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Does anyone know if the forgotten realms has lace anywhere? I had an idea
Morning all
@BardicWizard Lace? Like, the thread?
Right yeah. Talking about the same thing.
Any reason why you believe there isn't?
No, no reason to believe there isn’t, but no reason to believe there is
> For steep prices, Mistran shoppers could purchase fine, spun cotton, lace, silk, or vibrant garments from the Forest Country.
It is a fandom, so take that as you will
@Ben fair
it’s something though
@Ben it does cite Volo's Guide to the Dalelands though...
So there is some validity to it :)
Logical next question: what techniques are used to make FR lace?
That, I doubt there’s an answer to
I'd say some kind of artisan's tools
Tinker's tools?
There’s about a million styles of lace so I’m asking about (say) bobbin lace or reticella or needle lace or Irish crochet lace, not about the materials (I’d say like weaver’s tools for making it or something else with the appropriate thing for the style)
Yeah weaver's tools (the name wasn't coming to me)
@Ben A tinkerer would make a little clockwork lace knitting machine :P
@NautArch if you would be so kind :)
Muchly appreciated
@NautArch if you would move my last post please too :)
No worries!
@NautArch those already exist, I think.
@NautArch I call it, "Ticker-threader!"
Although there’s actually 2 types of knitted lace: knitted lace, where the holes and decreases are worked every row, and lace knitting, where the holes are only worked on the right side of the work.
I really like lace
In all honesty, if it's not in there, add it in. Someone would have the bright idea to make something so fancy. "You know what would be better than silk? Silk threaded with gold and woven into intricate designs! People would definitely pay some good coin for that!"
Leatherworkers have weaving tools, so they could be inspired by their tools and make more delicate/intricate versions
Q: Is a Circle of Stars Druid's Chalice form affected by Grave Cleric's Circle of Mortality?

CyanicIf a Stars Druid/Grave Cleric multiclass were to use a Cure Wounds on an unconscious creature at 0 hp, and they designate that creature as a target of their Chalice form's healing ability, does that mean they receive 16+double wisdom mod healing, or 8+1d8+double wisdom mod healing? Circle of Mor...

@HotRPGQuestions Yes? Yes. Sure. Why not.
@Ben chalice isn't a spell
Q: Can another player benefit from the Phantom Rogue's soul trinkets?

LogicianWithAHatAt level 9, the Rogue's Phantom subclass (Tasha's Cauldron of Everything) gets the 'Tokens of the Departed' feature, allowing them to create 'soul trinkets' When a life ends in your presence, you’re able to snatch a token from the departing soul, a sliver of its life essence that takes physical ...

@AncientSwordRage In all honesty I had trouble following the title. I didn't even look at the actual post haha
@Ben I just reread your message and picked up the tone, haha, yeah, I can see where you're coming from
How's it going today?
It's going, pretty well?
ugh thank goodness my finals are done and i did good
visible relief
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer, username similar to website in answer (65): Can two mages cast Wall of Fire in the same place? by Amar ujalas on rpg.SE (@Rubiksmoose)
@TheDragonOfFlame nice
@TheDragonOfFlame yay! I still have 2 weeks till mine even start
@AncientSwordRage Am yet to investigate the ADD/ADHD situation, and I am unfortunately dealing with a situation with the kids that is reaching a breaking point... need to find a solution on how to get them to listen, think, and not break the rules (i.e. don't get out of bed and watch tv at 4am).
But otherwise, I am feeling real good :)
@Ben I'm confident that you can figure it out
Like you could say, once a month have a 'late night cinema' time with them, and next time they're up at 4am just say "it's not cinema time"
No idea if that's work
Otherwise wear them out the night before?
Thinking now, I used to be up at 4am to watch TV too...
In never did that
I might be up early but I wouldn't also watch TV at that hour
@BardicWizard I should say: this batch is done. Still got some more in January
Watch is smoke detector
Smoke Detector is a bot that looks for posts that shouldn't be on the Q/A sites
and it links them in here to have real people take a look at them because real people need to cast close votes to get rid of stuff like that
the info it gives is also what triggers it to detect something as potentially not ok due to site policy
Yeah. They're 6 and 8 so impulse is currently taking priority. But I'm trying to get them to overrule that with their decision making (which is currently non-existent). Basically just waiting for my broken record to start playing in their head. "Thinking... Don't get out of bed... rewards for doing the right thing... Thinking... Don't get out of bed... rewards for doing the right thing..."
1 hour later…
Q: How does the altered Extra Attack feature of the Bladesinger (Tasha's Cauldron version) interact with Fighter's additional Extra Attacks?

