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@bobble hmm
2 hours later…
Q: When casting True Polymorph on myself, what is the challenge rating of my new form?

Mad-WizardyI'm a level 18 wizard. The Creature into Creature option of true polymorph states: If you turn a creature into another kind of creature, the new form can be any kind you choose whose challenge rating is equal to or less than the target’s (or its level, if the target doesn’t have a challenge rati...

2 hours later…
Q: How does Wish duplicate Magic Jar?

DremonsMagic Jar required a component to hold your soul as part of the spell. However, Wish allows you to forgo a spell's components when duplicating them. How can one possibly cast Magic Jar using Wish?

Ugh, I have completely messed up human interaction
@BardicWizard That's clearly an effect of mexicn Beer. OR was it of that sun layer?
@Trish no, it was choir practice and managing to dig a very deep hole for myself
One of the basses in choir had a birthday today so we all sang to him, and I mentioned to the person who pointed the birthday out that I would probably be able to avoid anyone singing to me this year because Im going to miss all the rehearsals and services for the next three weeks, and we get back from our road trip only a couple days before my birthday, and the practice is after my birthday not before.
She laughed and I realized I dug my own hole there and I think I fell in so deep I can’t get out
@BardicWizard nah, that's just the stupidity of humankind. I havn't seen and talked to more than 5 people I don't work with, are not related to or am the neighbor of in the last year and a half...
but I had... 15 different neighbors in the last 7 days. Because sailing :P
@Trish that’s “I ran my mouth off, again” combined with “why don’t I know when to stop talking”, more likely in my case
@BardicWizard human interaction is a little overrated
@trogdor you mean direct human interaction?
Sometimes indirect too honestly
@trogdor Everypony needs to be nicer, don't you think so too?
@trogdor definitely
@Trish that would be a start for sure
I'm certainly not saying it has no merit of any kind, it's just overrated because too many people who like it a lot don't consider how some people need a break from it
Or more of a break from it
people being nicer on a regular basis, while awesome, would not entirely fix the problem XD
Sometimes company, no matter how nice, cannot replace solitude. And some of us need bigger ratios than others.
@trogdor How about respect, politeness and a small dash of fear of death for being inappropriate? That's Edo Japan, my fellow.
The issue is not poor behavior.
Being surrounded by people, even perfectly behaved people who are an absolute joy to be around at every moment, is still being surrounded by people and most of us need a break from that at some point.
Some more than others as well
I know I require a lot more of it than a significant number of people will even accept as true
@trogdor Aye, indeed.
That's the really annoying part to be honest
Although I will say
Indirect interaction is definitely also easier
It's still capable of reaching critical mass though
I would say that's why I'm not active in here all the time, or even as much as I used to be a while ago
although the past year and a half or so have been trying for a lot of people to be fair
@trogdor I know. The days when I can't bring myself to open up the stack exchange pages and instead just binge on the Jubtubs, dig out old videos of Ian "Gun Jesus" McCollum and do nothing but marvel about interacting mechanical parts...
Q: Can I use conjure animal to drop cows on targets, dealing damage?

BreezeI'm asking because of the fact that the feys take the shape of the beast, a cow, but, since the feys are spirits would they do any damage if they fell on an enemy? Can cows that I conjure using conjure animals fall onto targets thereby dealing damage? Related question: If a creature is dropped o...

@HotRPGQuestions In the editions I'm familiar with, spells that summon living beings tend to specify that the being must be summoned in a way that isn't inimical to its life; the common example is that summoning a shark out of the water is impossible. I suspect "fifty feet in the air" would fail most reasonable readings of that requirement.
@Trish yeah I feel most of that XD
@BESW With an exception to whales who can be summoned in the upper atmosphere. Make sure to explain yourself to the bowl of petunias
2 hours later…
@Someone_Evil that would be some epic foreshadowing
@BESW I think wild magic is also an exception...?
Methinks this is probably a read the book to me question of the bad kind.
@ThomasMarkov you'd think Acerak would know all about save or die spells...
OP states its pretty hard to get the 2e phb but I found 15 listings for used copies for under $20.
@ThomasMarkov I mean maybe that's still hard for them, either where they live what they can afford or their circumstances
@AncientSwordRage Sure. But if they dont have the adnd 2e phb, they probably arent playing adnd 2e. And if they arent playing it, they probably dont really need to know how those rules work anyway.
@ThomasMarkov I mean I've definitely asked questions 'after the fact' of playing
so I didn't need to know either
Anyway it's been deleted?
@AncientSwordRage OP deleted the question.
@ThomasMarkov a-yup I just checked
Q: How does the "Grovel, Cower, and Beg" action work?

Mito JomarThe Kobold PC race (from Volo's Guide to Monsters) includes this racial trait: Grovel, Cower, and BegAs an action on your turn, you can cower pathetically to distract nearby foes. Until the end of your next turn, your allies gain advantage on attack rolls against enemies within 10 feet of you th...

2 hours later…
@ThomasMarkov Yeah, not exactly hard to acquire the book, but looking up any information? I guess I'm spoiled by 5e, but unless I'm trying to google something that ONLY existed in the early editions, it's nearly impossible to find anything online. Dunno if it's just that 5e is way more common and has better SEO, or if people just...haven't posted that information anywhere.
Almost certainly the latter since that material predates an ubiquitous internet.
(Which is how I wound up asking where the magic items were-- kind of a dumb question, but trying to google the items I needed stats for was an exercise in dodging 5e.)
Some of the stuff has remarkably well-maintained sites, but it seems to be more of the setting-related content. The Planescape setting is pretty thoroughly documented across a variety of sites, and someone has an interactive map with a fairly recently updated github to boot.
2 hours later…
Q: In what edition did Volo first appear?

WolpertingerIn what edition did Volo first appear? I was talking to my friend about Volo's Guide to Monsters and he said Volo is from a previous edition. He wasn’t sure which, but said it was not from the 5th edition. Did Volo first appear in 5th edition or is he from a previous edition, or something like a ...

1 hour later…
@ThomasMarkov Meanwhile "when do I add proficiency bonus" and "do I add strength or Dexterity to javelins" are both extremely upvoted XD
@Medix2 Not to mention which questions top the viewcount...
@Cooper I've overhauled my answer.
@ThomasMarkov Thanks! I apparently have a real penchant for reinventing the wheel, haha. First the tiefling thing from Tasha's and now this... Well, thanks for the input, it'll definitely help!
@Cooper Basically just use the lash of shadows.
Being able to inflict the poison condition every hit is way too strong.
Makes sense! That's definitely something I was concerned about.
I've even got the Wildemount book at home, just haven't had a chance to flip through it much.
The lash has a 3d6 poison damage that can be used every hit
So its a good bit stronger than what you proposed
Also half damage on a successful save.
1 hour later…
A weird question, but a 5eSRD link broke (presumably because the site changed how it linked to things) and got replaced with a roll20 link. Should i replace the R20 link with either an SRD link or a D&D Beyond link?
R20 is generally fine, the link isn't really imporant in that Q anyway (as it isn't in most Qs)
@Medix2 DDB Basic rules link would be best IMO.
R20 is offensive to my eyeballs.
3 hours later…
My personal ranking usualy is the official SRD first, then a 3rd party.
@Medix2 The general consensus on meta is that the best link to use is the one least likely to break. While unlicensed third-party hosts of licensed content are the obvious risky link, unfortunately our history with 4e suggests that WotC's own links are likely to break as well, the moment the company's interest shifts to another edition.
We haven't had as much time to learn how Roll20 treats its reference documents, though, so comparisons are difficult to make.

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