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So, I ran my 2nd D&D game over Zoom. I used Roll20 for the maps this time, with just me logged into it, and screen-sharing the "player view" over Zoom. Players loved it - next time they're all logging into Roll20, so they can move their own characters.
@Adeptus Great that you are running games and enjoying it. I would be remiss if I didn't recommend finding a different tool to Zoom though. It is riddled with security flaws and they have a poor track record. Discord and Roll20 has been a good combination for my group.
Well, I now know that Jim's magic missile is not a very good spell...
@linksassin Yeah, my work won't use it. But one of the players has an account through his work. And my almost-technophobe wife finds it easy to use. I suggested Discord (which she uses for text sometimes) but she doesn't want to try it.
@Adeptus If you must use it, make sure you enable the lobby and password protect the meeting. I don't use it myself but I think there are some features to at least prevent strangers from hijacking your meeting.
@linksassin Oh yes, we always have it password protected.
@Adeptus Ah good. Sounds like you are on top of it then. I've had to inform so many people about how bad it is and they just had no awareness whatsoever.
@linksassin Yeah, like I said, one of the players has a paid account for work meetings. So he knows all the precautions, and he sets up our "meetings" for D&D.
@Medix2 What in particular taught you that?
Q: How much time and money would be needed to make a giant magic submarine?

just a guyMy group is level 19 and we are currently messing around on an island chain near the coast. Our whole team is into the idea of making an epic-level submarine. Our Wizard, Artificer and me (the Bard) are willing to sacrifice alot of time to help make it work. We also have a long standing favor to ...

@Someone_Evil Well I'd always assumed it was bad but I finally did out the math and... yeah it's just rarely better than regular magic missile
Actually going the maths doesn't sound like a very Acq Inc thing to do. Go with your guts. Show initiative!
@Someone_Evil gotta ask yourself, What Would Leeroy Jenkins Do?
Q: Can power attack be used with bows?

alemayoCan power attack be used with composite bows? The composite bow adds the Strength modifier to damage (instead of the Dexterity modifier) so "power attack" maybe can be used too.

KARANDUUN 1st Edition Official Launch! KARANDUUN is a tyrant overthrowing, metal alamatpunk Filipino RPG by LIQUORCANNI.
@AncientSwordRage Hodes is great!
@BESW this is my first read
I was researching a question to ask here, but I think I found my answer
His blog is full of awesome material.
And one of the things which makes it stand out from a lot of other more well-known blogs, is how he constantly draws connections to community both inside the TRPG space and outside of it. His blogs don't present him as a monolithic edifice of insight, nor as a member of a small elite band of experts.
@BESW I feel like I've got catching-up up to do
Join the club.
There's always more to know!
Does the "let us continue this conversation in chat" message ping anybody?
Besides the post creator*
The last year or so I've been finding so many voices that aren't new, but I never heard before.
@Medix2 I'm pretty sure users get notified that they've been invited or mentioned in a chat room (they're not in) or something like that, but I'm not sure
It should ping everyone whose comments are moved into the chat?
It would seem not, but I could've sworn I got some notifications to this effect at some point
Hmm. I might have gotten that confused with messages being moved, which can invite you to a new room (with notification)
@GcL Actually I have a different plan for Wirt :p
Afternoon all! I know it's only been 4 days but I feel like it's been ages
And may I say, the blue looks very nice on you @Someone_Evil
The VTT does sound perfect for it though!
@Ben Cheers! I can't say I'm quite used to it yet
It would be odd haha
@PeterCooperJr. I use forces and philosophies in one of the games that I run. Works great. No polytheism needed. In other games, pantheons abound.
@PeterCooperJr. I strongly suggest that you take a look at the original campaign setting that arose out of D&D. Not Greyhawk; Empire of the Petal Throne. MAR Barker dared to establish 'good' and 'evil' deities in Tekumel, when D&D, the original, kept it nebulous in terms of Law/Chaos and allusions to various tropes such as "sticks to snakes" and 'lay on hands' Barker publised in 1975 a very workable system of deities ( 5 good, 5 evil, but as one played one found the lines to be not ecthed in stone
He was a well read scholar who adapted Persian, Mezo-American, and other traditions into a game playable model of two mostly opposed pantheons. It worked.
I ran an EPT game for about three years with multiple groups: from about 1977 to 1980. Never met the man but oh I wish I had. Unlike the deities that got pulled from a myriad of historical pantheons into various D&D supplements, Barker's were organic to the setting. It worked.
The game was play tested 'in the wild' in the Twin Cities area. Sadly for its fans, a bit of a scrum twixt TSR and Prof Barker meant that Tekumel went to find greener pastures. Over time books came out and various new editions arose, but the original cannot (for my money) be replicated.
Sorry, not "the original campaign setting" but "the first published campaign setting" ... my bad.
One of the other cool things that game world did was fuse SF with Swords and Sorcery. There was a lot of that in old D&D play before AD&D happened: the pulp fiction that the players had all read was a mashed up mix of SF, Fantasy, Horror, and stuff like The Twillight Zone. It all grew from the fiction into something playable. Gamma World and Metamporphisis Alpha were manifestations of the original "speculative fiction" based game ideas.
Ed Greenwood? Uh, no. Not in Phil Barker's league.
1 hour later…
Q: Can you cast Mass Cure Wounds on someone who has been swallowed by a creature?

