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@TheDragonOfFlame plan on using the frenzy and exhaustion mechanic a lot? Or how are you planning on getting use of your bonus action?
@NautArch It is the best in the game.
And Im pretty sure the Bard's is the worst in the game.
@ThomasMarkov it pretty much is.
I have never known anyone to take bard who didn’t take a level in another class instead of the bard 20th level
1 level hexblade dip is @NautArch's favorite multiclass.
@ThomasMarkov grumble grumble
@ThomasMarkov A GM and I once reflavored all my battlemaster's maneuvers as different (Professional) wrestling moves.
@nitsua60 You got to work with WoTC's balance team? That's awesome!
@NautArch It is (though for my money I'd still take the druid's), and I don't believe in L20, so it's never been too much of an argument against dipping =)
@nitsua60 You don't believe it exists?
@NautArch Correct. Like "yummy Brussels sprouts" it's an aspirational fiction.
@nitsua60 Like single level hexblade dips, got it :P
@nitsua60 That is a lie. Crispy brussel sprouts with or without bacon and balsamic are delish.
@ThomasMarkov Not sure I'm following? (Though I suspect you may just be yanking my chain and my post-nap brain hasn't caught up.)
@NautArch [de-escalating] you get snow today?
@nitsua60 I made a joke earlier that WoTC's balance team was just all the DMs who ran the game and had to fix their stuff on the fly.
@nitsua60 I will die on this hill! This barely snowy hill.
We got a dusting, but a few hours of snowfall.
Pretty, but mostly wet.
@ThomasMarkov Oh, gotcha. No, I'm on the "real" balance team, I guess, in that I run playtests and give WotC feedback on new stuff which they don't seem to take. So I guess you can blame me and my brethren for their ills?
@nitsua60 Im okay with blaming everything on you, sure.
@NautArch I almost ate it twice on my deck leaving the house this morning. Well, actually, once on the way out, and then ten seconds later on the way back to tell my kids to be careful of the slippery deck.
@ThomasMarkov :thumbsup:
@nitsua60 slippery snow or did you have ice?
@NautArch A local vandal cast grease on the deck.
Re: barbarian capstone. Yes. This is true. Full barbarians kick some serious butt. But I think of this more as a primarily rogue, secondarily barbarian. The barbarian dip is only for rage and multiattack
i plan on using frenzy once, no more than twice per day. My first turn would be (coming out of stealth) grapple, if success, attack, adding sneak if hit, and attack, adding sneak if hit. If fail, reckless attack, adding sneak if hit, reckless attack, adding sneak if hit. I know sneak is once per round, btw
@ThomasMarkov I was about to complain about the warlock (being new to the game) . . . but . . . yeah, bard's seems even more disappointing. Is this generally a deliberate design - making level 20 unique benefits no more remarkable than early/mid-level stuff?
Ok, yes, bards capstone is sucky. But they are an amazing class otherwise...
@TheDragonOfFlame That's fair. But do you see what you lose out on with Rogue 15-20?
@NautArch You know who don't have problems dealing with snowy hills?.... hexblades.
@GcL You mean hexblade 1 dips?
Nacho dip in a game with me.
There is something sad about multiclassing always, but this build is quite good even compared to full classes IMO
I just like imagining an assasin that grabs their enemy and just starts stabbing them a bunch. Till they die
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica Its a mixed bag I think. Some of them are neat, some are lame.
honestly I think this would be even better if you went rogue 12 barb 5 fighter 3
Really depends on what you're looking for. Missing out on some of those Rogue abilities is a big give.
I generally only multiclass if there is a specific level I know we're going to or a one-off where it doesn't matter.
the best classes in the game (IMO) are as follows: from levels 1-4, barbarian and Paladin. From levels 5-10 sorcerer and rogue. From levels 11-16 fighter. From levels 17-20 monk, wizard, and barbarian
all around good (except for level 17-20) bard
Disagree immediately :) Have to put druid in for 1-4. Moon Druids are whizbang.
oof yeah moon druids
though they shine best at top tier
and early paladin is more meh for me.
18th level bard can learn any spell (except encode thoughts).
infinite elementals you never die
early Paladin is good IMO because high AC and HP as well as healing ability make it durable
For low tiers my moSt important thing is durability most PC deaths happen before L5
@TheDragonOfFlame high ac?
Chain and a shield
@TheDragonOfFlame that's anything with heavy armor.
