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@NautArch sometimes, I crack myself up
Q: Are we misusing the Homebrew Review discussion?

KRyanWe have a popular Meta discussion, How can I ask a good homebrew review question? The highly-rated, accepted answer has a number of very good ideas. Any question that follows all of that guidance is almost certain to be a good question. However, I have noticed an increasing number of comments tha...

@Ben \o Listening to Jethro Tull, 1977 live performance. That's a level 20 bard ...
Q: What happens when an aboleth enslaves another aboleth who's enslaved a werewolf?

sagerulezI was doing a monster battle with some of my friends and there were two aboleths, aboleth #1 and aboleth #2. Aboleth 1 had a werewolf under control using their enslave power, and then aboleth 2 took control of aboleth 1. Can aboleth 2 now control the werewolf under aboleth 1's control?

@KorvinStarmast Very nice.
I am perusing youtube as a means of distracting myself from the work that I don;t want to do and summoning the effort to finish making my instant noodles for lunch
hehe, don't we all do that now and again?
Unfortunately my inner highschooler has resurfaced, because the reason I don;t want to do it is because I've been spending all of my effort on other things, and the work is due at the end of the week πŸ˜‚
Well, that happens to us all also. 🀣
I am however looking forward to a radio interview I'm doing tomorrow. First time on the radio, and talking about our local Archery Club that we (my family) created
huzzah! Go Ben!
Pretty exciting :D
@RevenantBacon I'm late to the party, but consider just forwarding the original email to your boss. State how long you think it would take you to learn to do it, how long to then actually do it, and what your next few tasks are. Then ask how to prioritize your workload.
3 hours later…
Remind me how to do a heading in a Stack Exchange answer, somebody, please?
@A.B. ## Text
@A.B. There's three levels of headers, prefixed with the pound (hash) sign (#). One gives you a 1st level header, which is the biggest. 2 gives you the 2nd level, and 3 gives you the 3rd level, the smallest. It has to be the first thing on the line, and there has to be a space between the pound sign(s) and the text that's supposed to be the header.
# First Level Header
## Second Level Header
### Third Level Header
#Improperly Formatted and won't render correctly
#### Forbidden Fourth Level; Stack Exchange won't render this out of fear
I understand that screen readers are designed to interpret headers as sections to disambiguate between, so generally speaking you should only use 1st level headers unless you've written a 2000 word essay in your answer and it legitimately has varying levels of detail and organization.
Thanks very much! I have only got one level in my answer, I just wanted to put a one-sentence answer to the question as a heading.
5 hours later…
@Xirema I think the other point is that there's already H1 elements on the page, so they should be avoided in general
I think there've even been requests to make # give a h2
Is there a chat for SEDE?
I found it.
@ThomasMarkov YOU DID?!
And then you shared it with chat, right?
I did not. Would you like the link?
@ThomasMarkov yes pelase

 SEDE - Stack Exchange Data Explorer

Discussion related to the usage of Stack Exchange's Data Explorer
Q: Can a wizard prepare new spells while blinded?

Ryan C. ThompsonFor a wizard, preparing new spells at the end of a long rest seems to require studying their spellbook (emphasis added): You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of wizard spells requires time spent studying your spellbook and memorizing the i...

@HotRPGQuestions I'm imagining the classic blindfolded gun disassembly/reassembly scene from films
@AncientSwordRage I can do that lol
@ThomasMarkov but can you prepare new spells while blinded?
@AncientSwordRage I don't think I'd rule to nerf the wizard in this case.
@NautArch seems smart not to
I mean, if I want to stop the wizard from preparing, I'll prevent the long rest
I can see someone in session 0 saying "I really want to play with my dependence on my spellbook, so feel free to work that in" and then it's on the table as a possibility
Oh yah. If they're interested in that level of management, then lean on in.
Rats, totally missed an opportunity to capture my players last night. Didn't see that option until later in the fight.
@NautArch I'd love it if you actually meant using rats to capture them
@AncientSwordRage close! Spiders.
Spiders! would make a good exclamation
Q: Etymology of the "Rats!" exclamation

OpaCitiZen rat (...) rats, Slang . (an exclamation of disappointment, disgust, or disbelief.) (source: dictionary.reference.com) Where does this meaning/usage of "rat" come from?