Random DM166Mass Healing Word and other healing spells specifically say that you have to see someone in order to cast the spells. In contrast, Mass Cure Wounds just says that you choose a point and then choose 6 creatures within a 30-foot radius of that point. Do you need to see a creature in order to choos...

finally caught up on chat!
hello all
How's it going
4 hours later…
Q: Is there a difference between "one round" and "until the end of your turn" in terms of duration?

Karrion42I'm mainly concerned about the effects that last "one round" and "until the end of turn" (like Stone Bones ToB p.84 and Inferno Blade ToB p. 54, respectively). My guess is that "until end of turn" effects end after you've taken your "standard" actions (one swift action, one move action, one stand...

3 hours later…
@KorvinStarmast Thanks for the recommendation. (And thanks @BESW too for your insights earlier). One of my challenges is that I'm running published adventures for Forgotten Realms, mainly since I don't want to do a bunch of worldbuilding and encounter building myself. So it can be difficult if I want to translate all the "here's what's in this temple" and "Annam the all-Father did X" to some other religious system.
Though really I probably just need to quit kidding myself that published adventures make life easier.
Q: Can a Monk "turn off" the Tongue of the Sun and Moon feature?

JoshuaThe description of the monk's Tongue of the Sun and Moon feature states: Starting at 13th level, you learn to touch the ki of other minds so that you understand all spoken languages. Moreover, any creature that can understand a language can understand what you say. While the ability is ...

