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@BESW how much is a +2 worth though?
Quite significant!
Wow. That sounds like a really interesting supporter
It's Fate Accelerated, so your biggest modifier without stunts is +3.
Basically, she'd roll Flashy (her +3 skill, plus stunt bonus for a total of +5) against a difficulty that's usually +1 or +2 (because making plans doesn't have significant opposition), and the dice spread is between -4 and +4 but it's aggressively curved toward 0.
If she hits the difficulty exactly, she gets a one-time-use "boost" that lets her add +2 to any roll related to her plan. If she gets better than the difficulty, she gets a lasts-until-the-story-changes-it aspect like "Pincer movement" and one free +2 bonus for any roll related to it, and she can spend currency for more +2s. If she gets better than the difficulty by 3 or higher, she gets two free +2 bonuses on the aspect.
Other characters had stunts like
Because I am a Time Lord, I get +2 when I Cleverly overcome a technological obstacle.
Because I am swift in battle, I get +2 when I Quickly make a physical attack.
Because I am inhuman, I get +2 when I Forcefully defend against mental or social influence by humanoids.
... wow.
Fate's really good at going "The character in your head? Just use this formula to write it down and that's your mechanics."
Here's my ten Doctor Who pre-made characters for Fate Accelerated. They have empty parts (two blank aspects, three unranked skills, one missing stunt) so players can customize them before or during the game.
I designed them to be used by friends with little to know knowledge of Doctor Who, so no being precious about accuracy.
Q: Does the Spell Sniper feat double the range of booming blade when you are not wielding a reach weapon?

Yuval AmirWhen using a weapon without reach, does the range of booming blade still double if you have spell sniper?

@BESW Wild. But I sadly don't remember any of them from the few eps of Who that I've seen
They're from a wide range, mostly Doctors Three through Five.
My friends were mostly familiar with New Who, if any Who at all, so I wanted to use companions that they wouldn't feel pressured to be "accurate" about, because they didn't know the characters well/at all.
Some of them, like Sarah Jane and the Brigadier, are very well-known and well-loved Old Who staples that were around for multiple eras of Doctor. Others, like Kamelion, were barely in the show long enough to count as companions rather than simply guests.
(The Kamelion robot prop was a custom design that only its creator knew how to operate, and then the creator died.)
Oh, yeah. I heard some stuff about Kamelion lately. It was a robot prop that they just found. It was a pain to do anything with, and Davison hated working with it.
It had potential for an interesting character arc, and I sorta bumped the character along its projected journey for the Fate game because its status in the show made it hard to give a lot of agency in a game.
2 hours later…
Weisizhui wrote a twitter thread about what it's like to coexist with the supernatural. It's not TRPG related but it encapsulates a lot of why the standard pop culture fantasy attitude toward the supernatural just doesn't work for me.
In my area: it's lemonchina not jasmine; we've got at least two white ladies; I'd be surprised to find a house that's not "haunted" (mafanague, which has much more neutral connotations); I went to school across the street from my village's spiritual healer; everybody knows the ritual to ask permission to enter the jungle.
@BESW as long as the ghosts aren't sending smoke signals ;)
Mostly the aniti are pretty chill so long as you're respectful.
yeah, I was more thinking of the ghost of whoever decided 50 years ago that wirenutting Al to Cu was a good idea :P but that's me
@BESW this is really interesting to think about, since I come from a western background, how different these experiences are from mine. I’ve had very different cultural experiences, and the closest thing I’ve experienced to meeting a spirit is one year at Día de Los Muertos when I saw my grandmother walking behind me
it’s really quite interesting to realize that there are some people for whom the supernatural is normal
It baffles me to encounter people that think there's a clear boundary between the objective and subjective, scientific and supernatural, etc.
Even if si aniti don't mess with me personally (and mostly they don't, because I'm not their family), I'd have to be deeply credulous to deny their influence on the land and its people.
I have been mafanague, albeit mostly in small ways, and I have gaitaotao friends.
Q: Can the spell Heat Metal target a metallic dragon's scales?

DestruktorBasically title. Metallic dragons are covered in various types of metallic scales. Can a wizard target the scales to deal ongoing damage to the dragon?

