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Why are we arguing about fluid dynamics in a magical simulation game?
@G.Moylan because someone claims mist is a fluid.
This isn't Unreal: RPG edition
@Trish Checked the timestamps, I downvoted 82 seconds after you posted.
I hate spoilers tags in SE chat. Why don't we have markdown for it?
As for what chapters correspond to what events, I am not reading the book to avoid spoiling me. I'm a player.
So until the game is over, I'm not going to know what's true book
@Axoren ah, that's fair. Ha!
okay, let me see...are you still just in the towns?
@Trish It is a fluid though. Both gasses and liquids are fluid
@Axoren what level is the party
@RevanantBacon arg, yes, typo. Air= fluid not liquid. Mist= fluid, NOT liquid. Water is fluid and liquid,. Rain is Mist.
Oh, yeah, it's definitely not a liquid
Rain is definitely a liquid.
I assume this is this about the "Can I run up the rain? question
@ThomasMarkov a raindrop is a liquid
raindrops (or: rain) is a collection of liquids moving through the air
the same as mist
If we want to get technical, mist is a fluid suspended within a fluid
And I don't see anyone suggesting that you could run across a cloud of fog
@RevanantBacon Just wait for it, and the upvotes.
Basically, we're being asked "where do we draw the line?"
My answer to that is "Use common sense"
but, alas
Yeah, and I think that's going to be table -dependent on what's reasonable/fun.
@G.Moylan Well, yes, that would be my answer as well
So answers with that experience in mind should be what we see.
Instead, we've got answers of "this should work because of natural property X". And that's not the right way to go about this.
I thought about answering from the perspective of "if it gave you a fly speed in the rain, it would just say that"
Because I think it's pretty darn simple in 5e that going up means flying/levitating
@ThomasMarkov 8
@Axoren So you already fought the crack dragon?
They may not be following the level gates @ThomasMarkov.
And it's clearly more of a Meth dragon.
Unfortunately, the feature says "vertical surfaces and liquids" rather than "vertical and liquid surfaces", which is what it probably should say.
missing teeth, etc.
looks like it's aged very quickly
@ThomasMarkov The one made out of chardalyn?
@Axoren that's the one.
Have you encountered it?
Just happened
@RevanantBacon it doesn't preclude waterfalls.
The party is dismantling it somewhere east of Easthaven and using its parts to encrust stone walls around an Eleventh Town with warding magic.
@ThomasMarkov rewritten
And they're using any excess to build Magic Circuits
One of our party members is essentially a Myconid Sovreign with control over a Warforged and is raising a mushroom militia to protect it at the moment and we already have immigrants wanting to leave East Haven for it
@Axoren How was it brought down?
@Trish I'd allow running across a waterfall. That seems sufficiently monk-like, and also there's generally a cliff face next to any given waterfall anyways, so I don't see it as that much of a difference from running up the cliff face next to it. Plus, waterfalls are generally in a set location, rather than everywhere on the surface of the plane
We sort of stole a Mindflayer ship.
And then manufactured a tactical nuke
@Axoren Ah. that'll change the story.
@Axoren We had an...ordeal.
What happened? Lol
@Axoren Did your game merge in the Lost LAboratory of Kwalish?
@Axoren explain
There's lots of things to prevent that theft, but I'm guessing the DM just let them roll with it.
@RevanantBacon Lots of Chardalyn, Explosives, and Sack, used Tactically.
@G.Moylan Not that I'm aware of, no.
@Axoren We rolled poorly and got stun locked, then spent a day or two in indentured servitude, and then they flew away.
@NautArch We killed everyone on board and our "captain" just happened to have another mind possessing it which made it a 2v1 against the ship.
And then it was a 1v1 against that mind for control of the body and the ship
@Axoren Ah, so less of a "nuke" and more of a "cartload of nitroglycerin" :p
@Axoren We're about to fight it the old fashioned way.
