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@ThomasMarkov Anime Objects just adds Jojos sound effect letters and use a dramatic camera angle.
So you can't fast travel by casting Reduce on the geography between start and destination.
@Axoren Nani?! [ググググ]
@Axoren It's neat but makes combat so much longer.
A Tiny Wizard can use Mage Hand as transportation if they're light enough.
@Axoren On the downside, they're tiny.
On the upside, they're fun size.
In my tonight game, I'm a Warlock with 20 Dex. Guess what my attack stat is.
@Axoren lol
@ThomasMarkov STR.
I found a Belt of Fire Giant Strength and no one else wanted it.
I use a Double-Bladed Scimitar, so I have 3 attacks with +7 STR to each
You've got a group stocked to the gills with magic items such that nobody wants a belt of giant strength, so the warlock ends up with it?
Everyone's a caster.
Including me
Celestial Warlock, lol
You don't have a cleric or paladin?
They thought I was a Cleric
Until one of them read my mind and the Sun intercepted them
We have a Bard, a Wizard, a Cleric (me actually Warlock), and an Artificer that uses guns
I touted having Sacred Flame and healing people
At some point, I needed to use Tomb of Levistus, so my cover was blown
The sun in my mind was a sus moment for one person
But tomb of levistus made it clear to everyone
Do the characters know that isn't a thing clerics do?
Celestial Warlock can fit nearly every role. It's great
The bard was part of a cult for Magic Initiate warlock
For that player maybe. Stepping on the toes of the other specialists in the group seems like a not great situation. At least, it's never played out very well for my tables.
At our tables, we've had things like Wizards with the exact same spell list #twinning
And it's fine
The idea is that if someone specializes in something, they're probably better at it than a Celestial Warlock
But Celestial Warlock can fill gaps and cover bases
Like, we have Glamour bard gives everyone Temp HP, Celestial Warlock starts people's days out with Temp HP.
Artificer is a solid striker/controller in equal measure, so that player values the versatility and theme more than their damage output
And it's kind of crazy what their controller output is.
The Wizard is 100% about Mind theme and puts out loads of psychic and force damage
@Axoren i've got a celestial warlock in my party and he's pretty awesome. Can drop consistent damage, massive damage, and heal.
Warlock casts Wall of Fire, Wizard casts AoE Knockback.
Probably one of the best combos we've found so far
For single-target, DBS and Pact of the Blade puts out solid damage that exceeds averages possible with Eldritch Blast
Thirsting Blade and Lifedrinker
He's been using Wall of Light quite successfully
@Axoren But you have to be near them. Eldritch Blast is good about not being near the thing you want blasted.
I just got a Robe of the Archmagi, I have 20 Dex, and +1 AC from DBS feat
21 AC
Also, I have wicked HP rolls
Being in people's faces is fine.
I might take Tough at 16.
@Axoren dbs?
Double-Bladed Scimitar
DBS is probably too strong of a weapon
Do the Valenar automatically get mounted combat as well?
@Axoren you have 20 dex and 20 cha?
I don't have 20 CHA
what's your cha? And you're an elf?
I'm hoping we can find a Manual of Sexiness (+2 CHA) so I didn't have to spend ABI boosts on it
Should be an elf from the horse rider nation of elves.
Level 13.
25 (8 without belt) STR, 20 DEX, 15 CON, 8 INT, 10 WIS, 18 CHA
dang, and a legendary item at 13.
I think they get a neat spirit guide theme as well. Like some famous ancestor guides them or something of that nature. I do very little with the Valenar in my campaigns.
We went and killed Manshoon and looted his holdings
That's how we got the Robe of the Archmagi
Other Players have some interesting magic items
We also killed Xanathar and made his corpse into a Staff of Telekinesis and a Robe of Eyes that can use some of his eye abilities occasionally
yeah, once you start handing out that level of item, the stats skew. especially with rolled stats.
And then we reincarnated Xanathar as a sexy Tiefling woman
Even before any of those magic items
My build was set to overtake Eldritch Blast in damage
Because I would be adding DEX and CHA to attack rolls and attacking 3 times.
It would beat out Eldritch Blast at 12 or 16, I forget which
@Axoren how do you do this
@ThomasMarkov shilligagh?
or hexblade?
not hexblade
Pact of the Blade, Double-Bladed Scimitar, Thirsting Blade, Lifedrinker,
Trying to find my starting stats, but I was Eladrin
But how can you add both dex and cha to attack rolls
Whoops, banned site
Wikidot legal?
lifedrinker adds cha to damage
Not to attack Rolls
Sorry about the misunderstanding
to DAMAGE rolls
I misspoke
no worries lol
Attack rolls would be WAY too strong
also wikidot is notoriously poor
@Axoren pact of the blade is what I thought of
Hex Warrior is needed to get CHA to attack and damage
But I decided that going all in on Dex and getting Revenant Blade at 4 was worth it
At 4, I had 18 DEX because I started with 17
At 5, I had 3 attacks, 5d4+12
Q: What does Axiomatic Mind do?

