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Q: Do persistent area-effect damage spells break Compelled Duel?

Mark WellsSituation: Paula the Paladin and her friend Severus the Sorcerer are fighting a monster. Severus casts cloud of daggers in front of (but not in contact with) the monster: You fill the air with spinning daggers in a cube 5 feet on each side, centered on a point you choose within range. A creat...

@A.B. well helloooo
That expression "No RP is better than bad RP" doesn't half put a lot of pressure on the rusty and incompetent. Or is that not what it means?
Playing Fort City again.
I've not seen that applied specifically to RP, only to (a) game in general (/total?)
Sep 7 '14 at 12:44, by BESW
Here's my cardinal rule of gaming, for players and GMs alike: Make sure everyone is safe and happy, in that order, and talk with the group about what will help keep them safe and happy.
My favorite gaming style involves the GM telling the players what their characters don't know, and a lot of the character action and narrative being described in the third person and dialogue often getting summarized rather than enacted ("Jessie whispers something flirtatious in the ear of the Dwarf King's bodyguard").
A lot people would say that's terrible because player knowledge should map as precisely as possible to character knowledge and enactment is the core of roleplay. And we're welcome to avoid each others' tables, we'd probably make each other miserable, but I'm not gonna tell th
I've been trying to avoid talking OOC any more than I have to, because it only leads to wittering and fights.
That's true, I haven't even any proof that I am RPing badly if I haven't asked.
It's been my experience that trying to stay "in character" leads to unsafe tables. Apparently some other tables don't have that experience.
Always look for tables that value the happiness and safety of the real-life people, over the integrity of the game being played.
Whatever does "unsafe table" mean? It sounds terribly dramatic.
@BESW Or, they are worse at recognising that things are unsafe
And it's not a table, it's an IRC channel.
@A.B. I'm using "table" as a non-literal term for the group/space/dynamic of people gathering to play a game.
And an unsafe table is a place where people don't feel like they can advocate for themselves or others when bad things happen.
We've talked about safety tools and calibration mechanisms here before; unsafe tables are what those things are trying to help avoid.
Q: Do the attunement requirements of the Hammer of Thunderbolts make it situational?

JonSGThe properties of the hammer of thunderbolts seem to suggest to me that (for the vast majority of the time) the player owning this item will not have it attuned. How do you rule on the current attunement status of this item at any given moment, given that players will almost certainly not "live" ...

Your favourite gaming style sounds marvellous, by the way.
It works for us! And that's not to say that the GM never keeps secrets for surprise reveals, or that the players never speak with the words of their characters. Just that they aren't default practices.
(We play characters who are better with swords than we are and we summarize their actions instead of acting them out; why not do the same when we're playing characters who are better with words than we are?)
I spend so much time spelling out all the boring bits of conversations that by the time we're ready to get on to anything that leads anywhere it's time to go.
Gosh yes, been there, stopped doing that.
Dec 3 '18 at 21:28, by BESW
@ColinGross As for segues, I always try to keep it snappy, like a film editor who ends every scene as soon as it's obvious what happens next or we hit a strong emotional closing note. And I often ask the players something about the next scene, which gives them an opportunity to guide it toward a recovery scene or whatever.
TIL how segue is spelled
Yeah, Italian loan word.
I know how it's spelt but if I don't think about it I always try to pronounce it "seeg".
Q: Is this variant of Elemental Adept for healing balanced?

Breaking BioinformaticsI know that most healing does not work on constructs or undead in DnD 5e. However, for various reasons, I would like to subvert that. I was looking over feats to base such a subversion on and stumbled upon the Elemental Adept. Is the following feat likely to either break the game or be underpower...

@GcL Ok, so my first reply to this was that the "overall points" is the DC - meaning that the higher you go, the harder it is to achieve; I originally decided to set a DC, then remove points, but that got too complex.
So I instead decided to make the maximum possible DC 18 - since the maximum in either total is 10, at which point it resets. This means that at no point is the roll impossible - just very difficult as the Influence builds
I see what you mean though @GcL, just reread it, so I rewrote it to hopefully clarify.
@BESW That reminds me of Joe Abercrombie's writing style. Very snappy segues.
2 hours later…
Q: Are a polymorphed beast's attacks magical?