Our captain is a Werewolf Dragonborn and before anything else, he was possessed by a demon claiming to be his long-dead captain. So he has resilience against mental manipulation to an extent now
@Axoren What a wild sentence
@RevanantBacon A little more efficient than that, but yeah
Chardalyn's a hell of a focus.
@Axoren Yeah, I was just checking the wiki about it, fun stuff.
@ThomasMarkov My last character got Intellect Devoured. I then rolled a new character with even LESS Int.
I am not a smart man. Literally.
psshhh, I eat intellect devourer for breakfast.
@ThomasMarkov pocket intellect devourer
so i had to look up chardalyn and the following excerpt makes no sense to me:
@ThomasMarkov "For dessert: chilled monkey brains!"
> Until the early 1370s DR, the rarity and fragility of chardalyns contributed to their high base value of 20,000 gp. Once techniques like gem magic became more widespread, the base value of chardalyns dropped to 8,000 gp for a large stone that could hold the most powerful magics, and even lower for smaller, more limited stones.
Cool, but there is now a high level Cleric whose build is specifically anti-the party right now, walking around Icewind Dale under the control of the Mindflayers, and it knows how to time travel.
wouldn't the widespread use of gem magic increase the price of chardalyn, not decrease it?
So you can eat them all for breakfast, but this one is dangerous
This is like that one cornflake that has bone in it
It's gonna bite us hard when it comes back into the fray
@Yuuki No, when they say Gem Maic, they're talking about the ability to imbue spells into other types of gemstones
@RevanantBacon oh, so advancements in gem magic made gemstones other than chardalyn more viable for magic.
So now, instead of only being able to do it with chardalyn, you could do it with common diamonds or rubies
@Axoren or the chicken in my salad yesterday
@Yuuki Exactly
@G.Moylan Exactly
Also, chardalyn gots the madness.
So chardalyn no longer cornered the market, meaning its value was lower
Or maybe it's the crazy sister, Charda-Lynn.
@NautArch "You get over here now and 'splain yerself, Charda-Lynn!"
Like, you can use some nice and safe Calcite. It breaks? You can grind up the crystal into chalk and repurpose it for drawing magic circles or keeping spirits out of rooms. But if you use Chardalyn? It doesn't break before you do.
And then you find out one of your party members is literally walking around with a BIG OL' CHUNK in his weapon
From what I can gather, chardalyn was still more useful for storing magic than gemstones, since it pretty much just worked automatically with no preparation required, but was also unrecyclable, while some gem magic gems may be able to be re-used
@Axoren isn't chardalyn super fragile?
@RevanantBacon Literally a caveman could do it. Which is exactly why cavemen did it.
@Yuuki Yes. But it's effect on the mind is just that potent.
From what I gather, some descriptions of Rings of Spell Storing, for example, were studded with a number of rubies that sparkled or grew dull based on the number of spell levels stored within. But you couldn't use Chardalyn for a ring like that
Just went to open up Chat and typed chardalyn. I hate y'all.
because as soon as a spells energy was reeased, the chardalyn would crumble
@Axoren it looks like that SAN-drain effect is new for rime of the frost maiden?
It may be. There's a lot of evil going around in Icewind Dale at the moment, it could be that the Chardalyn is absorbing it all.
I'm trying to find exactly other than from descriptions in-game about the Chardalyn madness
Isn't there a gold badge for a certain number of upvotes on an answer?
@G.Moylan 100
Total score must be 100
@ThomasMarkov Where can I see that?
I can find all the "progress" style badges but I can't find the list of the others
thanks all
lol some of these checkmarks are wrong for me. I've definitely earned the "Good Answer" badge twice and ti doesn't show as checked
so I have
oh I'm a dummy, I was looking at the "good question" badge :P
On Puzzling that's the badge I have the most of :D (On Literature the badge I have the most of is Revival)
Ive earned 2.6% of all enlightened badges ever
@bobble Why am I not surprised :p
@ThomasMarkov Also not surprising XD
@RevanantBacon by which?
Oh no, it's Nice Question
my bad got 'em mixed up
@bobble The puzzling one
you've seen my puzzles?
