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@Ben coolness.
hey there @KorvinStarmast
@Carcer i saw that was an option. Thats cool :D
@Shalvenay Hail, how you? Can you be up and about in about a half hour?
I think we can try the jail break
@KorvinStarmast should be able to be
@Shalvenay will ping you here and in discord in about 30 minutes.
@Ben I've seen a couple of other custom mini sites, but Hero Forge is still the best IMO. There's Anvl, Eldritch Foundry, and Desktop Hero
@Shalvenay I am about ready, by all means meet me in the back room
14 hours later…
Whoa, chat has been dead for 14 hours?
@ThomasMarkov that is weird!
I cast Animate Chatroom
@MikeQ counterspell
@MikeQ I cast TVTropes in response
You are now distracted from animating chat rooms until you find your way through the maze of open tabs
so permanent banishment then
Nah, spell only has a minute duration
I hope.
only a minute? that doesn't sound like tvtropes at all
That’s the point at which the browser forcibly refuses to cooperate with any more tabs
@BardicWizard Declare tab bankruptcy. Begin tab dumpster fire again.
This looks like a pretty good answer to the question about the elemental chaos.
@ThomasMarkov What is the Elemental Chaos like? The correct answer is, I think "It's like a bad acid trip" but I don't think that would fit our format
@KorvinStarmast Maybe if you can provide meaningful experience of what that is like :P
i do love it when unsupported answers get upvotes.
@ThomasMarkov I grew up during the psychedelic era...the advertised ability to "hear colors and see sounds" was a commone meme / descriptive phrase among people who tried to describe experiences on acid. I think that's a neat idea for what elemental chaos is, if you overlay the 'bad trip' problems onto it.
@NautArch All those answers were unsupported fails. When the stack presents you with the opportunity to quote Don Quixote as a source, you quote Don Quixote as a source.
@KorvinStarmast I find it fascinating that a thoroughly modern concept like "meme" can be used to describe older phenomena without sounding anachronistic.
Bonus updoots if quoting the OG Spanish and providing the English translation.
@GcL Steve's answer (at least the start) was good. Darth's was neat in terms of historicl perspective. I looked up some of his stuff to verify and what I found was verified.
@KorvinStarmast Synesthesia. Some people get that all the time without drugs.
wasn't sure about asking them to provide actual citations from historical sourcebooks
@NautArch Also unsupported. Also didn't quoted Don Quixote.
@NautArch Even better when they are accepted answers. 👀
@NautArch maybe a comment like "citations to historical sources would make this good answer great"?
@ThomasMarkov It's kind of like how gossip and rumors spread, and usage is a funny old dog, isn't it?
@GcL Are you referring to a psychosis?
@NautArch Maybe I should undelete my answer just for fun?
@ThomasMarkov It's a bit sparse; maybe flesh it out a bit?
Horseflesh, that is. 😁
I got unhappy looks from my wife when my daughter who loves horses asked if people at horse meat.
@NautArch I wasn't sure if we should close it as opinion based.
And I said yes.
@ThomasMarkov that's a goat, right?
@KorvinStarmast I didn't upvote Steve's answer because of the second part. THe first part IS the answer.
@NautArch I have, in Italy, and it was delicious.
@KorvinStarmast Yeah, I told her they did :)
@KorvinStarmast No. It's a normal thing. I know some people that see certain numbers as certain colors and one person that has a taste in their mouth when hearing certain sounds/rhythms/something music. Difficult to be described to someone without it is my understanding. Anyway. Synesthesia is the name of the effect.
And oh my, it's been 25 years.
My son asked me this morning if people eat hearts. And I told him I've had chicken hearts.
@GcL perhaps acid triggers it in those otherwise lacking that facility?
I'm pretty sure the answer to, "Do people eat it?" is always yes even if people have to go to great lengths to make it non-toxic to consume.
