So I have an update to my 5e PC situation; the theme is Gothic/Lovecraftian style, somewhat similar to the Hugh Jackman Helsing. Magic exists, but those that don't have/can't use it, use tools and other gadgets instead
4e's Draconomicon: Chromatic Dragons re-prints the Draconic word list from the Third Edition Draconomicon (which was itself drawn from an article in Dragon Magazine from a couple years earlier; the 4e version does not include the additions or changes made to the 3.5e Races of the Dragon word list), and is the first appearance of "Iokharic" rather than "Draconic" for any part of the language.
This came up in a game I was running yesterday.
Two devils (Bearded and Horned) in 5e have weapons that deliver "infernal wounds", which are basically bleed effects. The creatures can be found in the Monster Manual, pgs. 70 and 74, respectively, or here and here.
For convenience, here's the full ...
And yeah, the Iokharic script seems to have first appeared in the 4e Draconomicon: Chromatic Dragons, alongside the reproduced word lists from the previous edition.
(ie, I can't remember or find any use of the custom typeface prior to D:CD, whether under the name Iokharic, Draconic, or otherwise.)
If I recall correctly, 4e was the first edition to provide full sets of non-setting-specific scripts for fictional D&D languages (I say non-setting-specific because Forgotten Realms exists and the detail of that setting is ridonkulous; I know it was providing typeface sets in 3.x, if not earlier).
(3.x's contribution to conlang was mostly word-equivalency lists and compound name generators.)
You'd have to define "canon" strictly in the question, I think. It's a term that has a lot of different colloquial meanings which usually get assumed rather than stated.
(Source: going anywhere near the Doctor Who fandom.)
@ThomasMarkov re the Candlekeep question, I've addressed the canonicity of that specific module in relation to the Forgotten Realms more directly in the answer
I've found that the most coherent but probably least useful definition of canon is based on explicit statements by the entity controlling the property. eg, Disney ruling on "legacy" content in Star Wars.
For the Forgotten Realms in particular, canon is detemined by Ed Greenwood, unless contradicted directly by Wizards of the Coast (iirc Ed Greenwood has directly stated this as being part of his agreement with WoTC when they came to an agreement about the setting)
@RevenantBacon I've had a look in the 3.5e Draconomicon I have, and it doesn't have a script for Draconic listed, but instead has a list of "Basic Draconic Vocabulary" written in English
The weapon property bane is a wonderful boost to a weapon on the occasions where its the right bane. One effect is that the weapon enhancement is +2 than what the weapon states, so a +1 bane (human) sword is actually a a +3 weapon against humans. But when dealing with creatures that have DR, the ...
"Indie Tabletop RPGs About Community And Togetherness," by Coleman Gailloret. A look at innovative tabletop RPGs with rules and settings that de-emphasize violence in favor of community-building, diplomacy, and solidarity.
Kickstarter: Babes in the Wood RPG (2nd Edition) by Adam Vass. A tabletop roleplaying game of kids & critters lost in an endless wood on Halloween night. Powered by the Apocalypse.
(The Beeb is famously uninterested in declarations of canonicity; in the nearly sixty years of the franchise you can count such declarations on one hand, and none of them will include a clear statement that the show itself is canon.)
@AncientSwordRage nope, they're a specific creature, that you have made a pact with. eg, Archfey patron: Your patron is a lord or lady of the fey, ... Beings of this sort include the Prince of Frost; the Queen of Air and Darkness, ruler of the Gloaming Court; Titania of the Summer Court; her consort Oberon, the Green Lord; Hyrsam, the Prince of Fools; and ancient hags.
Not sure about those specifically, but Fiends, yes: Fiends powerful enough to forge a pact include demon lords such as Demogorgon, Orcus, Fraz’Urb-luu, and Baphomet; archdevils such as Asmodeus, Dispater, Mephistopheles, and Belial; pit fiends and balors that are especially mighty; and ultroloths and other lords of the yugoloths.