GrondWhen seen by detect magic, a polymorphed beast will glow magical (Transmutation). Since the creature is magical, do their attacks count as magical for overcoming resistances?

6 hours later…
@BESW I like that approach a lot
1 hour later…
Q: I am looking for information and the physical description of some 3.5 D&D races

user28536I am looking for the for the physical description and information of the following races in 3.5 D&D. Can anyone fill me in or direct me to a source? Deep Halfling Tribal Orb Deep Orc

is that on topic?
Q: What is the Plane Shift series considered?

DeusWizards of the Coast has released multiple Magic: the Gathering supplements for Dungeons & Dragons (not including the Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica) as part of the Plane Shift PDF series. What would these be considered? Would they be considered homebrew? Or would they be more akin to the likes ...

1 hour later…
Q: Do pact archetype wizards have full curse progression?

Ben I'm pretty sure that I can't be reading this right, but the pact wizard archetype from 5th level says you gain an oracle curse and you count your oracle level as half your wizard level. Looking up the oracle's curses it says that the curse has a level equal to your oracle level plus 1/2 your leve...

Morning, team
@AncientSwordRage sure
is this comment inappropriate?
What have you already tried? I mean, this is the first source that comes to mind... — DM_with_secrets 1 min ago
@doppelgreener \oo//
not like "should I report it", but like "should we tell them that's not how we do things here?
@goodguy5 the latter yes
I thought so, but I wanted to check before I said anything. Can someone with more prose kindly explain to them civility?
@goodguy5 yeah, it's not nice
@goodguy5 brain fried by bck to mack meetings
back to back*
otherwise I would
meetings, amirite?
@goodguy5 is that like.. a mineral
you invoked a might guffaw
I'm glad my wife stepped out so that I didn't have to answer any questions
I just said it out loud again and was met with another wave of the chuckles
@goodguy5 glad it landed well, do you know how long I've been sitting on that one?
how long?
@goodguy5 I can take care of it :)
yeah "google it" responses are basically forbidden
it's not helpful
Q: Ban LMGTFY (let me google that for you) links

Johnno NolanI've just asked a question on Stack Overflow which was a prime candidate for googling. I admit it was a poor question and with a little bit of research I would have found the answer. It annoyed me that someone put a let-me-google-that-for-you link in the comments. It got right up my nose. I find...

"let me google that for you" links are even banned by the system
A: How should we deal with Google questions?

boxxarEither don't answer it or give a correct answer. If the question is off topic on the specific site because it has other problems, you can flag it as such. But please do not comment or post answers like: Tried www.google.com? That is not acceptable on SE-sites.

@Rubiksmoose Thanks ^_^ ♥
me irl right now:
I made myself a cup of coffee around 7. Made goodwife5 (and goodbaby5) breakfast for my wife's birthday today, then started working.

Around 10:30 I was like "why does my head hurt?"
@goodguy5 Need more coffee?
I grabbed both ;)
@Ben As opposed to base DC, modifier, result. Subtracting from the roll or adding to the DC are the same coin. Adding to the DC just matches the rest of 5e DC checks.
@goodguy5 Clever. Using those magic hands of holding.
phnrgl. I am probably the only person at our company today that is irritated they have a job.
@goodguy5 Have you seen the side shot where he is sitting on a booster cushion?
haha no
Q: How does the Helm of Brilliance interact with Great Weapon Fighting?

OdoThe item Helm of Brilliance includes a feature that reads: You can use an action and speak a Command Word to cause one weapon you are holding to burst into flames. [...] When you hit with an Attack using the blazing weapon, the target takes an extra 1d6 fire damage. (DMG, 173) Great Weapon ...

@JohnP New company?
Dnd-5e question: anybody know if there's a way to determine when a given errata was made?
Q: What are the default subraces in the D&D 3.5 Players Handbook?

user28536I am having difficultly finding information on the default subraces offered in the D&D 3.5 Players Handbook. What is the default elf subrace in D&D 3.5? What is the default gnome subrace in D&D 3.5? What is the default dwarf subrace in D&D 3.5? What is the default halfling subrace in D&D 3.5?