1 hour later…
Q: Can the Heat Metal spell target a set of Dragon Scale Mail made from metallic dragon scales?

Darth PseudonymThe heat metal spell can target "a manufactured metal object", including "a suit of heavy or medium metal armor". A suit of Dragon Scale Mail is clearly a manufactured object, but if it's made from metallic dragon scales, is it metal, and thus a valid target? Are bronze dragon scales actually mad...

@HotRPGQuestions does anyone else get the sense that the fashion industry has discovered dragon scale mail and really loves it?
2 hours later…
@BardicWizard [insert postal service joke here]
5 hours later…
@BESW Just to make sure I'm understanding: permission of whom?
Si taotaomo'na, the elders and ancestors who protect and guide and punish.
> Guella yan Guello, dispensa ham låo Kåo siña ham manmaloffan yan manmanbisita gi tano miyu sa' yanggen un bisita i tano'må mi faloffan-ha' sin un famaisin.
Which roughly translates to
> Grandmother and grandfather, excuse us. May we walk through and visit your land and when you come to our land we will welcome you to do the same.
Undeveloped spaces like jungles are where you're most likely to directly encounter them, and where it's easiest to give offense.
Thank you.
@BESW do i detect spanish influence in the terms Guella and Guello?
Yes, the Indigenous language of CHamoru was suppressed and replaced by Spanish (and more recently by English) for centuries, so many of its original words were lost and they adapted Spanish and Tagalog words to fill in the gaps.
Why did @NautArch self delete two answers on one question? Because magic :P
@ThomasMarkov I wasn't ina great mental space yesterday and didn't like 'em.
I'm still a bit surprised to see that some tables auto-guidance out of combat.
I upvoted the second one.
Yeah, I still didn't like it. Because I do think there really is very little chance they're actually metal.
It seemed like a silly argument that I didn't really believe in.
EVen if it is technically correct.
3.5e's Dragonomicon seems to be entirely silent on the question, which was a little upsetting.
I did flag the most recent answer as not an answer.
@ThomasMarkov there's enough referencing of color rather than material in 5e to make me comfortable that it's probably not metal.
"severe content problems" is probably more accurate than not an answer. It does answer the question. Just really poorly.
And things like the sapphire dragon clearly talk about color and not gems.
@ThomasMarkov seems more like a comment
Sure, but if it was posted as a comment I flag it for answer in comments :P
Do you auto-guidance check rolls I'mstill hung up on that. I don't like to lead my players for everything and feel that managing their own abilities and using them is up to them.
My cleric in Rime has guidance and I'm pretty strict with when I let him use it.
It's definitely a playstyle option, just not one i'd heard before
This deleted answer of mine explains my view on the spell.
Deleted because of input you gave :P
Summarized so: Guidance should be permitted by the DM only when the cleric has awareness aforethought to guide the target with their ability check.
Just read that and nodded my head vigorously.
It was a problem on Critical Role for a while, but they got better at it. For several episodes the two clerics would just yell guidance whenever ability checks were called for.
But they've settled down quite a bit, using it more sparingly when it makes sense, and they actually narrate the casting of the spell in a way that makes sense.
I really think critical role has been both a service and disservice to D&D
Tell me more
@BardicWizard I've been thinking about "people for whom the supernatural is normal," and I think there's a very understandable epistemological category error there. The supernatural is natural, not a separate category that's more or less normal. It's not that for some people magic happens alongside mundane things, it's that there's not really a line between "mundane" and "magic" at all.
This is, however, very difficult for us to process if we've been immersed in cultural ways of thinking which divide faith and science, quantifiable and un-quantifiable, into distinctly separate categories. We struggle to even talk about it because the phrases we think to use are implicitly about making that distinction.
@NautArch Oh gosh yes. Everything from unrealistic standards of performance and story, to poor/no demonstration of safety techniques, to recalcitrant tokenism...
@NautArch I'm still relatively new to D&D and came to the game after watching some critical role, so I don't have any idea what the general landscape looked like before critical role (they were already well into campaign 2 when I started).
Does critical role ever use initiative order out of combat to help track time?
I"ve got a guy I play with (and who also is a DM) that still has problems with initiative=combat.