@RevanantBacon I have the most enlightened badges since April of 2015.
@ThomasMarkov Would you conisder yourself more of a Locke, Kant, or Leibniz?
@G.Moylan Leibniz.
Ah so a little bit of everything, and then some?
Also: first principles
I've never been super big into anime but I decided recently to give it a try. a friend recommended giving Cowboy Bebop a shot and I must say It's freakin great so far
I am now being informed that my alternate future self succeeded in finding the Time Conduit and we're now tying another player's arc to it.
This getting nuts but I love it.
The party member? His character? Unique across timelines. Our current timeline is unique in that the corpse he's hiding inside of him only ever died in this timeline.
So, as a result, he is now being given a quest by me from the future to save the current me from being a Mindflayer puppet.
And the way we're subverting the paradox? The corpse inside of him was actually always destined to save me, but in the current timeline he isn't alive. We'd actually be closer to convergence despite the hiccup of causality if he specifically saves me.
So he's being imparted a Blessing from Mystra herself, the Silver Fire.
Because otherwise, there's no way a Level 12 or lower party could cast Wish and there's no chance of finding a Luck Dagger or Genie out here.
If my party member dies, my future self gets cut off in all future timelines, because Evil Puppet me would get access to the Time Conduit and lock-in his success.
My last character's fate is literally in his hands now.
@NautArch We've had some character deaths where we pop this into the jukebox:
@NautArch great video, great song
@NautArch also spoilers
@KorvinStarmast when was he last seen?
4 hours ago
Last action on main site was 6 hours ago
@Devils_Spawn how about him?
3 hours ago
@Catofdoom2 left a comment on main 48 minutes ago
@Trish I made some changes to your suggested edit on the simulacrum tag
Wait that wasnt you, it was revenantbacon
Yeah, I saw. It was supposed to say "of" another creature, not "on". Although it probably shouldn't have said "another" either. I do still think it should say semi-illusory or similar, but that's not significantly important.
Im not sure what "semi-illusory" even means
I wonder: a) people find non DND games repulsive and downvote any non DND 5e question on principle. b) people don't understand that Sword and Fan breaks with the Table of contents of all other L5R 4E supplements by NOT listing everything they have up there, such as Book of Air...
Both are problems.
(a) is almost certainly not happening.
If anything, people upvote non dnd questions solely on principle
@Trish a) is definitely not happening and b) people are unlikely to actually care that something was left off of a table of contents.
then explain me what is wrong with the light cavalry question.
2 up in the first hour, then 2 down in the next 10 minutes, and +1/-2 on the answer that actually references the pages.
@ThomasMarkov do we need to have a sidebar about "We're supposed to be experts, we can certainly figure out the system in question here"
I'm gonna stick to established site policy, despite agreeing with your sentiment.
@ThomasMarkov Yeah it's fairly clearly a practice, at least among chatizens, to upvote non dnd questions.
@Trish I would more suspect the self-answering to be at issue. Search questions like that might feel illegitimate when self-answered, but donno
And to be clear, that me saying that may be the reason for the downvotes, not me taking issue with it
@Trish was this actually an issue for you that you simply missed all this content in the book?
@Someone_Evil That's true, it may bring up a "Why was this posted in the first place?" response
@NautArch look at the table of contents photo - in any book but sword and fan those chapters would contain only new advantages like anchestors or kata, not alternate paths.
@Trish I know some people downvote self-answers
@Someone_Evil self answers happen. Heck, I thought it was a huge question where I might need to dig through like a dozen other schools till I stumbled about the answer in a chapter that shouldn't have contained that answer!
can you spam me if either @KorvinStarmast or @Devils_Spawn get online?
@Trish So, what was the actual question? I read through the Q and the A, but I'm at a loss on what was the actual problem
I believe the question was "These lines very much imply X, but I cannot find X, where is it?"
@Catofdoom2 Since you've pinged them in chat, they'll have a notification waiting for them for when they next visit the site :)
@ThomasMarkov Agreed
I get that it may be confusing that this book broke the method, but it's in the table of contents.
