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Kickstarter: ORBITAL, a space station RPG zine by Mousehold Press. Build a space station, full of threats and conflict, and then play to find out whether your crew of characters can hold it together. (Belonging Outside Belonging, No Dice No Masters)
1 hour later…
@RevenantBacon specifically, the invention of radar
The myth that carrots let you see better in the dark might have existed in some form prior, but it took off during WW2. The British invented radar and were suddenly able to shoot down German planes pretty reliably in the night.
Of course the Germans would want to know why, so the British started advertising that carrots let you see better in general, especially in the dark, to lay out a red herring.
From what I understand, there's no signs they took the bait, although there's stories saying they started feeding their pilots carrots. Also, I think the pre-WW2 myth might have just been that carrots are important for healthy eyes.
well I've eaten every carrot put in front of me as far back as I can remember and my eyesight is terrible
@trogdor better then it could have been though...
Q: Is the clothing listed in your equipment intended to be the clothes you're wearing or extra clothes that you've packed?

gtoEvery background provides you with clothes appropriate for your character. Because it's listed as "equipment" and because the Adventuring Gear table provides weights for several types of clothing [PHB pg. 150], it's reasonable to conclude that this mass must be accounted for when ensuring you re...

Gabriel Robinson wrote a twitter thread of "some things I found especially compelling" about Climbing the Witch's Tower, a dark fairytale Trophy game by Mags Maenad.
BukoJuice Games wrote a twitter thread on the important difference between cultural appropriation and syncretism.
"The Expanse in Fate: NPCs" by Sophie Lagacé is a Fate adaptation of the non-character creation process in The Expanse Roleplaying Game.
Hey, @BESW, do you have any game recommendations about the day to day of being an “odd” (define that however) teenager in school? I’m looking especially for something with minimal mechanics (this is all for Reasons)
The tone and goal would be important to keep in mind. Like, Monsterhearts is probably the most famous "being in high school is weird" TRPG but it's very much for early 20-somethings to try playing out alternate scenarios of their teenage years.
Sep 22 '19 at 23:39, by BESW
Yearbooks, by Claire Grindle and Maayan. A game about teenagers balancing school life with piloting mechs for their nations.
Goal: using it as both a stress reliever for high schoolers and to sort of learn how to better interact socially by playing it.
Jul 1 at 8:46, by BESW
Camp Flying Moose for Girls of All Kinds by Alicia Furness is a PbtA game about teen girls at a summer camp filled with strange supernatural occurrences. Inspired by Lumberjanes, and my own experiences of summer camp, the game investigates mysteries, monsters, and teenage identity.
Jul 10 at 1:44, by BESW
Melancholy Trip by ThatAceGal is a oneshot RPG game about being trans, superpowered teens on the run from their shitty superhero mentors. As it's inspired by sad and angsty trans fanfics, please read the content warnings before playing.
Aug 20 '19 at 21:58, by BESW
Kickstarter: Never Knows Best: An RPG Inspired By FLCL. Teens transform into robots to combat absurd creatures embodying their own inner turmoil and societal expectations
"Inspired by Lumberjanes" is sweet music to my ears.
These are all very interesting! I don’t quite know exactly what I want to do, but I need a break from D&D for a couple of sessions cause I’m not in a position to plan anything rn and my sessions always seem to need hours of planning.
I'm sure there's a lot more but I honestly don't pay much attention to high school-centric games so I don't have a lot on my radar.
I did really enjoy Bubblegumshoe but that's probably not anywhere close to your wheelhouse, it's closer to the kid sleuth end of things.
I’m looking for something that focuses more on the students and their interpersonal relationships than on mechanics cause I don’t want to do mechanics-related prep but I’m willing to do story prep.
I may just write one using similar mechanics to [Ensign of the Week](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bRAPN6TgWo3X5mgjEC2RNqmdPRj9TSVq5qd8lP6HiMI/edit) which I thought worked well for the group. The problem is I made EotW with a focus on magic that I don’t want for this so I’m not sure whether it’d really work for the game I want.
Interpersonals between PCs, or between PCs and NPC?
Both, kinda like in school where you have friends (PCs), and acquaintances you talk to every day but really don’t know well (NPCs at minimum)
Q: What are the requirements for an Oath of Vengeance paladin to use Vow of Enmity?

iamgordyMy party and I are very new to D&D, so we are still learning a lot of the rules. Anyway, I have chosen the Oath of Vengeance for my paladin. During a battle, I wanted to use Vow of Enmity against my enemy. However, my DM said I couldn't use it because I didn't have a specific vengeance against s...