@NautArch We always ate the innards of the fryers: livers, gizzards, hearts...when I was growing up.
> I invented a device, called Burger on the Go. It allows you to obtain six regular sized hamburgers, or twelve sliders, from a horse without killing the animal. George Foreman is still considering it, Sharper Image is still considering it, SkyMall is still considering it, Hammacher Schlemmer is still considering it. Sears said no. -Dwight Schrute
(My dad was taught how to butcher chickens as a boy)
@ThomasMarkov Meme is a term from the middle dusk of the psychedelic era (at least the definition thereof that means the 60s and 70s), so it isn't anachronistic.
@ThomasMarkov I wish he'd do that; good stuff.
@KorvinStarmast You can sometimes get a similar effect with drugs. Psilocybin containing mushrooms come to mind.
Butchering chickens is way less terrible than I thought it would be.
@GcL The only time I tried those I puked, so I never tried again. My son tried them three or four years ago. He said it was an unusual experience that he might try again. But not too soon.
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica And, of course, Timothy Leary is still dead.
I'm mainly interested in them as treatments for mental health conditions
That song was the first time I ever heard the term "Astral Plane" in my life. Long before I ever D&D'd.
@KorvinStarmast Consider a vacation to Oregon sometime in a couple years. It's legal there now, and will be a lot easier to find knowledgeable people and the appropriate doses and supplies.
@AncientSwordRage microdosing of psilocybin is looking pretty good
@GcL Oregon is on a list of places in the US to visit before I die, but Yosemite and Yellowstone are going to be first, according to my wife.
@NautArch that's what I've heard
@KorvinStarmast Both of those are good choices. Sounds like a road trip.
@AncientSwordRage someone had suggested trying it for my migraines, but i just started botox and that seems to be doing a good job.
@NautArch IIRC, they were being used in experimental mental therapy back in teh 50's or 60's but did not quite catch on ... but memory is foggy
@NautArch And you look mahvelous! 😀
@AncientSwordRage Studying that is tough to do. I recall NIMH running some ketamine studies that ran into some very unexpected serious adverse events.
@GcL Heck, ecstasy was IIRC being used in the 60's theraputically. (Not sure if it still is)
@NautArch It's fascinating that the most poisonous substance known to mankind has such diverse therapeutic uses.
@GcL If only thoseratshadn't escaped...
@KorvinStarmast Indeed it was. I never knew any perscriber that had used it professionally, but the scuttlebutt was that it was used in geriatric and end of life care back in the day. Mostly people lamenting it couldn't be used in those settings currently.
1 hour later…
I'm really enjoying watching Tulok the Barbarian's videos on making characters, their funny and very creative
My teacher’s chem lab uses dice to explain average atomic mass
@BardicWizard atomic dice? ugh... what a neutron !
It’s basically “the dice bag of student X has 4 d20, 18d6, and 8d4. If each d20 masses this much, each d6 masses this much, and each d4 masses this much, calculate the average mass, the relative abundance, the mass of the whole bag, etc”
A lot of people didn’t know what the XdY notation was
@BardicWizard awesome
and you can tell who plays ttrpgs since those kids immediately reached for dice bags and said “hey, that’s not how the usual dice distribution works”
@BardicWizard heh
@BardicWizard Why are there three kinds of dice?
@GcL representing different isotopes
Isotropes are just variations on a theme.
@GcL Why would you do this to me, personally?
nothing personnel, kid
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body, blacklisted user (72): Real casino in uk is rainbow riches casino by success007 on rpg.SE (@Rubiksmoose)
1 hour later…
Q: How easy is it to recognize that a creature is under the Dominate Monster spell?