That's a pretty big signpost as to where to find that content.
Eid Mubarak everybody!
@RevanantBacon the question was "where are the rules?", I clarified.
@Trish Ah, gotcha. And the issue was that they weren't in the place you were expecting them to be?
But were found after all
Do you anticipate this being a common problem among other users of that particular book?
And also: do you anticipate it being a big enough problem (ie a non-trivial problem)that it requires a question and answer on the site?
@NautArch it'S actually not - New Advantages are specifically a game mechanic other games call merits.
@RevanantBacon it's a mislabeled chapter.
I do think your question could have a better title though. We aren't like code golf and trying to be catchy
@Trish So my understanding now is that this chapter was titled differently from chapters with the same type of content in other books for the same edition, which would cause some confusion.
@Trish seriously doubt case (a)
So this QA is sort of a Public Service Announcement that there's a naming inconsistency in this particular book
@ThomasMarkov I still do that sometimes if the question is well written
@Catofdoom2 Korvin is here
@RevanantBacon yes. Also, New advantages is a lvl 2 heading, the clans are lvl 3 headings, which is breaking the convention: for a school, it's usually clan as lvl 3 heading and then schools as (possibly unlisted lvl 4), and new advantages as a separate and different lvl 2 one.
@RevanantBacon kinda
@ThomasMarkov he and I reconnected in the game chat...
@Medix2 clearer titles has been an ax I have been grinding here, on and off, since I began to participate
I posted something about it on meta a few years ago, and SSD did point out that we don't really have a style guide
@Trish I wonder if that may be the issue people have with it. Out of curiosity, did this book have a different lead editor than the other books? I don't know if it lists it in the credits at the front of the book, but if it does, that may also explain the source of the inconsistency, which might also be a good include.
@RevanantBacon +1
@KorvinStarmast Does that mean you want them or don't want them?
@RevanantBacon Todd Rowland was not there as editor... (but Robert Hobart with whom he was in the Book of and Imperial Histories was) and the layout was not by Hal Mangold (Book of Air & IH) but Robert Denton (S&F)
@Medix2 I want clearer titles, and I want people to write their question, and then, when they have finished the question, create a title. That way, title and question text are in harmony. But as I discovered during that meta, I can't have what I want. So it goes.
@RevanantBacon Yeah that's what I'm getting here. I guess my confusion is that even if the header is wrong there are subheadings with the content names that seem relevant in what someone is looking for. So even if they glance at only headers they would have had to have completely ignored the rest of what their eyes saw with the rest of the content on the table of contents which is totally reasonable, but I don't know
@Medix2 Maybe I need to just down vote any question where the title and text don't match.
@KorvinStarmast Yeah, I do wish you had to submit question text and then a title field appeared, but that could also be confusing and make for double-titles and all sorts of other things
@Medix2 Downvote include "is unclear" and if the title and text don't match, it is unclear
For sites where titles tend to actually be a question, yeah that makes sense
The stack engine caters to short attention span culture, despite all disclaimers otherwise
I think I'll go and punch the sheet rock now ...
Imagine writing the same question for your title as what you have in the body. Like that would ever happen XD
... grumble grumble grumble ...
@KorvinStarmast It also can make answers nonsense. Title: "Is X actually a Y?" Body: "Where is X from?" Answer: "Yes!"
@Medix2 Or we just answer "42" and be done with it
@NautArch it's the New Advantages header on lvl 2 that throws it off: Advantages are stuff like "Giant" or "Retainer", not schools in the game mechanics. There are clan specific advantages.
@KorvinStarmast Clearly you should try jQuery.
@ThomasMarkov Hmmmm
Do downvotes even do anything with respect to changing individuals' site practices? Most people seem not to make many adjustments, and there seem to frequently be one or two mysterious downvotes on Qs or As which could be about anything
@NautArch plus, in the game mechanics, Schools are not advantages.
@Upper_Case downvotes bother me.