GOO: Entities of this type include Ghaunadar, called That Which Lurks; Tharizdun, the Chained God; Dendar, the Night Serpent; Zargon, the Returner; Great Cthulhu; and other unfathomable beings.
A bunch of those do exist
I'd love someone's patron to be Zalgo, but specifically the ones from this SCP article
> "Look," he began, riffling through a sheet of papers, "this is your fifth time attempting to apply for SCP status. I don't know how many times I've said this to you, so listen up. This is the final time. We do not have any interest in taking you in. You just don't work."
> "Zalgo," stated the director flatly. "You find web comics, and you corrupt them."
Your patron mission could even be to make your eldritch abomination more well known
@nitsua60 Ayyy, sorry I missed you. On our canonical "official rules for D&D 5e" post, you state that the SRD is an official rules source, but would probably be more appropriate in the "often mistaken for official" section.
@AncientSwordRage Mine's an Empyrean who serves the deity of beer. (Yes, my brother has a deity of beer in our campaign, and the name of this Empyraen is Lagerael). I get occasional cryptic messages from him - quite possibly driven by my preference for rum over beer, it's a sailor thing - but mostly he's too busy being a chaotic titan/empyrean to bother with little old me, Celestial Warlock ...
Ive played a Bard extensively, and in my experience, your limiting of roundel to "you have one round to use it" is rarely actually a limitation in practice.
90% of the time I give out BI it is used immediately.
@ThomasMarkov In our current group, I have to remind people that they have it. During one session, I just used them all for cutting words (to reduce incoming damage) and that seemed to please them also.
@Medix2 Question, is this line in your question "The road you walk’s less travelled, but you walk it nonetheless;" a reference to this poem ?
@Medix2 I will suggest that for roundel, each person in your party who gets a BI eats one of your allocation. You are other wise majorly overpowering BI
So if you BI three party members, that's three of your 4 or 5 for that rest.
I'd also let it last as many rounds as your bardic proficiency bonus, but that's me being me and you need not want it to go beyond a round. Leave it as a bonus action, though, just m ake it possible to 'burst' inspiration.
@Medix2 On the Tounge Twister feature, if someone fails the saving throw, they take damage and their speed is reduced to zero for a minute (with no other end condition). If they succeed on a subsequent saving throw (either by damage or the end of their turn), as written, their speed remains 0 until the original minute is up.
@Medix2 Arms of Hadar is instantaneous. It happens and then fades away. It does not create an ongoing, 10ft shroud of dark energy continually erupting from you.
If a target fails the save, they take 2d12 psychic damage, and, for the next minute, their speed is reduced to 0, they cannot benefit from any bonuses to their speed, and they are frightened of you.
@Medix2 Hunger of Hadar states "No light, magical or otherwise, can illuminate the area and creatures fully within the area are blinded". In order for a creature to have the blinded condition from the spell they have to be fully within the area. The area no longer exists after 1 minute, and as such, after 1 minute no creature can satisfy the condition to be blinded (as no creatures can possibly be "fully within the area")
The language of cause fear might be a good model for a reword:
> The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you until the spell ends. The frightened target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
I did, and the conclusion they have somehow come to by ignoring the rest of the sentence is nonsensical because they haven't included the rest of the sentence
The blinding is a consequence of the fact that no light (magical or otherwise) can illuminate the area. Thats what the first part of the sentence is for, providing context
"The targeted creature must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success"
Which yeah, while using the phrasing and terminology that 5e uses is helpful for 5e homebrew. When you're going into new territory, don't be afraid to just spell it all out in regular words
I say... While intending to have a feature consisting of nothing but flowery language that requires time to decipher the true meaning. Which, gosh I am SO happy with how much people correctly figured those features out
@Medix2 Personally, I was able to figure out the first two, without needing to refer to the rules text (though as discussed without precise rules text the Tounge Twister feature is prone to abuse), but the Magnum Opus was completely indeciperable without the rules text.
Yeah, so in one of the later seasons of Sofia, the episode model is Sofia travelling to this magic library, the library gives her a book, and she has to go on an adventure to finish the story of the book.
