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@AncientSwordRage MAP MEN MAP MEN
(that is itself a shibboleth of sorts)
Q: Are there any guidelines for magic tattoos in D&D 5e?

The Darke LordeI would like to add magical tattoos for a D&D campaign in 5th edition. In 3e (The version that exposed me to D&D), there is the option to add tattoos with magic; They are permanent and can never be lost, but cost twice as much as an item with the same abilities. However, there are no such rules f...

@BardicWizard Yarn socks
@Ben funny story, one of my gifts (for my grandfather) was actually going to be socks except turns out the pattern doesn’t work. I’m getting him a book on the black death instead
(map map map map map map map map map map XD)
(men,.. I guess)
@BESW @Shalvenay @trogdor @MikeQ @doppelgreener @V2Blast @Rubiksmoose @KorvinStarmast long time, no see--hope you-all are well!
ah hello
been busy?
@trogdor mumble mumble three-legged bobcat covering his scat on a frozen pond mumble mumble....
But mostly good-to-middling things, so not much by way of complaints.
@nitsua60 [wave] Glad things are looking up a bit for you.
uh,... I don't have much to do other than entertain myself perpetually during the spikes and dips of a pandemic
and fight lack of motivation to do anything at all XD
@BESW Normalizing, at least. This fall into winter feels like a square-root sign, and now I'm riding the flat of it, feeling a little stability.
@BESW Thank you, again, for checking in and being a shoulder.
@nitsua60 Any time! Sorry I drifted off after a bit, but you can always poke me if you need me.
@trogdor I know what you mean, man. We switched come December to full-remote learning until February, and losing daily, in-person contact with the kids just feels like all the wind's out of my sails. (Professionally--family/personal stuff's fine.)
@BESW No need to apologize =)
my father is still teaching, he told his school he wasn't coming in so they had him remote teaching
about a month or so in they started getting cases in the school and switched entirely to remote teaching across the board
Anybody got suggestions of a non-cloud, non-subscription database that can be set up by a database newb and somebody who hasn't used databases since the early 80s?
@BESW the closest thing I can think of is excel
Microsoft's SQL Server has a free Express edition microsoft.com/en-au/sql-server/sql-server-downloads. It's fully featured and upgradable to paid versions if you sod desire.
MySQL as well
Excel is not a database, but people have been paid a lot of money to not know that.
@nitsua60 been well enough here I reckon
@BESW what are they looking to do with the database?
I want to use a database to organize thousands of photos and make it easy to pull out the ones I need based on whatever criteria. My mother would also like access to database software for her own needs but I'm not sure exactly what those are.
@BESW hm. there's lots of turnkey stuff floating around for the former I reckon (common problem to have) but I'm not familiar with it
Even something like Adobe Bridge would work for my needs, except it's Adobe which means that eventually they're gonna discontinue or gate it and I'll lose access to my sorting system.
@BESW yeah, it'd help if we knew what your mom was after for that matter
yaaaa .....aaay adobe
I know one of her applications is tracking long-term food storage.
@BESW that's an interesting one....
it sounds like the kind of thing that someone versed in databases could knock together fairly quickly as a bespoke thing, but'd be hard to find as a "canned" product
Like I said, she did database work... almost 40 years ago.
She understands the principles of databases much better than I do, but neither of us have experience with the modern iterations.
And we don't really have the time and energy to learn a new profession.
@BESW so before SQL that is?
She can't remember the name but she says it was a CPM database that ran on an Epson computer.
@BESW yeah, sounds pre-SQL to me
I'm gonna guess it was DBase?
@BESW that'd be my guess as well
But she's teaching a class now, I'd just managed to grab her for a moment on her lunch break.
Q: How to read mutual solubility curves?

nikhilelite Came across a few graphs that represent the mutual solubility of two compounds, for eg, solubility of KCl, and NaCl with H2O. On these particular graphs, I can see Y axis as gms/100ml of KCl, on X axis it has gms/100ml of NaCL, and the graph has multiple lines each representing a curve at a spec...

Hi guys, anyone have any clue around how to read mutual solubility graphs ?
