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Also divorcing what I wanted from what my character wanted was just mind blowing for me
It can totally be the same thing
But it also doesn't have to be
And the best part it being able to use that mindset to create your own conflict
So you can do cool ideas about what you have to face or what happens to the character or any number of things you wouldn't normally be in control of or have influence over if you assume the same interests as the character at all times
Some of our best games have come out of "I want something to happen, which my character DOES NOT WANT. Let's watch them writhe!"
I had kind of a my guy syndrome moment.

I was playing a mercenary. Joined a group (the game was just a straight 1:1 rip from Skryim, which I had not played but everyone else had).

And there's this guy that asks you to retrieve, I think a gauntlet or something? Anyway, we agree to do it and on my honor as a mercenary and such.

And we find the thing and there are spiders all over the place and the players are like "hey this thing opens a secret passage that we should check out".

But like we agreed to take this thing back so I basically say "no" and it's a whole thing. and we have to have
Hrm, that's actually a really good example of how video games can reconcile ludonarrative dissonance in ways TRPGs struggle to.
"Oh look a side quest" has a very different tone in a video game where you know that the main story line will be literally paused until you return to it.
But in TRPGs it's more common to assume that the main story is ticking along while you go haring off on whatever distraction you've found. So choosing to explore a random tunnel is a weighty choice that risks characters losing things which are important to them, like reputation and honor.
@BESW yeah exactly
@goodguy5 I'd have a agreed with you if it makes you feel any better. Couldn't you just go back after delivering the item?
@BESW yeah even though, as a group, you actually have more control over how that works than you do in a game
people just need to realize that and cooperate to make things work however they deem best
I do have to sometimes encourage my players not to take on every single side quest they come across.
It's also a matter of presentation: what is the purpose of adding a side quest if it's not intended to be followed up on?
Most of the people I've GMed for, would assume that the presence of a secret passage means there's something I want/need them to find at the end of it.
@BESW I used to be really bad at trolling players
I probably still am, I just haven't GMed in a while ..
Like, I've been throwing out a few distractions in the last few sessions because they just spent like 2 months IRL in the same location and I wanted to switch things up a bit for their first excursion out of the city, but it's a little bit comical how, like, I put down one encounter with a Gold Dragon who is doing Wildlife Research, and suddenly the party are dedicating themselves to assisting her. =D
That's pretty awesome. Your players are invested in the world and its population, not just using it for their own characters' material advancement.
I love that
That's really awesome
I think the first time that happened to me, a player decided his character was gonna strike up a conversation with a random traveling salesman in a marketplace. I threw out a line about how it gets kinda lonely on the road, and the next time I knew the party was pooling their money to buy the guy a dog.
@NautArch the item was apparantly integral in opening the thing. and maybe we could have borrowed it. idk.
Q: Teleporting a polearm master

Bailey GeorgeI have a character that can swap locations with another via teleportation as an action. Another has the equivalent of the Polearm Master feat. If the Teleporter swaps locations with the Polearm Master on the Teleporters' turn, and an enemy is within range, does the Polearm Master get to use his o...

I think my best examples of players wanting things contradictory to the characters all come from Great Ork Gods.
@BESW see, some of my players would suggest burning whatever’s down it or tossing in FOOF (or your favorite chemical that teenagers should not be taught about in high school but the chem teacher knows about anyways and mentioned in class)
2 hours later…
@MikeQ I will take a look at the UA thing hopefully tomorrow, will get back to you as soon as I get my brain adjusted to it. Great job tonight ...
2 hours later…
@BESW Yeah, I can't stress this enough. Social inertia is also to be considered: the simplicity of running across a side quest and deciding whether or not to follow it is very different in a video game played solo than in an RPG played in a group.
One of the main reasons I loathed Curse of Strahd was the never-ending barrage of plot hooks.
That sounds exhausting.
--> constant discussions about what to do next --> non-existent tempo
In last night's session, one player literally said "I don't like D&D. There are too many choices to make, I have to think all the time".
Off-topic oxymoron of the day: in Java, a NotSerializableException is Serializable.
you had one job!111
@lisardggY I can relate!
