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@MarkWells Nope. my celestial warlock patron is LG Solar. I am CG. Tension a plenty.
@MarkWells Strongly suggest RA McAvoy Damiano, Damiano's Lute, and Raphael. Trilogy, each book is short, a warlock makes a pack with an archangel. book published over 40 years ago. Beautifully written
btw did anyone post the most recent UA here yet?
from last week
@V2Blast I read it and the tattoos need to each eat an attunement slot. As written, it is sloppy bloat
I haven't really read it yet :P
The concept, tattoos conferring magical powers, I like a lot.
> Here's my approach - for every comment you leave, you give one of your rep points to the person on whose post you leave that comment. The rationale is simple - the post has attracted your attention, so it's worthy of additional reputation.
But, if you have a good idea, then the OP will update their post and you can safely delete your comment, regaining your rep point (but leaving a rep point with the OP). If nothing happens, and you leave your comment there, you lose your rep point and if it is eventually deleted by a Mod, you lose it permanently.
That's an interesting idea I don't think I've seen before.
Colludium Three - small press games is a quarterly bundle highlighting the work of indie tabletop and live-action roleplaying game creators. Hosted by Blue Golem Games with content from 16 creators.
I think there are a couple of sentences that don't use the word "exotic," too. looks for "contact webmaster" link...
Iranistan!? Is that original to Howard, or is this a brand-new bit of obnoxiery?
I "like" how literally a third of the character archetypes are indigent people.
@nitsua60 It first appeared in a book by another author based on a Howard novel, which is often credited to both of them.... except that 100 years earlier it was coined by PT Barnum as the name of one of his many boondoggles.
So it's got a long proud history of Orientalism and cultural exploitation, from some of the best in that business!
On the other hand, once I told my kids (who were learning "The Alphabet of Nations" and wondering about the Kazakhstan-Pakistan rhyme) that -stan meant "place" or "land" (functionally), they had a *lot* of fun demi-translating a lot of countries' names.
Engstan. Icestan. Greenstan. Deutschstan. New Engstan--where we live.
So I'm not sure I'm really one to be throwing stones =\
I don't think that's really the same at all.
Still. Throwing stones is dangerous business =)
I'm sitting here looking at 4 guitars, a viola, a piano, three trumpets, two french horns, two flutes, and a piccolo. No stone-throwing for me!
Afghulistan,... wtf
I think it's super useful to deconstruct familiar name formations so that we become more aware of them. Like, contrasting how Greek mythic names are untranslated vs Native American mythic names that get transliterated, is nigh impossible until we start noticing how transliteration would modify our own familiar phrases.
I wish that lady on the cover would just turn around and stab him to death already
@BESW I believe you, and am not sure I'm aware of examples I've run across. Do you have one or two in mind?
Or, in your case, noticing that patterns which might seem odd ("why do all these countries have the same suffix?") are actually just familiar patterns seen through a different lens.
@trogdor I think the elephant with wings and hands is just trying too hard.
they deserve horrible death just for Afgulistan though
Q: How can I as a DM make a low-level melee rogue feel useful in combat when the party has no tank that triggers sneak attack for her?

Mars PlasticI'm going to DM a short adventure for two players who have little experience with pen and paper role-playing games. One will be a druid, one will be a dual wielding melee rogue, and we will start at level 1. I'm a bit worried that the rogue will feel weak in combat since without a tank next to he...

@nitsua60 Well, imagine if we called Odysseus "Hated One" or "Son of Pain." And if we called thunderbirds Wakyą or Animikii.
@BESW Gotcha.
(This is sometimes --and very dramatically but not incorrectly-- called "semantic imperialism:" the idea that some languages "should" be translated or they'll be confusing to the audience, while other languages would be confusing to the audience if they were translated.)
I like "son of Son-of-Red-Earth." But that may be because my son and I refer to a certain four-time World's Strongest Man as "Biggest-Guy son of Son-of-Biggest-Guy."
@nitsua60 How can Biggest Guy's father be his son? :P
> Magnús owns a powerlifting and strongman gym in Reykjavík called Jakaból (Nest Of Giants).
I just love so many things about this planet!
(Imagine if we called Arthur Pendragon "Noble Chief Leader.")
@BESW (I'm sorry, but you're making me do it:
For any IRL GMs with access to a 3d printer: the Humble 3D Printable Dungeons & Dragon Lairs Terrain Bundle is available for the next 3 weeks!
@V2Blast [grin] The relative malleability of names in different cultures is also a big thing that often gets glossed over!
2 hours later…
So I just spent an hour explaining that a simple "no record found" is easier than redesigning an entire system to allow for every possible circumstance in a one-off system, and it's stressed me out.
I'm now deciding if I want to play D3 and level up my Lightning Templar, Doom for some cathartic "shoot the bads", or some exciting FF7 remake gameply
Q: Is this Way of the Kensei monk built and usage correct?