@Trish Oh me too. But I've long since given up on the idea that I can extract any useful information from one on a post I've written, except in the rare case that the downvoter explained why they voted that way
And even in this case the immediate thought seemed to be that the downvoters had cast those votes for illegitimate reasons (which is not a bad guess, but just illustrates that downvotes themselves don't convey much information)
@Upper_Case it occasionally gets someone to rage quit
I don't explicitly explain my votes (not "+1 <reason>" or "-1 <reason>"), but I'll explain why I think a post is bad or good without bringing up voting.
@ThomasMarkov BOOO
@KorvinStarmast I suppose I... may have observed something similar in myself...
Unrelatedly, if you have a minute @Trish do you think you could summarize the play experience of Legend of the Five Rings, and your favorite elements of that system? I've been intrigued for a long time but my knowledge of the game is essentially zero
@Upper_Case A big part of L5R is, that you have a lot of status play. You have about 3 or 4 layers of social status you need to keep in mind, which makes play very interesting: you actively talk different to a peasant than to the one member of the imperial family than to the local samurai or even the minor-clan-daimyo. Flavor-like it's like 85% Japanese stereotypes, with dashes of imperial China, Mongols and Korea...
Isn't the premise of the L5R franchise that feudal Japan never ended?
or is that not correct?
@Trish That sounds pretty cool. In your experience, has that promoted more roleplay elements than some other franchises or is it a more strongly mechanical aspect of the game?
(Sorry for the I-don't-know-anything-at-all questions, but I'm questing out for a new game to pick up in the future)
@G.Moylan nah, that is a fifferent game
@Upper_Case it promote a very different style of RP, but it also promotes playing your character
How do you feel the game handles the cultural set dressing? Do you feel like it leans too heavily on cultural stereotypes or misunderstandings, or do you think it handles its cultural context well?
@G.Moylan Kinda-sorta. It's feudal Japan themed, but it doesn't use any actual named elementas from Japan besides names for things like Samurai, Shugenja, and Ninja (not that ninjas exist)
@Upper_Case the mechanical aspects of the game are... easier than TDE 4E, and nicely streamlined in 4E, they also assist in the art of playing.
@G.Moylan Rokugan is not Japan.
@Trish That sounds pretty interesting, I'll have to check out some of the content next time I have a chance
@Trish Sure but it's heavily modeled after those cultures.
@G.Moylan or western understanding of those cultures
@Trish That wasn't the question. L5R very obviously borrows many themes from historical Japanese culture. The question being asked is: are these themes used in an appropriate manner
Unfortunately, it's been a while since I read much L5R stuff, so my memory is a little bit hazy, but from what I do remember, it's mostly handled fairly well. There are a few things that are played for laughs, like the aforementioned "ninjas don't exist", but most other things are handled in a reasonable manner IMO
@RevanantBacon That sounds like exactly what ninja would want you to think, and they could pull off the illusion
@RevanantBacon I had that discussion with a cultural anthropologist recently. in parts, it is clearly showing a very flawed understanding of a 1990s American looking at heian to sengoku era Japan and not understanding a dang about the implications. The whole "Samurai eat no meat" thing? HUGE misunderstanding.
@Trish Yeah, that just shows that it really has been a long time since I've ready any of the stuff. I definitely don't remember the "Samurai eat no meat" bit.
@G.Moylan There are some... problems where you see that the authors had no idea.
@RevanantBacon they only eat birds and fish and rice and veggies, or so the theory. Unicorns are meant to eat meat... and mountain tuna are goats...
i feel like that's less a dietary restriction and more a result of japan being an island archipelago and thus not having much in the way of indigenous cattle species for livestock before contact with other asian nations
They did have plenty of pork, chicken, and horse though
iirc, a meat restriction most likely comes from buddhism and while many samurai may have been buddhist, i don't think samurai had a dietary restriction in and of themselves
as far as i know, shinto doesn't have any dietary restrictions but some syncretism with buddhism may have resulted in certain sects having a code against meat consumption
@Upper_Case horses also likely came from contact with other asian nations
@Yuuki Rokugan in size and landscape is more China. the diet of a typical Japanese Daimyo has had a lot of chicken, some pork, occasionally cow, and fish was something only the coastal daimyo would eat in larger quantities. Some areas known for freshwater carp ponds would enrich the plates with those.