@kviiri Also, when you catch a NullPointerException you have a valid, non-null pointer to it.
I wish railroading didn't have such a bad rep, I'd love to play something straightforward
Usually it's labeled "railroading" when it gets in the way.
@kviiri That's something I like about a lot of the one-shot systems I've been using more recently. They're only for one story so that's the story you tell. It's the variations in the telling that make it interesting.
Our next to last session ended after we agreed to help a bunch of dwarves clear bullettes from their mine. Yesterday's session started with a recap, plus a GM-provided description of our way to the mine, and we started already there - the GM had no problem just pushing the plot along and starting it where he wanted us to be.
Some more off-topic goodness, a board game I've been waiting for for long is about to start shipping soon!
2 hours later…
@BESW This but @kviiri java comment
@kviiri woop
@AncientSwordRage :>
@kviiri Javascript is not much better (except I still like it more)
@AncientSwordRage JS has a lot of good parts, yep. Gets in the way way less than Java does, at the cost of being easier to shoot oneself in the foot with and less straightforward in many ways
one of my favourite quirks is that the "less than or equal" and "greater than or equal" are hard coded in the language to be "not greater than" and "not less than" so where x>null === false x <= null === true
@kviiri failing is the best way to learn, so I'm happy with that
2 hours later…
@Miniman on an editing tear? :D
@NautArch Someone edited a DNDBeyond link into one of my answers, which made me realise that I'd let a few of those creep in.
Thank you for your service.
@Miniman Noted.
@Miniman oh, was that me?
I've been known to do that. Is it a problem?
@NautArch No it was me
@ThomasMarkov Nothing personal, I'm just not a fan of the platform (and am looking forward to not cleaning the dead links up when it gets decommissioned).
@ThomasMarkov Apologies if my comments to that question on the decanter seemed unfriendly. I think the problem was in the querent not being clear at all.
@NautArch haha, you're comments were totally appropriate.
@NautArch It's not a problem, I just clean them out of my own posts when I see them.
@Miniman I probably need to go throuhg my answers and start putting in page references to ones I didn't put in.
@NautArch You've got a few years, I'm sure.
@Miniman hopefully more :) I do like the platform (even while not liking the direction WoTC is going in)
@NautArch You know how Someone_Evil talks about "screams from the void"? That recently deleted answer really captures the sentiment nicely.
@ThomasMarkov It was just a lore question and then everyone started answering with similar mechanics.
@Miniman although I do think it would be helpful to cite page/source if you don't want the dndbeyond.
rather than removing all citations
@NautArch That's what I try to do, did I miss it somewhere?
@Miniman The post I edited lol
Well, you stated the sourcebook, but not the page.
@Miniman sovereign glue
immunity to physical damage
maybe most of the ones you just rolled back ;(
Wait, so lather yourself in sovereign glue to be immune to physical damage?
@Someone_Evil that'd be a sticky situation to resolve
Hmmm. I'm not convinced that the sovereign glue one needs a source at all, since the question is asking about it, but anyway. I'll edit those in.
It's a personal preference thing with me. I like citations (probably a bit too much...the academic in me)
@NautArch Then you should be pretty conflicted about this answer - it's a list answer, but I added all the page numbers.
@ThomasMarkov why? I love it. BOth citations.
but i can downvote if you like?
I figured such a broad list question would grind your gears, if only a little bit.
@ThomasMarkov oh, the question grinds my gears!
I opened dndbeyond.com on my phone last night and got a banner ad for "unlock character sheet bonuses when you pre-order <whatever>". That does seem to be strange.
@lisardggY and the ads for digital dice.
gotta make money somehow
@Carcer grifters gonna grift
@MikeQ If you get a chance, can you send me the text on that UA / Fey spell we talked about last night? I can't find any UA that refers to such ... is it recent?
@KorvinStarmast oh carp! I still owe you feedback, don't I :(
did I miss my chance?
@NautArch No, I am still hoping for your insights... mike gave me some good inputs, I'll send you my response to him so that you know what a few of the intentions are that he found lacking ...
@KorvinStarmast To clarify, am I reviewing the eye of death?
@NautArch Yes, the one I sent via email. I just sent a follow up email with Mikes inquiries and my answers.