Jorge CórdobaLevel: 6 Race: Wood Elf Class: Monk, Way of the Kensei Monk Weapons: Longsword, Longbow Str: 8 Dex: 18 (14 point buy, 2 wood elf, 2 ASI) Con: 14 Int: 10 Wis: 16 (15 point buy, 1 wood elf) Cha: 10 Way of the Kensei Agile parry states: If you make an unarmed strike as part of the Attack ac...

2 hours later…
Gameply: this effect is applied when you play a game that both soothes and invigorates the spirit. +2 to stress relief rolls until your next short rest
Q: Is it possible to emulate all dice rolls required for a D&D5e game using just a d6, and if so, how?

PixelMasterThis is a question that I've asked myself numerous times, but I've never gotten a really satisfying result. The issue is this: let's assume we only have one or multiple d6 dice (arguably the most common type of dice outside of pen & paper), but we still want to play D&D 5e or another RPG game. T...

Q: As a DM how can I manage a group with different amounts of free time?

Jiro chanI've started playing D&D 5e with a group of friend recently. I'm the DM and there are 4 players. In this time of crisis, one is still working and is only available during weekends and the other 3 (and me) have quite a lot of spare time and are eager to play on a daily basis. Is there a viable...

1 hour later…
I don't even know what article to link, just... please Google Zoom security news before you use Zoom, friends.
@BESW Is there new news since the thing mentioned in the pins?
> Uninvited guests who "zoom-bomb" online gatherings on Zoom have become a big enough problem that the FBI is on the case. Zoom had to update its software to prevent it from sending data from iOS device users to Facebook.

Zoom faces two additional security flaws that could be used to hijack a Zoom user’s Mac computer and access the webcam and microphone. Patrick Wardle, a former NSA hacker who works with Jamf, an Apple enterprise management software firm, revealed the bugs on his blog, first reported by TechCrunch.
> Zoom has other security issues. A flaw identified by Matthew Hickey of cybersecurity firm Hacker House and first reported Wednesday by tech site iTnews could let a hacker get credential data and remotely access Windows computers on corporate networks.

Tech news site Motherboard reported Wednesday that Zoom was sharing the email address and photos of at least thousands of Zoom users who signed up with an email address sharing the same domain.
Hi all, I haven't been here in a while, hope everyone's safe
@PierreCathé [wave] Welcome!
2 hours later…
@PierreCathé Hiya, same to you :)
@kviiri I'm well, thanks, been confined to home for a couple weeks (France) but it's cool, I'm with my family
Q: What are Hero Points in DnD5e

Dale GrayI've just Downloaded an Excel Character Sheet and it has a slot for Hero Points. I have Players Handbook, MM, DMG, SCAG, VGtM, MToF, XGtE and I'm fairly sure it isn't in any of them. Is it Homebrew, or from a different realm, is it just a different name for something I know about or am I just be...

howdy howdy y'all
@Ben Something about the senseless slaugher of D3 is occasionally theraputic. Other times, it does nothing and the game is closed.
@NautArch <ITAG>!
@goodguy5 I realized i made a very bad assumption/didn't put things together about one of the PCs in my group.
THey don't have amagic weapon, so basically all damage needs to be halved, but I hadn't been doing that.
Bank error in their favor.
I wonder if he's going to try and get blackrazor
I think i'm also going to make these items able to telepathically communicate with not just their attuned owners
You just made me realize a magic item.