Yeah fighters and paladins I know
certain clerics too
fighters are also good at low levels but they don’t really shine until they have had their extra ASIs and they get their 3rd attack
oh I forgot another one: clerics are OP at level 20
But wizard's time stop shenanigans. Shenanigans until the gold runs out.
thwyncan cast 2 level 9 spells in one day
A caster can cast as many L9 scrolls as they want in a day.
no other class gets 2 level 9 spells in a day
yes but that is magic items
Just takes money and time. Or just money.
not pure class features
Money is the only class feature.
Unless tha t is a pun?
Wait, how exactly does 20th level clerics get two 9th level spell castings?
divine intervention
its only 1/week but still
and also like, your allies cannot die
And it's not exactly a 9th level spell. There's a lot of lee way (and a lot up to your table/DM)
@TheDragonOfFlame Everyone is OP at level 20. Level 20 is... silly.
"Flanders to God. Flanders to God. Get off yer clod and save my Todd!"
@AncientSwordRage hmm (I didn’t see this cause I had a chem test and have another test for English in 3min)
but i have an idea
that will wait until after class
@TheDragonOfFlame Most of everything happens before L5. Create the character you want to play from L1 to L5, and you'll almost surely get to do that.
@MarkWells silly fun!
@NautArch if you say so? All of my favorite "silly fun" memories from D&D involve grossly underpowered characters engaged in wacky schemes to punch above their weight.
@MarkWells I think both are fun.
We had a lot of fun at the end of our campaign, but it was fun throughout (when it wasn't frustrating, that is.)
Gotta ask, how is this answer not actually a comment? Nothing is actually answered, and it seems more of a narrative description and some edge cases where picking/not picking who is safe can be useful.
@NautArch I once used the spell etherealness to get my horse into a nobleman's bed chamber where I reenacted an old spice commercial in order to persuade him to join my political cause.
@ThomasMarkov You are not an adventurer, but you can smell like one!
This answer raises a stupid but interesting question: The 2020 SAC (in ignorance of the published rules) says that Divine Smite requires "a melee attack using a weapon", rather than a melee weapon attack. So if you make a melee spell attack using a weapon, such as shillelagh, you can Divine Smite with that?
(stupid because the 2020 SAC is simply wrong)
shillelagh is not a melee spell attack.
no? what's the one I'm thinking of?
(you're right, it's not)
I think with that SAC ruling you can booming blade smite
But maybe you could do that before?
@MarkWells Thorn whip?
booming blade isnt melee spell attack either
Spiritual weapon. Heh heheheh.
Or our friend steel wind strike.
@MarkWells Is this one of those trick question? Like spiritual weapon is a weapon because it has the word weapon?
@NautArch It says it creates a weapon.
If Jim's magic missile doesnt have gluten, the spiritual weapon is a weapon.
@MarkWells You're also not actually using the weapon, it's just a component.
Hence trick question.
"You create a floating, spectral weapon" spiritual weapon
Can you smite with spiritual weapon?
And then you make a melee spell attack. Not a melee weapon attack.
@NautArch A melee spell attack with a weapon.
but it's one of those things where I wouldn't rule it a weapon, but the language is loose enough.
@ThomasMarkov It's superfluous adjective. It's like iridium free milk. All magic missiles are gluten free which is why they can't be over worked.
If someone really believes it'll work and it's fine, then it's fine.
I just don't.
@NautArch or you can't even? /S
@NautArch Is it just me, or can my spiritual weapon not break down a door? I've got a cleric trapped in a locked room who wants to use spiritual weapon to break down the locked door and escape.
@GcL gluten-free is used way too much in my opinion.
@GcL not even.
@KorvinStarmast It does say it's gotta be a creature. And I'm kind of fine with that--you're calling down the wrath of God on a door? What sins has the door committed?
@KorvinStarmast with the specifci language? no. unless the door is a mimic.
@MarkWells ask not what sins a door can commit, lest the door commit it's sins on thee.
@MarkWells Which god? Some probably really have a thing about opening doors.
@GcL If you had that god then you'd have knock as a domain spell.
RAW, spiritual weapon can attack a creature. A door is only not a door when it's a jar or a construct. So if someone cast animate objects on the door, then they could attack it.
@MarkWells Loki? That's a crap spell because everyone knows the verbal component is "who's there?"
@MikeQ Always bake for at least three rounds on medium to high level. Raw spirit weapons are a common mistake served by inexperienced adventurers.