If it's published, it should have a year of publication on it somewhere
@MikeQ I meant the errata documents online. Like the current one is the 2020 errata document but includes all previous errata, I'm wondering how to tell when one of those previous ones was made
@Medix2 Go through the old ones and see when it is marked as new
Did not know old ones were accessible, interesting
Since links to the old one are sending me to the newest one
@GcL No, same company but I acted on bad information about a dream role. But, there was no guarantee that the offer for that would have come in time. This is a good role, and really glad to have a job.
Well, he's 5'7"

Can't blame him
Hell, even Bill Gates is 5'10"
and let's not get into how damned tall Elon Musk is. That 6'2", rich maniac.
@Someone_Evil For example this page about the 2018 errata has all of its links to the 2020 errata
Hey now, let's not be dissin on 5'10" folks.
@Medix2 I'm getting '18 docs
@Someone_Evil Now that's very interesting. So the change to the heavy property is not there?
Or.. did they update the file but with the file name of the old year?
@Someone_Evil On my end, that seems to be the case
Wish I could munchkin a freeform RP.
It's kind of the only thing I understand how to do, at least possibly.
I wonder if gold tag-badge holders can insta-dupe mark a question but where it points to a question that doesn't have that tag
@Medix2 I feel like I have done this.
@Someone_Evil I would guess that someone's done some link shenanigans, that's a bit frustrating of them to do it surreptitiously rather than actually updating the articles to point to superseding content but oh well
@Carcer Yeah I'm now having to browse the internet for actual older links and am finding them... difficult
I wonder if it was done idly by someone who access to the media server but not the permission to edit posts
@Medix2 try using the wayback machine
has copies of the file that was actually there when the article was published
@Carcer How did I forget about that
@Medix2 everyone forgets about the wayback machine
The 2016 article seems to link to what appears to be the 2018 errata document
@Someone_Evil The plot thickens
Oh wait, that's still the most recent one... Plot unthickened (thinned?)
Thinned, but unthickened sounds better
@Carcer Now I just gotta find the older sites which I think are neatly categorized
@Someone_Evil Just realize the "2019 Sage Advice Compendium" links the 2020 errata documents XD
@Medix2 Better than breaking the links?
@GcL Yeah just wish WotC themselves would keep publicly-accessible copies of previous errata documents somewhere
@Medix2 Didn't they used to have an archive for articles and such? I seem to recall the Dragonshard articles got stashed there for a while.
I agree an archive would be the best. Hire a librarian. They like managing that kind of stuff.
Are there any 5e-dnd questions on what happens when overlapping effects have their end-condition met? Say they allow for a saving throw to end an effect, do both end on one a single success?
None immediately spring to my mind.
Oh yup turns out [stacking] + [saving-throw] + [dnd-5e] did the trick
Ah which is actually different since ensnaring strike doesn't end in that case
This seems heavily related
Would a question asking what rarity a specific homebrew magic item should be work? Also, how should I best word a question asking for any major balancing issues in general (not necessarily "is it balanced compared to X thing") with said item?
@Someone_Evil Though that completely bypasses the stacking rules as they have different names
@Medix2 In my defence that wasn't quite clear from your original prompt. I assume this doesn't cover it for you either?
@Himitsu_no_Yami Generally yes. Rarity is the measure for an item's power (but there is a lot of noise/ambiguity in that measure)
@Himitsu_no_Yami We certainly have quite a few: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
@Someone_Evil Nope :( I think I'll end up addressing it in my answer to a stacking booming blade question