Something that temporarily disables a resistance; replacing it with a vulnerability for one round?
Maybe an oil?
or a scroll
But also, "non-learnable" scrolls are a fun way to offer one time magic effects
@goodguy5 I like the oil idea. It's sort of a poison maybe?
yea, kind of like a magic poison
I'm working on some super powerful 1-time spell effects based on some anime
The one that I'm most excited for is a "you might die if you use this"
Ask your alchemist about possible side effects before taking this potion
If energy vulnerability lasts more than 4 hours, call a healer right away
list of disclaimers needs to be long, though.
@goodguy5 you just need to read it super fast
@goodguy5 I like giving my mysterious alchemical brews a list of rather extreme magical effects to roll randomly on. like it can deal damage equal to your max HP -1, but gives an incredibly powerful regeneration/fast healing effect for the next minute, or your speed increases to drastically uncontrollable levels for like 2 rounds.
Weird, I submitted an answer to a question, and now the whole question has been deleted (including my answer.) I thought once answered, a question can't be deleted or does it require a vote on the answer to prevent that?
@NautArch The latter. It requires an answer with 1 or more upvotes.
@Rubiksmoose ah, gotcha.
wel, at least writing the answer didn't take me too long.
that would have been a bummer
and hi moose!
@NautArch yeah :(
@NautArch hi!
How's the new starter coming?
@Rubiksmoose honestly? I don't think well. I'm not getting the big rises and falls.
And I didn't hit the stinky stage.
I'm on day 4 now and there are some bubbles, but not very many.
I think i'm going to see it through and then try to bake with it and see what happens.
Might as well right?
Trying not to be super upset at my wife for killing the one that seemed to be going well
:( Probably a good idea. A silly honest mistake. And if you can do it once you can do it again!
@Rubiksmoose Did you decide against kindness over our user system and comments being missposted?
@Someone_Evil You're referring to rpg.stackexchange.com/a/167116/28591
@Rubiksmoose Yes
@Someone_Evil Well, I think deletion was the correct option there (feel free to tell me if you think otherwise!). My reasoning being that converting it to a comment would make things more confusing for the person and the people trying to talk with them as it 1) makes it very hard to see that these are two different account 2) the user would be unable to respond again to any comments replying to the one that I would have made for them.
The best and kindest option is to get the OP to merge or reclaim their account so they can interact as normal.
Does...that make sense?
Because the comment-answer is posted by the registered account, they can still see it and the comment suggesting to merge, right?
@Someone_Evil They should be able to see the comment requesting a merge from their current account and once they get it merged still be able to see it. But that's a good point, usually in cases like these (it happens more often than you might think) I also leave a merging comment under the question so that either account can see it.
I hope you don't mind me stealing your comment for that purpose :)
@Rubiksmoose Thief! :p
I guess user2688 is leaving us again.
@NautArch That's OK, you can have me instead!
@RevenantBacon WOohooo!
bacon makes it better
@NautArch It certainly seems that way.
So two out of seven players i've got are not eligible for Blackrazor. It's going to be a fun part of Friday night when they've got to figure out who gets it.
@NautArch Do any of the players know the problems that come with the item? If so, it would be interesting to see how they role play the decision not to want the item through the lens of their character.
@GcL Yeah, my plan is during the fight the sword will start to telepathically reach out to them and to entice them.
These weapons are pretty commonly known, though, right?
@NautArch To the characters or to players? It's a story hook for the characters, but like many of those legends, the information isn't exactly precise nor accurate.
@GcL Maybe I'll write up a brief legend description. Cover some points but not make it clear what everything is exactly.
History or arcana check results possibly if anyone wants to make one.
@GcL yeah, i may do that out of game so I can give them the info prior to session.
Smart. Speed things along. Maybe give each character a different piece of information based on their arcana or history. Let the character choose how they want to share that.
Also, should give you some insight into if and how the players like to role play.
@GcL Definitely. We're not a very RP group, but i'm hoping a bit to expand that. Years of being trained by previous DM that violence is the only solution.
Good RP and a tendency towards violent solutions aren't mutually exclusive.
@GcL less tendency and more violence was the only solution out of an encounter
playing "in-character" often meant more my-guy type actions in combat, too
Sure. That could still involve good role play. E.g. I don't actually care why the player chooses the targets they do, but roleplaying those decision through the lens of the character they're running is entertaining.
@GcL this, right here. :) We are doing something like this tonight ... if everyone shows up. One has already bailed, illness in the family.
How many missing players can be missing and still play with your group?
@GcL For me (i know you asked Korvin, but imma gonna answer too) I've got 7 players. As long as I can have 3, I'll still run it.
I'll just adjust on the fly.
but i'll be annoyed
@GcL We usually have five or six, and by the time three show up we begin. The rest catch up as they can get free from RL.
@GcL Before our Tier 3 group took a break (DM burn out) we had really good participation, 5/6 players, and usually 4-6 showed up for each session.
I miss the days when you could count on the whole party showing up on most days, with a rare 'one person can't make it' situation
However, when we play in-person with our main group, it's all hands on deck. Exceptions based on last minute sickness, but even then we sometimes cancel and just play boardgames or something.
@V2Blast wow!
oh wow, so apparently the DM that was running their own homebrew system/world/campaign with us decided that he could no longer do so (too much work). Soooo the group has decided to have me run Masks again.
@Rubiksmoose woohooo?
@NautArch TBH I wasn't that into the campaign though I really admire the work that the previous DM put into it and developing their own system
And I am actually pretty excited to run Masks again.
It is just a bit sudden.
@Rubiksmoose We can reopen that barbarian question.
@NautArch Done :)
@Rubiksmoose Let's hope for the best :)
Thanks :)
I have a rather complicated relationship with absence thresholds
I've been trying to champion a policy of more sessions, less attendancy
But not always being the most eloquent communicator, the idea of "we can play twice as many sessions if we tolerate the occasional absence!" easily comes off as "WE want to play twice as often, so WE will play even if YOU don't show up!"
Yeah that is a super fine line to walk
And most of my regular gaming circle is pretty foreign to the idea of an episodic game
They're more used to a single big continuous plotline that everyone needs to witness at full
@kviiri ah that definitely makes things more difficult. We alleviate that concern somewhat by recording all of our sessions so people can catch up.
@kviiri That's something Western Marches style modifications intend to accomplish, no?
@GcL Well, yes and no. Certainly they do facilitate it but you can't solve a social problem by just changing the game.
I mean they probably would've been more amenable to the idea if their idea of what playing RPGs is like was more akin to episodic games, rather than the single linear continuous narrative style
I don't want to get back into "ranting about your players" mode again but they're more entrenched than they think and no matter how much I say "this is not the kind of game you've played before" when breaking out a new system, someone's going to try playing DnD in it.
Q: Does haste's extra attack get triggered when you cast haste on yourself?