Hi! This chat is related to the Role-playing Games Stack Exchange; you're probably looking for one of the Chemistry.SE chat rooms.
Sorry about that.
No worries! We talk about a lot of things here, but you're more likely to find specialist expertise in chats associated with the relevant Stack.
Quick random question: we were learning about SAQs (short answer questions, in this case) in AP world history today, and I vaguely remember seeing the same abbreviation somewhere on the stack — does it have a meaning here or is my brain making strange connections again?
Self-Answered Questions.
(And in my faith, it's the usual abbreviation for the reference text Some Answered Questions.)
so it means at least three different things
although here specifically I guess mostly the Self Answered questions one
Clearly I have to use it in the “self answered question” context somewhere on the history study guide
@BESW I agree it's not a database, but it does a good impression in a pinch
TRPG General Chat: “Hmm, I bet they know stuff about solubility curves.”
@TheDragonOfFlame I mean, if it came up in an rpg, someone here probably knows of it
@TheDragonOfFlame sigh time to make a chemistry RPG
@BardicWizard player: “Ok my scientist starts testing the solubility or something... you know, chemistry.”
GM: “I believe that if you can’t describe a characters actions, you shouldn’t be able to do it. What does your PC do?”
@TheDragonOfFlame roll for titration, DC 45
^ my experiences with chemistry
next session: Player: “Ok my scientist (INSERT WIKIPEDIA CHEMISTRY JARGON HERE)”
Upcoming Kickstarter: Field Guide to Memory by Jeeyon Shim. A narrative journalling game about a cryptid researcher who goes missing in the field. How will you, her protégé, carry on her legacy?
@Shalvenay I am now trying to finesse the usual scheduling issues.. we might move it toward early to mid afternoon so that AncientSwordRage can fit ... time zones vary ..
@KorvinStarmast that'll require it to fall on a weekend
@Shalvenay I can try to work with that. I wonder if I can get it all ready by Sunday afternoon, which is for me usually football time, but that can move for a game.
@nitsua60 hope you can make the one shot, and you may want to watch your mail box. 😉
Q: Does this combination of features allow me to add 3× my Charisma to my AC?

DanielPaladin 1, smite evil (deflection): In addition, while smite evil is in effect, the paladin gains a deflection bonus equal to her Charisma modifier (if any) to her AC against attacks made by the target of the smite. If the paladin targets a creature that is not evil, the smite is wasted with no ...

@nitsua60 depending on the day, can you maybe play in this one shot? Play test of a scenario, level 6.
My usual DC 25 challenge of scheduling ...
@KorvinStarmast Starting Wednesday my life gets very relaxed for a week, then very Christmas+in-law for a week, then very relaxed for about two weeks... could work!
"Why the sea is boiling hot" -- must be over a volcano
I think our family broke our own record, and not in a good way. We made it four nights of Hanukkah and three weeks (plus a bit) of advent before catching something (that’s not supposed to be on fire) on fire tonight. On the bright side, it was only the advent wreath. On the less-bright side, our table is wood and so was the advent wreath.
Last year nothing got set on fire (unless it was supposed to be on fire) so that’s why I think we broke our own record
Everything and everyone is fine, but the table now has some interesting scars on it (not that it didn’t have them before) and we no longer have an intact advent wreath or permission to keep the menorah inside the advent wreath
@BardicWizard wow. that kind of record makes me want to send you a NFPA 13D retrofit for the holidays
@Shalvenay blame the 7yo, who begged to be allowed to light the candles tonight
We do have sprinklers and smoke alarms though, which have now been proven to definitely work
@BardicWizard ah. :) sprinklers are near and dear to my heart -- nothing's faster at getting wet stuff on red stuff
hello! how goes it?
I've got a oneshot more or less done but the final puzzle could use some tuning.
@Powerdork I’m waiting outside until the dining room no longer smells like smoke
Can't blame you there.
Work is going long. I want to pass out.
I'm being annoyed at Procreate's export options for gifs.
I just don't understand how to make it do what I want.
@Powerdork Caffeeeeeiiiinnnee
@BESW you know the saying "do what I do, not what I say" (and vice versa)? For programs it's basically just "Do what it wants, not what you want".