Like after months, he still thinks it means combat.
and says so
I cant recall any time where theyve rolled initiative for not combat
DWAITAS initiative for the win?
"dont worry about it, take a spot"?
Doctor Who Adventures In Time And Space.
tell me more
It arranges initiative in order of what you're doing: Talkers, Runners, Doers, Fighters.
May 15 '17 at 20:43, by BESW
> a) Talkers – any people who are just going to speak? Now’s their time to talk.
b) Runners – people who are just moving? Here’s when they go!
c) Doers – non-combat actions. Need to fix something, or do something, now’s the time to act!
d) Fighters – combat actions go last.
Trying to think how that'd work for this. Does the player state prior to rolling what their action intent is?
I just like initiative out of combat to help track time and give everyone a chance without spotlight hogging.
Then use popcorn initiative.
Determine who goes first however makes sense. When their turn is over, they pick who goes next out of whoever hasn't had a turn yet that round.
The last person in the round picks who (other than themself) starts the next round.
I have to be honest and say I'd rather not manage things like that. Having a defined order makes things easier for me.
It's fast and easy and informal and strategic.
but i do like the idea of it
so i'm torn
That's fair.
I think there's a place for it, though.
I just need to think about when to try it
I replaced D&D-style initiative with it in D&D 4e... and then replaced Fate initiative with it too, and it worked equally well in both.
hol up
@NautArch didnt you give me a hard time like two weeks ago about using initiative for managing out of combat timing :P
Though I generally prefer DWAITAS initiative in most of my Fate games, it's a better narrative fit.
THe other part is that in a lot of the dungeons I'm using require tracking movement and actions, so keeping standard initiative kinda works
@ThomasMarkov did I? :(
that doesn't seem like me, but it may have been circumstantial to what you were talking about?
@ThomasMarkov I had a group that used to use INT score as the out of combat turn order and I think it's a good idea.
See comments on this deleted answer
@ThomasMarkov Ah! Yeah, that was different because this is combat. And a party may not be involved.
that's different.
lol its both
I track initiative moving through the dungeon. WHen combat occurs, i reroll initiative for everyone.
Party initiative: drinkers, dancers, flirters, brawlers?
@BESW Excuse me, I play a bard, so do I go every turn?
@NautArch You are correct. It replaces a die roll, and the advantage is a way to determine a correct die roll. SAC is getting as bad as JerCraw's tweets
@KorvinStarmast Yeah :(
@BESW Seriously though, I've done all of those at the same time with my bard. I was no-hands drinking while playing my fiddle on top of a bar table to impress a lady when some guy heckled me and I kicked his head.
bards gonna bard
@NautArch nor are daggers. If my rogue player throws three daggers she can recover three after the battle is over unless something like acid or rust monster has a property that degrages/destroys them, or, if someone / something she hit with one runs away with a dagger she threw stuck into it.
@KorvinStarmast gotta love those oozes
@NautArch we just fought four grey oozes. My brother the DM said we found shines and then he realized that grey ooze mostly eats metal so no pile of loot. On a hunch, he quickly improvised, rolled at random for one item, and we found ... a rod of the pact keeper +1. And I have a warlock. Better lucky than good, eh?
heck yeah!
@GcL self answers is a feature of SE sites, that's a poor reason from where I am sitting.
I just realized, a rod of the pact keeper would do nothing for my hexblade :(
sword and board is limiting.
@GcL I have a guess of about six people who it might be
@NautArch cuz hexblade needed to be better /s
@ThomasMarkov It's not OP if you don't use it as a 1 level dip.
haha totally using it as a 1 level dip for my bard
Yup totally OP then.
I've made it clera there are no 1 level hexblade dips allowed in Rime.
In my defense, my character is exploring the setting's diverse religious expressions after being a deist his whole life.
there is no defense for a 1 level hexblade dip :P
@NautArch is too, a 1 level hexblade dip gives any character access to the spell shield.
I cast shield against your shade throwing :P
@Shalvenay I have another mini adventure that I'd love you to consider. It's a "how do I play Houdini and escape from this mess" thing for three NPCs that my party has just left trussed up like Christmas Turkeys.