@MikeQ Perfect answer. Thanks also to @MarkWells and @NautArch I saw the creature thing and realized that this poor cleric needs to come up with a better idea.
@GcL Not to mention chewey and in need of horseradish sauce and lemon juice, just like oysters.
@KorvinStarmast have you tried asking nicely?
@NautArch Heh, they tried that, it failed, they tried shouting at it using thaumaturgy, and that also failed.
@NautArch Mimic still says "no". Roll for initiative.
Open Sesame shouted three times as loudly still doesn't work.
@KorvinStarmast you forgot a la peanutbutter sandwiches!
Errata: A door is only not a door when it's a jar, a construct, or a mimic.
Hmm, fair point, but I think we are trying to avoid analphylactic shock in this setting. Not sure if peanut butter even exists ... yeah, I know, we must therefore be in Hell ...
If Triple Open Sesame doesn't do it then it can't be done. The "door" is probably painted onto the wall.
@MarkWells or spiked.
And locked.
@MarkWells In which case you can just open it with and go through after saying "meep meep"
(not that that necessarily has to stop you. see the Roadrunner cartoons, The Dark Tower, etc.)
^This is why the marvelous pigments are so marvelous.
Real fake doors!
@NautArch Your face is marvelous. zing !
@GcL It's better to look good than to feel good, dahling!
You're gonna need some aloe for that. You know... moisturizing and antioxidants and all that.
@NautArch No ice, just very wet snow that didn't even stay snowy on the grass, nvm the roads.
I have to imagine the results of applying the marvelous pigments to one's face are unpleasant
@nitsua60 Snow that doesn't stay snowy really rains on your parade, eh?
But it was just cold enough to retain some slushiness, even though it was thin and completely transparent... IOW, prime kiester-dumping ={
@nitsua60 THere really was very little accumulation here. Walked the dogs into the woods in the neighborhood and it was just...wet.
Ah yes the worst two cold weather words in the English language "winter mix"
hate the wintry mix
with every fiber of my being lol
This makes me scared to look outside lol
Welp the test is over and I am still alive
in theory
not to discriminate against any undead
@Rubiksmoose Mod guidance requested.
@Rubiksmoose what do when answer OP of a highly upvoted and accepted answer changes their answer to be the exact opposite of what it said before?
@Rubiksmoose You mind providing any more info on why the flag for this was disputed? Let's just all bum rush Rubiks with questions on a friday!
@NautArch what do you think about rollin back that edit?
on the disarm question
The edit reversed the answer and made it tangibly worse by removing references to actual rules and replacing with a tweet.
@NautArch I don't think its a good answer, but I dont think its not an answer.
@ThomasMarkov hm yeah that is an uncomfortable situation for sure. Our guidance is to not do that but I guess the real question is what to do about it.
jk, not yet.
@Rubiksmoose revert, and then add an addendum explaining the crawfordism. Plenty of people have done that before when new info becomes available.
@KorvinStarmast That was my thinking as well. I was just checking meta to see if anybody wiser and more elaborate than I had wisdom I could link to
That is also what I've done in the past with my answers when this happens
@Rubiksmoose I didnt see anything in my brief survey of meta.
@Rubiksmoose I think I could do that revert and edit but I just got called away, so i can't.
I can do it so there's less likelihood of fuss.
Its like an awkward form of vandalism.
@ThomasMarkov What do you think their answer is? it just doesn't seem like they're actually answering the question.
@NautArch Looks like this was the mechanism:
> A "not an answer" or "very low quality" flag kicks the post into the Low Quality Posts review queue but the final result of the review was "Looks OK".
Wow, that was a fast review
@Rubiksmoose It totally wasn't @KorvinStarmast, thats for sure.
Especially considering two people liked the comment
(it was korvin btw)
I can't think right now of a way that mod-handled VLQ flags would would end up as disputed since our vote is binding. But I'm sure one of my fellows will be around to correct that gap sometime ;-)
@BardicWizard huzzah!
Pretty sure this is opinion based. The question is literally just "will this work"
@ThomasMarkov Looks like a typical optimization question, if awkwardly worded.
If it was OBased it would have been shut when it was asked. We had a pretty active case of opinion based monitors at the time ...
It looks already built.
@ThomasMarkov I see no value in going back to a two year old question with two good answers and closing it, but I'd like to protect it so that answers like the one that just popped up are prevented. And yet, I can't protect it. :(
the answers explain why the build will or will not achieve the OP's objectives.