@KorvinStarmast cool, just making sure!
@NautArch Thanks, I am hoping to also hear from Shal and Nits in due course. The party is not at any risk of activating any of the more powerful features, however, they have already been subjected to one attempt to repossess it (I used a DDB Blood Hunter NPC and some thugs; it was a heck of a fight).
How do I get into the cool kids email list?
@ThomasMarkov Hmm, good question. Naut, Shal, Nits, Mike and I played together in ToA, as did Trogdor. If you can send me your email address by a secure means (there's a one time messaging thing kviiri and naut used before that I can't remember how to find) that is how we established contact initially. V2 also joined us in ToA.
its just lastnamefirstname@gmail
but like, with my name that you can see here
@NautArch Are you planning to get Icewind Dale for the stackizen campaign and can I chip in?
@ThomasMarkov I went and checked and it seems [email protected] (as well as [email protected]) are already taken.
@ThomasMarkov I think @V2Blast will automatically get it - which means we do, too.
but like, with the actual words "firstname" and "lastname".
@NautArch I think you have to have it since youre the dm and the one content sharing
@ThomasMarkov Nope, anyone in the campaign gets access to what someone else owns.
oh really?
DDB is so cryptic in hwo they explain content sharing.
@NautArch @ThomasMarkov OOh, we gonna play? grins hopefully
@KorvinStarmast I'd love to play with you guys
@ThomasMarkov As with many things RPG, the DC on scheduling and RL can sometimes be frustrating .. but that would be some kinda fun.
@KorvinStarmast To be transparent, I definitely couldnt DM. Im trying to get into a shcedule to preach at church every two weeks, so I just dont have time to prepare adequately.
@ThomasMarkov RL hasa priorities, of course! (And I hope the church thing works out well ... we just had a deacon report 'quarantine' due COVID exposure and my wife has put us on a two week haiatus from church) (We sit through Mass on EWTN of a Sunday morning as the alternate ....)
@ThomasMarkov Our Monday group finished up a bit later than we usually do last night; the dawn came early this morning. (Hoory for Coffee!!) Doing Isle of the Abbey from Ghosts of Saltmarsh.
@BardicWizard I think that there is a cantrip that allows you to move 5 cubic feet of earth per casting, so you could undermine the foundation (I think?) and eventually a corner of it tips over/comes crashing down. Not a "boom" but cheap.
@trogdor RPG psychology 101, brought to you by trogdor. (That's great advice, by the way, in my experience)
@KorvinStarmast mold earth
@KorvinStarmast the crazy thing is that some people don't realize it
@ThomasMarkov That's the one I was thinking of. It takes a bunch of casts, but when it comes to sapping and mining, that one's a nice little cantrip ...
@trogdor For sure, and yet, once one does that and discovers how that interaction works, it's almost "why didn't we think of this before?"
to be clear it probably took me two or three years to learn it
give or take a couple years I dunno
@KorvinStarmast I cheesed a skill challenge with it. My DM had a grove with poisonous spores on the ground, and walking through it kicked them up and required periodic CON saves. So I used mold earth to dig a trench through the grove. My DM objected, "wouldnt moving the earth upset the spores?" When I pointed out the excavation is instantaneous, essentially the earth is teleported, he ruled that it wouldnt upset the spores at all.
@ThomasMarkov careful gardener is careful with his soil ... 👍
I am doing a very small happy dance right now That River in Brazil company just advised me that my Ice Wind Dale book has shipped. Preorder savings for the win!
shippings incoming for many of us
for me it's this: gmtgames.com/…
@kviiri cool looking board game.
@ThomasMarkov Rime should be live in your account on dndbeyond
@NautArch not seeing it yet
@NautArch It isnt appearing on this list at the moment.
If it's V2 who owns it, I think they have to enable sharing on that specific adventure
@Someone_Evil hmm, it's shared with me
@NautArch do you have it through a differetn campaign?
@ThomasMarkov notthat i know of
I'm not getting it either in Stackizen 2
@KorvinStarmast the boom is the important part
I use rpgs for escapism, worldbuilding, stress relief, and a cheap chemistry/biology/physics/explosion simulator
@BardicWizard OK, then I got nuthin since I don't think there's a spell that does that kind of thing. I suggest you check the DMG for the firearms and stuff, and also check Descent into Avernus (if yo have it) for the various demon machines and what they do to structures.