This is also kinda going to end up a coping method for me cause I’m having issues at school (haven’t managed to sit through a single class without resorting to yarn or another fiddle, haven’t been able to keep from getting distracted, made a fool of myself in front of the class when asked to present, still haven’t managed to break my habit of commenting under my breath, embarrassed myself in front of my crush from last year I’m not sure I don’t still like-like... the list goes on).
@doppelgreener Carrots do contain certain vitamins that are good for your eye health. Probably not going to improve your eyesight, but might prevent it from deteriorating as quickly.
yeah, I didn't mean Carrots aren't good for you, but I know for a fact they don't improve vision directly XD
either that or I somehow have not eaten enough of them despite eating a looot of them
I eat carrots almost every day and still wear glasses with something like a -5 diopter adjustment at minimum
If they improve eyesight, I’m not eating them right
yeah XD
my same point basically
When you wonderful people were in high school (around ages 13-18), what kind of games did you play (especially TTRPGs), and what was the core mechanic? Did you find that easy or hard to use?
None of the people I knew who played TRPGs in high school were people I trusted to tell stories with, so my mild curiosity about TRPGs didn't last long. Then in college a friend decided I should GM a group of us after hearing me reciting the unicorn monologue from Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead, and loaned me all his D&D 3.5 books because that's what had just come out at the time.
That’s helpful, but made me realize I worded it wrong. I should say: What basic type of game mechanic (dice pool, die+mod, etc) do you think you would have best liked using in high school, and if you played anything in your early years what kind of mechanics did you like using?
[closes eyes and tries to recapture Teen BESW]
I’m actually heading to bed so if you answer I’d appreciate a ping so I can find it in the morning
Sleep well.
Well, I was the kind of kid who memorized lengthy poems, had notebooks of ideas for TCG deck combos, planned out Wiz8 party progressions in high detail... I probably would have been attracted to high-complexity games with lots of opportunities for out-of-session fiddling with character builds, and long-form campaigns with high structure. Large handfuls of different polyhedrons would've been very shiny for me too, and chances are I would've thrown myself into designing home-made props and fancy model setpieces. But I probably would've quickly become uncomfortable with the violence focus of m
As far as TTRPGs, I started with solo books - Choose Your Own Adventure and the like, where you just decide which page to turn to; then Fighting Fantasy etc, where you roll dice to fight monsters, inventory (sometimes) matters, etc. By this point I'd heard of D&D but didn't know anyone who played, & couldn't have afforded it anyway. But I found Dragon Warriors, which was originally published as a series of novel-sized paperbacks. I had one friend who was interested, so we'd take turns GMing & playing a whole party. I don't remember the mechanics.
3 hours later…
@BardicWizard I played board games and video games. I hadn't yet played RPGs until I was 19 (or 20? don't remember) but I'd heard of them. I was very used to a dice+mod system and it was pretty easy. I was also used to the board games I played using cards to some degree to determine what we could do.
I'll caveat that though with this: I basically just picked up and learned whatever it was we were going to play next. Was the game's core mechanic this way? Cool, I'll learn that. Is this one completely different? Sure, it's a completely different game so that makes sense, I'll learn its way of doing things too. Dice+mod was simply the most common, but there was always a lot more going on around the dice roll I had to learn too. All of that was true for board games and remains true for TRPGs.
D&D had me roll d20+mod, and I was fine with that. Then Fate asked me to roll a distinct set of dice that had a bell curve, and I was fine with that too. Cortex has its own quite unique dice pool system where I roll various sizes of dice and the die sizes themselves are as significant as the numbers I rolled on them. When I was introduced to that, I just picked it up and learned it and that was fine.
I mostly played board and video games until around like 17 or something
if I'm even remembering my age right at all
I learned 3.5 but never felt like I had everything down, it just felt overwhelming
I enjoyed it for a while and then slowly the fact that I didn't like class imbalances, and that all these cool prestige classes I liked were functionally useless in the actual game, and other such things crept up on me
Then I played 4E and everything just clicked
even though it was still just "roll D20" (very reductive but wtv I've talked for 2 million years about why I like 4E and how slept on that edition has been)
And not the "there's a cat on my lap this is my life now" kind of slept on, either.
yeah no I am basically being polite by putting it that way
like extremely polite
people are allowed to not like 4E, to be fair, but it definitely reached beyond that particular point at the time
BTW, @BardicWizard, I was thinking about TRPGs with a strong focus on teenager sociality, and my conclusion is that they usually aren't *for* teenagers, but rather are by and for people who want/need to re-litigate their own teenage identities.
You may have better luck with games which deal with the themes you're interested in, without using a teenage lens to do it. Chances are they're more likely to be designed by and for people currently experiencing those themes, rather than by and for people remembering them.
@BardicWizard I'd take a good look (if you don't mind me butting in) at Tales from the Loop. It's predicated on kids slightly younger, but only by two or three years. And it's got a lot of the PC-PC and PC-NPC interaction stuff built in to the system. And the genre ("kids on bikes with walkie-talkies") it's derived from is pretty soaked in the "group of outsiders/outcasts" feeling. (Which, we all eventually learn, is actually how most everyone feels.)
I've got a back-burnered project to mash together my favorite bits from several different kids-on-bikes and kid-sleuth games, including TftL, into one low-crunch high-cozy system.
I’m awake now, sort of. Thanks everyone who gave me advice, and now I have to go find a way to act on it
If you want I can ask about your situation in a private Discord server where there are more younger people and more spaces to talk about anxiety, stimming, etc. A lot of them are devs who make indie games.
But it's just an offer, no pressure. I'd probably be wary of people talking about me where I can't see, if I were in your position.
I would be a bit worried in that situation, so I think I will decline, but it is a very nice offer
Garfield ± You by DannyMakesRPGs is a two player RPG about a person experiencing major milestones in their life, at which time they also are visited by Garfield. One player plays the Human, and the other plays Garfield. Garfield is also a phone.
@ThomasMarkov You've added a new list-requesting question to my list XD
Woah, I guess they finally updated quoteblocks on mobile
@Medix2 I thought you'd like it. Good to see you again
Q: Can a persuasion roll avoid battling the BBEG?

