a creature gains only its nonmagical benefits, unless its description states otherwise. Since the Blood Spear requires attunement, and it doesn't state the +2 bonus can be ga...

Here it is.
@Medix2 and now i have bountied it (fittingly enough)
@bobble you're now at 6/5 stars
also that message id of 59151111 is very satisfying for some reason
@AncientSwordRage one more star for a perfect score!
@ThomasMarkov I thought that was 5/7
Yeah I had my fraction upside down.
@NautArch dungeons are dangerous, yo. Sometimes adventurers die.
@GcL I've recommended they roll up new characters and have them ready.
@ThomasMarkov No reading ahead!
@NautArch You forget I have run half of this adventure and Im a mod at r/rimeofthefrostmaiden. I've read through the adventure before, but have mostly avoided reading ahead again since joining your game.
@ThomasMarkov I did forget.
Most of the details have fallen out of my head though.
I remembered that Auril had four tests, but I didnt remember what they were or how they worked.
Kinda bummed not be rolling wild magic anymore. But Jayson wants a bit of that unknown in the engineer buid.
@NautArch did you add the maneuvers to it?
@ThomasMarkov Yeah, I've got about 6 schematics and 3 crossbow customizations right now. Trying to come up with more ideas.
The short rest/long rest refreshes narratively are him tinkering to get it working again.
@NautArch Are you planning for non-combat schematics?
Q: Pact Boon and Find Familiar: Will changing from Pact of the Chain to Pact of the Tome affect your familiar's form?

Pipiru PiruI'm currently playing as a Warlock, and at 3rd level I picked Pact of the Chain as my pact boon. I then, using one of the special forms provided by Pact of the Chain, summoned a Sprite familiar. At 4th level I plan to use the optional rule Eldritch Versatility to change from Pact of the Chain to ...

@NautArch checking it out now
@HotRPGQuestions The answer fails to address the serious issue with Warlocks of "where does the familiar sit in the cart?" It's a sign of skill and care for a warlock to leave a little comfortable nook among all the items. Sadly, some warlocks just aren't good at pacting, and especially so for long cross country trips.
@ThomasMarkov I would think that exhaustion and mind-control are not very similar effects?
At least, not any more different than disease and max HP reduction, which we also have questions on
@Medix2 @ThomasMarkov I agree it's not a dupe, just related. S'okay to reopen?
ugh I feel so dirty for including a JC tweet in an answer.
@ThomasMarkov Then don't?
@NautArch Nah, it was a decent enough case.
totally ambiguously written feature.
That bit I agree with :)
And I prefaced the section with "if you care" so that people like you could ignore it.
@ThomasMarkov Now I have to downvote.
@ThomasMarkov "it removes the quote or it gets the hose"
@NautArch this link doesnt work for me
@ThomasMarkov You're quotation hygiene must be extreme if JC is dirty feeling. We could re-calibrate! I've got a bunch of political tweets you could use instead if you really need to feel like you've been swimming open mouthed in the sewer.
works on my phone lol
@ThomasMarkov weird
Just had an answer accepted from last december.
@ThomasMarkov Probably got lost in the mail. The post office and commercial shippers were having difficulty last winter.
@ThomasMarkov is it worth sourcing that quote/sword name?
@AncientSwordRage Oh, yeah.
Not sure of the page number, I dont have HotDQ in print.
@ThomasMarkov just dropping the adventure name in would work
FR fandom page suggests 93-94 but I'm not sure.
@AncientSwordRage DnDBeyond might say
@G.Moylan you'd need it on there though, right?
@G.Moylan nah
Ooh I have it on dndbeyond
@ThomasMarkov many entries cite their source and page number at the bottom, I've "cheated" many times and used that info
no page number D:
@G.Moylan no but it could be linked for now
2 hours later…
@GcL and some days the warlock's wisdom teeth are impacting ...
@ThomasMarkov think I got one recently from a few years ago
Q: What are the implications of this very short stun ability?

vonBoomslangIn the process of homebrewing, I came up with this rough outline of an ability: As an action on your turn, you can speak words of rebuke. Creatures [in the area] must make a Constitution saving throw [against a specified DC]. On a failure, they are stunned until the end of the turn. The primary...

@ThomasMarkov I've got it in print--what are you looking for?
@nitsua60 page number for the hazirawn magic sword.
what about page number in the Tyranny compendium book?
1 hour later…
Q: What happens when you are not attuned to the Berserker Axe and you take damage while wielding it?

MiaSo the scenario is that I have a barbarian who's just picked up a Berserker Axe, without knowing what it is. They have NOT attuned to it. From my reading, they get the +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. They do NOT get the max hp increase. Now, because they haven't attuned to it, the curse is n...

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