AnagkaiThe Modrons have the following trait: Axiomatic Mind. The [modron] can't be compelled to act in a manner contrary to its nature or its instructions. What does this mean? It sounds to me like nonphysical means fail to make it act in a contrary manner. It is pretty clear that persuasion and intim...

That's about 24.5 damage.
Already better than Firebolt at 17.
@HotRPGQuestions "Remove the door and place it somewhere safe"
At 12, I got CHA to damage, which made it 5d4+24 for 36.5 average damage on all hits.
If I got the +1/+1 Invocation of got a +1 DBS (which I eventually got) and maxed my CHA, it would be 42.5 average damage on all hits, which is marginally better than Eldritch Blast, at least 1 level earlier.
Is this an Eberron campaign?
Dungeon of the Madmage
We were all fine with Artificer and other Eberon stuff being involved
Even though it's a fairly different setting
Yeah, you skip the downside of having a double sided scimitar while not being an elf.
@GcL he's an elf
Eladrin is a type of elf?
@GcL a star elf sort of thing but 5E
star elf? What old school type of elf am I thinking of?
high elf?
Eladrin are the Season elves
Literally just an excuse to have Anime Hair Colors
There's like no downside to a DBS except it's 100 gold and it's Martial
Being an Elf and getting Revenant Blade makes it finesse and gives +1 AC
@Axoren grumble grumble about new publications.
Honestly, I feel like 5e needs stuff like this. Core is riddled with useless things and builds get kind of rote.
Very flowcharty with small flowcharts.
Items like the DBS make getting "3 attacks" a trade-off anyone can make.
"You'll have 3 attacks, but their damage dice sucks and you need martial proficiency."
I'm honestly waiting for content that will let me Punch Twice without being a monk.
@Axoren Not exotic? and the feat doesn't give it to you?
That's new
You need to be proficient in it already
The feat gives you +1 Stat, +1 AC, and finnese while using it
A Hobgoblin Wizard is proficient in DBS
Though, their upper limit with it is 17.5 without weapon enhancements
Still pretty solid and comparable to Firebolt at 11.
@Axoren That's about the same trade off then. I think the halflings got boomerangs and dino riding, while the valenar got badass horse riding and double ended swords. Everyone else had to take a feat to get those.
Maybe I'll write a short one shot "Horse of a different Color" about a border dispute between Talenta Halfings and Valenar Elves. Dinos vs horses.
@MarkWells can unseen servant cast spells?
Is there any spell that takes the place of an object interaction action?
@ThomasMarkov Polishing cantrip? Material component is a rag and bottle of polish.
@Axoren I'm on the opposite end. I like having to make choices. If everything gets everything, then where are the choices?
@AncientSwordRage The inability to collapse images in chat irks me.
@GcL see comments here
@NautArch I'm actually on your side here. The problem is that there aren't choices.
@GcL same, I should know better
@Axoren what do you mean? There are lots of options and limitations (or were, if you don't look at the recent UAs)
Unless you mix in things like random stats, there's very few ways to build a Rogue optimally.
I don't consider UAs good avenues for choice
@Axoren it depends on what optimal means for you
@ThomasMarkov What am i supposed to be getting out of the comments?
@Axoren ahhh but if your optimising there is surely only one true build anyway?
Optimal in that you can get around the same amount of damage or less but you get something interesting in exchange
@Axoren Optimally for combat? or for intrigue? or for thievery?
Optimised for fun?
For example, I've made a Heavy Armor Rogue Thief in one of my other games
Strength attacking Rogue
In exchange for not being a Dex-based Rogue, I have comparable damage, but I can support Heavy Armor (dipped 1 level in Fighter)
@Axoren How many minor nobles did that rogue swindle? Because if you and a bard can't get them in on the ponzi scheme, your little nation is definitely going to fail.
What I lack in Dex skills, I make up for in having Brawn
I don't pick locks, I Crowbar the doors off
I'd say you're optimal if you can do the thing you want your character to do
I don't sneak, I announce my presence
@Axoren not needing to sneak for sneak attack is handy then
When enemies run, I don't pull out a bow and shoot them. I chase them down, grab them, and drag them back to the party kicking and screaming.