@PeterCooperJr. I used a h*ckton of published adventures for my 4e campaign (it helped that access to all the magazine adventures were bundled with the DDI subscription and the associated monsters were pre-made selections in the builder), but I re-skinned them all into almost complete unrecognizability in order to make a coherent campaign suited for my players and the story our characters were embarked upon.
I was very grateful for having someone else do the encounter mechanics though, especially in the first half of the campaign where I didn't feel fluent with the system yet.
@PeterCooperJr. I'd recommend some caution about taking Barker's Tékumel setting at face value as setting inspiration. It's... well, it's got all the kinds of problems we've come to expect from that Herbertian tradition of Orientalist armchair scholars using a culture they've never lived in as inspiration for literally alien fictional cultures. And he gives Burroughs a run for his money in his treatment of the women in his stories.
today I am, apparently, answering year-old unanswered questions about Mage: the Awakening
We thank you for your service.
this is how you can tell the bug's bitten, I just went down all 12 pages of Unanswered ;-)
... may also be because I'm struggling to focus on my actual job at the moment. :-P
That's valid.
I hope you didn't spend too much time on my unanswered questions!
They're probably some of the most nichely difficult to answer that we've got.
Didn't notice any of yours - I was triaging by system quite a lot so I probably skipped them on grounds of "nope, no idea" ;-)
aha, yes, that system I looked at and went "never heard of it, I'll leave that for the experts" :-P
Yeah, it's a limited-physical-print-run, no-PDF-distributed first edition of a game whose setting later got re-released with a dramatically different system. So if you didn't get a copy from the Kickstarter, chances are you never will.
fair play to you for throwing the questions up ;-D
I wanna find time to read some more systems and see if they're actually playable for my groups... I might have new questions about them but a lot of them aren't really the sort of game that a Stackable question makes sense to ask.
yeah, I can see that. chat?
bwim "I have approximate knowledge of some number things and am curious if any of the ones you're looking at fall into it" ;-)
...Pasión de las Pasiones, Diwata's whole Planted RPG line, all of the Mnemonic games...
I'm still waiting for a Gumshoe One-2-One release that has a non-horror variant.
Yes to all of those XD
And then there's my own systems/settings that I should be working on. Cardboard Monsters needs enough specific material to make a playtestable deck; Traveling Librarians needs a lot of IRL historical and contemporary research before I can mechanize the campaign concept; my campaign calibration tool is still just some weird notes about Microscope and Script Change...
...I've got as-yet-uncongealed ideas about a setting based on mashing together space is a sea and you are its sailors with The Thousand Cousins...
I've been interested in several of those specifically. Pasion, For the Honor, street magic, and garbage barge.
Wow there are almost 1500 things in that bundle now!
so I follow the authors of two of those on Twitter but I haven't actually looked at any of them yet ;-)
..."Hounds of God" and "Where Are We Going" both need to be ripped back down to core concepts and rebuilt...
(Brandon Leon-Gambetta of Pasion on account of that Masks podcast he's the main GM for!)
@Rubiksmoose I suspect For the Honor is gonna be more useful to scavenge for parts than as a game to play on its own, in part because it hasn't drifted itself far enough from its source material to find its own voice.
@BESW That's fair. I hear there's a game in a similar vein called Thirsty Sword Lesbians but I haven't looked into it. But you gotta love that name.
I've heard... very visceral responses to TSL from queer spaces, its publication history seems a bit fraught.
@BESW Ah I was afraid that might be the case :(
It's not my place to say anything definitive, and I was mostly hearing responses to Evil Hat's announcement that they were picking it up and helping the original creator expand and polish it, rather than responses to the final product itself.
But definitely good to be aware of those voices. If I ever look into it, I'll be even more cautious.
yeah, I've heard some good things too but my initial reaction was quite... wary. I should actually read it and form an opinion of my own at some point, since I think I'm the target audience. ;-)
(I vaguely remember it being better than my worst-case scenario but kind of... IDK, that sort of tongue-in-cheek "haha look at what I'm doing" tone where I'd rather it just commit and pretend to be taking itself seriously)
(but that was on bits quoted by other people, not actually reading it myself)
(and I think someone I trust read it and loved it, which ticks it up several notches in my willingness to give it a chance!)
My limited understanding is that the concerns were to do with a shift in target audience; it was originally written by and for queer own-voices, but getting a professional publication by one of the biggest "indie" publishers changes its context in ways that could be read as objectifying or exploitative because now the target audience doesn't have the access intimacy the game originally assumed.
right, I can see that.
I hope that the author and publisher were aware of that and put in the effort to make it survive the transition in scope, but it's not my place to say if that, or anything else about the game, is actually an issue.
yeah, absolutely - I hadn't considered that angle but I can definitely see it.
I do see it having the potential to be really bad. H*ck, even in this chat there are gaming subjects I've stopped bringing up for similar reasons.
strong agree there, yeah
(good time for this conversation, I've been working on a Masks playbook with some Subtext and I should look through it and try to imagine the perspective of the people I wish wouldn't get hold of it sometime ;-) )
@LizWeir Do tell!
Or maybe not depending on the context XD
But I'm always down for Masks conversation.
