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I don't think I've ever had a campaign take place in any other plane than the good ol' Prime Material
Speaking of planes
One of my roomies asked if Star Trek: Discovery is good, whether she should watch it. I had a really difficult time answering, considering she has almost no background in Trek.
I mean it's a show that largely respects modern sensibilities in story-telling, while retaining the Star Trek universe that is lovably silly – and sometimes less lovably – in a myriad of ways
@kviiri she should!
I treated myself to one episode of TNG myself today. Gonna start ST:D S3 today with my ex.
Something about delivering the killing blow to the Thesis Beast.
Starting at the beginning might be best, and if she’s never watched Star Trek warn her that sometimes it gets gory and DISCO is arguably the darkest ST to date
She just finished Narcos, I think Star Trek shouldn't be too dark for her at least
or gorey
I'm more worried about the combination of mostly serious action/drama combined with worldbuilding that looks and feels like it's from the 1960's because it is
I think the thing with Star Trek gore is that you don't expect it
the shows usually avoid it,... until they don't XD
@kviiri yeah. Some of that gets really ...ugh
@Xirema oh I got that part
personally I like DS9 best but that might just be me
Sometimes it's bad-bad – not very often in the new series I guess – but I mainly mean that it's a bit, y'know... silly.
I’m not very far into DISCO (S1E4 ish) since this is the first year I’m allowed to watch that stuff in my house but I like it. I have also been closely following s3 because I see a lot of my journey in Blu del Barrio’s character — a nonbinary person with a lot of issues
@kviiri that too.
My first exposure to ST:D was when my then-SO was watching S1 without me, but I popped in to watch one episode with her. It that one episode where the ship is under attack by a time-traveling villain who traps the ship in a groundhog day loop. One of the characters is aware of the loop while no one else is, I ask my SO why is that
"Because he's got tardigrade DNA," she replies.
I have not seen that episode
Of course I didn't believe her. (fair reminder here that "tardigrade" is essentially "bearling" in Finnish so it sounds even more weird)
@trogdor that’s the one with mudd, I think
Much later in the episode it turned out to be true and I just lost it
(The tardigrade DNA thing had been estalished earlier in the series, so it was a reveal for me only)
oh wait sorry I thought you were talking about TNG
I have not watched Discovery
Tardigrade dna is ... stamets I think?
so my bad, I have not seen that episode because I have not watched any of them so XD
Of course, the whole "we use DNA-splicing from this tardigrade to navigate our ship through a network of cosmic shrooms" is a concept that I think works better from a show like TNG, that doesn't take itself too seriously (or at least is easy to see as not-too-serious due to being from the 1980's) while it feels much weirder in a show with 2010's high-end production values and all the pomp and circumstance of being a serious scifi.
yeah,... I have several reasons for not watching Discovery,.... I think it would annoy me
others are more than welcome to like it regardless
Discovery is often too dark for me which is why I’m only like 4 episodes in
I loved lower decks and Picard (the show) though
I do still need to give lower decks a try
my all time favorite is still probably TNG or DS9
@trogdor it’s funny
also probably Picard too
and pretty good about a lot of things
but yeah my favorite, at least of the ones I have seen, is DS9
@BardicWizard It's been a while since I watched any of it, but I think S2 was a fair bit brighter in tone to S1
That said, it still is a season-long story arc where the protagonists try to save the Federation from a cataclysmic horror outcome, so still very much more serious than the earlier Star Trek series.
@trogdor favorite episode of DS9?