Once people have voted on your answer, it is not good practice to change it to say something completely opposite (because it essentially reappropriates those votes and makes them look like the agreeing to something completely different). On the other hand, editing to add in more updated info in some cases can be good. In this case, using a RAW/RAI framing, both options can be presented so I've gone ahead and done that for you. :-) — Rubiksmoose ♦ 1 min ago
There we go
Why cant it be protected?
@ThomasMarkov I am guessing that there's an up vote on the new answer?
@Rubiksmoose My Favorite Moose 😎
@KorvinStarmast I'm certainly not going to die on this hill but I would rather not see any question protected that didn't have clear-cut long term problems since protection cuts off all possibility of getting new quality answers from low-rep users.
I realize that standards differ though.
@KorvinStarmast :-)
If I came across a question like this while browsing the site and saw it was protected, I'd almost certainly go ahead and unprotect it without much doubt at all.
@NautArch Not a fan of this answer of yours. Seems more like commentary on the question tbh.
You claim it violates RAW and then don't mention any rules at all.
Q: Hound of Ill Omen - Does it have to attack?

K41F4rThe description states: On its turn, it can move only toward its target by the most direct route, and it can use its action only to attack its target. Who controls whether he indeed uses what he can?

@Rubiksmoose Well, you might, if the wintry mix has its say....
@nitsua60 hahaha
@ThomasMarkov That's fair. but that answer was an attempt to negate the beginning premise of the question the rest of it didn't really matter as much. however, I'm totally fine deleting it. It's not an answer I really I'm going to die on a hill for.
@RevenantBacon Ill give it a read.
@RevenantBacon I disagree with your header, but I have an open mind.
@ThomasMarkov BUt I do need to ask if you went through my answers to find something similar to the issue I flagged and was disputed?
@NautArch No, not at all. The question was a related question on one I was reading, so I clicked on it and found your answer.
@ThomasMarkov okay :)
but I"m totally fine deleting that answer. It's more of a frustration with cheese.
@NautArch It's the linked question on this one that I answered.
@ThomasMarkov ah, okay. I mean, as I said, if you really think it's not an answer, i'm good with removing it. But my approach really was just to negate the first step of their process which would remove the rest of the process.
how many queue votes does it take to remove a flag?
@NautArch I dont think its "not an answer", and I see what you were trying to do. It just seems unsupported. I think youre on the right track there.
@NautArch LQ reviews end on two "Looks Good" which will mark the flag as disputed
@ThomasMarkov thta may be why the downvotes are there (or, i often see downvotes on answers that limit abilities here)
@Someone_Evil thank you!
@Someone_Evil I stiill think my flag is correct, but so be it :)
@Rubiksmoose cool
@Rubiksmoose We have a few more to be sent to dragons, methinks.
@KorvinStarmast Yup. Corralling them now.
and with that, I am outta here until later.
@KorvinStarmast tata
Anyone got plans for the weekend?
Anybody attempting to have Halloween plans?
I'm going to try and have eggs on toast for breakfast tomorrow
Mmmmmm that sounds yummy
@Rubiksmoose no Halloween in this household 🙃
@AncientSwordRage barbecue fried chicken on eggs on toast is the bees knees.
@AncientSwordRage oh yeah?
@Rubiksmoose watching tv and eating candy
@BardicWizard That reminds me I have Mandalorian waiting for me! (But this sounds quite fun)
@BardicWizard Eating TV and watching candy?
@Rubiksmoose we watched it a couple hours ago, it was quite good.
I'm actually making a Gengar costume out of a purple onesie I got online XD
(also I appreciate that they recap what happened last season.)
@ThomasMarkov I've had something similar and it's delicious
@Ash I'm extremely excited for it and glad to hear that it was enjoyed
@Rubiksmoose that sounds awesome.
@Rubiksmoose Drawing the face on your belly?
@ThomasMarkov Exactly right!
@Rubiksmoose yeah, we don't celebrate it, only the 2 traditional Muslim festivals/Eids
@Rubiksmoose Swamped in the bogs of postgrad work. Basically I pay them to do nothing and I teach myself everything. This week, the professor called everyone onto zoom for discussion, only to tell us that they were on travel and couldn't hold this week's discussion, and our exam is postponed to the date which it was originally scheduled for.
@AncientSwordRage try not to panic and spontaneously combust over starting a new job on Monday, venture out for Filipino takeout tomorrow sometime.