I have had my cup of coffee, yeah. Minor help.
@Powerdork That makes it sound like you've only had one
It's surreal getting jetlagged without traveling.
Of all the times for the stackexchange image grabber to kick in; now I can't tell where that's from because it's an internal link.
@BardicWizard I can relate to the 7 year old
@TheDragonOfFlame we can all relate to the 7 year old.
@TheDragonOfFlame I love my little brother, but that’s cause I’m not the one who has to teach him manual dexterity
Q: Are the ranger subclasses from Xanathar's Guide to Everything compatible with the UA revised ranger?

AnagkaiMy games use the UA revised ranger (from Unearthed Arcana: The Ranger, Revised) instead of the PHB version of the class. The question did not previously come to mind, because until now my players either chose the Hunter or Beast Master subclasses, both of which have a variant included in the same...

Welp, an hour and a half after things caught fire it’s now not-smokey enough that I can be inside for longer than a couple minutes at a time without feeling sick to my stomach
Which is a good thing
The collateral damage is surprisingly minimal — a scorch mark on the table, the unlit candles are now melted, and we have no more advent wreath, but the house is still standing and nobody got hurt!
@BardicWizard ...what
@Ben scroll back a bit. My seven year old little brother accidentally lit the advent wreath on fire
@BardicWizard Oh well I definitely missed that part. I knew he wanted to light the candles, but I missed the part where he set everything else on fire first XD
@Ben it wasn’t everything else. It was just the menorah candles, the advent wreath candles, and the advent wreath. Plus a tiny bit of the table... actually, that’s a lot of things
Glad everything is ok now at least
5 hours later…
@KorvinStarmast if I fits I sits
@nitsua60 \o/ it's my favorite sherson!
Registration is now live for #SessionZeroOnline, a showcase of tabletop RPGs from Asia and the diaspora, with a focus on Southeast Asian artists and creators! The event will be held on 30 January 12PM-12AM GMT+8, and registration is free.
2 hours later…
@nitsua60 Ok,I'll start posting prospective dates for next week in the chat room for the one shot...
2 hours later…
Twitter thread by Arcanist Post: The gaming social contract You should get explicit CONSENT from your fellow players in your tabletop roleplaying games.
@AncientSwordRage So...session zero?
But asking "why" if someone says no I think is perfectly fine. Maybe there is a way to play that if the why is answered.
@NautArch yes I agree it's ok to ask why sometimes
@AncientSwordRage I'd probably say the most of the time.
But if it touches on trauma then it can be bad to probe
@AncientSwordRage If they answer with "I'd rather not discuss" then it can be dropped.
But I don't think assuming any 'no' is from drama is a good idea. I'd rather have communication.
@NautArch Oh, yes, but that can still be stressful for them, or they may feel forced to answer
@AncientSwordRage I think we're all mostly capable of discussing what we'd like, and not like, to play.
@NautArch ultimately no means no, and finding out won't necessarily change that
Assuming we can't communicate, or defaulting to no communication rubs me the wrong way.
But I tend to play more with friends than strangers. So maybe that's coloring my viewpont.
Im a little confused by @Akixkisu's q&a
@ThomasMarkov It was a question by one of my players so I made an intentional duplicate q&a.
@ThomasMarkov I think i see what they did. They had one of their players ask this and they realized it might be a good dupe. But then they answered it, which was weird.
@Akixkisu but why did you answer it?
If you knew it was a dupe you could have asked and duped it. Answering it was weird.
Just felt natrual.
@NautArch that's also possible, I hadn't considered that as I don't have a regular group
@AncientSwordRage My default assumption is a table knows each other (mostly).
Yeah I dont understand.
Like, I understand what you did @Akixkisu, but I dont understand why.
@Akixkisu That last paragraph is a total mess, too.
@ThomasMarkov when navigating the site you want to have easy searches, this came up (surprisingly) at my table, so I think it is useful to have it their specifically with the Ten rules descriptor. As to why I also answered it - it just felt like a natural intuition.
@NautArch Yup it was the way I was asked, and I see their confusion.