freddieknetsSo yesterday I was DM’ing our weekly D&D 5e session. For practical reasons it was a one-shot. At some point, one of my players, a Lvl 10 Bard, ends up in the BBEG’s lair alone (an adult red dragon, CR 17). Partially his fault for ending up alone (because he tends to act impulsively), but that’s n...

@ThomasMarkov Things are good, just school has been a lot lately. Really feeling that video conferencing fatigue
hmmmm not sure how I feel about the new update.
@Medix2 I assume it is part of this update which came in today
@Someone_Evil that I was about to link for context, thanks.
@Medix2 I feel I finished just in time. My degree conferral is still in limbo though...
@ThomasMarkov I'm just not excited for teaching somewhat. Especially since I now really need to be teaching in Virginia as not every state will accept online courses and online practica (pre-service teaching) and student teaching. But at least Virginia does
Just wasn't particularly ready for my upcoming license (and, to an extent, my upcoming Masters) to be rejected due to courses being online. But it should all work out if I stay in Virginia
Is it just me, or are headers in answers bigger now?
And text is all smaller on mobile which my eyes can’t take
@Someone_Evil seems so, and spacing is greater between lines.
@BardicWizard Yeah the mobile text is pretty different now :(
Seeing similar sentiments being raised on the MSE post linked above, not just me then and will presumably be fixed fairly shortly
I agree with the line spacing, I just noticed how loud the H1s where
Q: Why are users saying my answer isn’t an answer?

Someone_Evil I posted on a thread, but users downvoted and replied saying it wasn’t an answer. What do they mean? What does it mean for an answer to be too forum-like? Someone told me not to comment in an answer. What is that? What should answers be used for? This Q&A is an agglomeration of guidance often ...