PseudoDruidAs an example, a level 6+ bladesinger wizard/11+ fighter character takes the Attack action. Are they able to use a cantrip? How many attacks do they get?

Q: Who can use spell-scrolls done by a bard using his 'Magic Secrets' ability?

Tim of TimeWhen a bard learns a Magic Secrets, it counts as a bard-spell. Of note, should they abandon any Secret-spell at later level, he can only replace it with one from the BARD list. Lord Crawford actually did rule-rulings on this, so this is clear: replacing one's Magic Secrets is easily done, it is j...

3 hours later…
Q: Do enemies who have Posessed a character gain access to their Feats?

IfusasoThe Ghost ability Possession (Recharge 6) gives this guidance: The ghost now controls the body but doesn't deprive the target of awareness. The ghost can't be targeted by any Attack, spell, or other Effect, except ones that turn Undead, and it retains its Alignment, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charism...

1 hour later…
Q: Can a half-fiend be a patron for a warlock?

drayleeperI'm about to start running a campaign and one of my players wants to start as a wizard and multiclass warlock as well. I had already started creating a fairly powerful half-fiend (originally to be a big enemy much later on). I know that fiends can be patrons, but would a half-fiend be powerful en...

1 hour later…
Q: Why is Soulknife's second attack not Two-Weapon Fighting?

PretzI know there is a question Do you add your ability modifier to damage for the Soulknife's second attack? with reply being "Yes you do because it is not two weapons fighting". This is not if, but why. Recently I encountered this problem while playing Soulknife and pretty much my entire group was l...

2 hours later…
@doppelgreener Our 5e proposal seems to be doing well.
I'm genuinely surprised at how it's turning out! I thought there was a sea change happening, but this voting is very different to the question being revisited
I mean, I expected difference in this direction, but this is a lot more difference in this direction than I expected
It's a pleasant surprise, since I think being able to move in this direction will help the overall QOL of people on the site
We've been moving in only one direction for a long time, and I see this as part of us being able to negotiate something more workable for the community, whatever that might be
@doppelgreener \oo//
@AncientSwordRage hey bud
I really love the idea of 'lighting arrow' for my Firbolg character but it's a ranger only spell but I wasn't planning on taking that many ranger levels... Any ideas
@ThomasMarkov hows it going?
What level is lightning arrow?
but ranger only
Ah, so you dont get it til pretty late?
I checked, because I was thinking that either Mystic Arcanum or somethign Warlock related could get it
but it would have to be bardic magical secrets
@ThomasMarkov basically yeah, like level 1 billion ::sulk::
Lore Bard seems to be the earliest way to get it (without DM allowance) who can pick it up at 6th
@Someone_Evil ehhhh..... I wasn't intending on building a bard, but that makes sense
9th level Ranger it is then
It's always seemed weird when spells that are on a single class list usually can get other class access first.
@NautArch Thanks Bard.
@ThomasMarkov Thard
Bard is the obvious one, but subclasses, too.
My original pet peeve was when the Tempest Cleric got Destructive Wave before my paladin.
@NautArch That's what we in the biz call an OOF
@RevenantBacon But there's others, too. And it just seems...icky.
@AncientSwordRage Lightning arrow sounds like a perfect opportunity to make a pun
Ranger, Ranger! High voltage!
So some guy just tried to tell me that humans are quadrupeds
(this was after a discussion where I informed him that a three-wheeled bike is called a tricycle)
@kviiri you've just given me more reason to try and get this spell!!
@RevenantBacon did you ask what he thought that meant?
@RevenantBacon This is actually an interesting example of the etymological fallacy, since humans are tetrapods but not quadrupeds (even if both words have the same literal meaning of "four feet")
His exact words were "Hint: language doesn’t give a shit about normative prefixes. Biannual means twice a year. Except when it doesn’t. Why do you think humans are classified taxinimically as quadrupeds when we gots two feets?"
And I informed him that we are in fact, not quadrupeds
Yup, sounds like they've confused with tetrapods all right.
To my understanding quadrupedism is not a taxonomic term at all, it's a descriptive label for a mode of locomotion rather than an attempt to categorize species by heritage.
Yeah, because -pod refers to the total number of limbs, while -ped is referring only to limbs used for walking specifically I believe.
Which is why birds, even though they have 4 limbs used in locomotion, are bipeds
2 wings plus 2 feet is four locomotive limbs, but only 2 are used in walking, therefore they are bipedal
@RevenantBacon Biannual never means twice a year. He's thinking of semiannual.
Also he sounds like great fun at parties.
@RevenantBacon Not really --- they both mean literally "foot". One is Latin, one is Greek. The way it is is due to convention of usage, not the etymology.
Biannual and Semiannual are technically synonymous. Biannual actually means 2x a year, semiannual means every 6 months.
@RevenantBacon No.
Which is almost the same thing
Biennial is every 2 years
I will not bow to your deconstruction of my linguistic worldview
I've been under the understanding that biannual and semi-annual are both commonly used to refer to both events that happen twice a year, and events that happen once per two years.
Yeah, but the second use is technically incorrect. -ennial is the correct suffix for outside of a year
Merriam-Webster agrees with this.
Annual is anything within a year
Ennial is anything consisting of multiple years
Doesn't really help in this state of bankruptcy, as we say in Finland.
Okay but is there a word for something that occurs every three halves of a year?
so every 18 months?
is octodeci correct for 18?
Fun fact, by the way: after doing some googling on the term "chakraborty" I encountered in a video game, I learned the English word "wheel" and the Sanskrit word "chakra" are doublets (direct descendants from a same ancestor word)
Q: Is there a term to describe an event which happens every 18 months?