@Akixkisu then why not answer it in the dupe target?
...then post an answer using the ten rules descriptor on the original.
/shrug their doesn't need to be an answer, I just followed my intuition.
@Akixkisu Just because its the way they asked doesn't mean you should post that verbatim. Questions still need to be readable.
I think questions should aptly express where the confusion lies. I think the question is readabable but more difficult than the average wording.
@Akixkisu okay, feel free to ignore our suggestions. That is absolutely your right, but we are trying to help. Doubling down usually isn't helpful.
@NautArch I know, I apprecciate it :) I just don't care about the downvotes and just want it be there this way :9
Yeah, the question seems pretty confusing. If I were a new player I feel like I would be more confused after reading your question.
@ThomasMarkov I think you are right, this edit should take care of that.
Didn't really help. You do you, I guess. In my estimation this is just a lower quality, more confusing version of the dupe target.
@AncientSwordRage I suppose that's one way to approach it. I tend to come at it from a different angle though. Rather than ask if someone will play with [X] or [Y] in the game, and then include/exclude [X] and [Y] based on responses, I generally go "I'm having [X] and [Y] in my game, are you interested?". Same general result I guess.
@ThomasMarkov The point is not to have a higher quality question - it is to create a meaningful duplicate based on a real problem.
@Akixkisu didn't mean it needs an answer. Having answers spread between questions is unhelpful
@AncientSwordRage I deleted the answer.
@Akixkisu I noticed
I didn't know if it was because you agreed, or because you didn't want to have this conversation (if that's the case I'm happy to drop it)
@AncientSwordRage I agree with the reasoning.
I was a little surprised by the armor question. I thought it was fairly obvious that better armors are...better.
@NautArch I was surprised that Light wasn't worse than medium, strictly on AC
@AncientSwordRage It's all about your dex score.
Medium let's you downgrade dex over other ability scores
@NautArch Yup! that's the key
@NautArch you assume that heavier armour means better armour, but really when you are coming from a non-dnd background that isn't obvious.
@Akixkisu I'mnot so sure. If you haven't looked at the book at all, it isnt obvious.
I've seen other systems penalise you for wearing heavy armour (mainly my old Uni's larp system
If you have, you see the AC values.
But giving a wizard heavy armor? whooboy.
without having to invest an ASI
or more.
@NautArch Hm, if you read it you also see the penalties and may assume that they are worse than they are.
@Akixkisu true. I may be looking at this more from someone with experience. Which was surprising to see Anagkai ask it.
Because I don't see them as uninformed.
@NautArch hm, I think there are a lot of tables with great rp and expertise in certain areas that lack expertise in more mechanical areas.
Or you have so many little houserules that you are essentially working in an entirely different frame.
I don't play any resting rules other than Gritty Realism for instance which shifts a lot of the things that I look up on the regular.
That wasn't always the case, but now I don't think I can answer a lot of the things that I used to be able to answer due to my changed perspective.
I'd even say that most tables don't play by the book and rather play loosely guided by the book.
I still have players with more than 10 years of rp experience who ask me if they can play things like the Witcher from dandwiki.
Assuming knowledge is an easily obtained bias.
@NautArch that would mean the wizard couldnt cast spells..
also disadvantage on stealth is annoying, and the price on plate armour puts it out of reach for at least 6 levels
@TheDragonOfFlame if they're proficient, they can.
oh yeah you mean a cleric wizzard or a fighter wizzard or something
(Oh or a racial armor prof I get it now)
yeah heavy armor racial prof is broken
A plated wizard is as good as dex +5 with mage armor.
@ThomasMarkov that means a 20 dex first :P When they are likely pumping INT.
And that's a spell slot.
Yeah, which really highlights how strong it is for a wizard to be proficient in heavy armor.
ugh. why is Dale M so offputting all the time.
@ThomasMarkov ??
@SeriousBri really? My plan was to be condescending all the way through. Like this comment. — Dale M 5 hours ago
i mean, you gotta respect their schtick.
i mean, i know i can be pedantic, but ability check vs skill check seems...pointless to argue about.