@kviiri yeah... possibly I may just wait until I mature more to watch any of it beyond what I have
oh ok the one where Garac's implant is acting up and he needs to remove it, but he freaks out at Bashir after it's taken out and Bashir is stuck in there with him to make sure he's ok
despite Bashir being my least favorite of the main cast his whole relationship with Garak is possibly my favorite thing in the show
also I have some issues with how they presented it but I liked the episode where Bashir is outed as genetically enhanced because of,.. the ways it made me think about speculative fiction XD
it also looked eerily similar to what sometimes happens when I tell people in person I'm Autistic, all the rest of the crew were saying very similar things and had similar looks on their faces when they were in that meeting with him talking about it
I'm of two minds about it XD
On one hand, Bashir handled it mostly the way I would have or would want to
On the other hand the crew, the supposed good guys, don't come to the conclusion I would have liked or expected
And I don't think it was intended as the kind of allegory I have twisted it into
I think they were playing it straight as "what if genetic tinkering was a possibility in the future"
It's just odd that they gave him the whole "but you aren't like them" thing, and instead of him telling them they were wrong he says something about being "lucky"
Which,... is not the message I would want people to take away from this whole idea
Sorry for answering a simple question with a DS9 wall o text
@trogdor yeah. As someone who’s the only kid in honors classes with a learning disorder (or possibly processing disorder? I have to be retested because of the stupid college board) it’s something I kinda see a lot where people think I’m lucky to be where I am and I wish Bashir would just tell them that it’s also hard work that got him there
And I wouldn’t call that a wall of text
but yeah, it seems to me like it was written by someone who was never put in that kind of situation
which makes it surprising that they nailed any part of it at all really
@BardicWizard also big mood on retesting, I've had to be re-diagnosed like 3 or 4 times?
at different times for different reasons
@trogdor I’ve been “evaluated” in elementary school, tested twice in middle school, and now I’m getting formally tested for a processing disorder
So I can get ap accommodations
yeah I,.... didn't want to go through the whole process for any of that
that was more stressful to me than the amount the accommodations I could get would have been helpful by
Morning all
I just saw an FML post, talking about a writer asking their friends to read/review a chapter of their book they're writing. One person replied with "the literary equivalent of aquarium gravel".
My immediate thought was "if they can come up with a phrase like that, they can definitely help improve the work!"
I dunno, somebody who thinks aquarium gravel is boring, I don't want to try improving my book.
@BESW Ture, I guess it's how you interpret it. Oddly enough, my thought was more sensory than stimulating
Good aquarium substrate is REALLY carefully chosen and actively modified. It's gotta be inert so it doesn't change the water chemistry, rounded so it doesn't hurt the fish, of slightly different sizes so it's interesting and settles well, but not TOO varied in size or it will clog or sift where it shouldn't, and it needs a high cation exchange capacity so that it can hold onto free nutrients in the water.
And that's not even getting into the aesthetics of it.
@BESW eheheh. sounds like a lot of everyday engineered materials, really :)
(i.e. they look droll and boring, but have all sorts of carefully chosen details so that they work properly/well)
I suppose there are a lot of ways to interpret the phrase then lol
@BESW sounds like someone has dealt with that before
So I was reading an RPG from the Reddit post I linked, called Straight to VHS, and it cites Hard Ticket to Hawaii as inspiration....
I look up the film on Wikipedia, and it includes this line in the premise:
> Soon other Agency operatives get involved, and a full-scale fight to the finish ensues, complicated here and there by a contaminated snake made deadly by toxic cancer-infested rats.
@AncientSwordRage That escalated
@Ben ay-yup
But only 'here and there'
@kviiri And S3 is even more so, kinda? It's more watchable for me, at least. I still feel like yeah, the cataclysmic stuff is a LOT to deal with and is kinda frustrating, but it feels slightly less OMG dark so far.
Q: Help calculating skills and abilities for level 1 Horned Lizard Familiar

FrancisJohnMaking a level 1 witch with a horned lizard familiar. My witch’s skill ranks are perception, three knowledges, linguistics, perform, spellcraft, and heal. What are the horned lizards racial skill point ranks? What special abilities does the horned lizard get? The run feat? Camouflage? Puff up? Bl...

@Shalvenay not sure what your schedule looks like, but I have a possible jail break scenario I'd like to test out. How do the next few days look for you?