@BardicWizard what sort of spell are you looking for?
I don’t have descent into Avernus cause it cost too much (most of my books came from birthday presents or literally months of allowance-saving)
@ThomasMarkov something to create either FOOF or something else horribly reactive or explosive
@BardicWizard I'll take a look tonight when I get home, if I spot something I'll drop you a note.
@KorvinStarmast thanks
...I cast fireball.
how about a glyph of warding with a fireball on it cast on the surface of a beaker of dirt.
This is because I like making GMs ban things, mostly (the list of spells I can’t cheese anymore includes all of the Wildemount stuff and a good bit of the PHB spells. I’m barred from playing one of my favorite characters, Akra of Syail, because she could deal a whole lot of fire damage a turn and I used it to argue about thermodynamics)
I answered a question on something like a claymore mine where I suggested using Animate Object, but that also lacked the boom ...
@AncientSwordRage can it do FOOF?
> You also can't use it to create items that ordinarily require a high degree of craftsmanship, such as jewelry, weapons, glass, or armor, unless you have proficiency with the type of artisan's tools used to craft such objects.
So... where do I get chem tool proficiency?
@BardicWizard I think the DMG has grenades in the "futuristic weapons" or "modern weapons" optional rules, somewhere around page 266-268 or so ...
@BardicWizard where do you get raw oxygen and fluorine as well
sounds like good quests
also you'll need to keep it cold if you want it to hang about
Couldn’t I just fabricate the raw materials?
no, because fabricate is transmutation
it turns raw materials into objects
@BardicWizard does that even make sense in your setting? How aware is your character of the periodic table?
@ThomasMarkov This as well
I once said something about liquid nitrogen in character and the rest of the table looked at me like I was crazy...because what I had just said was total nonsense in the setting.
You need to be sure that saying the words "fluorine" and "oxygen" makes more sense than saying "julisnocket" or "truglibo".
@ThomasMarkov oh, the game is called “cyberpunk wizard exploitation” and it’s set in an alternate San Francisco around 2050ish, where magic and science are commonly mixed, well at least in the government’s secret spellcaster slave lab
Science is a thing
Then just steal the stuff lol
Also, point of order, I don't intend to encourage or enable disruptive play. If you have a pattern of having things banned by DMs, maybe that's something we should talk about as friends.
Can’t steal it. All 4 of our characters are wanted by the government (mine for being a sorcerer that isn’t enslaved, the artificer for stealing state property, the paladin for domestic terroism, the rogue for terrorism)
also, FOOF is probably not the best explosive to make for whatever you want to do with it, it needs to be a little stable to be useful
@ThomasMarkov banning, in this case means it works once and then we laugh and I willingly don’t use it again
Q: Does a monk get martial arts die damage on improvised thrown monk weapons?

KirtThe monk's martial arts ability states: Your practice of Martial Arts gives you mastery of Combat styles that use unarmed strikes and monk Weapons, which are shortswords and any simple Melee Weapons that don't have the Two-Handed or heavy property. I am specifically asking about a shortsword, w...

We’re cool with sciencey exploiting of magic rules
@BardicWizard That sounds like you have exactly the right team for the job.
@HotRPGQuestions Okay, whats the formula for HNQ?
@BardicWizard Admittedly it might not be easy, but it does sound like it could be fun
+2/-1 doesnt seem very hot.
@ThomasMarkov we are all also wanted for breaking out of jail, into jail, and then out of jail again. Including ...two counts of murder I think? Edit: 3 counts. Forgot about the wraith
@ThomasMarkov the answer is good though?
@AncientSwordRage yeah thats true.
FFS, I wrote a comment reply to @NautArch on that question asking about making True Strike into a lvl 1 spell, got distracted, forgot it was there, and didn't hit "Add Comment" for like 2 hours
@RevenantBacon imma just delete my comments. I don't want to get into a debate.
But if you hold everything to the highest standards, then everything will likely fall short.
I mean, why would I compare it to the lowest standard?
