I play a teleportation and extra dimensional sorcerer in my group and I'm getting close to obtaining the spell Gate which requires "a diamond worth at least 5,000 gp". How big would a diamond worth 5000 gp be?
This afternoon saw swirling clouds and... I think it's called a "hook"? The bit dangling down and spinning that's maybe not quite a tornado yet, but hoo-boy is it riding that line?
Things like that make me sympathize plenty with the vast epochs of human history that are filled with people believing in gods of storms or clouds or skies.
I recently ran across somebody saying something like "Respect nature doesn't mean Leave nature alone, it means Never forget that nature will probably default to killing you given half a chance."
I'm learning to play D&D and I'm following the Frozen Sick adventure from D&D Beyond. At some point, the players need to open a door with "AC 15, 18 hit points". I think AC means Armor Class, so I need to roll a D20 and get at least 15 to hit the door. But what does the "18 hit" mean?
I asked this question about the limitations of the Pathfinder spell stone shape, which are not well-defined in the game system. I was looking for either an explicit rule that I missed, an evidence-based interpretation such as examples of other spells that could set a precedent, or a relevant cita...
@BESW That reminds me of the "rule of three" I learned at some point: rule of thumb for how long one can survive under various scenarios. Three weeks without food, three days without water, three minutes without oxygen... and three hours in adverse elements (bad storm, exposure, swimming). That's a pretty thin line between "ooh, caught in a bit of a downpour" and "nature's trying to kill me!"
@nitsua60 part of me wants to dispute 3 hours but I'm probably not appreciating how adverse the weather would be, and I don't want to have to physically back up my claim
@AncientSwordRage Choose 6 Twitter users, one for each option. Fly them to one location and have them fight to the death. Last person standing is your winning poll option.
@Someone_Evil I deliberately avoided tutor as being too ubiquitous. I wanted to highlight this app finds only synergistic cards not any of your choosing. So all the cards they reference have some 'limitation'.
@ThomasMarkov The accepted answer only has a score of 10, and it needs to be explicitly more than 10 (so the min to earn the badge is having a score of 23 when the accepted has 11)
i.e. every 24 hours the system checks "ok, who's eligible for this now?" and then hands it out
some of them are nearly instant, some get calculated several times a day, some get calculated just once a day, depending on how intensive the calculations are server-side vs how often the badge actually gets handed out
In Pathfinder 1e golems have a Magic Immunity which apparently makes them immune to all spells that allow Spell Resistance.
So how to defeat those? An obvious answer would be a buffed up fighter or something to destroy it. The catch is that we're playing as a group of only spellcasters (Witch, Wi...
Hi! Does anyone know where I could find free D&D5E adventures? I’m too busy to plan this week and need something for Sunday that I don’t have to write.
An artificer must use an appropriate spellcasting focus when casting artificer spells. And they must use costly material components when applicable. Neither can replace the other.
But can they handle their focus and costly material components with the same hand? I know of spells that contain more...
@ThomasMarkov I'm hesitant to complain about design decisions intended to help accessibility. To me, it comes off as people complaining about ramps ruining the aesthetic of buildings.
@Someone_Evil I've by an large stopped greasemonkey'ing sites. The scripts tend to get feature creep and get hard to maintain over time. I look back at them and think, what the heck was Past GcL doing? They were an idiot. Then I write some more crap and think; future GcL is smart; they'll figure it out.
I don't mind accessibility changes, but when those changes come at the cost of the many for the sake of the few, it seems kinda pointless. Considering SE started out as an exchange for coding you would think that they could whip up some sort of user defined setting that would allow adjusting it to an individuals need/preference.
Hell, if I remembered more of what I learned back in tech school, I could probably whip something up for them
Honestly there are probably a lot of effects going on. For one thing, there is always a general backlash with any change to the site. Also changes take some getting used to. There are certainly people that find it harder to read, but I'd hesitate to frame this as a change for the minority that harms the majority.
I was just thinking like something along the lines of a simple toggle that changed line spacing. And also one for Dark Mode, because, really, everyone should have a dark mode setting
I can only repeat what I've been told, but I'm told that making things an option increases the cost and difficulty of a change by a significant margain.
I'm sure it also has long tail effects because each option you add creates another layer of things that needs to be tested with each future change.
I'm not sure if that is the case for this particular change or not. It's hard to imagine that it wasn't at least considered during the development process though.
@Rubiksmoose it's frustrating that every website needs to exercise such precise control over how their content is formatted and displayed. In the distant past there was the idea that people would be setting their preferences in their local client and rendering sites based on that
The look of a website is considered part of its "brand" so to speak, just like the layout of an official 5e book (The small red banner in the lower left, the font size and style for the title, the font size and style on the spine, tetc.)