I also have the hoop skirt I’m wearing
@Ash this sounds like a plan.
I often aim to not spontaneously combust
@AncientSwordRage that makes sense! And sounds fun as well. Any of those near now? (excuse my ignorance on Muslim holidays)
So far I have a 100% success rate
@AncientSwordRage that, I think, is very good. Messy, otherwise.
@MikeQ .... wat
@Rubiksmoose no we had them already
My family celebrate in the winter present giving though
So we reciprocate
@BardicWizard awesome, I remember you mentioning something about that
Nice! I like to think it is a nice way to end the year, even in-grained religious propensities aside.
@Rubiksmoose genius
@Rubiksmoose it's quite different this year though
@AncientSwordRage Any way beyond the overarching COVID-ness?
@AncientSwordRage I don't celebrate holidays and I also confuse people when I have a Christmas tree and exchange gifts in late december.
Well, a Christmas tree is just a short-lived pine houseplant that you keep for a month and then get rid of XD
You could have nice shiny pole and feats of strength.
I like how that applies to holidays and RPGs just about equally as well.
@Rubiksmoose nope that's it
@Rubiksmoose Mine is aluminum and plastic that I got for $6 at the goodwill four years ago.
@AncientSwordRage Well that is more than enough I'd say.
@Rubiksmoose Festivus works in many non-mysterious ways.
@ThomasMarkov often I confused myself this way as well
@ThomasMarkov Sounds like a solid investment
On the topic of halloween, I had an idea
that i wanted to float to you all
@BardicWizard Run Curse of Strahd non-stop starting at midnight tonight?
@ThomasMarkov I don't think I could even stop that from dying on me, so it's probably best we don't have a tree
@BardicWizard Catapults? is it catapults? I'm hoping for catapults.
@BardicWizard Well if the idea floats, you realize that it must be a witch. And is thus therefore very appropriate and welcome.
@BardicWizard helium?
Oh. Floating. Catapults on boats!
@AncientSwordRage You can't. My wife is very adamant about getting a new one this year. She insists the one we have is dead.
@ThomasMarkov I thought for a brief, glorious second you were talking about a catapult.
@ThomasMarkov no but close
It’s not a witch or helium either
@ThomasMarkov I have a garden to sort out come spring
@BardicWizard call of cthulhu pbp?
@AncientSwordRage i wrote that Cthulhu dark scenario
and i was wondering if anyone wanted to run a pbp of it sometime soonish (midnight Utc maybe)
I don’t know, just thought it’s nearly halloween so
Anyone interested?
I seriously am, but I don't think I'm going to be free for anything fun or commitment flavoured for a long time 🙃
I would be too (and thanks for the offer) but I have a Gengar to make which means I also have to face craft stores pre Halloween tonight.
@Rubiksmoose oof
i did that yesterday. Not fun
Yeah... not looking forward to that.
Luckily all I need is felt so hopefully it won't take me 12 hours to get that.
@AncientSwordRage it prob wouldn’t be long or very committed
it was just an idea and a thing I’m proud of
(a good idea I might add)
@BardicWizard it's not the length of it. My wife gets extremely anxious when I participate in this kind of stuff. She feels she can't interrupt, and the idea of me not being available to help if something goes wrong could cause a panic attack, which then does mean I need to help her calm down ... And then she's guilty about having interrupted....
It's cyclical
Sorry for the downer ...
@AncientSwordRage ah. I have like a million things I’m doing at the same time so it would probably not be immediate responses all the time (who assigns homework on a friday???)
don’t worry about it
I might not even have time
who knows
oh I missed that it was pbp. Hmmm... I still shouldn't commit I think.
I'm awful at multitasking.
I've also actually never done PBP before.
I’ve only done one other thats been going on for a while but we haven’t done anything useful
@Rubiksmoose I do AM5 by post. It lends itself to a different kind of game. Much more narrative with lots of player latitude for filling in the narrative of what's going on in their demesne.
Slows down a lot when there are situations to be resolved by the story guide or between characters controlled by different players.
I also know absolutely nothing about running pbp so... learning curve all around!
If nobody’s interested, I’ll drop it.
I’ll be around for a while though so if anyone wants to try Victorian horror related to the necronomicon, I’m here with a scenario
(Victorian meaning in time period)
Play by post?
i could try
what site do you use
It’s basically done in a chat room and all stuff is online, dice rolling included
I don’t actually know where to do it... is there a way to do it here? I have exactly 0 other accounts on anything rpg related
Never thought my experience of throwing liquid filled bottles as a rebellious teen would be valid experiential evidence for a rpg question.