Intead of raising a comment you may as well edit the answer when it is as easily done as there.
@Akixkisu their answer, their choice. I'm not a big fan of editing someone else's stuff like that.
and Dale's a big kid. If they want to leave it, that's their choice.
@NautArch if you think it is offensive, then you ought to edit it.
@Akixkisu Dale ignores 99% of post improvement comments I've ever seen.
@Akixkisu I didn't think it was offensive.
Ah okay.
@Akixkisu It's not personally abusive to anyone.
yeah, it could be nicer, and the bit at the end makes it more understandable that it's easily missed.
my main problem with it is that the distinction really isn't necessary.
@MarkWells that is irrelevant in regards to our code of conduct.
It can be read with snark, or it can be read with a grain of salt. I read it the latter way the first time, but others clearly reading it the former. And, honestly, it's probably a little bit of column A and a little bit of Column B.
@Akixkisu I don't believe that for a second. No community ever has run on a rule of "We don't care if you are personally abusive."
@MarkWells rpg.stackexchange.com/conduct the distinction that we make here is friendly as opposed to unfriendly language.
Of course, that doesn't mean that it is irrelevant in our judgement and severity, etc.
1) Let's not assume the worst about a stackizen. 2) Let's not speak poorly about a stackizen. 3)If you have issues, please just flag. The code of conduct applies here, too.
Q: How do you optimise a low-level vault-buster heist character?

AkixkisuI'm going to run a campaign that starts with characters on level one and finishes on reaching level six in 998 YK. I'm looking for a complete path for the character build through level one to six. One of my players wants to play an expert at busting open magically secured and conventionally re-en...

I personally think my answer is better than the most upvoted one.. what did I do wrong?
@TheDragonOfFlame nothing, but the most upvoted answer did some things exceptionally well.
@Akixkisu Your statement earlier about rest variants and other houserules makes your question a bit more interesting. Are there things the community should know about those rules that are relevant?
@NautArch nope this one is the exception to the rule :)
It is not my table.
Just me jumping in, but I'm as always impressed by your perceptiveness.
@Akixkisu reading both my answer seems much more optimized.
At will detect magic, 120 foot darkvision in magic darkness, advantage on saving throws against magic effects, not to mention expertise in stealth
as well as a tiny scout and charm abilities in case you get spotted..
@TheDragonOfFlame What rpg.stackexchange.com/a/178354/44723 does is make it explicit why they think each option is the correct one, the approach is clean and accessible.
@Akixkisu Nice! I wasn't sure it was like oh no!
@Akixkisu Sure but the options aren’t as good.. formatting isn’t my strong suit
Tbh it seems like an example of the “Long Answer Rule” to me at least
@TheDragonOfFlame Im not familiar with this rule
Longer answers tend to get upvoted because they take up more screen space.
Unfortunately, presentation of data is just as important as the data itself.
@ThomasMarkov its something I made up, but the premise is if an answer has more words written down, and is longer, people are more likely to think it is better
We aren't just talking about the clean formatiing, but an in-depth description of why the data matters :)
yeah I guess.
It is very informative and you can see why they reached their conclusion.
Then make an educated choice.
You might even disagree, but nonetheless it is super useful.
Yeah, I’m just annoyed I guess because i spent like 40 minutes working out that build..
@TheDragonOfFlame I like it, and in the end it is up to my player what they pick. It is a good answer :)
Q: How does the Variant: Skills with Different Abilities rule affect the game?

BlueMoon93The PHB mentions how it is possible to make ability checks based on different abilities, a variant "Skills with Different Abilities" rule. In some situations, though, your proficiency might reasonably apply to a different kind of check. In such cases, the GM might ask for a check using an unusua...

Just finished David's answer, gonna read yours now @TheDragonOfFlame
In fact I think all three of the answer are pretty great.
@Akixkisu XD I just realized you asked the question
David's answer gives a thorough analysis relating each feature choice to a specific element of the task. @TheDragonOfFlame Your answer seems more vague in that respect. I'm not convinced your build is well suited for the problems we would be facing.
@ThomasMarkov I just edited in a why this is good section
also wait a minute are you the player?