@RevenantBacon You don't do either only - do you both. HOw does it compare against the available spells.
Unless someone is taking an option for flavor (in which case the actual usefulness is irrelevant) you should alwys hold things against the highest standrad
Otherwise you can;t usefully gauge how good an option is.
problem is, everyone can tell whatever story they want based on how they compare. That makes it opinion-y.
You don't only compare against the best, you compare against the set.
ignoring data isn't good pradtice
Except you can't tell any story you want based on how they compare
You are actually more limited with that comparison than otherwise
Which is good
Tighter constraints leads to better development
or in this case, better efficiency choices
Constraints should be provided by the querent, not the answerers.
But I can compare against the worst and say it's totally fine.
And the constraint was "is this better as a level 1 spell?"
and you can compare aginst the best and say it's not
both are valid interpretations
But if the goal is to make it better or equivalent to the best, then that should be stated. BUt that's not the question.
THis isn't a homebrew this for me, it's "would this work?"
because we don't do homebrew this for me
Except that if you hold things against the lowest standard, then everything gets through, which is no better, and is probably worse, than the inverse
If the lowest have already gone through, that's perfectlyvalid
it doesn't have to be among the best to be good.
No, but if it's among the worst, then it's, by definition, not good
That's not my argument, though.
and it simply can't match up against the best
I mean, you've been saying that compared to the worst stuff, it's OK
no, i haven't said that
Except that it isn't OK
i've only said that only comparing against the best is disingenous
ignoring data to prove your point isn't good
And I'm saying that comparing it against the best is, in fact, the only reasonable option
You're saying it should be compared to the worst
'The best' is often more situational that other comparisons
and it shouldn't
ideally to be well placed as a 1st level spell it should be better than the worst, and worse than the best
Sure, but it's been compared against the "best" in the same use category that it falls in to
@AncientSwordRage Yes, which is why you need to assess against the full data set. Not the bits that help you support your answer.
As in "in this situation where this spell would have the potential to be useful, all of these other spells are significantly better"
It's a draw. You're both right.
No, you don't compare to the full data set, because you get lots of irrelevant data that brings the average down. You compare against a similar data set that has the same use-case
@RevenantBacon okay, then which of those spells has the same use-case as true strike? I"m not seeing that assessment there.
You don't include Disguise Self because it's not the same use case
If you're going to make that case, it needs to be made.
If the use-case is getting advantage, then the comparison is against faerie fire. FF gives more potential advantages, but it's also a save. True Strike just plain works.
A spell that is used for either a) deal damage, or b) grant advantage to the caster and/or his allies
It's like magic missile. I personally think it's an awful spell and a waste of spell slots.
@RevenantBacon Why would dealing damage be a thing? True strike doesn't deal damage.
and at what level are you talking about? Getting advantage to hit on a BIG attack spell is HUGE at higher levels.
No directly, no. But it is used as a means to increase the odds of dealing damage
and how many higher level spells have attack rolls?
or a single class attacker dipping or getting it via magic intitiate is also big. Guaranteed sneak attack (if hit.)
Most of them, if not all, are save based, unless you elevate a low-level spell, but all of those scale terribly compared to the damage higher level spell output.
@RevenantBacon But this is for melee or ranged attack spells, that's what it's for. And those are absolutely available.
@NautArch Cool, you've found the single use case where the spell is good. Still not worth converting it to a level 1 spell and, in fact, actually makes it even worse than it already is
@RevenantBacon Yes, but that's my answer as well :)
and it is useful for those with a single big damage attack.
increasing your chance to hit a difficult target for big damage? That's a thing some may want.
@NautArch Not always
Only matters on spells with attack rolls
Yeah, i forgot about those times you want to miss.
within 30'
i don't see that as an issue
And if you're casting a spell that does "big damage" you're probably not casting one with an attack roll
we are talking about the case in which you are. Because that's the applicable case.
Sure, dealing damage with an attack roll is a use case, but it's not the use case
The use case is "I want to deal damage"
Which means you compare it to all damage dealing spells, not just the ones with single attack rolls
So I could lob a Fireball for 8d6 damage in an area, with a save that still makes the target take half, and next turn throw out a cantrip for more, or I could cast True Strike this turn and cast... what next turn for more damage that Fireball + Other Cantrip?