I got invited to pbp but never did it
@Rubiksmoose We're having only kids from our campus around our neighborhood, and everyone in the neighborhood is setting out tables with goodie-bagged candies spread upon. And everyone's wearing masks.
My Halloween plans? I’m running a murder mystery rpg game without character sheets, and with all the lights turned out
@BardicWizard rolz.org is decent for dice rolling.
@BardicWizard You could totally make a room on this chat server and use it for such a purpose. Just know that even if you select "private" as its security setting, moderators and staff can still read/write.
@nitsua60 so noted
not like I’d do anything stupid
@BardicWizard honestly I’d use discord you could add a dice rolling bot
There was a site we used that would essentially archive rolls for you so they could be referenced later, but it was difficult to keep track of which order they all happened in.
discord is quite handy you can make extra rooms and search chat and stuff, I don’t love this medium for chatting
@TheDragonOfFlame can’t get discord. Parents have issues with it
I hate being a teenager
that sucks
even if you told them you’d only be in the one group?
my discord is currently like 7 d&d games that I am sort of part of
@BardicWizard Just wait. Eventually you have to answer the question, "what am I making for dinner" every day forever.
@TheDragonOfFlame yeah. It’s because they can’t monitor me as well
My mom has my discord on her phone....
They're not wrong. There are some pretty heinous discord servers out there.
Ok. So I have a friend who runs pbp he says he uses mythweavers
If you want to run one lmk I’d be interested
Also apparently you can use dndbeyond
@nitsua60 Can normal users create Private rooms and not just Gallery?
@BardicWizard About every teacher I've ever had. Except in college. There they just say "get this done".
I can make private rooms
I think you unlock it with a certain number of points
You get Gallery rooms at 1k rep (IIRC), but those are still viewable by anyone, it just limits who can talk in it
I mean, if people want to see it, it doesn’t matter to me
@Someone_Evil good point. Prolly not?
It shouldn't even show Private as an option, but I'm not in a position to check that :)
I can look in 2min
It only offers public and gallery
Gallery would work
Good. It shouldn't let you create rooms you aren't supposed to use (and quickly wouldn't be able to).
can you create private rooms?
As a mod
If you're comfortable with the transcript being public using a room here shouldn't be a problem. We even have a built in dice roller :)
I don’t care about the transcript being public
I know I was just asking out of curiosity
@TheDragonOfFlame Yes. We only use them for moderation purposes.
@Rubiksmoose my wife and I made Halloween our official date night over a decade ago. We find something to do and then go do it - movie, dinner, whatever. This year it's a bit tricky, so we may have a dinner with her mom and sister ... festive occasion and such.
Anyways, so who all is interested? I’ve got checks time about 8ish hours where I’m mostly available but might be slow in responses occasionally
Im interested
It’s Victorian era supposedly-horror-but-I-don’t-actually-know-how-to-write-horror stuff involving the necronomicon
Though I might be the only one
eh its fine if it’s not to horrifying
Just do your best
FWIW I have done pbp before and ready enjoyed it
Hoping you all do too
@BardicWizard Bonus points if you play background music by Nekrogoblikon
@TheDragonOfFlame there’s a sacrifice and some stuff that looks weird but I don’t do graphic violence so it’s nothing that is described in much detail
Anyone else interested?
Alright, for anyone interested in a Cthulhu Dark PbP involving the Necronomicon set in roughly the 1850s, I figured out how to make a chat room for it
Join if you’re interested and want to try out pbp
@BardicWizard What's the time frame for this pbp game?
Meh, tonight ish.... I’m gonna be a little sporadic and will be unavoidably offline from 6:00 UTC to 13:00 UTC since my phone auto shuts off for that time period
FYI, found the thing that proves my point. Take a look at the Grappled condition: A grappled creature’s speed becomes 0, and it can’t benefit from any bonus to its speed.
Gotta go fast nowhere
@BardicWizard -- I take it you'd rather not use The Back Room to keep it free for more spontaneous things/
@Shalvenay Not particularly
@BardicWizard just wanted to ask because we have The Back Room for pick-up games and whatnot, but creating your own room is fine too
I did not realize the back room was for pick up games
theers a lot of conversation about some rules stuff for d&d in there
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