@KorvinStarmast I should be catchable in the evenings then
3 hours later…
@Ash gonna start S3 today
3 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in body, potentially bad ip for hostname in body, potentially bad ns for domain in body (98): Did I assert character on Facebook? Use Facebook customer service by Ella Mark on rpg.SE (@Rubiksmoose)
@Shalvenay Ok, I'll need to set the scenario up, will touch base with you this evening.
2 hours later…
wow, my question already got a downvote
Hmm... this is another one of those D&D 5e not actually having clear mechanical rules for something, isn't it? Which would probably be fine if it didn't attach rules to it
Going by material in this question there's probably something in the SAC that could be of use
now its been undownvoted
SAC also has this:
When casting a spell that affects multiple targets, such as scorching ray or eldritch blast , do I fire one ray or beam, determine the result, and fire again? Or do I have to choose all the targets before making any attack rolls?
Even though the duration of each of these spells is instantaneous, you choose the targets and resolve the attacks consecutively, not all at once. If you want, you can declare all your targets before making any attacks, but you would still roll separately for each attack (and damage, if appropriate).
But that doesnt quite clear it up for me.
I'm trying to see if the Twinned spell and EB questions answer yours...
Gonna bounty the EB one.
Tweet-only support right now.
@Someone_Evil I think it actually does have clear rules here
Also @ThomasMarkov tiny (but important ugh) correction. Scorching Ray doesn't call for multiple attack rolls but multiple attacks entirely. Thus the spell is affected by slow and other things as one would expect, unlike Whirlwind Attack :(
@Medix2 Corrected that in the question.
@skullpatrol [white horse shows up] Miracle!
@Medix2 What aspect is it which makes scorching ray and magic missile different? It doesn't seem obvious and clear cut to me
@Someone_Evil was just thinking that. Both are individual attacks followed by damage.
@Someone_Evil Did you read my question?
I explained that very explicitly.
@NautArch Magic missile is not attacks.
Seems to that each missile is an individual event just like scorching ray. Not being an attack doesn't really change that per the rule cited there.
But that doesn't make it a duplicate, just same answer.
But I also don't agree with roll once for something like that.
At my table, we roll once for big area effect saves. But Individually for things like scorching ray, magic missile, EB, etc.
@ThomasMarkov Right, but what is not clear is why that given the outcome which is described. Does making multiple attacks mean it can't be simultaneous?
@Someone_Evil WUT?! on my link,. If i send you the correct link, can you replace it? I wasn't even looking at that Q or A!
@NautArch I can :)
@Someone_Evil Don't attacks take time?
that was super weird.
I just kinda assumed things are not simultaneous unless explicitly stated as such
I'm not sure why simultaneous matters, to be honest
@NautArch Because the rules specify the being simultaenous matters.
@NautArch You lost out the last digit of the ID
@NautArch Being simultaneous or not is exactly how you decide if you roll once or multiple times.
@ThomasMarkov Though you could argue, even simultaneous attack rolls have separate damage rolls
I certainly imagined the spell as firing out the rays simultaneously, but I'll also be OK with my artillerist not getting a +50% damage improvement on an already not bad spell
@Medix2 Yeah, like magic missile :p
@ThomasMarkov Yeah, here's the rule:
> If a spell or other effect deals damage to more than one target at the same time, roll the damage once for all of them
Though I suppose the reasoning there is to minimize the chance of errant carpet caltrops
Clearly I've gotta go ask how many damage rolls Whirlwind Attack / Volley has and then go "uhh... Are they simultaneous... But they're attack rolls ... ERROR"
@nitsua60 more decisions to be made?
Found a tweet about Whirlwind at least: "To speed up play, I would have the ranger make one damage roll for all the targets."
Can we rearrange this answer to present the official rules support first instead of in a footnote?
Whoa, I just got -12 rep on an answer
how does that even happen?
@NautArch Upvote changed to a downvote.
@ThomasMarkov ah
was it you? :P
What if all the beams target the same target...?
