@Carcer I've only seen a couple of the FSN seasons... I think I stopped once because I was told to wait for Heaven's Feel (who comes up with these names XD) before proceeding.
I'm told the original anime adaptation wasn't very good and by the time adaptations of the other routes were being made I'd stopped being a big anime nerd
(I did watch Fate/Zero though which was very good)
@Rubiksmoose I am now through the last 90, a few of which are dupes on the search list you provided, and I am now at "protect 3, and 1 maybe". Looks like mxy called it close to right.
@Carcer Oooh! A recovered anime nerd. I'm kinda getting sick of all the crap that ends up in some otherwise good anime. Like I'm trying to watch Monogatari because it was recommended to me, but it has some really ... exploitive and problematic things to it. It's just like... why. Why?
@KorvinStarmast OK so I was about to go through and paste in the updated info including the dates, but now I just realized it might mess up your progress. Do you have a local copy you are working off of?
@Someone_Evil Thanks! Fun unrelated fact: it looks like we've had a total over the 10 years the site has been active of only 120 unprotects ever before the most recent 720.
@Someone_Evil According to Catija (our wonderful workaholic CM for those who haven't met her) our numbers at least show that we aren't protecting an alarming number of questions, which is good.
I'd follow them and look at posts after unprotection.
See if @Xirema feels like coding up some control chart analysis to see if any posts get "out of control"... because nobody likes it when you try to assert you're checking for "off the hook" in serious meetings.
@Someone_Evil I think that one is a dupe of my question
I could add "such as a tarrasque" to my question and it wouldn't change anything about my question, except that it would then be exactly the question just posted.
@Rubiksmoose OK, with 120 reviewed, I have found 3 that I'd suggest to protect. Rubik, I of course was lazy / careless enough not to C&P those three links to a text file, so I only have that one up in chat as 'suggest you protect this' fare.
@Rubiksmoose Here's my take on why a lot were protected. Sloppily written and attracting garbage answers, initially. That's class1. Hot button topics that a search engine might send a bot to. (Certain ways to ask about casting spells seems to bring out certain people who IRL do/believe in magic) That is class 2.
@Rubiksmoose And the "opinion based that we left open" about how to deal with some very tricky interpersonal stuff, that is class 3 and they all now have, each, at least two if not more good answers, and a fair amount of noise also though much of theh noise is alreaday deleted
@Rubiksmoose based on my reviewing 120 of 720. (Heh, that teleconference went on for quite a while, and it was so bad and boring; I got to sneak in a few dozen during that time)
"If the two races were ever to team up against the
illithids" - MToF, pg 85
"The githzerai were born as a race..." - MToF, pg 93, under the heading Githzerai
These two quotes imply that the Githyanki are (lorewise) two separate races. However,
"Long gone are the days when the gith race" - MT...
@Rubiksmoose The alternative is to reprotect them and gain no useful information. Could wait and see if the conditions of doom-sayers are met, then delete all subsequent posts, re-protect, and return to status quo. Really nothing to lose by wait and see.
@Someone_Evil I'd be interested to see the number of deleted answers added to this when someone gets a chance. I'm not sure how to fit a Count in there somewhere...
@GcL Agreed completely.
@GcL If you wanted to give that a better chance of happening I'd recommend upvoting this answer (only if you wanted naturally). (I know you try to avoid Meta, but the scores are pretty close here)
Isn't one person's ideas of which questions were/weren't worthy of being protected exactly not what's wanted? Isn't that how this happened in the first place
@Medix2 One person's invisible judgment is undesirable, to my thinking. Unfortunately, with protect/unprotect being a one-vote threshold, to some extent it's always going to have the "this is just one person's opinion, man!" problem =)
@nitsua60 That's fair... could just be the pre-existing process that I'm butting up against
I suppose protecting questions also has the benefit of being somewhat obvious. Or at least when something is spam/rude people agree that it is
Meaning that it doesn't turn into piles and piles of work for moderators unlike answers that get upvotes despite just being wrong or unfounded... Time to think on this for a while
@nitsua60 sadly, I didn't save the links to the three I'd protect ... and I'd really want to explain why each one warrants it .... and we then realize that each of us may have a different threshold for protection ...
Or do you want me to take those chat comments and roll them into an answer? I won't offer links other than the one further up, as I didn't cut and paste any of them into a text file, as maybe I should have ...
@Medix2 I disagree with how you framed that. Once you earn the rep to protect, it is assumed that you have the site's better interests in mind when you do so.
@Medix2 The best thing I've seen posted on this little topic so far was some text in Mxy's answer. "it was a punk move" (the mass un protect) but weirdly, most of the ones that were unprotected certainly don't need protection, based on my review of 120 out of 720
This leads me to ask @nitsua60 "Do we really have a problem to solve here?" and I am not sure if I have an answer to that.
@Medix2 I don't think any of us would have an issue with any person deciding to unprotect something. But I think all of us are uncomfortable with someone unprotecting every question without asking anybody or warning anybody.
@Medix2 The way I see it, there's a problem with the way things were done, there's at least a couple problems with the way the system allows this to happen, but there may not be any problem with the result, or at most the problems are likely to be very minor.
@Carcer Well, I just went through 120 in the review I did, and I think I dropped a few votes as i checked stuff out, so maybe I dropped one or two for you. :-)
@KorvinStarmast For me the problem is that we have basically no guidance on meta on what actually should be protected or not. (cc: @Medix2) I mean, if you posted question-specific metas about protecting on the two or three you came across that you felt warranted it, that'd double the amount of guidance meta gives someone.
here is my problem. I have had the privilege for a long time, and have used protect 4 times and unprotect 1 time. Usually, something that needed protection got hit by another user or a mod long before I felt it was needed; so I may not have the best 'feel' for this feature.
@Rubiksmoose I absolutely agree that the end-result isn't terribly problematic, but I also know that I've formed my opinions on protection/not basically in a bubble! (Cf. I'm the one who'd unprotected half the site's unprotects before last week.)
Ooh, I've got an improvement on protection to suggest on MSE: one protect-vote protects for, say, a week. It takes something like a three-vote threshold to bump that up to permanent.
@KorvinStarmast I certainly have a stronger feel, at least =)
@nitsua60 Sure and I think either way, we are going to need to have that discussion. I see that as largely independent of whether protections are reversed or not. (I actually think not reversing them will help that conversation happen though)
In D&D 5E Wizards get an additional two spells per level to add to their spellbook:
Each time you gain a wizard level, you can add two wizard spells of your choice to your spellbook.
If a Wizard has a handful of Scrolls and another Wizard's spellbook they have found while adventuring, can they ...
@KorvinStarmast Oh yeah I never said I agree with the feature-requests. I honestly don't know enough about how effective the process is to feel I can have an opinion on that one
@KorvinStarmast I'm often a proponent of "You really don't know how something will go until you try it" but that idea certainly should not apply everywhere so I'll have to think a bit more
If a Wizard fails the Arcana check to copy a spell from a spellbook, can they try again immediately if they have the time and money to commit to the task again?
Or do they have to wait until they level up before retrying? (which I believe was the rule in older editions)