@Himitsu_no_Yami I would grimace with disapproval at that question. Rarity is pretty arbitrary. Anyway, if you're homebrewing a specific item, it's because you intend for someone to have it, so why does rarity matter?
@MarkWells it's not even "I intend for someone to have it" so much as "I thought of a cool idea and want to know what rarity would be appropriate for it"
@Himitsu_no_Yami If there are any egregious issues or oddities that may arise with a given item a good answer should cover that, but it's hard to formulate a specific question for that (it's more forum-y)
In my own tables, I completely ignore rarity as I find it a generally unhelpful measure. Though, others can certainly find the measure useful; to each their own
Would it be better for me to describe the item here first you think?
@Someone_Evil I think you can ask "what are the ramifications of X houserule/homebrew?"
@Himitsu_no_Yami Couldn't hurt.
It's called the Holy Eraser and it can be any sword. The idea is it's a sword and a sheathe with a permanent Darkness spell enchanted onto the sword. So while drawn the sword is constantly emanating darkness but you can sheathe it to block the darkness since "Completely covering the source of the darkness with an opaque object, such as a bowl or a helm, blocks the darkness."
That sounds inconvenient if I'm understanding it correctly
Indeed. Unless everyone in the party has truesight somehow
This is sounding a lot like a munchkin gimmick, but go ahead...
it's very much a niche item but that's kinda intentional with this one
which is to say you'll need to carefully regulate the action economy of sheathing/drawing the sword
@Rubiksmoose Be glad it's not hunger of Hadar
I think there's a name for swords that prevent you from seeing while they are drawn. It's "cursed"
Ironically, a party without a way to see through the darkness will never actually see the blade of the weapon.
@Medix2 It might be better if it were Hunger of Hadar; as it is, I fully expect this to be used by a warlock with Devil's Sight
@Rubiksmoose Maybe X-ray vision XD
@MarkWells It is intended for a bladelock with Devil's Sight
@Himitsu_no_Yami one minor note: you might want to determine the spell level of the effect (or it will default to the lowest casting level)
@Rubiksmoose Or at perhaps just whether that darkness can be dispelled at all
good point!
@Himitsu_no_Yami So the intended function is "anyone attacking you, ever, has disadvantage, and your attacks always have advantage"?
anyone attacking you and the rest of your party of course lol
"the rest of your party" lol
your baggage train
@MarkWells Did somebody say foresight?
Could be pretty useful theoretically out of battle maybe? For covering retreats and sneaking?
So it emulates a 9th level spell, that should put it at legendary. Case closed :)
@Rubiksmoose Follow the orb of darkness
@Medix2 "don't mind the moving area of impenetrable darkness."
"literally nothing to see here"
@Medix2 Nothing suspicious about an orb of darkness wandering around camp at night. Perfectly normal
@Medix2 so, the sword does the equivalent of a 9th-level spell with a 1-minute cast time, only for free and instantly with no duration limit
@Rubiksmoose my idea right now is the darkness doesn't dispel magical light, it isn't dispelled by magical light, but it's also not illuminated by non-magical light. It'd only be illuminated by light from a level 3 or higher spell
@Rubiksmoose Glad to see we're on the same page
It's an interesting weapon... basically makes the entire battlefield have all attack rolls have neither advantage or disadvantage unless they involve the sword-wielder
@Medix2 plus nobody can find anyone
except the Godlock, who can find everyone
@MarkWells You can still hear everybody, just Hiding is easier
@Medix2 *casts silence*
I'm inclined to ask what a comparable item for another class would be
@Himitsu_no_Yami Cue Subtle Spell Metamagic dispel magic