Yall have any ideas why this question blew up like it did? Seems like it hit 5k views fast, even for a HNQ.
@JoelHarmon I often listen to the Diablo II sound track when I work in the garage. Not sure why, but it seems to go with cutting and sawing and smashing on stuff with a hammer ...
@kviiri 2d level cleric spell continual flame in D&D 5e does just that. A flame, equivalent in brightness to a torch, springs forth from an object that you touch. The effect looks like a regular flame, but it creates no heat and doesn’t use oxygen. A continual flame can be covered or hidden but not smothered or quenched
I have found it useful for a variety of applications in play.
@KorvinStarmast Not all features are good things.
@BESW yeah, the language I use doesn’t really have a way to talk about this stuff other than as something “different”, dividing the language into “science” and “faith”. My religion teacher was talking about magical realism a couple of weeks ago, and I think that that’s similar to what you’re talking about with the presence and normality of the supernatural — it can’t be explained with science but that doesn’t mean it’s not real
@GcL I have one or two self answers. I have found a number of the self answers that come a year later "this is what worked" to be quite useful. I do not agree with you at all on that feature being bad. So I guess we can just disagree.
@lisardggY Italian makes a similar distinction (of course, they still had about 30 officially recognized dialects when I lived there, not sure if that has changed)
@lisardggY In NATO, official English is UK English, so I learned how to spell armour with a U. 😜
does anyone know of an online generator to make handwritten note handouts? Obviously I can load up an image edition program and roll my own, but I'm looking for a quick & dirty method.
@fectin like this?
No, but also very much yes
Unless there's something I'm missing, there isn't an easy mode there for "here's a scrap of paper with something written on it." But that is also extremely cool and not a place I knew about
@BardicWizard we did that a few years ago. One of the players got kinda mad though, due to some RL issues with child custody. The DM did a great thing and imported a small squad of paladins who went in and wrecked the hags. We were left with nothing to do, until one of the paladins came back and said "We can't account for one of the children. Can you go and find her?" (Their tracking skills were, let us say Awful).
What followed was a three session adventure where we finaly recovered the lost child, alive, and did so by bartering with the Evil Warlock who had purchased her from the hag ... and was too tough to defeat given the first encounter we had with him was when our Barbarian was turned into a small lizard. (He got better)
@BardicWizard Lartin's Mother or Lartin Muthor might be a better try ... punny but not to overt
@trogdor If you have not watched Mandalorian, might be worth a look. We enjoyed season 1.
@KorvinStarmast Do you have the 3.5 monster manual?
@NautArch you always need coffee. Well, I always need coffee ...
@NautArch Hmm, I actually sold that back when I had stopped playing D&D for a while. Got beer money for it at Half Priced Books. The beer was nice.
The Online SRD might be able to help you, though.
@KorvinStarmast I do miss half-priced books.
@Someone_Evil if you are asleep noise can wake you up. This is not a hard concept. I wonder at why people playing D&D foget this sometimes ...
@ThomasMarkov metal is from ore from dwarven mines. Dragon scales are organic compounds. Easy answer, some people are overthinking this. A lot.
@KorvinStarmast Does asleep give you the unconscious condition?
@paul23 my favorite role
(i agree with you, but trying to get all raw up in here)
@KorvinStarmast [Citation Needed]
@NautArch I am pretty sure that I am not quite in the mood to go down that rat hole right now.
@KorvinStarmast totally fair!
@NautArch That's why I say that some rules from Xanathar are optional, but necessary.
But I also disagree that unconscious = can't hear
@ThomasMarkov No citation is needed. RAW obsessions are often not healthy; the rules cannot cover everything, inasmuch as Encyclopedia Britannica, as big as it is, still can't cover everything, so sometimes a common sense answer is enough to play the game.
Right, but what if I think the common sense answer is that the scales are metal?
Remind me to downvote that question, by the way. It's why we can't have nice things
This issue definitely does not seem clear or common sense at all, to me.
@ThomasMarkov Then you are wrong and need to be sent to the local dungeon to have a talk with a real dragon, obviously. 😁
@KorvinStarmast Joke's on you, I'm the dragon's urologist.