I shove them to the ground and give myself advantage on my attack
@Axoren with cat-like tread...
@Axoren If you're using chase sequence rules, that's largely constitution dependent.
I use Dash
Unless I'm chasing a Rogue, I catch them in less than a few turns
I've never been a fan of combat rules for chase sequences.
And having Expertise in Athletics makes the dragging them back part the most fun
Also, I took Heavy Armor Master, which has really good synergy with Uncanny Dodge
I like the DMG chase rules. They make a lot more sense when the fleeing party is specifically avoiding participating in combat and such precautions and solely focused on fleeing. Same for the chaser.
@Axoren sounds like a really fun build
@ThomasMarkov No, because (1) it's mindless, so it doesn't know any spells, (2) it's shapeless, so it can't perform somatic or verbal components, and (3) it has no spell slots.
By mid-game, I'll be a turn late in Sneak Attack dice, but overall I'm fairly comparable to a Dex rogue in combat and utility.
Plus, if by endgame I find a Bracer of Flying Daggers? Thief has a neat 4x Attack combo with it
@Axoren Minus a bit of ASI
Variant Human^
First level was in Fighter (my dip)
The variant human still trades ability scores for a feat at the start, correct?
@GcL VH is feat and 2 +1s, human is 6 +1s
@MarkWells for me, it's kind of a slippery slope thing. I think if a player starting using an unseen servant in combat, i'd have to think about it. If you can use an action to administer a potion, why not use an action to activate a magic item?
@MarkWells it doesnt say it has no spell slots tho
Yeah, and you pick up an increase of 1 usually for feats.... so net loss of 3 ASI points?
@ThomasMarkov It doesn't say it can't cast wish... so it can obviously cast wish.
ASIs are +2 to one ability score, +1 to two ability scores, or a Feat
and fireball thirty times a turn
@Axoren oh wait, you have presents!
@GcL if you take a half feat, yeah, but the non asi benefits for half feats are ususally weaker than a whole feat
And that's a path I'd prefer not to go down, so i'd probably rule against a lot of these types of things for unseen servant. But the potion thing? Yeha, if you can be lucky enough to get it to work and it stays up, i see little reason to say no to that.
@Rubiksmoose Yes I do. I took them from the last three houses.
@GcL Right, the same argument that justifies the unseen servant taking regular actions justifies the unseen servant casting wish
Heavy Armor Master gives +1 STR and DR 3/magic
It makes me sad that Barbarian can't use Heavy Armor
Because Bear Totem + Uncanny Dodge is so good
Also, waiting for a trigger requires being able to know about the state of things... which is pretty complex.
And DR 3 on top of that would mean for me to take 1 damage in a single attack, I would need to be hit with 16 or more damage
@ThomasMarkov Right, but it doesn't. Only spellcasters have spell slots.
@Axoren Isn't that the only DR in 5e? I've had three different players use that feat, and they've all loved it.
it doesnt say its not a spellcaster tho
obviously i dont think unseen servant has spell slots
Also, you can sleep in armor without having to roll a con check, right?
@GcL I think it is the only flat DR in 5e. Maybe there are some spells that give reduction?
Monks get Deflect Missiles for random DR against one attack
I sleep in the nude.
In character.
I think deflect missiles might be the closest.
@Axoren in a way, temp hp is a flat damage reduction :p
@ThomasMarkov To one attack? Sure. But DR is against every attack.
If you're surrounded by goblins. DR 3 is FAR more value than 3 Temp HP
@NautArch Why not, indeed? That's going to depend on your paradigm for how magic items work.
Although pouring wine it needs to know when the goblet is full... so sorting out that the caster is upright seems fine.
@MarkWells Yup, and for me, I don't want to see that spell acting as another combat NPC. But that's purely just me.
It's like how 2 + 2 = 2 * 2 until you add more twos.
It has to be holding the potion the whole time though... so you've got a floating healing potion up for grabs somewhere.
@GcL Yup, I pointed that one out :)
NPC sees it "Thank you!"
or subject to aoe damage.
Can you cast Invisibility on an Unseen Servant?
@Axoren it's not a creature
so no
Invisibility only works on creatures?
It could be in a bag, so It's probably an object.
although it's animate, so might not be an object.
Crap, why did they make that change to invisibility?
It can only target creatures now.
No invisible boulders?
I so loved invisible boulders.
Casting invisibility on a door would have been a neat trick to see what's behind it.
@NautArch Oh, yes, I'd agree with that. It's supposed to be a servant, not a bodyguard.
If you want to summon a creature to fight for you, there are other spells for that.