planetjonesObviously every year is annual. Every two years is biennial. Does the English language have a term for every 18 months?

SE is the best site LMAO
Apparently the correct term is sesquiennial
or Semitriennial
"Every 18 months" might be more useful towards having your meaning easily understood though
which would be semi- (half of) Tri- (three) ennial (years)
but the fact that there's a question on it on English Language SE is funny to me
Well since it takes about 9 months to make a child, you can make two in 18 months, so why not bipedal?
Having two children in 18 months is exceedingly rare.
That is, having a child within 9 months of the first is exceedingly rare.
We're excluding twins etc. from that notion?
Yeah, obviously.
[grumbles about SE systems being not great at incorporating changes of information invalidating previously correct answers]
@Rubiksmoose love getting downvoted for a previously correct answer
@NautArch That's my favorite XD
Though to be fair, I also don't object to that use. For SE's sorting, it's the way things should probably work. But still not great.
@RevenantBacon I mean technically all animals have two legs and two arms
@AncientSwordRage Yeah, but would they wear pants?
@AncientSwordRage Snakes?
@NautArch on that note, I don't know if you wanted to do anything about this answer
@ThomasMarkov Assuming that neither child is born prematurely, it's actually impossible. On the other hand, if one is born a month or so early, then it can happen
but the odds of having a child, and then immediately concieving as soon as the next egg is available is also very low
@AncientSwordRage My great-uncle, retired early from a sawmill, would disagree with the arm part
@kviiri oh dear
Also octopi
@kviiri ah
@ThomasMarkov pffft... snakes aren't real
@Rubiksmoose only if they're cold
(To clarify, my great-uncle is a fictional but plausible character whose person I use to illustrate points and draw humor)
So Im reading the Oath of Watcher's Paladin. One of its abilities led to three questions already.
@kviiri I'm guessing they didn't find a spare arm lying around
Do you have to know a reaction trigger has occured in order to use the reaction?
Yeah, he suffered no harm that'd've made him part with his arm parts
@ThomasMarkov have you asked them yet?
@ThomasMarkov I suppose it depends. Likely a DM call. But the character has to be able to perceive it in order to be a valid trigger in the first place IIRC
@Rubiksmoose But some reaction triggers are game mechanics, not actual events in the fiction.
@ThomasMarkov Are we talking held actions here?
oh ok, that's where I was coming from.
> When you or another creature you can see within 30 feet of you makes an ability check or a saving throw, you can use your reaction to add your Intelligence modifier to the roll.
Artificer's Flash of Genius
A saving throw is a trigger for the reaction.
So the ability explicitly references player meta knowledge
For those kinds or triggers I'd say yes, because obviously there is no way for a character ever to be able to perceive them. I guess it gets trickier if the trigger is something that specifically is in fiction though.
So for example, as a DM I'd allow that even when the creature was making an ability check secretly.
I think I just found a totally broken mechanic.
I was afraid of that lol
not totally broken
just really odd.
I think the Watchers Paladin can gain knowledge of saving throws that would otherwise be secret.
@ThomasMarkov and this is new how?
@BardicWizard Its a new broken mechanic haha
@ThomasMarkov Well the player would, the character has no idea about anything called saving throws
@ThomasMarkov you rang? (I was scrolling back and couldn’t resist 🤷)
@ThomasMarkov Except that most things that trigger saves have obvious causes, such as a dragons breath weapon, or a falling rocks, so it's not always meta knowledge
@Rubiksmoose that's the one i'm talking about!
i'll add in a line
but ughhhh.
and the downvote...dang.
Stupid rules changing :P
I got one too.
@Rubiksmoose I bet $1 I know who it was.
Well obviously Naut downvotes all my posts.
and then I have @GcL do it.
@doppelgreener o/ yeah, glad to see varying perspectives
What's that series @BESW does on real-life stuff that's way more amazing than fantasy? Because I just learned that reindeer change eye colors with the season.
Q: Do reactions that trigger on saving throws give knowledge of saving throws that would otherwise be secret?