@Medix2 A 10% error rate is pretty big if you are planning to publish this, and will end up with people just not choosing the class, wildly misinterpreting the class feature or demanding a refund or support. As someone who works in statistics, I'd encourage, if you are planning to publish, to do a larger set of sampling, and from as diverse a set of people as you can (including non-native speakers).
With a sample size of 50, for any appreciable population of purchasers, your error on that sample is +- 14 - 18% (depending on desired confidence level), meaning the true rate could be as high as 28%.
@Medix2 WoTC has only released like, 10 books for 5e (not counting adventures). Be glad that they don't have a release rate like they did for 3.5e, with dozens of books plus Dungeon and Dragon magazine, which both had issues somewhere in the 300+ range.
@illustro Oh yeah I'm aware, it wouldn't be a published thing; more of a "The homebrew content I allow" in a list for campaigns and people could, of course, ask for clarifications
@kviiri I would hazard a guess that @Someone_Evil took care of it, since they responded within a few seconds of me asking for mod attention. It was chatter more suited to EnglishSE than here.
@caleth Hi, sorry to move this to chat but the discussion under the answer was getting a bit long. I'm a little confused by your responses and I'm concerned I've missed something else in the rules. Our Ranger favours the longbow but in a party of 3, he inevitably ends up in melee a lot. That's why he's also wanting to take stats/bonuses etc that help him in melee. It's not just a "backup weapon"?
@MattThrower when my ranger was in the party and we only had 3, he had to sword and board quite a bit. Medium armor master was the feat I'd taken with vHuman, and that ended up being a fine choice. (Plust I stayed sneaky). I used a rapier.
@KorvinStarmast Exactly. Hence I can't quite get the gist of this last comment "I can understand having a back-up weapon. I less understand taking a fighting style for that, after ignoring options that are essentially free for a better improvement. "
They're tied to having a "longsword" but want the attributes of a rapier? Suggest calling it something different so you don't get confused later. E.g. "warsword"
Have you asked the player of the ranger what they're going for? If it's the Aragorn style ranger of AD&D, that's long gone. My recollection was even 2nd edition nerfed the ranger.
@GcL No, I haven't asked. Remember this guy hasn't played D&D in like 20 years or more so he won't remember exactly how Rangers worked in 2e (and neither do I). I didn't want to take the longsword = rapier option partly to avoid him and the bard squabbling over magic swords.
@GcL It's the fact he won't take a shield that really confuses me tho. Because that's what a ranger would have done in 2e and it'd "fix" this at a stroke - allowing his duelling bonus and giving him a higher AC
The mechanics aren't really an issue if everyone at the table is roughly approaching them the same. A few points of dmg here and there... scale the encouters to match if you have to. If you do have a player that enjoys pushing the mechanics to limits and optimizing for ... whatever, then that can be a problem with overshadowing the other characters.
Best option IMO: explain that you messed up on the rules, and let the ranger decide if he wants to continue to use a longsword, or swap for a rapier, and let him change fighting styles if he wants. Don't try to force the bard to "not be a tank" because whether or not the ranger is tanking isn't your call, it's the players call.
@MattThrower Also, what Caleth is saying is that taking a fighting style to support your backup weapon (longsword) instead of your primary weapon (bow) is strange.
They might not need a tank. Leave yourself and the game open to alternative endings to encounters. E.g. if still combat, identifying and taking down the enemy tank first then offering surrender... or clever environmental or ambush ways to beat combat obstacles.
@MattThrower Yup, a custom flag asking for a comment thread to be moved to chat is a-okay! (if flagging a comment make sure that flag autodeletes the comment, because custom flags can do that too)
This is a fun idea... I'm going to see if I can prompt my players to name their mundane equipment they've had since the beginning of the campaign. Kind of explore the emotional attachment to the tools they've been using. Then see if they're still as keen on seeking out magical alternatives.
He has to use the longsword more than the bow. There are three people in the party. So whenever they get into a fight with more than 1 or two enemies, he can't stay out of melee and use the bow
@RevenantBacon Maybe they don't know if they're enemies. A group I currently run tries to negotiate with just about everything. Sometimes it works out... especially when they have a language they both speak. Sometimes that language is the love of piles of meat, but whatever.