Oh, you mean the player in @Akixkisu's game? No.
> the problems we would be facing
oh ok
I use third person plural when solving problems because Im a mathematician.
I’m fine if mine isn’t picked but I see mine as a good option.. also if the fun factor is a thing, I would definitely pick mine
i mean it’s a sneaky goat guy
@TheDragonOfFlame See, this is why I'd roll a character randomly and then try to bust vaults with whatever the Dice Gods gave me.
Though clearly someone asking for min maxed builds online is looking more for power than ‘fun factor’
@MarkWells ok my 4 intelligence half orc wizard with a Greataxe ‘busts’ the vault
Satyr roleplay is pretty awesome, one of my favourite characters that I've played was a Loxodon Cleric of the Spores - characters like that are a blast.
@TheDragonOfFlame I'd also have double checked if the Mythos stuff was okay. I mean, i guess it is officially published, but with the setting in Eberron, I'd have made sure (but i'm guessing it's fine, right @Akixkisu?)
@Akixkisu I played a loxodon peacekeeper cleric once.. but then.. it just became an angry elephant that smashed stuff with an axe
hey I mean it was a combat one shot and I had only just started roleplaying
@NautArch if it is picked I'll make it wrk, players getting to play what they want is always top priority :)
@TheDragonOfFlame "Suddenly, smash everything" is in character for an elephant, I think
@Akixkisu Just say some crazy wizard crossbred a goat with a human..
@TheDragonOfFlame that is essentially my Spores Cleric, also has great voice bits that you can do :D
@Akixkisu Very reasonable :P
@Akixkisu This is a top priority for Naut until someone tries to take a 1 level hexblade dip.
@ThomasMarkov haha :D
Also not unreaonsable :P
Naut's priorities: 1. No 1 level hexblade multiclass. 2. Everything else.
@TheDragonOfFlame Dale's comment about limiting yourself to Odyssey for your +1 having larger effects in terms of other choices is also pretty good.
@ThomasMarkov 2. Eberron-focus 3. everything else
@NautArch I realize that, if I had tashas I’d make it work, but satyr is one of the best races in the game..
Maybe a toss a requirement about using critical role/AI stuff.
@TheDragonOfFlame I think that's hurting you more than you think it is (in terms of votes.)
@TheDragonOfFlame yeah, that's also why I don't love those later books.
The other answer is more contraversial than mine (2 downvotes, 10 upvotes, I have half on both accounts
And even though I'm currently playing a monstrous race, those also aren't great.
What +1 would you recommend as an alternative?
Some with more spell/item/feat/etc. options.
Like XGtE.
I wish the color of Stack links on mobile would stop changing XD
missing out on XGtE means missing out on a lot of great spells.
I'm an expert when it comes to typoes.
What specifically does Xanathar add to the build.. I didn’t find anything helpful there..
OH ahah. I thought there was some parody of the title I was missing out on. Didnt want to be left out of an inside joke.
Xanathar's, Badly Translated to English. The only reasonable explanation for its poor editing.
There are some good spells, but none of the, help a vault buster.
the invocations aren’t swell either
i don’t think any of the warlock patrons are better than Archfey for this build
@TheDragonOfFlame for this build
Gonna go write an answer that uses a 1 level hexblade dip just for Naut, brb.
@MarkWells well..
Xanathar, Beholder, Text to Explicit. A Guide to Everything.
@ThomasMarkov flips open molly-guard on downvote button
@MarkWells dynotherms connected
Also a friend just texted me a pic of the TCE invocations: none of them help the build either
And I am confused as to why people think advantage on all saving throws against magic isn’t worth it for a character specifically fighting magic traps
Wait an idea
Would it be better to do TCE for custom lineage and take Dungeon Delver feat?
@TheDragonOfFlame if you're looking at advantage on saving throws against magic, Volo's gives you that with the Yuan-Ti. Not sure if that's better or not.
@Powerdork heyo mayo!
@NautArch Yuan Ti is a good choice actually.
@Powerdork hi
@ThomasMarkov another kinda OP race (and the race of my hexblade)
Tweaked my back this morning. Using frozen chicken to ice it down.