Thomas MarkovPreliminaries. Some reactions have triggers which are tangible events in the fiction of the game. For example, feather fall's casting time is: 1 reaction, which you take when you or a creature within 60 feet of you falls. This is something tangible within the fiction: feather fall's trigger is ...

2 hours later…
I need help: does anyone know of any demons or devils from d&d 5e that can possess creatures (or non demon/devils would work too I suppose)
Here's a dndbeyond search that has a lot of what youre looking for: dndbeyond.com/search?q=possession&f=monsters&c=monsters
I’m going for a sort of princess mononoke feel with giant possessed Animals or something
I’ve decided on Dybbuk
@NautArch Good edit.
This answer needs another downvote so we can delete vote it.
@ThomasMarkov still needs a link swap for twitter direct
now i'm done :P
all because someone downvoted my answer :P
Although I do realize I am falling ito the same logic I have for hunger of hadar.
bringing real world physics in :/
@Yuuki Sci-Show?
@ThomasMarkov thats one cool scry scenario you bring up
@AncientSwordRage Enough Watchers paladins in one room can make an anti-scrying bomb.
Get 10 15th level watchers paladins to guard important meetings that you dont want to be scryed on. If somebody scrys and the save succeeds, the scryer takes 20d8+50 damage.
@ThomasMarkov I love it. I wanted to play a watcher/GOOlock but I think I'd need to push the paladin way further than I planned
@ThomasMarkov I can see that happening on Ravnica
Vigilant Rebuke against a scry also lets you deal damage from arbitrarily far away.
hmmmm is there a way to force a saving throw across planes of existence?
Wizard: I wonder what is happening in that room?
Paladins: DIE!
Imagine trying to use Vicious Mockery around an Oath of the Watcher paladin, he'll just throw your words right back at you.
@ThomasMarkov I'm sure there is
I need a spell with repeated saving throws that doesn't prevent taking reactions.
Repeated saving throws that doesn't end when you succeed though
No, that would be fine
Okay, it can be done.
The Watchers Paladin can cause transplanar damage.
Step 1. Wizard 1 casts cause fear on paladin, paladin fails save.
Step 2. Wizard 2 plane shifts paladin
Step 3. Paladin repeats save for cause fear and succeeds
Step 4. Paladin uses reaction to damage Wizard 1 from another plane of existence.
Was it worth it sir paladin?
@smbailey Wizard 1 was level 1, so he's dead.
The first transplanar head shot by a mortal.
@ThomasMarkov nothing personal, kid
He will go down in legends. Now if he can just find a way back to the Prime Material.
Does anyone here think that a character can ever have knowledge that the player wouldn't also have? Like the inverse of metagame knowledge?
@RevenantBacon Character's for which a back story has not been written.
Also in the fiction your character has memories
Right, but and time those memories or backstory become relevant, you the player gains immediate knowledge of those events (because you just made them up)
Like, if my orc swashbucklers backstory hasn't been written yet, theoretically, he "knows what it is", but since I haven't decided what it is yet, I don't. Once I do decide, I gain immediate knowledge of what it is.
The more I think about it, the more it feels like a problem for philosophy rather than RPGs.
We're basically talking quantum knowledge
it's variable until you measure (create) it
If a character can't know stuff the player doesn't know then what are intelligence checks for (History, Arcana, Insight)?
I've got it. Your character knows what it means for a spell to target another creature. You most certainly do not.
Anyways, this is about that one response to your question on the pally and artificer reaction abilities
What do you mean by that? I certainly know what it means for spell to target another creature
It's a joke about how poorly defined the idea of targeting is in 5e.
@smbailey Depends a lot on playstyle, really
@ThomasMarkov unless your character was ported from 4e
@RevenantBacon ::winces in ex-physicist::
Really, quantum wasn't the right term. It's more relate to time