Raphael02Had an interesting session with a DM I generally quite like playing with where he made 2 decisions I disagreed with. Unfortunately a bit of research hasn't clarified if I'm misunderstanding the rules, so I thought I'd ask. Scenario: we encountered a frost giant and a few stone giants who weren't ...

1 hour later…
@NautArch I voted to undelete that question.
@ThomasMarkov ??
The question you answered a little bit ago. OP deleted it almost immediately after you answered it.
@ThomasMarkov oh really? dang.
i thought that was a solid answer!
I think it's a good question and a great answer.
The "cant willingly end your move in another creature's space" is a rule that I see people miss a lot.
@ThomasMarkov link to it?
@ThomasMarkov "OP deletes their question immediately when it's answered" is a typical help vampire problem, assuming the question is ostensibly fine
if need be you could justifiably ask a diamond mod to intervene in that scenario
Got two votes...just need one more.
ettina kitten also deleted their designer reasons questions, right?
@doppelgreener How about a former diamond mod :P
Sorry, :{ was the wrong face lol
@NautArch yes
well, it's undeleted now :D
mod emeritus?
modus emeritus?
Uh, why was that undeleted?
Does the OP not have the full right to delete their question, no questions asked?
emeritus professors aren't called emeritus professi
@Medix2 no
@doppelgreener Well, TIL then
Technically as soon as you post something its subject to SE's license.
Yeah, I just thought that if the system lets you delete it, you should be allowed to
I'd certainly be confused if my own self-deleted Q&As got undeleted
See here:
A: What to do about undeleting this deleted question (10K only)?

SdjzIn this case, the question should be undeleted Full disclosure: I cast the undelete vote mentioned on the question (before seeing this meta post). My reasoning was following the help section on deleting questions, namely the following part: If your question has good answers, though, it's not...

I'd generally let an unanswered question stay deleted. But after an answer came in? Nah.
This seems to be exactly the situation described in that meta.
Then why could it be deleted?
@ThomasMarkov apparently I like answering questions from folks who want to immediately delete
Oh, a zero-score answer...
Guess I don't really like the system then XD
@Medix2 Fun fact, I clicked upvote on Naut's answer and got a "already deleted" message.
@Medix2 Here is a classic scenario that occurs on Stack Overflow, and by classic I mean it has occured countless times every single day since the dawn of times and will never stop happening: someone has a problem at their job, but doesn't want to be seen asking on Stack Overflow. So they ask, wait for an answer, and immediately self-delete ASAP, then try the solution that was posted. If it doesn't work, they repost the question again. Repeat until they get a question ban.
@doppelgreener :(
I'm surprised the system lets that happen
The querent has the right to remove their question, but the Stack Exchange community has a right to benefit from the shared expertise and guidance that comes from quality answers to it, and the answerer has the right to benefit from upvotes on their work.
@Medix2 technically you'll get a question ban after doing this like, twice i think
You'd think there'd be a "can't delete for X minutes after a new, non-negative answer"
basically it's more trouble than it's worth
@Medix2 good point!
you can't delete once a question has a single positively scored answer (even if it's just +1)
but there isn't that, yet
I left a comment explaining things.
Doesn't that actually count answer with upvotes, so if an answer has +1/-1 (thus score of 0) the question still can't be deleted by the poster
@Someone_Evil ooh. i have no idea
anyway, this whole thing is categorised under help vampirism, and the resolution is that no, if your question is good and the answer is good, you don't get to delete your question—and we definitely get to undelete it.
under extenuating circumstances you could request your account be dissociated from the post, but you can't just take the post away if the community values it.
@doppelgreener To this end I check SEDE weekly for deleted posts that shouldn’t have been deleted.
@ThomasMarkov There's a list of recently deleted in the 10k tools, if you didn't know (doesn't include self-deletions though)
@Someone_Evil I don’t think it includes Community deletes either.
It should
Certainly includes the AbandonedClosed and the like, but not red flag deletions
It has them
Oh, yeah, at least Abandoned close whatever the third word is
Morning all
For the programmers
Very nice
@Ben that made me laugh
@NautArch it's part of your charm. 😉
I am just glad to see that we can use the term "help vampire" again. Thank you @doppelgreener
I'm not aware of it being not allowed?
BESW's earlier criticism of the term is pretty accurate, but to the extent there's a category of behaviours that the Stack considers a potential problem, that category is labelled "the help vampire problem" and this is in that category
(there might be a more specific name for the ask-delete behaviour I described, I'd use that term if I could remember it)
I don't know what the querent's motivation was—maybe they decided it was a dumb question, maybe they found the answer themself, etc
But the help vampire scenario is one that explores that users don't have full exclusive rights to arbitrarily delete their own content with no questions asked and no take-backsies, which was relevant to bring up
I'd also be wary as BESW raised that we not ascribe malicious intent to the author on account of the term, just that the events resemble other precedent-setting stuff for this circumstance

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