Yeah, there's a couple of games I've put on my table that I'd never publish for general use because I don't think I could trust myself to put the head on that robot.
basically I have one move as a game writer, and it's "extremely unsubtle trans subtext through the lens of industrial-themed bodily autonomy"
@LizWeir that's a very specific move XD
I'm a very specific person. ;-)
Heck yeah!
and in this case, I'm working on a Masks playbook I'm currently calling the Reforged - all about trying out different identities for yourself and also modifying your body and powers to match. Kind of a reflection of the Transformed in many ways, though there's a solid touch of Delinquent in there on account of a bunch of pride and individuality stuff in the moves
Oof. That sounds really cool but also yeah, hard to put the head on that robot.
@LizWeir That sounds very [I'm going to embarrass myself here] punk?
I'm also going to embarass myself here but that's one of the Look descriptions I've got pencilled in, yeah!
@LizWeir I'm reminded somewhat of Deus Ex and the Cyberpunk setting
@G.Moylan That's kind of what popped into my mind as well! But I'm fully aware that I am very genre-dumb.
@G.Moylan Argh. I don't want to have that conversation, or anything associated with it, in main chat. It should be a topic people opt into rather than being confronted with as soon as they enter the main room.
yeah, there's some probable parallels there - I'm actually not all that familiar with cyberpunk-y things, but there's some overlap.
Ah was just about to suggest that
(though I'm deliberately aiming for the more upbeat end of it, because we already have Transformed for "and hates it" and Bull for "because a dodgy megacorp did some unethical experiments" cyberpunk angle ;-))
That sounds really intriguing and fun honestly!
I'm aiming for "a strong story a lot of people can engage with, but with particular resonance for folks with the Relevant Experience"
(am also taking a look at the disability angle because anything I say about cool robot arms can be read as about prosthetics, on account of that's what those are, so other folk's perspective to respect, y'know?)
At the risk of beating my own drum, I struggled with some of those same design goals in Goblin Court and have been told I did pretty well at hitting the mark. But Goblin Court is much more allegorical and less literal, and those concerns are part of why I made it that way.
(and FWIW "fun" there is not to belittle the more serious or dramatic elements I'm sure the playbook would bring)
oh absolutely! if a Masks playbook isn't fun I'm doing something wrong. :-)
@BESW I want to play this again.
@LizWeir I'm super pumped to have someone else in chat who I can talk to about Masks :)
I'm currently doing my second campaign in it and I expect it to go on for a while.
Though I recently played it as a player for the first time!
ooh, excellent! I've only done a one-shot one week when my regular game was down a player.
I mothballed that game because the group was too large for me to be comfortable running online - I rely too much on being in a room with everyone for how I balance spotlight time.
But hopefully we'll be back to it before too long!
Unlike D&D5e where we have multiple people that want to run it, I'm the defacto GM for Masks in our group for better or worse.
@LizWeir Ugh right? It's so hard online!
ahhh yes I know well the curse of being the only person who's keen to run the things you want to play <3
Masks, but also I have plans for Beam Saber and Legacy: Life Among The Ruins
plus some vague Armor Astir thoughts, though nothing solid on that
but I want to play all of these
what're your Masks PCs like?
@LizWeir Let's see we have a drug-dealing zombie Transformed, a time-stopping (at the cost of her own lifeline) unintentionally artifact-stealing Doomed, an alien AI masquerading as a human to learn about Earth (Outsider), and a hot-headed animal-loving electrically-powered Bull.
nice :-D
time-stopping costing lifetime is a wonderful concept
by which I mean it's deeply upsetting, naturally <3
@LizWeir Right?! And we have this wonderful comic imagery going because the artifact that gave her her powers is a pocket watch. So the hands of the clock roughly map to her doom.
oh perfect
you can have them wind back if she takes the "delete a doomsign" advance and so on
love it <3
yup! and midnight is curtains for the character of course.
immediate mental Iron Maiden soundtrack
How about you and your characters?
the one-shot I played was just after I'd reread the Animorphs series and projected heavily on Rachel, so I was a popular-girl-type Legacy whose big moment in the one-shot was getting depowered by the villain who assumed I wouldn't be a threat without my powers, and going for him anyway
@PeterCooperJr. welcome. I had not grokked that you were constrained by FR. I have not reskinned anything in FR since none of the deities resonate with me. Let me think on if I have another idea.
@LizWeir heck yeah! Amazing.
I wish one of my players had chosen Legacy or Protege. I love playing the stern mentor shaping their pupil XD
@Rubiksmoose You know that "shaping" is actually "twisting" right?
E.g. "Why in heck do you use Fortran?!?" "It's what my advisor told me to use."
@GcL Shape it. Twist it. Pull it. Bop it.
and the regular game I have the a gadgeteer-and-elemental-sorcery Protege of Doctor Whyse, a dimensional traveller and master of portal tech; an Outsider called Sage here on diplomatic detachment from her very stratified alien society, who just took the "gain a secret identity" advance to start a Youtube channel; a Bull who was an early-entry Marine trainee who got given supersoldier augments by an arms-tech company who used him as an Enforcer;
a Nova, Libra, who has life and death powers, and does a lot of plant control but can turn a lot of things to dust; and Manticore, a Transformed, who got body-swapped with a Nightmare
so she's got slasher-movie "appear behind people" sorts of powers and is Very Scary, but also she's a complete human disaster because her player enjoys chaos and failure and has discovered that rolling her -2 Superior is an excellent way to generate Potential and also get a fun character moment ;-)