@Yuuki japanese horses were... mre pony size and have records of them being used back since the heian time 700 AD
@Trish aaaand china had contact with japan back in the han dynasty, which ended five hundred years before then
@Yuuki That would still leave plenty of other meats, such as the other two I mentioned. And there are regional specialty dishes based in each of those, at least some of which date back to the Sengoku Jidai and earlier
@Yuuki I have no sources that offer records for yamato era horseback riding.
regional specialty dishes don't imply antiquity. many authentic (and i don't mean chinese-american, i mean chinese people consider them authentic) chinese dishes were invented in the last two centuries. heck, many in the last 80-ish years?
but the pushes agaisnt the emeshi were fought on horseback to a good degree.
sushi? actually made with the viniger to cover up that the fish was a day or 3 old. :P
@Yuuki What I'm not grasping is your position on indigenous availability of livestock; a setting with samurai in it is very, very likely to be drawing from Sengoku Jidai references, at which point pigs and horses were available (and cattle, though I'm less sure of that)
did some quick googling and there was some native horse breeds in japan, but they apparently didn't factor much into agriculture in the 300s
Hello? I was pinged and I don't really know why
@Devils_Spawn I think catofdoom2 was looking for you
@Devils_Spawn @Catofdoom2 was looking for you
@Upper_Case mostly meandering, but my main point is that any abstention from meat likely derives from buddhism
Oh, well, I'm here now.
@Yuuki Got it, I was thinking in the wrong direction
@Yuuki Horse wasn't a particular large factor as a farm animal. Paddy farming wasn't particularly well for horse farming.
i think many samurai were likely buddhist but i don't think a dietary restriction was part of bushido
My I leave the chat room now?
i mean... no one's stopping you?
Am I needed for anything else?
@Devils_Spawn Ask Cat, I suppose. If you're looking for something to do, I have some work I'd love to offload
@Yuuki There was no single bushido. Anything we call Bushido now was invented in modernity and the oldest idea of such was the Hagakure - written by a retired samurai-monk of the tokugawa time.
Lol yeah I have some c# that isn't going to write itself
You are needed for a quest! You must slay 10 goblins and bring me their wallets. This is definitely for a heroic quest and not a scam in any way.
Well, @Catofdoom2 should know that I'm here. I've pinged him myself a few times. What is the work @Upper_Case?
@Devils_Spawn It's some data-wrangling report preparation in SQL. I was just kidding about having you do it though; if I even tried that, I'd be fired, fined, and (in this particular case) probably spend some time in prison. It's a close thing, but I'd rather just do the work
@Yuuki actually... you had a chance of Zen-Budhist, Shinto and both in a samurai, as well as neither. after the arrival of the jesuits, you also had a good chance to have Kirishitan Samurai - till Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa banned christianity.
however open-land-budhism (ikko ikki) was a rather rare among samurai
Okay, sorry I couldn't help @Upper_Case. Hope it's not much of a challenge
@Devils_Spawn Nah, it's just annoying and my workday is drawing to a close
Okay. Well toot-a-loo!
@Yuuki generally speaking, religion in japan was rather open-door principle.
all troops on duty!! find @KorvinStarmast as soon as living possible!
@Catofdoom2 You just missed Devils _Spawn, were you able to get in touch with them?
yes, he's here with me
@Upper_Case hooray for HIPPA?