Jorge CórdobaMy question here is what is the right combination of the answers from these two questions: Does Extra attack stack with haste? Can you get an extra attack after casting a spell whilst hasted? Assuming I'm a level 5 fighter / level 5 wizard and I cast haste on myself. It's clear from the seco...

So the group I used to play in basically ran the game on a schedule. We started at x time and ran until x time. Minimum 4 players + DM for game to start, and if you weren't there at the start of the game (stuck late at work, had a date, whatever the reason), we started without you. Your character suddenly vanished from wherever they were (we didn't bother to give explanations) and suddenly reappeared when you got back.
@RevenantBacon That's essentially how Adventure League does it?
@GcL Yeah, basically.
2 hours later…
Humble Bundle currently has a COVID-19 relief bundle going on containing some phenomenal games including Wizard of Legend, Hollow Knight, Undertale, Into the Breach, The Witness, and Superhot. $1,071 worth of games and ebooks for just $30 with 100% of the proceeds from your bundle purchase going to support organizations responding to COVID-19: humblebundle.com/conquer-covid19-bundle
1 hour later…
I have a Rogue/Wizard/Bard/Cleric multiclass who is going to take levels of Sorcerer later on. I just levelled to Rogue4, and I’m trying to decide if I should boost my Charisma, Intelligence, Dexterity or take a feat. My scores are 7 Str, 18 Dex, 15 Con, 19 Int, 14 Wis, 16 Cha.
What should I do?
What do you want this character to excel at?
He is the party lier/persuader, but he’s also the party stealther, and the party smart guy.
He’s the only arcane caster
@LaecLorentzen I'm assuming you're not trying to optimize with the vast multiclass you're doing. So what do you see this character pursing? WHat do they want to be better at?
@LaecLorentzen Two questions: what's the rest of the party like, and what do you like doing at the table?
also, who do you work for? What do you know about the plans?
@NautArch Who does Number Two work for?
@nitsua60 careful or i'll send the bubble
@Medix2 Ugh fine... more games I'll enjoy. Twist my arm.
@Medix2 Ooh there's a Lumberjanes comic in it.
@RevenantBacon ghosting the players ... works for players with lives that make time demands ...
@nitsua60 I am number six, OK, I'm busted.
@NautArch my character is actually strangely optimized
I’ve decided to boost Cha
@LaecLorentzen good call
that would have been my suggestion
@nitsua60 Who is your daddy and what does he do?
@MikeQ What is it you say you do here?
@V2Blast It's thursday, so that means more free epic games. I'll let you do the honors.
@nitsua60 "You are Number Six."
@Medix2 Holy heck that's a popular bundle!
I'm still bitter about the Humble Alternative Medicine Book Bundle back in 2017
@GcL Aren't video games, too, then?
@AncientSwordRage Head over to Not a Bar. If you show me your snake oil, I'll show you mine. /S
Drawful 2, Gone Home, and Hob are currently free until April 9 on the Epic Games Store: https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/free-games
(After that, Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments will be free from April 9-16.)
@MikeQ done :P
@V2Blast Do you use the Epic platform?
I'm wondering how it is compared to others.
They have weekly free games, which vary in quality. Sometimes big-name AAA games in there.
@Rubiksmoose I usually both convert to comment and leave a reply suggesting they merge it. (I believe the "convert to comment" dialog box also lets you copy over the comments on the answer as well, if you prefer.)
@GcL Besides getting free games? Not really. I haven't even played em yet :P
I had to check whether I'd actually downloaded the launcher... haha
Just cleanin' up, don't mind me
Thank you.
Twilight Song by Speak the Sky is 50% off! It's a pastoral sci-fi map-and-story game where you play an immortal narrator living in a time of quiet wonder and strange transformation as the world becomes something new.

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