@Rubiksmoose I was thinking more like technologic. I had blissfully forgotten bop-its ever existed.
@Rubiksmoose I only know Bop it from this
@LizWeir OMG that sounds like an absolute blast. The outsider's Youtube channel XD.
@GcL You're welcome.
@kviiri hah!
@BESW I was not suggesting he play EPT with his kids (in fact, I'd recommend against it in the current day and age, given the point you mention on how women are depicted - in that respect it has not aged well). How well the deity system fit into the game was really the point. It was conceptually integrated into the game very well and tapped into the SF/S&S fusion very well. There were some mechanical aspects to interacting with deities, but , uh, it was kinda dangerous to do so.
the last couple of sessions started because I came up with "doing a youtube video on the moon," decided there was a Moon Cult, and escalated from there!
and the youtube thing is partly because I came up with PRANK⭐STAR, a minor antagonist whose schtick is getting youtube clout by pulling awful pranks on people
@LizWeir hahahaha! That's one of the most Masks things I've ever heard.
so Sage decided to go one better and now has a youtube channel where she's usually a bear, because she needs to be in disguise
My outsider also took the secret identity, but her secret identity is human so her Mask is Mundane XD
It's going to be a riot the first time I get her sick with a minor human illness...
oh no <3
I think we ended up deciding that the "mask/superhero" identity was the alien diplomat and the YouTuber was the mundane, despite that being the other way round from what you might expect :-)
BTW I'm looking at Beam Saber and wow does it have a lot of playbooks pilot types! It's a Gundam-ish system it looks like?
yeah! it's a Blades in the Dark derivative, taking the downtime/mission setup but using it for that Gundam-y military fiction.
Very neat.
Have you ever heard of Glitch by chance?
Oh gosh, Blades is another game that seems like I'd really get a lot out of the engine but the stories it's set up to tell are No Thank You.
so the other Masks thing I didn't mention was the first game I ran, which was a one-shot where I went in knowing very little other than that I was ripping off Jasmine Apocynum from Jenna Moran's Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine and also related novel Fable of the Swan as the antagonist
and that was one of the most fun GMing experiences I've had in my life
big Jenna fan, there's a question about Excrucian war strategy that I keep meaning to go back to and answer :-)
@LizWeir Well I hadn't until just the other day. But I'm playing it this weekend as part of the fundraising charity that I'm also hopefully going to GM for (if I can get one or two more players for my Honey Heist game).
I'm pretty excited about playing but I know nothing about the system or Chuubo's.
@BESW the whole crime thing? Yeah, I can see that. You might want to look at Scum and Villainy - similar system, but tweaked to be a bunch more forgiving, and pitched more for Han Solo or Firefly than Blades' darker tone.
@Rubiksmoose oh cool, I think I know the GM for that - couple of folks I know through jennagames are running things for a charity one-shots thing soon, and that'd be a hell of a coincidence :-)
The DM appears to go by isra_octi if that rings any bells.
@LizWeir That sounds amazing even though I don't know exactly what that entails.
Aha, yes, Isra's one of the two I was thinking of! :-D
(I go by Morkai in that neck of the woods - I put this stack account up thinking it might get associated with work stuff because software, so I went for the other name)
the Masks one-shot in non-Jenna terms is "the villain is turning people into monsters that cathartically do all the things they won't let themselves do, and she doesn't understand why people might object to that"
I'll keep an eye out for ya! I go by rubiksmoose pretty much everywhere.
@Jadasc I think it got sorted
first scene was in a supermarket, with a giant monster rampaging around wrecking shelving and intimidating the managers but being careful not to hurt the customers
I wrote this after working in a supermarket for five years, because as noted I tend to get a bit autobiographical with some of my gaming stuff ;-)
@LizWeir That's... a beautiful idea for a villain.
yeah, it went really well! the idea itself is a straight port of a CMWGE character, as noted, but running her as a Masks villain worked out great.
I'm absolutely stealing that villain idea.
It's epic
I would love to play a Superhero Campaign, I still remember making out GM pull his hair out in our M&M game
there were some fantastic scenes in there - at one point she'd got captured in the airing cupboard in the team's millenial flatshare secret base, sealed in a force field by the nova. then the Delinquent put on her weird space mask thing.
Powerful Blow, lose control of powers... which were power nullification
oops, that villain's got free!
oh no XD
the other one that sticks in my head was in the climax. I'd worked some things out about the big obelisk that the villain got her powers from; it had this whole thing about freedom and being unrestricted, so the Beacon decided to try backflipping over it and making the barest little contact with the tip that he could, on the grounds that minimal contact might be easier to handle.
Thing is, I'd already decided that it wasn't really in line with our space-time (the third act was very high-concept) so any level of contact was enough for you to get hit with the mental weight of an entire universe
so my response was "take a powerful blow."
and all I can say is the dice know exactly when to cooperate - never have I seen a better time for "you stand strong. Mark potential as normal, and say how you weather the blow."
Thank you dice!
and yes, if you have any questions about Glitch, feel free to ask"!
Will do!
speaking of, I'm gonna go and take a stab at an old question about Nobilis that Glitch can definitely shed some light on :-)
Greetings programs
execute greeting.exe
Q: What speed benefit (if any) do horses or carriages offer when travelling long distances?