@MarkWells exactly
And there are things that can act like that, too (ghost lantern)
@Axoren It will also work on anything the creature is carrying, if that helps.
@GcL cast animate objects on the door first
@GcL That, or tricking someone into running into the door, Looney Tunes style
@Axoren I see you are a fan of re-gifting lol
@MarkWells verbal component for the spell is "meep meep"
@GcL which brings me back to how awesome the marvelous pigments are.
You could paint those on a wall of force
@MarkWells The idea was that even though the Unseen Servant is already invisible, if you could cast Invisibility on it, then it would make what it's holding invisible.
@Axoren only if it's a creature. If you cast invisible on an object, the object they're holding don't necessarily become invisible. E.g. casting invisible on a table gets you "floating" china.
I kind of wish I could blacklist sites on google so that they aren't the first ones to show up when I search things.
dandwiki keeps showing up when I search 3.5 stuff
@Axoren Just don't use google
@Medix2 But I'm weak
I even use it as a calculator because it's faster than going to the Start Menu for Calc.exe
How does one make objects you're not carrying invisible? Dust of disappearance doesn't do it either.
@GcL Quora has NOT stopped telling me about DuckDuckGo and I'm getting concerned
DAND is 2nd rank on Duckduckgo, but at least it's not first.
@GcL Can somebody else be carrying it? There are illusions but that's not the same...
An illusion wizard can create an illusion of a Potion of Healing and pull it out of the illusion, but the second they do it's just Purple Drank
@Medix2 illusion might be the way to go.
Disguise Self hides objects you're carrying or disguises them as something else
@GcL I'll definitely think on it and look around, will get back when I've found something or nothing
@Axoren Yeah, I think that doesn't work, because it's neither a creature nor an object. It's just the effect of the spell.
Disguise Self also only targets the caster
But it's a great way to keep a flintlock in your hand and in the air by making it an Umbrella
@Medix2 I'm looking at the illusion spells, and none seem to want to make an object disappear. Mirage Arcane is the closest I've found so far.
@GcL Minor Illusion can make a needle disappear. Create a haystack and throw the needle into its square.
@MarkWells wall of force creates an object. You can interact with the unseen servant.... it's tangible. The only issue it has with being an object by the rules is that it's not inanimate.
If an object is on a table, Minor Illusion some rubbish to overlap it
@Axoren That's covering it. Not making it invisible though.
Yeah, it's not the same. But it could be just as good in times where you need to hide an object. It's invisible if you can't see it. To that degree Blindness/Deafness also works.
Summon a creature that can cast invisibility and hold an item?
I'm now wondering if invisibility ever applies to objects besides them just becoming invisible...
@Medix2 How do you mean?
Like if you cast Dispel on an object held by an invisible person, would it stay invisible?
There's lots of features that let you see or locate invisible creatures but not objects
Oh my god. Do Arcane Tricksters just look naked when you cast See Invisibility?
Oh good, the see invisibility spell actually lets you see invisible objects as well
That would have been embarrassing.
Yeah. I can't find anything that would let one turn a table invisible.
@GcL animate the table then turn it invisibile
mirage arcane is the closest in that it can do stuff with natural terrain, but most of that is written as concealment beneath an illusion.
People really don't agree what mirage arcane does anyhow
@ThomasMarkov Pour a Potion of Invisibility in the tables mouth? or using a second caster?
@Axoren magic mouth
Turn the object into a creature. Table golem.
Seems like an artificer's Rube Goldberg version of unseen servant. I'm definitely using that.
animate objects makes the table into a creature
Yeah, but you can't cast two concentration spells at once
So you gotta either use a Potion (which the table can now drink) or another caster to cast Invisibility.
oh yeah, have your friend do it lol
@GcL Is it tangible? I read "shapeless" as meaning it literally has no shape, that there's no volume of space it occupies, but maybe it has no specific shape, like an ooze.
@MarkWells I mentioned previously tht I understand shapeless to mean ambiguously shapedm not without any form whatsoever.
@MarkWells It could also mean amorphous. It occupies a medium space and it can move around of it's own accord. Kind of like poltergeist.
Oh wait... can you just polymorph the table, cast invisibility, and then un-polymorph it?
@GcL "Carol Ann's in the DnD!"
Unseen Servant has a stat block...
>>>It has AC 10, 1 hit point, and a Strength of 2, and it can't attack. If it drops to 0 hit points, the spell ends.
@Medix2 it would become an invalid target
@Medix2 invisibility is suppressed in the case as the table is no longer a valid target.
@ThomasMarkov That's one interpretation, don't think the rules ever say that

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