@TheOracle Man, you'd really think a mod would know the answers to these things wouldn't you?
@Rubiksmoose no no rubiks, they seem to have rubberducked themselves and figured it out
@Carcer Phew! Good for them. ;-)
I'm a bit confused by "A part of the Q&A model is that answers are sorted by their votes." The sort is default, but also optional
Eh, it's probably a big enough default, and the other options are probably used so little, that that's true though
though "This means a newer question may be displayed above an older one if votes change" probably meant to refer to answers, not questions
It's a big default and it's kinda what the votes are for
@Carcer Sure is :)
@BESW I don't find that to be an accurate summarisation. I don't play Monsterhearts to re-experience my teenage years in any fashion; I want to stay far away from those. I play Monsterhearts to explore queer stuff—like the same way She-Ra lets us explore queer stuff—and Monsterhearts gives us messy circumstances within which to do that.
BTW serious kudos to @Someone_Evil for taking it upon themselves to write all these posts. Peeking behind the curtain, this has been an effort 100% by them.
Daww.. shucks <3
It is certainly a very non-trivial amount of time and effort to write stuff like this. And it seems like it will be very helpful :)
So can someone help me figure out how you write a bug report? Because I needed the large text to be able to read at a healthy distance from the screen
@BardicWizard Are you reading on mobile or desktop?
@BardicWizard Could I suggest maybe a game that emulates being an odd teenager in school is probably not the best fit for this task? Like, imagine if work came to you with a stress relief activity where you roleplayed being someone at an ordinary desk job. I got through some personal issues and learned more about myself by playing a sentient tree woman on a rogue planet hurtling through our solar system, I didn't need to play an early-20s junior at a desk job.
If it's stress relief, it would, hopefully, let us venture outside the environment of our stress.
@ThomasMarkov mobile on both an iPad Pro and an iPhone 7
If you want to stick close to home, Bubblegumshoe was pretty fun, and I'm sure teenage me would have enjoyed it. You play as teenage kids solving local mysteries (important ones that need to be solved, but which aren't important enough for the adults to take them seriously) and you have some major agency in how you go about solving them and, once you've figured out what happened, working out how to resolve it.
@BardicWizard Safari settings have a page zoom function that sets a floor for the page zoom. At 125% zoom the post text was quite large.
@doppelgreener maybe I’ll try it
@ThomasMarkov yeah but then everything else grows too and I don’t need that
@ThomasMarkov i noticed that too
glad it's not just me
@Rubiksmoose Heck yeah. @Someone_Evil You've been doing a great job.
@BardicWizard Well the most basic level is you go to that MSE post and see if someone already has submitted it. If not, you are going to want to add that info as an answer. Happy to help further if needed.
I’ll do it at break
@BardicWizard There is this but I don't know if being specific to mobile makes any difference
Go give some love to this post about the line spacing.
This is probably 100% personal preference, but the headers on this answer aare wayyyyy too huge.
@ThomasMarkov When did this happen?
@ThomasMarkov oh no they absolutely are too big
@Safdar Today.
It's making my eyes dance
It's difficult to read the other text without my eyes being drawn to the headers.
I literally thought my entire browser broke for a minute after seeing that..
You are not the first to have thought that
It may be a rpg.se font thing. The # headers were far less abusive seeming on meta.se
If you're using the featured post to judge, there's only ## headers in use on it
# is <h1>, ## is <h2>, right?
I format all my answers with the single "-" nextline and that seems to still be producing inoffensive header sizes
That's H2 I think, "=" nextline gives H1
I usually use an h1 at the top of my answer, and h2 for any subheaders below that.
Or I'll just do a bolded line of text instead of a subheader
@smbailey you should try to use headers instead of otherwise formatted text as headers, I think, even if it's not quite visually what you're going for it's better syntactically for assisted parsing
does the markdown support h3s?
Yup, ###
I almost exclusively use ###.
I wished all answers started with an H1 when I was using Orca. If that was a dependable convention it would have made life a lot easier.
@ThomasMarkov I think the sin there is multiple H1 elements in the single reply. One H1 as the title header of the response would be great.
But hey, I also like version numbers to go in order.
@GcL I think the sin is changing the size of h1, the answer looked fine before (though h2 or h3 still would have looked better).
Multiple H1's in a single response is semantically incorrect. The subsequent headings are subheadings of the answer. Those should be H2.
If there are distinct subsections of the subsections, those go in an H3 tag.
would it be uncouth to change them in that answer?
Unnecessary. In order for those tags to have meaning on this site, they'd have to be used in a mostly consistent way.
I don't get the impression that accessibility nor semantic meaning are top on people's minds when selecting their headers. So, probably just leave it as the OP intended.
@GcL I think there's an argument there that SE changed it away from what OP intended and we would be changing it back :P :P
personally I'm of the opinion that editing an answer's formatting for accessibility reasons is a cool and good practice
@Carcer I could dig up a script to tell you which pages need header adjustment. My recollection is that it's most of them.
@GcL I wouldn't be surprised
Ooo... might be easier to sort the questions by views. Hit the high visibility posts first.
just because I think it's a good idea doesn't mean I have the motivation to do it myself though
@Carcer agreed
I think that fits perfectly within the realm of a community maintaining content for the benefit of future users.
@ThomasMarkov FWIW I edited it. Hopefully for the better.
Add that to the list of guidelines the site needs if it ever gets a place to put and maintain guidelines.
@Rubiksmoose That's a substantial improvement.
"Accessibility and semantic consistency of headings of questions and answers" published in the Journal of RPG.SE Esoterica
Installed a userscript that fixed the line spacing.
see this answer for the userscript that fixes line spacing.
You got me! Rick Meta rolled me.
Q: Can I use a gauntlet as an arcane focus?