@ThomasMarkov should probably switch to heat soon.
microwaved chicken?
@NautArch Yup, got my heating pad at the office too.
and you're too young to be tweaking your back
you sound like me.
Been alternating most of the day.
Going to see a chiropractor tomorrow.
you missed a fun session last friday
They took on Sephek.
@NautArch It was at the end of my second set of 275 pound deadlifts. Bar went up real sloppy. Need more conditioning. I've got the strength, but the first set had me pretty taxed.
@ThomasMarkov Slop hurts.
I have sympathy my back is sucky too
That's how I re-borked my wrist.
Should have just dropped the bar. Would have been fine. I broke my cardinal rule of lifting: safety is loud.
First time trying front squats with a barbell and didn't have a good balance. Took my thumb and twisted it.
wrenched my wrist and tore ligaments
yeah, that was about the end of my weight lifting.
clean grip, I assume?
@NautArch I love that expression.
Re-borked sounds cute for some reason.
@ThomasMarkov Bar mostly balanced across top of chest with thumbs just holding it?
@Akixkisu Sounds much cuter than what Naut probably said when it happened.
Yeah, was all bad. Surgery.
And that is why I just do push-ups
I'm WAY to clumsy, and I'm terrified of something like that happening
with my weak wrists, i've switched to knuckle pushups. Keeps the wrist straight.
I've tried those, but it just feels weird on my hands and I can't get in to it.
on the other hand (haha) I hate how doing it the standard way feels on my wrists
maybe I should give knuckles another shot
just build up
takes a bit for them to get used to the weight
Wrist wraps would help too.
Im 8 helpful flags from the MArshal badge
Time to go find some unnecessary comments.
@ThomasMarkov ha, I did that one earlier, but noticed when I had like 40 to go.
Gonna use SEDE to find comments with naughty words.
Oh, yay... :p
Besides the obvious, what counts as "naughty" in this instance?
Whatever @ThomasMarkov can think of and isn't afraid to type into SEDE presumably
There's a SEDE query out there that already has a nice junk drawer list.
@ThomasMarkov there are a few premade queries, but if you really want to go witch hunting prepare since thanks to our fellow network users there are quite a bit of false positive
I had already tried in the past.
rofl every comment that has the word "hello" shows up.
You have enough points for moderator tool access, can you flag something and then action it yourself?
BTW, 5 hours until hats, so.... it may even get you something in return, who knows if there will be a "raise # valid flags" hat
Forgot about hats.
only 5 hours left.
Will see if this year there is any new mechanics.
I don't know what this "hats" thing is either
Also every comment Hellsaint has every been mentioned in.
@RevenantBacon weird.... "Member for 1 year, 9 months"
I really liked the rainbow puke hat last year.
@RevenantBacon did you not took part in the event last year?
@Derpy Yeah, came to look up some answers to some pathfinder stuff that had already been asked, made a profile, but never actually participated until around March this year
You can tell by the fact that I had virtually no points prior to that.
Short version: every year SE does a little "winter holidays event" . Basically for about...3-4 weeks some actions can earn you hats you can wear on your avatar.
Of which, rainbow puke is superior to all hats.
@RevenantBacon look here in about 5 hours from now
!remindme 5 hours
@ThomasMarkov everyone knows the best (flavored) hat is the cupcake one.
@Derpy I approve the body size to food size ratio
Imagine being able to unhinge your jaw like a snake to eat something that big
Alternatively, imagine being able to unhinge your jaw like some sort of elder horror to eat something that big
I'm content just imagining a cupcake that size
Today has been a Long Day
@AncientSwordRage oh dear, did something happen?
@BardicWizard just lots of stuff, the day felt full? Definitely productive though
@AncientSwordRage ah, well, at least productivity is good
I’ve been productive in all the wrong ways today — I got two out of 6 Christmas presents done, but not the school stuff that’s actually due
I'm looking at this question and I'm just like, "I don't have the time to tell this person to play The Sprawl or a number of other games first"
like, 2d6 roll under with degrees of success just feels like an inversion and convolution of PBTA rolls
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