@NautArch I don't think so. I think it's an unfortunate choice of term, but the mechanical description of unconscious would be better labeled "knocked out". Being unconscious is different from being asleep in that a sleeper will wake up from external stimulus and the unconscious will not.
@GcL (unless you're using XGtE)
@ThomasMarkov That has got to be the coolest side hustle in the world; but the medicaiton might get expensive, as they'd need to be 'one off' potions, I suspect.
@GcL I'm thinking of the very clear medical examples of someone in a coma having brain wave responses to auditory stimuli.
"Hi, we like to play D&D and we like to overcomplicate things." We played that way for a number of years (plenty of pseudo-simulationist stuff in the early days) but my old fart group mostly doesn't care for that any more. We are much more into "the play's the thing"
Honestly, before reading into the dragon types, I think I had head-canon they were those metals.
but i have no good reason for that
but the more I think about it, the more I think it's coloraiton
@NautArch I think there's a consciousness scale they use in medical settings to assess that sort of stuff. Basically a heuristic for "is this person in a coma?"
V2Blast and I had a brief discussion, and MikeQ was in on it Monday night, about an unconscious NPC priest/cleric who had not used all of his spells. Would they trigger "detect magic" and I chose at the time to rule "yes, at least with a weak signal" based on the semi Vancian Magic that 5e still uses for prepared spells. If you prepare a spell in pure Vancian, you are basically a walking scroll of {spell} Once you release it, it it no longer there.
The outcome of that conversation has me thinking that I need to provide better guidance for the party on how that works at our table. We were left at "they detect as magic, but not quite as strongly as the amulet that you identified earlier detects as necromancy magic" ...
@NautArch Oh hey, first google search: cdc.gov/dengue/training/cme/ccm/page57206.html Looks like higher score is more awake
This will allow me to make a distinction between Perpared and Memorized Spell casters. (Clerics, Druids, Wizards, Paladins) vs Bards, Rangers, Sorcerers, EK, AT. For the purposes of how Detect magic interacts with that element of "magic" in the game world.
@GcL Am I missing the auditory stimuli?
For example, Sorcerers will always detect as "magic" generally. (Fits the lore from PHB). I need to parse each class and build a matrix.
^speaking of overthinking things...
I then have to sub organize cantrip classes such that they 'always on residual signature' will be reflected.
@NautArch Oh heck, yeah!
But this is for the game I run with Mike, V2, and three other friends.
@KorvinStarmast "I don't like to over complicate things except when I do" -Korvin Starmast :P
@ThomasMarkov You'll notice that I don't ask a question about it on RPGSE. I don't need any help with this. 😀
Our artificer player likes to do a lot of tinkering and this may allow he and I to try out some interesting stuff ... we'll see.
@ThomasMarkov If, after we play around with this for a while we discover that it adds to the campaign, I'll try to refine it and drop in a Homebrewery sheet. If we decide that it ends up being a mess, then we'll discard it.
But, I'll keep it in one of the old folders ...
@NautArch I think that would be scoring a 3 in the eyes category. Responds to voice.
@GcL That's opens eyes. I"m talking about eyes remaining closed but brain showing response.
Part of the problem with this approach is deception oriented PC skills, abilities, and spells. So it will take a bit of tripping over those to work out the bugs.
@NautArch I think that's outside the scope of the GCS. You'd need to hook someone up to EEG? I would expect neurologists have a classification of the situation where the brain shows some activity to auditory stimulus while the person is still in a coma.
@NautArch At a glance, that seems rather out of date. All the references are from the late 80's to mid 90's
Nm. It's an article from 2001
@GcL I'm not sure results change over time like that?
@NautArch Depends on the field. I can't seem to find the citations for that article. I would expect neurology has advanced in the past 20 years. I would also expect results to change in that span of time.
Are there any cantrips without a verbal component? Hmm, there must be. I have an idea ...
@KorvinStarmast quite a few
@NautArch Thanks (I can't reach ddb at the moment, will come back to this later on ... )
heh, friends would be super awkward with a verbal
@NautArch Friends is super awkward already ... 😜
@KorvinStarmast yeah, i'm not sure what's used less...friends or true strike
Not my field of work, so I have little in the assessment of the quality of the publications.