S1njackI am creating a Dragonborn warlock character and was just wondering if I could get a crystal arcane focus set into the middle of a gauntlet?

I’m having a Day That Is Already Downhill 2 Classes In. So in the hope of feeling better, virtual hugs to everyone for being awesome.
anyone else getting "connection not private error" at stack exchange data explorer?
Can confirm
cert expired?
Hm no idea.
@ThomasMarkov You should post it to MSE. I don't see anybody else having mentioned it.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 16 secs ago, by Meta Andrew T.
ah yes, certificate expired today (28 Aug)
@GcL I'll admit that talking about fixing the headers in my answer and @GcL mentioning "using Orca" confused me for a bit! XD
You're not the only fish Orca surfing the intertubes.
And thanks to @Rubiksmoose for fixing the headers. I wonder how many of my other answers are gigantic now.
I wonder how many answer site-wide are gigantic now!
Though I guess that would just make the H1 header overuse more obvious in some ways.
These were accessibility recommendation changes?
I sometimes remember to title with a single <h1>, but for whatever reason I didn't this time.
I used to H1 all the things XD
Or just designer(s) thinks it's better this way?
@GcL the line space increase?
@GcL Apparently it is an accessibility thing. This quotes the comment in question.
So W3C guidelines for accessibility. Sounds reasonable to me.
Yeah, though I'd prefer the 1.5 end of the 1.5 to 2.0 spectrum...
Some more space between the paragraphs would help a lot, too.
@ThomasMarkov glad you got a screenshot. I "allowed" it and then could not repro.
@BardicWizard thanks, same back at'cha
The real question: How long will it take @V2Blast to integrate the changes into their automated edit processing unit.
Not long. Their EPU is a neural net processor; a learning computer.
@Carcer But the learning set will need to be manually updated. Right now that only observation is Red Orca's post that we addressed.
I'll have to look at the MSE post after my session
@V2Blast Be sure to bring your pitchfork or you'll be the only one without one ;-)
@V2Blast Only change I think you would need to be aware of while doing your edit sprees is that h1 headers are obscenely large now.
I don't actually find the change that bad.
@Rubiksmoose Here, borrow my pitchfork... stab
wilhelm scream
Q: Is it ok to cite other answers just after publishing its own?

EddymageSometimes it takes time to write a (hopefully) good answer: you have to search for references, for the exact wording of rules on manuals, looking for the description of a particular magic item, etc. It happens to me that while I am writing someone else answers the question, coming up with very si...

During my break I put up an answer about the text size decrease on the meta post
2 hours later…
Q: Is there any way to give proper disadvantage on saving throws against spell effects to a creature with Magic Resistance?

Thomas MarkovMany creatures in D&D 5e have a feature called Magic Resistance. One such is the Archmage: Magic Resistance. The archmage has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. So the Archmage has advantage on saving throws against magical effects. Suppose I wanted to weaken t...

@ThomasMarkov Yeah, that's what made me immediately look for the MSE post earlier. lol
thankfully I already avoid H1 headers when posting or editing anyway, since they're used "wrongly" to put multiple headers on a single post (and I believe it's also "wrong" since the question title itself uses an H1 header?).

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