Why would that make a difference?
Because then it's not targeting multiple creatures
> If a spell or other effect deals damage to more than one target at the same time, roll the damage once for all of them
I'm really considering a frame challenge of "does it really matter?"
Ahh... but the scorching ray beams aren't rolled as one anyway, are they?
@Someone_Evil True, but magic missile is different
@NautArch Does anybody think it does? I'm just having fun going "these rules... Wow are they not the best"
I know tables exist that play strictly and entirely by what the rules say, but I'm glad I haven't been at one
The relevancy is features like Elemental Affinity and Arcane Firearm, no?
Oh yeah, it has relevant features. I think NautArch was saying "Why does it matter? A GM can just choose"
^ exactly
want to roll more dice? Roll 'em!
That applies to too many questions on this stack
want to roll less? Okeydoke!
@Someone_Evil Yeah, I mean unless there is a table issue at a table that really is specific rules only, it seems a little unnecessary.
How about this: roll 1d4, if 3 or 4, use that for all of them. If 1 or 2 roll for each hit.
You want the rules? Because this is how you get hard rules.
We doubtlessly have countless questions about rule meaning and interpretation from tables that don't actually strictly abide by the rules
I always assumed we talk a lot about Rules As Written because it's the only shared thing. If it's just "Do whatever you want", there's no shared basis outside of personal experience and preference. Not that those are bad... But usually people go "Could you clarify this rule?" And not "Could you fix this rule?"
And that's why I prefer questions that are rooted in issues at a table.
Enter list-answered questions XD
I think this answer of mine is a good example of balance between RAW and actually applying that at the table.
I wonder if I still have the list of list-answered questions... Some of which should probably be reopened
Personally, I prefer sticking to RAW as much as possible. It's helpful for managing expectations.
@ThomasMarkov Yeah, for how spells work, etc. that's generally how I work as well.
Other times, I'll be more fast and loose.
It gives everyone a level playing field. Now, if a player asks "hey, I thought of this, can I do it?"
then I may allow it. Or I may say no, but give inspiration for an awesome idea.
or both!
@NautArch Both allow it and say no. This is peak GMing XD
Oh you! I meant allow AND give inspiration.
I've been trying to hand out inspiration more often.
My DM style has really changed over the past couple of years.
Mostly as I started a different group and they are more interested than just dungeon crawling and fighting.
@NautArch That's a real treasue
@AncientSwordRage Yeah, I'm super happy with this group.
THe other group was really all about deadly combats.
ANd on-the-rails homebrew campaigns
@NautArch sounds familiar
I love combat. It's like a game of chess where you don't know what moves your opponents pieces can make.
I'm not saying it isn't fun, because it was. But I really like also being able to have a non-combat session and it still be fun.
@NautArch mood
@NautArch Yes. We had two sessions around a house we inherited when we found the control ring. Ended up with several private rooms, a very nice house and 3 side quests. Nary a dagger was shown.
@BESW Have to say, the feel of the Rime setting really leans into it.
2 hours later…
@NautArch I'll upvote that
Today was the first day in a long time I essentially told a user "You're acting dumb. Stop it."
Hey @nitsua60
Good to see you
@BardicWizard Yup. Which calculus problems to have kids presenting as part of an "open house" via zoom....
@nitsua60 ugh, open house.
I don’t have to help with it at my school since I’m not part of student govt but I have friends who are and they didn’t like it
What's your opinion on holding the call lightning action?
@JohnP How'd they like that?
@GcL legitimate
.I think this is ready for reopen: rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/177041/…
@ThomasMarkov I disagree. Unless they are asking if they can keep the gold or if they lose it?
@ThomasMarkov We have a similar question... somewhere
But "what should I buy" is opinion-based
> I have no idea what to do with the extra money as I've bought all the equipment I want. I don't think the PHB addressed this and don't know what the rules say. What is do the rules say on this?