Guybrush McKenzieThe rules for Travel Pace in the PHB and Basic Rules are good and straightforward, with players able to travel on foot for 8 hours per day without over-exerting themselves, choosing a pace of Slow (2 miles/hour, 18 miles/day; can move stealthily), Normal (3 m/h, 24 m/d) or Fast (4 m/h, 30 m/d, ta...

Output: o/
@G.Moylan greeting.exe is an executable file that is part of the Belltech Greeting Card Designer - Extra Templates program developed by Belltech Systems. The software is usually about 6.28 MB in size.
@JohnP Hello World!
Excellent, it shall not exceed present available memory capacity
That's actually one of my favorite computer jokes
hey there @JohnP, how're things going?
Eh, a lot of upheaval recently, and more to come. But that's life.
Does anyone here know enough about the most recent series of Star Wars RPG books to say whether it's worth it to try to track them down, now that FF has essentially shuttered its TRPG doors and canned the product line?
hm. two questions. I just answered something about Nobilis that's also relevant to (and draws on) Glitch, another game in the same setting.
We don't have a Glitch tag yet. Would making one for this be reasonable? If so, I want to avoid the "looks like a generic term" problem - do you think glitch-rpg would work, or would taking the subtitle (which only appears on the inside cover, I think) and going "glitch-a-story-of-the-not" be better?
(the latter's pleasingly evocative)
@JohnP ah. been OK here more or less, trying to deal with an email account that may get yoinked out from under me in a frustratingly inconvenient fashion...
@LizWeir Make one when the first question is asked. Tags with no questions get hoovered rather quickly (even with a description)
there's a question I could tag it on right now - question's older than the game but it's directly relevant
since it's about the people who are an enemy faction in Nobilis, and PCs in Glitch.
If the question is not about that system, it should not have the tag
@LizWeir relevant is not the same. Otherwise we could retag probably 50% of the questions here with D&D
it's a setting question and a shared setting, but yeah, fair enough - shall leave that. thanks. :-)
lmao !: Event unrecognized
% logout
@G.Moylan :D
does anyone know how to get itch.io purchases to show up in my library? I just bought eh equality bundle and it shows me a link, but not the games themselves. I'm new to itch as a website and I'm a little lost
@BESW ^^
(For whom it's who-knows-what-time right now.)
~3am apparently. Goodness!
1 hour later…
Q: Can I Minor Illusion create a 5ft box around myself to block a scrying sensor's sight?

