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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

@NautArch Guess our debate on "Is this or isn't this an answer" has been rendered moot. Question was deleted by poster.
Anyone seen gszavae lately?
> Last seen Aug 2 at 0:52
@RevenantBacon and has been reposted
Good grief
It hasn't even been improved all that much from the original post.
@RevenantBacon VTC and flag, leave a comment if you are so compelled.
@ThomasMarkov As a matter of fact, I am so compelled and I have done precisely that.
@RevenantBacon same tbh.
@Daveman howdy
There's a lot going on in that question isn't there?
@Someone_Evil its two questions.
@ThomasMarkov Which two are you seeing?
@Daveman Hiya, ya 'right?
@Someone_Evil user deleted an almost identical question a little bit ago.
@ThomasMarkov Yeah, but there isn't really much to do about that than give a nudge and move forward with the newest
@ThomasMarkov I don't think so, it's basically asking if having a magic item that powers up this specific spell is balanced, and, as an extension, how one would do it. Which isn't really the kind of question we answer here, since we don't do idea generation, but if they make up an item, we could certainly tell them if it was balanced.
@RevenantBacon I meant that the user posted the question twice.
@ThomasMarkov Oh, fair. I think it was just them trying to refine their first question tbh. Not that they did a tremendous job of it
@ThomasMarkov I'd say the last time was Aug 2 ;-)
2 hours later…
Q: Is Greater Link Spell as limitless as it appears?

J. MiniI recently found this link, allegedly giving the text for two metamagic feats from Magic and Mayhem. The following, with typos corrected, got my attention: Greater Link Spell [Metamagic] You can cast any number of spells at the same time. Prerequisite: Link Spell. Benefit: As Link Spell, except ...

Jeez, I was looking into preparing for an interrogation/mystery plot for use in the future
So I've been watching criminology analyses of guilty suspects trying to spin their innocence
And they are REALLY good at looking innocent. I can't roleplay this realistically without potentially throwing the players off the trail completely.
The better way would probably be to make all suspects look cartoonishly guilty like it's something out of Clue.
hah! that would be a really fun way to do it.
Roleplaying a realistic psychopathic killer well won't serve to meet my goals, it'll only convince my players that I am a psychopath.
Whereas them failing to figure out the correct killer when there's literally a man covered in blood, holding the murder weapon, and his best alibi is "wasn't me", is all on them.
I was a player at a different table when that essentially happened.
Alternatively, you could become a psychopathic killer and leave clues for your gaming group to solve.
Now that would be memorable!
Copied from somewhere else I posted it:

My party was investigating a serial killer who was petrifying people throughout town.
Each victim had a pair of puncture wounds on their neck. We immediately thought vampires for some reason.
The puncture wounds were eventually found out to be syringe-like.
We would bring victims to the town coroner to ask for his expertise in identifying what is happening to the victims.
He mentioned there was a chemical mixture that had this effect when mixed inside a body.
That's terrifying
@Rubiksmoose This reminds me of that meme where someone asked "How should I kill my players?" and then someone else makes a scared face at "How should I kill my players?"
2 hours later…
A co-worker's and my headcanon for the day: all those "two guards stand in front of three doors. A sign on the middle door is green and says..." riddles are just two, bored, temp-guards.
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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