What Korvin said. If they meet, say, 4 orcs, the Bard can hold one of them up, the others are going to peel round and get to the Ranger and Warlock. The latter needs some protection with his relatively weedy hitpoints, so the Ranger has to intervene
@RevenantBacon Usually works with anything sufficiently intelligent. Most creatures in Eberron want to live, and avoiding unnecessary fights with armed opponents is a decent way of doing that.
So both Bard and Ranger went for dex as highest stat. They're both Elves, so it's 17 for a +3 bonus. The Bard picked a rapier so gets +3 bonus to attack and damage. The Ranger - who played in 2e - picked a longsword by default but his Strength is only +1
@ThomasMarkov He's wedded to the idea of a longsword. Even when I explained the situation, he wanted to keep it. His image of his character is stronger than the desire to optimize it, which I can get behind
I think one of the things that's an issue here is that these are low-level characters who just don't have the options that a higher level character would have. Like the ability to pick up a feat that could, say, allow them to fire a bow while in melee
@MattThrower See if he's interested in a messer of some sort. Those were technically "knives" in the legal determination of their time, but they came in a lot of shapes and sizes. Grosse messer could be thematically like a long sword and functionally like a rapier.
@ThomasMarkov I disagree with this. If the situation has been explained, and the player still wants the sub-optimal choice, then they don't need any hand-holding
Also, then it could be a unique thing to the character, and they might not even want to part with it when presented with the opportunity for a magic replacement.
@KorvinStarmast we're they really that great? gotta lug them around and they're heavy and you bump stuff with them.... just all work and apologies.
What I'm going to do before the next session is explain I got the damage bonus wrong, then explain in black and white that his choices make him a worse fighter than the bard. I didn't do that before, I only laid out the numbers. Then I'm going to suggest he swaps some stats around or takes a shield. And if he still doesn't do it, well, that's up to him.
Probably don't present the kinds of adventures that don't lend themselves to the talents of this group. Got a bunch of thieves? Heists should be on the menu. Got an acrobatic lot, I would expect quests|jobs|adventures with a finesse theme and opportunities to avoid a toe to toe barbarian brawl are in order.
I mean, a few "water encounters for a fire group" every once in a while, to illustrate, but having crap that's not in your wheelhouse most of the time is not very fun.
At level 4, Berric the cleric takes Channel Smite. He then attacks someone, expending a Harm spell. From the text:
Make a melee Strike and add the spell’s damage to the Strike’s damage.
Does this mean that the basic Fortitude save mentioned in the text for Harm simply isn't used? If Berric used...
TLDR: In my game, finesse and ranged weapons don't get a stat damage bonus and Dueling gives the damage bonus to 1- and 2- handed weapons. Is this balanced?
Starting running a game for the first time in several years. Two of the players are new to D&D (a Warlock and a Bard). The other hasn't play...
One of my friends mentioned wanting to play a succubus in a pathfinder game and wants to use the savage species succubus class for it though at a glance the succubus class in savage species seems underwhelming to say the least with low combat ability and low utility. (At least compared to a caste...
@MarkWells My point is that an answer that concerns a particular game system on a question that does not specify a game system is usually "not an answer" and should be deleted.
There you are, in melee combat. You're 5 feet away from your opponent. The swords go snicker-snack. You decide to grapple. You succeed! Are you still 5 feet away? I had always assumed the grappler and grapplee were in the same space. Tête–à–tête, as it were.
However, this question made me...
Excellent question. What we are looking at here is:
How do areas of effect work, and
How moving someone in a grapple works.
Area of Effect
The general rules for area of effects are detailed on p. 204 of the PHB. Now an area of effect is defined very precisely. What is not stated of how much ...
My PC is like a reverse techpriest... he wants to integrate his own mechanics with the "fleshwalker" mechanics. Recovering damage without repairs or maintenance... automatic upgrades and replacement parts