I think we're going to need to agree to disagree.
Anyways, the reason you always compare to the best is because you can tell if it only slightly falls short, or if it's at a significant disadvantage compared to the best.
@NautArch Im not sure closing as dupe of a closed question is the right way to go about it
It is the right way, it hsould have been closed immediately as a dupe.
Though, Im not sure I know what the right way to go about it is.
It was a dupe.
Allowing folks to work around resolving questions for reopen is a bad practice.
Honestly, I saw it happen before with a mod, and I thought it was a dangerous move.
anyone around for one more open vote on this?
Uhrg... do I need to get the merge tool out of the shed?
@Someone_Evil is that what we do when this happens?
It's an option available. We prefer to not use it unless necessary, but with the answer copied over by the poster seems there's no need
ah, okay
@RevenantBacon Insert here my usual rant about DnD 5e deciding blasting your foes with a fireball is not an attack x)
@AncientSwordRage Ooooh I forgot. I've been tutoring new programmers at the university on a hobby basis for almost ten years and it turns out natural languages also have their share of weird comparison logic
There was one exchange student, French in origin, who had lots of off-by-ones in their break conditions until I found out why he'd been misunderstanding some of the material... in French, "inférieur" (literally "lesser [than]") and "supérieur" (literally "greater [than]") correspond to the operators <= and >=, and he had assumed that's the case in English too. A perfectly understandable mistake to make, of course, but I'm a bit weirded out by how that works xD
@Someone_Evil can we just delete the old one?
The operators < and >, on the other hand, are "strictement inférieur/supérieur", or "strictly lesser/greater"
@kviiri besides the fact I misread what you wrote as torturing, that really fascinating
@AncientSwordRage Haha, I figured you'd like it x)
@kviiri How about English using 'between' to often mean 'between these two entities, but also could be either of them too' (e.g. 'integer between 13 and 15 hours' having three 'legal' answers).
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica I sometimes hate my language
Also arrays start at one ducks
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica Is it so? I've understood it's not universal and depends on context/convention to get the point across
@kviiri I've seen people use the word that way a lot.
@kviiri not being universal is why there's three answers
Ah right, I think I misparsed it
My language is no better in that regard though
@kviiri ironically fitting considering the topic
"between <time> and <other time>" is pretty benign though since time is for most purposes continuous enough to not really need to consider the inclusion or exclusion of the endpoints
If you allow floating values sort of. With integer hours not so much.
@kviiri unless you say until <day>
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica For what purposes does one need integer hours?
Or worse "next <date>" is that the immediately preceding one or the one in the next week
'Complete your work until <day>.'
'Inclusive or exclusive?!'
Annoying necessity to ask.
Ah yeah, that one's a classic.
@kviiri When planning makes it sensible to start a thing at 00 minutes and end it at a different 00 minutes.
I always take next to mean literally next, I'm not sure what the logic of the one in the next week is.
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica Yeah? But I'm not seeing how that's a problem w.r.t. this
But it does get used more often with days where one doesn't normally do a thing at night.
Not *quite* maths, but an annoying usage related to time I've seen in local academia: 'permanent state' used to mean 'state at the current moment, changing instant to instant'.

'What is the subject's permanent heart rate?'
'Permanently it is 90bpm, but it was 45 when he was at rest.'
Eg. if I say I'm doing something between 13 and 14, I don't see what difference does it make if I start the exact moment the clock strikes 13 (y'know, theoretically) or the very next moment after that, and whether I end at exactly 14 or the last moment before that.
Because again, continuous time
For days, it's much harder because a day isn't a moment of time in the same way
I agree that it's more common for hours to be floated, and less common for days to be.
Gah you’re all breaking my brain
I don't think it's a question of floating, it's a question of point value versus range value
Well they're both units of time.
But since more often not all parts of a day are equally available, they get treated in a ore integer-like manner more often.
I think the whole focus on "hours" is a bit of a red herring, the unit doesn't really matter
Just changing the example unit to 'elementary particles' suddenly makes it less contentious immediately. ^_^
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