@ThomasMarkov And you think the answerable answer is "whatever you want to do with it?"
I'm also trying to figure out if this question is a duplicate or just another moving AoE / frame-of-reference question
@NautArch I think an answer would be "The money doesn't vanish from existence solely because you didn't spend it"
@Medix2 Wondering the same thing about that.
@Medix2 is that their question, though? It seems like it may be, but it also seems like they're asking what to do with it.
I commented asking OP.
I just noticed the rules say: "[...] See the Starting Wealth by Class table to determine how much gold you have to spend." and that technically (perhaps especially for ESLs) "how much gold you have to spend" is ambiguous
@Medix2 Yeah, "having" to spend it vs being forced to spend it.
But I don't want to assume that's their question.
@NautArch Same
@NautArch The difference between having money to spend and having to spend money
Now i'm even more confused with their edit.
@NautArch "Are you really asking..." sounds off putting, "Are you actually asking..." may sound better.
@ThomasMarkov good call, made an edit
@Medix2 first one looks like the dupe we're looking for
also...anyone watch episode 1 of mandalorian season2?
@NautArch According to some of the Scooby-Doo series that would be episode 201 (but also no, not yet...)
@GcL Seemed ok. Main meta liked it, although someone edited out the little bit of snark I put in.
@Medix2 The latest scooby-doo movie (direct to streaming) is...weird.
Happy halloween, scooby-doo
@NautArch Yeah, Im thinking about how I should address that cheesy move from the DM.
> This doesnt work unless the DM wants it to work.
@ThomasMarkov my hunch is DM wanted this to happen as part of the story (optimist view here) and maybe thought that surprise triggered it.
but either way, this was pretty ham-handed
Very difficult to Sneak Attack with hams though
@Someone_Evil What if you're dual wielding these?
I think you're better of with free-ranged ham
@ThomasMarkov that book has some neat mosnters, but not all the mechanics are 'normal'.
@Someone_Evil would that be light, though? for sneak attack?
@NautArch Light doesn't matter, needs finesse or be ranged
And I couldn't get a joke about finesse-ham to work
@Someone_Evil ah, rats. was thinking twf and not sneak.
@Someone_Evil we could throw the hams
@NautArch Unfortunatly sneak attack cares about the properties of a weapon, and throwing a melee weapon ham doesn't make it ranged (even if you are making a ranged weapon with it)
@Someone_Evil Danish ham tends to be more famous than finnesse ham ... 😁
@Someone_Evil meaning yes SA with thrown dagger but no SA with thrown javelin?
@KorvinStarmast Yes
1 hour later…
Q: How many times do you roll damage for Scorching Ray?

Thomas MarkovThe rules for damage rolls say: If a spell or other effect deals damage to more than one target at the same time, roll the damage once for all of them. So for the spell magic missile, it seems quite clear that you only roll the damage once. Magic missile says: The darts all strike simultaneous...

Q: How do you use the spell tracker on Lamentations of the Flame Princess character sheet?

EldyOn the official character sheet of Lamentations of the Flame Princess (and on some fan-made sheets as well), the spell tracker looks like this: How am I supposed to use this? I noticed that there's a dot per spell level (cleric spells go up to level 7 and magic-user spells go up to level 9), but...

@HotRPGQuestions hey, a non-d&d question!
that is a rare occurance
Morning all
@Ben hello!
How are we today
@Ben sore... I spent hours on the weekend hacking back a feral rose that is trying to take over our side path
@Ben not dead yet.
We got a trampoline for the boys and I spent 3 hours putting it together. My shoulders hurt, my chest hurts, my abs hurt, and I somehow managed to bruise my butt as well
That’s the best thing I can say about today.
@BardicWizard noice. New high score!
@Ben ouch. That’s gonna hurt.
@Ben I really do not want to get into this today, but blame politics. Also blame history class but to a lesser extent.
@BardicWizard It's like some kind of weird weight's/rowing machine lol

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