Give the players another item enchanted with a repeated message: "Everyone who wants to participate in combat, please continually shout "I'm in!" so we can find you. Thank you!"
Wait isn't Holy Avenger like "advantage galore" or something?
@Medix2 good counter, good counter
@Medix2 only on saving throws, yeah?
Oh Holy Avenger is a 10 foot radius (30 feet at level 17+) radius of advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. So yeah...
Holy Avenger is also a +3 sword
Whereas darkness is a 30 foot radius of negating both advantage on disadvantage on attack rolls, hmmm
I'd put this weapon in the category of "annoying enough to the party that it would rarely be used".
It's the specific category of "annoying to the party except for its owner", which is a problem
@Rubiksmoose I'd probably take one party member being great at combat for everybody else becoming neutral
@Medix2 Strategically yeah, but from a table-fun standpoint maybe not more than once or so.
(IMO of course)
@Medix2 Having played in that campaign before (DM didn't know how to get us into close-range engagements) I would not do it again
@Rubiksmoose Yeah that's a great point, all the fun of advantage and disadvantage would just be gone. Could hurt Rogue's especially
It would be pretty amazing in the hands of a BBEG with true sight.
But perpetual darkness doesn't seem like a great setup for a fun encounter, necessarily.
(paladin, two fighters, monk, druid, ranger. hmm, where shall we set this leg of the campaign? how about a giant featureless sand desert where you get randomly attacked by flying monsters in broad daylight?)
@MarkWells Time to cast plane shift
we ended up casting campaign shift
@MarkWells A rare 10th level spell
and yet accessible to any class and level, by the grace of the gods
Oct 19 '13 at 2:20, by BESW
@AlexP Concept: a character with Int as a dump stat and an Amulet of the Planes.
Oct 19 '13 at 2:27, by BESW
"Bored now." [Int check]
Oct 19 '13 at 2:22, by BESW
I call it "The Game-Changer."
I typoed booming blade and brooming blade and now I want one
Brooming Blade (magic weapon effect): This weapon is always impeccably clean and well-maintained. Anything hit by this weapon is suddenly impeccably cleaned, apart from the fact it's been damaged by a weapon, but that's not a measure of cleanliness apparently. Smells faintly of lemons.
@Medix2 I wouldn't bristle if I got one of those for sure!
@doppelgreener Infected wound? Just stab it again!
@Medix2 Right on, now you're thinking.
No time to freshen up for the date? Little stab in the leg, pretend you got into a fight.
@doppelgreener "With what?" your date asks. "Dust bunnies" you reply.
Dust bunnies! The worst. Frightening things.
@Rubiksmoose Well I know what monster I want to stat now
So, what was the final verdict from you guys? the only actual rarity I saw was legendary but it doesn't seem right
@Himitsu_no_Yami I read above, and legendary fits for what you're asking, I think.
It does feel like the Holy Avenger for warlocks
See, the thing is comparing to to another legendary item mentioned (Holy Avenger) it doesn't seem as good, sure one player might have adv and everyone disadv against them and everything else is neutral but that's mostly it. Compared to the aforementioned item which is a +3 weapon, does extra damage to undead, and gives the whole party (well within 10 feet, or 30 if you're 17+ pally) adv on saves vs spells
I worry the sword will make combats un-fun for players besides the Bladelock, and personally think rarity doesn't do a great job of measuring very much
@Himitsu_no_Yami My question would be: what does rarity mean to you? what are you using it to measure?
Eg if you're just going to give it to your players anyways, rarity doesn't really matter.
@Rubiksmoose I guess the best way to put it is (with one exception) rarity helps judge when the item should be obtainable. Ie. you're not getting a legendary item at level 10 but more closer to 17
Gotcha. That makes sense.
Q: Do monsters with the "Telepathy" language automatically sense creatures in their telepathic radius?