@AncientSwordRage somewhat unsatisfying answers there.
@AncientSwordRage That's actually a pretty important point: I'm guessing currently it's setup to use <H1> for level 1, <h2> for level 2, and so on?
Because if so, it may actually be better advice to tell people to use L2 by default in their answers and avoid L1, if the goal is to provide better accessibility.
@Xirema that is the current advice AFAIK
Is it not possible to clear 'your' editing tools queue?
For non-acted on items?
I don't think so. You can change the time scale it looks at so there's only more recent stuff, but it isn't really a queue as such
That's too bad. WOuld be a nice feature to keep your work queue clean.
@Xirema I default to H3 unless I absolutely need two header sizes.
I also have a user script that reduces H1 to H2 and H2 to H2.5
@ThomasMarkov I mean, I prefer to use L3 as well because I think the other header sizes are too big most of the time. I'm guessing though if the goal is accessibility, we should be using L2 by default.
@Xirema TIL
Imma pin that for a bit.
If y'all see any good subjective-experience answers, please let me know. I'm bountying them in an attempt to raise the profile for how to answer well subjectively.
@NautArch Can I post my own :P
but yes.
My usual "exemplary" subjective answer is my ruling on spirit guardians
In that case, it was a no friendly fire rule even if no one was around when cast?
Did other spells have friendly fire? Like fireball?
Or just not spirit guardians?
The ruling was specific to spirit guardians.
Gotcha. I dig it. Bounty up.
BUt seriously, if anyone else comes across any, please ping me.
Im looking for some
1 hour later…
ngl, I have an itch to purge all links to sageadvice.eu from the site
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer, potentially bad keyword in answer, potentially bad keyword in username (63): What is the full list of official D&D settings? by Chikita Isaac on rpg.SE (@Rubiksmoose)
That's some spam.
Is the sickening radiance question showing up at the top of y'all's front pages?
@ThomasMarkov weiiiird
Okay there it is. I modified it 8 minutes ago and it just showed up on my feed
in third place
@ThomasMarkov Blame Caching
@Someone_Evil it's always caching
Can we update this answer to include Ravnica, Theros, and Wildemount?
Imma say just edit it
yeah thats what i mean lol
Well nuts, did the UI for RPGSE change again? This teams thing just emerged on my left hand margin of the main page ...
yall care if I just edit it?
@ThomasMarkov So it's not just me. Thanks. πŸ™‚
Q: Stack Overflow for Teams is now free for up to 50 users, forever

Teresa DietrichToday we’re launching our Free plan on Stack Overflow for Teams. We know that sharing knowledge and async collaboration is critical to companies and teams of all sizes. We also know people need a good sized group and time to see the impact and value of a platform like Stack Overflow for Teams. Ou...

it looks the same to me
There's why :)
How does it look for those who aren't members of a team?
(Since it's bugging you I assume it might be louder than if it's a team link there)
I'll get used to it. It's annoying because it's different. There's something in the corner of my eye that wasnt there before and it bugs me.
I think that setting question is a great candidate for some group work
There's a lot of improvement that can be done to it
Organize by edition, list sourcebooks, link to materials (where applicable), etc.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer, pattern-matching email in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (262): Can you become a vampire from the kiss of a succubus? by Mark Glotfelty on rpg.SE (@Rubiksmoose)
2 hours later…
Okay, potentially silly question time. Are emojis a good idea in answers? Like if I'm making a FATE answer, can I describe a sample die roll as βž•βž•βž–βž• ?
@Glazius Well, I probably wouldn't downvote an answer myself just because it used emoji, I suppose. I'm really only familiar with Fate Accelerated, but I'm not sure if heavy versions of the symbols are typically used in discussing it. Unless you're just describing how to add up the total of dice, I thought usually the specific individual dice didn't matter in Fate-style games so I wouldn't think it'd come up that often.
@Carcer and @Someone_Evil shouldiblamecaching.com
@Glazius I immediately suspect screen readers won't deal with this nicely.
The emoji names read out as "plus sign plus sign minus sign plus sign"
And I suppose just try not to make any examples involving white square button, πŸ”³
Though it seems to me like Fate dice should actually be labeled "+1", "0", and "-1", but there's a lot of history to the dice that get used in gaming and it's probably too late to change anything now.
is how it's detailed in the rules
@Someone_Evil makes me want to make a team even though I dont' have a reason
That happened to me too :)
@Someone_Evil I might give it some thought first : )
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer (162): Could the Hold Person spell be cast as part of a speech? by Baba Tunde on rpg.SE (@Rubiksmoose)
Q: Does resistance to a damage type prevent similarly named conditions from applying?

Ziggy202Creatures with resistances take half the damage from an attack of the type it is resistant to. But what happens if a condition is applied? For example, if someone with poison resistance gets poisoned condition, without any actual damage.

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