@G.Moylan That's the one. At least the main one, I'm fenced in by lots of stuff in this case
My latest adventures in SQL have been working with sp_MSforeachdb and looping through dynamic queries to look at info on each DB in a given server instance
Also dabbling with CTE, though I don't understand that one very much
CTE meaning Common Table Expressions? It's not the SQL that's the big issue on this project, it's more that I have to update legacy code for a pretty fundamental database architecture change. There are a lot of hard-to-find "t"s that need crossing and "i"s that need dotting
@Upper_Case I think that's what it is. Like I said, I don't understand it very well. Guidance I followed on part of it had me write a query beginning with "; WITH CTE AS (SELECT etc etc)" and then select from CTE later
and I've seen it around in other guides discussing ways to shuffle data around
but I have zero clue what is actually happening with that particular interaction
Hi @doppelgreener o/
@G.Moylan That's what I was thinking of. Keep an eye on performance, those can be huge time sucks
@Upper_Case I shall, ty
In light of the problems with a certain popular worldbuilding publication, I feel like mentioning an alternative.
A Land Once Magic by Viditya Voleti is a Post-Fantasy worldbuilding game to help create unique worlds based around deconstructing and evolving fantasy tropes and creating unique magic systems that are built from the ground up. Using only random tables and a deck of cards you'll be able to create a wholly original post-fantasy world!
Viditya Voleti wrote a twitter thread about how A Land Once Magic is designed to create solarpunk fantasy worlds.
Oh, and I need to re-up this because (a) it's awesome and (b) I got the author wrong the first time; it's by Jamila R. Nedjadi, but they aren't geoeconomically Kickstarter-compatible so the campaign is hosted by Jason Pitre:
Kickstarter: Once More Into The Void by Jamila R. Nedjadi. A science-fiction roleplaying game of bringing the family back together for one last job.
Sale: Month Of May-hem by Ray Cox. For the entire month of May I've put some of my favourite projects on sale.
The Marks We Leave Behind by Unplaytested. A Game in Which You Draw on Yourself, a Lot.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (88): How to deal with sniping spellcaster PCs? by Barbara Alishon on rpg.SE (@Rubiksmoose)
@Akixkisu We can do without passive aggressive comments on suggested edits. The comment should be used to describe the edit made.
@ThomasMarkov sure.
I'll point out that the doubling down I assume you're referring to is two new questions being posted with the tag. And the votes on the meta appear to have shifted. Fascinating
Shifted in this case meaning the exist answer has one less downvote than the not exist answer
@Someone_Evil yes.
Is adding the simulacrum tag not a bit early?
@Someone_Evil Yes, one difference, which I, as an individual, can easily keep switching
Votes lock in on meta too, no?
If the tag becomes a problem you can always burninate it.
Seems a bit, I don't know what word but some kind of wrong, to go applying it already?
Yeah, retagging old stuff is probably a bit premature.
I approved the edit to the tag description because it needed one, and we seem to be letting it exist in the wild until meta is sorted out.
But there’s no reason to bump old stuff right now.
Or ever, technically
@Medix2 unless it should be closed as off topic. Then close it.
@ThomasMarkov Insert link to community doing meta answer here
Adding tags to old questions is of value. Limit the rate, obviously, but undertagging makes finding questions harder
I’ve already got an answer written if we ever want to formally rehash the issue of closing old off topic questions.
Looking at this one "I am looking primarily for RAW answers, but should this not be possible, I am willing to accept some speculation as to the intent of the designers (any tweets, or Sage Advice?)." Would you remove the designer intent part to make it stackable, or would you tag as designer reasons and vtc?
Just delete that part
Are the answers good? If so, probably just fix
Good, I was leaning towards the same.
You can probably just delete that “I want raw” part too
Anyone got ideas for explaining why "notifications that my old off-topic question was closed" is not a good reason to stop closing old off-topic questions?
But maybe not.
@bobble because literally no one is going to suffer any significant disturbance by such curation actions.
@ThomasMarkov a disgruntled user posted two meta posts and got a few upvotes, so some people would disagree with you
> Leave them be. As you say there are 147 of them, and while it would be optimal for them to be closed, closing them has the unfortunate side-effect of sending an irrelevant and unwelcoming message to someone who asked a perfectly on-topic question years ago.
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