Emerald SerpentMy party is being scryed on by an enemy. We are all low level and don't have access to second level spells yet. I want to use paper and quill, to write down sensitive information, then pass the folded up paper to a party member to read it. I want to cast minor illusion around myself as a 5ft cu...

2 hours later…
Hey, guys!
Hey, guys!!!
There was a question about... not-D&D =)
(I answered it. It felt good.)
@G.Moylan for that bundle they will only show up in the library if you download them because the bundle is so big they didn't want to overwhelm your library.
@nitsua60 Wooohooo!
grats <3
I went hunting for a couple down the Unanswered list
... and then wrote 1500 words of overview of D&D class options, because dammit it said "tank" and "leader" and "Eberron" and those are some of my favourite things.
also I am now officially an rpg.stack spooky necromancer, which is making me unreasonably pleased
@Ash so what if I do want it to do that? I'm out of luck?
@G.Moylan want it to do what? Show everything in the library without downloading it?
@Ash yes
just out of luck?
Yes, there's no way to get it to do that.
ah ok, darn. Thank you!
@KorvinStarmast I'll try and remember to take a look at Shepherd tomorrow, but feel free to edit something in if you'd like.
@G.Moylan At least now you can search for titles instead of having to go page by page, which is something.
I know it's a small consolation though.
@KorvinStarmast Well, "constrained" by FR is maybe a bit strong, it's just that's the books I already have and where I've seen a problem that makes it hard to disentangle/reskin the religious aspects. Really I just want published material that magically gives me and my players exactly the perfect settings and encounters no matter what we do so I don't need to spend any prep time, but somehow "magic" is only an in-universe concept.
Q: Can someone use a Readied Help action between multiple attacks?

Yenapas Scenario 1 : An ally is unseen and has Extra Attack. He has advantage on the first attack of his Attack action and I want to use the Help action to give him advantage on the second attack of his Attack action. Scenario 2 : I am a level 5+ Warlock. I have a familiar, I am unseen and want to get a...

@PeterCooperJr. Abstraction tends to remove flavor. So to get something abstract enough to be universally applicable it ends up being kind of bland.
@PeterCooperJr. heh, I got nuthin' ... sorry
I would roll with Forces and Philosophies (DMG, pages 10-13) and eschew deities at all
But that's how I deal with it. Doing that does, however, amplify the Paladin Oath deal as a source of divine magic.
Decoupling Paladins from deities is IMO a very good thing. YMMV
@PeterCooperJr. If you're having trouble with reskinning religion, try swapping out the titles. E.g. retitle deities as espers. Priests become practitioners or adherents or embracers. Acolytes ... don't have to change that one.
@G.Moylan You don't have to actually download it to add it to your library list, but you DO have to click the "download" button for each item.
@LizWeir If the "a story of the not" part is generally included in the title, I'd include it in the tag name, but if it's just, like, a subtitle that's usually not included when the game is referenced, then I might leave it out of the tag name and go with glitch-rpg. (Googling seems to suggest it's generally just referred to as "Glitch", so the latter seems fitting.) also, do you have a link to the question you're referring to?
I assume it's this one
ah, okay
yeah, that question doesn't really need the tag - it seems to be more about the setting, not a specific RPG
plus the question doesn't seem to reference or even know about the Glitch RPG, presumably because it wasn't out at the time it was asked?
Kickstarter: Terra Oblivion by Jerry D. Grayson is a pre-apocalyptic game of eco-espionage, set on a world slowly being killed by humanity’s need to consume. The players of Terra Oblivion take on roles as agents of Terra, ordinary people that see how humanity is strip-mining their new home, and who have the will to stop it. Uses the MYTHIC D6 system.
So I came across this old question because it just earned 10k views. It's sitting at -6 score, has a really good answer, and is closed as unclear. I cleaned out the comments asking for edition (was provided before closure) and teaching a user how to use the site. The remaining comments are about it being a "read the book to me" question. Does anyone see a reason for why it should still be closed?
Given the massive amount of detail and nuance in that answer, drawing from multiple parts of the book, I think it being a "read the book to me" question has been shown to be condescending at best.
Oh, I weren't trying to assert whether it was (I guess I should've included a 'whether' in there). I was trying to summarise the remaining, voiced complaints.
It looks openable to me in its current state.

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