VigilSome monsters possess the special "Telepathy" language. Telepathy Telepathy is a magical ability that allows a monster to communicate mentally with another creature within a specified range. The contacted creature doesn't need to share a language with the monster to communicate in this...

Brain picking time: I've got a ridiculously hairy superhero teenager (NPC) that is able to control his hair (strengthen, soften, shape, move, manipulate). Hero name ideas?
@Rubiksmoose I had a similar character and named them "Bramble" since I added spikes to the hair
nice one!
Thicket could also work along those lines.
@Rubiksmoose "Herr Soot"
Is my comment here flatly incorrect? If it is, I'll gladly remove it
@NautArch Just so you know, as far as I'm aware, Leader was not a class but an entire role in 4e. It applied to Clerics, Artificers, Bards, Shamans, Warlords, and probably other I've forgotten
@Medix2 Oh, well then. Comment soon to be deleted and i'm not sure about keeping it open.
i thought there was a specific class they were trying emulate
There might also be a specific class, I'll do some digging
So after talking to someone else, I think we figured out the one thing you guys are overlooking with my idea. All of the problems you just mentioned can be created by spending an action and a spell slot (or a 1/day racial spell) to cast Darkness on the sword manually, the only difference is the lack of required concentration. Noting that the main power comes from the combination, not from the item itself, do you still think legendary is the right rarity for it?
The spell once cast, if you maintain concentration, lasts long enough where the duration doesn't matter usually
I'm not trying to be difficult but while I feel legendary isn't right idk what would be better
I think our basis was based on the darkness being always on. Requiring no slots, no concentration and having no agency over it (the only opt out is to not use the weapon).
@Himitsu_no_Yami The other difference is resources, since you have a limited number of spell slots.
If you want to argue this more rigorously, I'd ask for an actual item write-up
@Medix2 compare that particular argument to something like a staff or a wand that has X number of charges and can regain them. @Someone_Evil like write up the full item as say a homebrew on DDB?
Compare this to the at will invisibility Eldritch Invocation which requires level 15, affects one creature, requires an action, and doesn't last as long
@Himitsu_no_Yami Sure. The actual rules-description of an item and the retelling description of an items can differ in some important ways
It's pretty similar to at will invisibility imo, since the effect against everybody else is a net nothing (or positive or negative depending on other circumstances, but often net nothing) and the effect against yourself is a net positive
I forgot to ask, does activating (pulling out) this weapon require an action or just the usual one free object interaction?
The thought is other than the permanent darkness enchantment it's a completely normal sword and subject to all other rules as such (to answer the specific question, no it does not require an action as it's otherwise just a mundane sword)
So we got it right that it is drawn and then there's a 15ft r sphere of darkness centered on the wielder?
@Medix2 Also, it's only a net positive if you have the Devil's Sight invocation or some other way of seeing through it
@Someone_Evil yes
@Himitsu_no_Yami Yes and the character using it explicitly does
if the item was say disarmed and then thrown somewhere else the darkness stays centered on the sword
@Himitsu_no_Yami Drawbacks like that are dangerous within design. For 5e item rarities they can increase the rarity just as much as increase it
imo, this weapons rarity would be different if there was no way to see through that darkness whatsoever, but there are and so certain characters/builds can use it far better than others
@Himitsu_no_Yami Best of luck disarming somebody you can't see. I do see what you're saying but that's resolved by just going and retrieving it
@Medix2 that part was more in response to "15ft r centered on wielder" just to make sure that it was clear. I just wanted to make sure on that
@Himitsu_no_Yami SO it's a mundane weapon otherwise? just that it has the permanent darkness?
Quick question, do weapons that have magical (but non-damaging) properties still deal magic damage on a hit? (for the purpose of overcoming resistance to nonmagical weapons)
The resistance cares about any weapon that is magical. What that magical effect is is irrelevant
that's what I thought but I wanted to confirm
I'm typing up the homebrew item in DDB right now
Is there any particular method to the madness in the order in which the answers appear? Sometimes I see highest voted first, sometimes I see most recent first, sometimes most recent is last (say after just posting an answer) or am I just going crazy
New answers that appear as you are watching the page are added to the top (refresh should solve). Otherwise you can set the mode (default/normal is sorting by votes)
You would not be the first to accidentally have it on active, or oldest and getting confused
I just noticed the sorting button and it is in fact set to active
If an answer is accepted, is it automatically at the top too btw?
Only for votes more?
No, it should do that for all of them
Q: Why is the accepted answer first even if I sort answers by "active" or "newest"?

KipOkay, I have found two other places this question, in feature-request form, has been marked status-bydesign (here and here). But I ask this as a discussion question because there is no explanation why the other two are by design. So. Why is it the case that the accepted answer is sorted to the t...

It should? Perfect. I was hoping it would but I hadn't checked
@Himitsu_no_Yami unless it is a self-answer then yes.
Finished up typing it on DDB but now I'm annoyed that they didn't give an option to set weapon type to something like "any sword" and require you to pick one
Anyway, here it is.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword with email in body, bad phone number in body, messaging number in body, potentially bad keyword in body (337): How get rid of my husband by Sharon George on rpg.SE (@Rubiksmoose)
@SmokeDetector *poof*
The Last Emissary by E.R.F. Jordan is a solo journaling RPG about angels, power, and loss, made using the Wretched & Alone rules by Chris Bissette and Matt Sanders.

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