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@ThomasMarkov the goggles they do nothing!
@BESW we currently have 10,000 posts linking to DNDBeyond.
Yes, and?
I'm not saying we don't do it, just pointing out that there's a very high chance of ten thousand posts with dead links all at once a few years down the road.
Q: Why is "How much is a Gold Piece really worth?" closed?

BBeastThe question How much is a Gold Piece really worth? has been recently closed as "opinion-based". However, I'm not sure this assessment is accurate. The question is quantitative and objective. It is asking for a number which, in principle, can be determined (or at least estimated) using economic e...

@TheOracle Even if D&D had an actual economy and gold wasn't instead tied directly to the developer's notions of usefulness to adventurers and soft-gated power advancement, real-world non-capitalist currencies don't map to capitalist currencies enough for real-world experts to be able to make general "this non-capitalist coin is equivalent to this capitalist coin" statements.
The question itself presupposes truths about both the game and the real world which would --either on its own-- make such an answer impossible and/or useless.
@BESW I take it you're saying that D&D worlds are mercantilism with adventurer-economy problems laid atop that? otherwise, I haven't a clue what you're saying by "non-capitalist currency"
(Also one of the existing answers includes the phrase "Gygax's original research" and I am absolutely falling over laughing.)
@Shalvenay D&D coin has no actual economic value. It's a secondary form of character advancement, alongside XP.
@BESW yeah, in the tabletop context, that's very true
(gold in PWs is a perennial pain in the arse for precisely the reasons you discuss)
And if D&D worldbuilding did include some kind of economic model, it'd be an absolute mess because D&D is a kitchen skin of "I think this stuff is cool" and then pretending it all makes sense together. Much of the aesthetic of D&D is pre-18th-century and any economic "historical realism" would probably instead be feudalism with a splash of mercantilism. But the devs are clearly thinking of money in a modern commercial-capitalist context when they think about it at all.
None of this is problem until we try to codify and cohere a setting whose greatest asset is its blithe incoherence.
@BESW eheheheh, no kidding
I'm still trying to grok what you mean by "non-capitalist coin" though
best I can tell, it's a reference to currencies developed under mercantilist approaches
but I'm not sure if that's what you're getting at
Q: How balanced is this artifact weapon?

CooperThis weapon is, without a doubt, extremely powerful, especially when compared with most items. However, it is a unique item in a campaign where I intend for all players to have at least one such artifact-level item; the rogue who winds up wielding this item shouldn't be too far out of line with t...

In this context, I'm mostly talking about the economic models which emerged alongside industrial development and their 20th century extrapolations. While mercantilism or even feudalism could technically be called capitalism they don't function in a way that's familiar to modern laypeople, and that's the distinction I'm drawing: that D&D's aesthetics imply an economic model at odds with the modern casual understanding of currency and economies.
D&D isn't, generally, a world that could produce Tulip Mania.
Much less any of the economic notables of the last two hundred years.
All of which is to say that "how many USD is 1GP" is a question to which an answer would be impossible even if we accepted the ludicrous postulate that D&D's price lists reflect a coherent economy, because that economy could not map to our own in any meaningful way.
LeviathanFiles asks on twitter for "recs for TTRPGs written in spanish."
@BESW Anima: Beyond Fantasy is the only one I know from the top of my head was MADE in Spanish. Otherwise almost any other game can be found translated into spanish
As he points out in the tweet, the RPG Latin American scene is bristling with indie developers writing in their own languages.
oh yeah, for a moment I equated "in spanish" to "made in Spain" for some reason
4 hours later…
Q: Hiding with a Cloak of Elvenkind vs Faerie Fire

Jhyarelle SilverIn a game, my PC hid using the cloak of elvenkind and the GM used Faerie Fire to expose me. Faerie Fire states that shimmering out line of an invisible creature is exposed. Will Faerie Fire expose you if you are hiding with advantage with the cloak of elvenkind? I argued that Faerie Fire should o...

4 hours later…
6 hours later…
Q: Does a character remain in a martial stance they no longer know?

47948201A Tome of Battle stance can be initiated as a swift action, and "remains in effect indefinitely...until you change to another stance you know as a swift action." (p. 38) If a character gained and initiated a stance via the Martial Stance feat (qualified for using the Martial Study feat), then use...

2 hours later…
@Axoren after 5 minutes I had to turn it off; presentation style was for me not working. There's a neat takeaway early on, which is to write in circles not in lines. I'll think about that and see where it takes me.
4 hours later…
Triptych: Art Horror TTRPG by Thomas Manuel. a storygame of a painting and its macabre secret
"The Biggest Secret of the ttRPG Industry" blog post by Owen K.C. Stephens
Thanks, @BESW
Oct 15 '20 at 15:19, by Rubiksmoose
Anyone can ask for a conversation to be moved to the Here There Be Dragons (or other chat room) at any time and a room owner or rpg.se mod will re-locate it as swiftly as possible. This does not reflect poorly on the topic, the conversers, or the asker; sometimes there's just a need for conversations to be opt-in rather than opt-out. Every RO and rpg.se mod has agreed to support this, and we'll never ask for justification.
Pinning this again.

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