@NautArch We had a warlock show me how to use friends, but they had that invocation where you can cast disguise at will. it was interesting to watch them do that with NPCs now and again; disguise self (mask of many faces), do the friends thing, and then leave before friends wears off. ONly worked a few times, but when it worked it was kind of neat.
@GcL "Achieved results are discussed in the paper showing that most patients remaining in coma after a severe brain injury have preserved the ability to receive sound stimuli"
That coincides with previous papers as well.
@NautArch That game died back in 2016; defeated by RL. :p
The greatest of all BBEGs
@NautArch The E-est of them, from a gamer perspective ...
@KorvinStarmast I'd consider that or the various Warcraft sound tracks. Or, for an epic movie feel, Two Steps from Hell.
@JoelHarmon Yeah, Warcraft has some decent sound tracky stuff. But I don't think I got the special edition with the CD when I bought those games like I did for Diablo.
You're a great answer.
@GcL That means a lot coming from a great question such as yourself.
Q: Where do we draw the line for "racially charged" terms?

Zeiss IkonRecently, I've been informed that under no circumstances is it ever permissible (anywhere, not just on Stack Exchange sites) to use "racial slurs" other than to clarify what I'm asking about in questions about racial slurs -- specifically, it's not acceptable to reference a racially charged term ...

3 hours later…
Ornithect Gromblesnatch is may favorite orcish actor.
Can we dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?
Can we dance if we want to? Can we leave our friends behind?
@NautArch Who's going to say "I'm Batman"
Not me, I'm not good at lying.
@TheOracle I'm choosing to leave this here so that people who pop in can see it and be aware, but lets move discussion of it over to NAB or on the Meta itself.
@Rubiksmoose :thumbsup:
As for more fun discussion of how fantasy creatures are depicted, I've been tweaking some creatures in my Sunless Citadel game. The PCs' next encounter will be Macho Magma Mephit, a mephit fire-aura-barbarian who has the Macho Madness. A yearn to burn. My goal as DM will be to fit as many Randy Savage quotes as possible.
You need to buy slim jims to hand out when he crits.
Too hot to handle! Funky like a monkey! Sky's the limit and space is the place!
@MikeQ I'm sorry I am gonna miss that. :) Hope it turns out to be fun. (PS, I messed up and forgot to do that reaction shatter/crystal damage, which may be why Seven didn't die from the crit ... oops, DM boo boo)
@NautArch He has 1 item: A neon-patterned and tassled cloak of billowing.
@MikeQ That's entertaining. Oh wow, there was even a rap album by Macho Man.
@NautArch Snap 'em in half on a crit-fail.
and then share :)
What's a good Macho Man theme glasses/goggles magic item? It casts thurmaturgy ?
@GcL Could work. Maybe let it function even if the wearer is raging. Plus it could add some versatility to the group barbarian, who hasn't really done much other than attack every round in combat.
@GcL Or slow. Like he's just piledrived (piledrove? piledriven?) an opponent and now they're a little woozy on their feet, staggering around as Macho Mephit takes a runner off the ropes for a cross-body block.
@MikeQ Or something to allow jump for the flying elbow drop.
@MikeQ Oh that's clever. Class specific effect. When raging seems like a perfect trigger for a Macho Man item.
Now I'm thinking of yoinking this to make a series of quests to assemble the Macho Regalia
@GcL Or bring on other 80s WWF wrestlers (sorry wildlife fund, it's WWF)
@NautArch Mephits can summon other mephits. They can battle each other. Hence, Mephitmania.
@KorvinStarmast hm...tell me more :)
Viditya Voleti wrote a twitter thread about how A Land Once Magic is designed to create solarpunk fantasy worlds.
@BardicWizard I think one of the dirtiest tricks anthropology ever played on us was to convince us that faith is just a pre-scientific attempt to explain physical phenomena.
Q: What is the best way for a low-level, non-magical NPC to contact a player-character?

fectinI’m looking for a solution roughly equivalent to “cast sending.” However, the NPC is not a wizard, and there is no wizard nearby who knows the player-character. The NPC does not know where the player is, so Animal Messenger will not work. Message length needs to be at least a few words, although ...

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