The character "knows" the information, except the information doesn't exist, so the character can't know it until you decide what it is, then they retroactively knew that information all along
But then, you gain that information immediately upon the character gaining that information.
These are characters that grew up their entire lives in a fantasy world, I'm sure there are many things they know that the player does not know. The player is not forbidden from that knowledge, it is just not known at the time.
Also the phenomenon you're alluding too is more about the relationship between two related measurables, which isn't the case here
Imagine characters casting spells so their players couldn't access that information
If the player doesn't know it, then neither does the character. The knowledge literally doesn't exist until the player decides that it does, then once they do, it retroactively exists in game, but the character doesn't actually gain the kowledge of it before the player does.
I don't think we disagree, I think it's just semantics. I say my character knew from past experience that trolls need to be damaged with fire, for example, while you'd say they retroactively knew it once I know that they knew it.
@smbailey does a character (or character trait) exist before I create them....
45 mins ago, by Thomas Markov
The more I think about it, the more it feels like a problem for philosophy rather than RPGs.
Morning all
@AncientSwordRage mutliverse theory?
I need a coffee for this XD
@Ben I know what you mean
Good news though, the boys didn't break the rules last night!
Our body clocks still woke us up a few times, but they stayed in their own rooms last night, and just read until they went back to sleep
@ThomasMarkov just your average level one wizard with plane shift
@Ben out of curiosity small kids or old kids?
@TheDragonOfFlame Wizard 2 has plane shift, wizard 1 is just a mook
Things that are absolutely gross in my house and left over from pre-thanksgiving prep: potato peels, pomegranate pith, leftover buttermilk from the turkey brine, and my little brother’s shirt. Things that I love about thanksgiving: mashed potatoes, pomegranate seeds for snacking, and seeing my family eat turkey. I think there’s some kind of correlation between how wonderful something is and how much of a pain it is to clean up
@TheDragonOfFlame young. Under 10
@BardicWizard yeah I struggle with this on a day to day basis, although I will say that I have also learned how to do some things that I really like that take far less prep
random weird question: For a campaign, I want an elf to explain to a bird-person that they are a human shield. Except...well, the phrase "human" shield makes no sense for them to use. Any ideas on something less specific?
Meat shield?
hm...that could work.
hm, although it kind of changes what it means in context
to be more specific, a set of circumstances is causing the bird person to take on all the damage another npc takes in their place, regardless of where they are
and that other npc is using that to use the bird person as a human shield
I guess meat shield still works?
@trogdor like what? Asking for a friend and most certainly not for my mother...
@Frozenstep elven shield?
I mean your mo... friend probably won't like the answers
I like instant noodles and video games, and books
maybe the books are more universal XD
I don't have to prepare any of those things in a messy way
Q: Does Devil’s Sight counter the Blinded condition in D&D 5e?

fectinDevil’s Sight says “You can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet.” Does this mean that if you are blinded, casting darkness on yourself (or otherwise removing all light) will let you ignore the blinded condition?

@trogdor fair
And I love books too
books are the best
I mean I also like cooking Spagetti and tomato sauce with meatballs but that all needs to be cleaned
Sometimes there's changes in the way prep is done which can help, like peeling the potatoes directly over the bucket we'll be taking out to the compost.
(Or using the potato peels to make soup stock.)

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