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Exalted Funeral is offering free OSR PDFs this weekend.
1 hour later…
@nitsua60 Weird, I'd have thought Bast would have gotten everyone.
touche =)
I wonder: does that happen to anyone else? I most-frequently mistype b's for p's and d's for q's, but never really have trouble with, say, t's for y's. It's pretty clearly a mis-wiring deep in the brain, not a coordination thing?
@nitsua60 Are you a touch typist or a hunt-and-peck-er?
I'd say my more common errors are hitting two adjacent keys simultaneously (particularly on unfamiliar keyboards), and inserting a letter from the start of the subsequent word near the end of the current one.
@JoelHarmon Touch. In fact, I'd say I probably spend half my typing-time looking at the screen, and the other half looking off into the distance or at something in the room.
@JoelHarmon Sure--timing on the space bar can get a little squidgy sometimes. In fact, that's generally a sign to me that I'm tired and should take a break.
I seem to have a steep logistic curve of typos vs. sleep deficit =)
Not always at the end, just near. I simply get ahead of myself.
So I've been listening to The Order which has given me a little bit of insight about the opening and direction of my Diablo adventure
The worst for me is when I wake up at 4am convinced that whatever's on my mind I need to take care of RIGHT NOW! It takes me half an hour to write a four-sentence email chock-full of typos. The only silver lining is that it usually takes me long enough to get that far that I've actually woken up before hitting "send" and realize that I should just save the draft and go back to bed =\
Q: What changes if game starts with less maximum HP

enkryptorThe book uses Constitution score, not modifier for determining maximum HP: Your maximum HP is equal to your class's base HP + Constitution score. You start with your maximum HP. Maximum HP is quite high for player characters — usually it's 15-20, while the possible maximum is 26 (minimum is...

@nitsua60 Well at least your brain has a safety boot procedure to allow it enough time to realise "that's tomorrow's problem"
A lot of my typos are... I go to write one word but my fingers write a perfectly spelled but totally different word.
Q: How do I scale maps appropriately for the grid for published adventures?

NautArchI recently purchased my first add-on with Roll20 and noticed that while Roll20's grid is a 5-foot square, the provided maps are 10-foot squares. How do I "scale" the map appropriately for the grid, and so that it's clear when something is 5 feet away vs. 10 feet?

@nitsua60 welcome to being 40 or over. It gets worse, not better, as time goes on.
@nitsua60 My last vivid dream was to do with an after-maintenance-test-flight for an aircraft model that was retired 5 years ago, yet I woke up sure of how we'd solve the problem.
Coffee, of all things, is what calmed me down.
I made a comment about being "out of the loop" with text message abbreviations since I hadn't used in in ~20 years. That made me feel old haha
@KorvinStarmast Mine was that I was play tag with friends, and I gave one friend a piggyback (cos she was sad) and her size and weight was perfectly proportional to allow me to not have to worry about downward force, and could instead focus all energy on forward propulsion.
I was able to run at 50kph with little effort.
@Ben an elegant engineering solution, to be sure. :)
@Ben I have had 3 Fosters' tonight, so I may not be coherent ...those are really big cans
@KorvinStarmast I recently had a vivid one that was a strange twist on a classic teacher-anxiety dream. I couldn't find the classroom, but it wasn't for my class: I needed to teach someone else's class, but I wasn't sure what it was or where.
1 hour later…
Q: Do I know if Sending succeeds when it goes across planes?

GPPKThe Sending spell in 5e states: You can send the message across any distance and even to other planes of existence, but if the target is on a different plane than you, there is a 5 percent chance that the message doesn’t arrive. Do I know if the spell actually goes across planes, or just if...

@KorvinStarmast Where in the world do Fosters still exist outside of NSW?
@NautArch Thanks!
3 hours later…
@Ben Fosters has always been far bigger outside of Australia than inside.
1 hour later…
Fosters at least used to be quite popular here, but I don't usually stop at that section of the beer shelf so I wouldn't know if it's still there or gone
Q: Does the Bard Spell Fugue have any effect at the moment of cast?

JoshuaDOn the Spell Compendium (p 86) there is the spell Fugue, which has interesting language to describe its effect. The spell description starts with: Creatures that fail their save become affected by the haunting fugue in semirandom ways. On each affected creature's turn (as long as it remai...

1 hour later…
The Stanley Parable and Watch_Dogs are free on the Epic Games Store for the next week, until March 26: https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/free-games
(After that, the games Figment and Tormentor x Punisher will be free from March 26 to April 2nd.)
2 hours later…
@Miniman I prefer VB, but it was well marketed by Paul Hogan some years ago and became quite popular over here.
@KorvinStarmast "That's not a beer... this is a beer."
not sure if i'm going to get an answer on mainsite before tonight, so would love any insight from folks in here on The Room 7 mechanics in White Plume
@NautArch Isn't the DC just to climb up the chain?
What I find strange is that there is no DC set for jumping from one disc to another, seeing as it does state how it is non-trivial
@Someone_Evil Right, so I'm really unclear how they're supposed to cross.
and the picture in the book shows the platforms are rising, which explains the climb check. But the map doesn't indicate that.
Trust your instincts, I guess
@Someone_Evil heh. But yeah, I think I'm going to go with the picture and also let the players be creative.
I'll improvise
2 hours later…
Also, I'm thinking I may need to tailor the magic items at the end. Handing out those legendary items seems like a not great idea if I want to continue with these characters.
@NautArch Why not have the legendary items? I am pretty sure I know which ones you mean. If they are legendary, it will induce NPCs and monsters to seek the PC's out and take/destroy the items. :) They will have to watch their backs ... forever?
@KorvinStarmast well, we're just goingto do more Tales
I mean, why not, though. This is a short term fun thing. I"ll make it legendarily fun :P
fair enough, and if I need to adjust encounters in the future, i can do that.
@V2Blast Watch_Dogs sounds like a good livestream to have in this room along with the other wildlife cams.
@Yuuki lol. if only. it's a game about hacking :P
Q: How does Immovable Object spell (from Explorer's Guide to Wildemount) work?

Sam LacrumbImmovable Object p187 from Explorer's Guide to Wildemount says: You touch an object that weighs no more than 10 pounds and cause it to become magically fixed in place. You and the creatures you designate when you cast the spell can move the object normally.... ...If the Object is fixed in...

@HotRPGQuestions do we tag questions with sources
@AncientSwordRage I think only when the source is relevant, but not when the material just happens to be from a given source
As in, in the title? Not usually, but I imagine this one does so because it's from the new book released very recently
earlier this week
@Someone_Evil shame, I'm really interested in questions about the new content
If it's non-SRD content, the source book and page will usually be listed in the body of the post
so you could search posts for either "Wildemount" or "EGtW"
Hmm.. some of the book abbreviations are getting very similar. Maybe not calling everything the "X Guide to Y" would help
GGtG: Gary's Guide to the Guides.
@V2Blast seems inefficient
@Someone_Evil haha, yeah. GGtR, WGtE, EGtW
@V2Blast XGtE, E:RftLW, VGtM
the second one's not titled a "Guide to" anything
but yeah, the other two count
Dungeon Masters Guide to Dungeon Mastering
Yolo's guide to Swag
we're getting dangerously close to Dungeons: the Dragoning
@V2Blast I know, but there's still a lot of the same letters which is the problem I'm having
there'll be a lot of the same letters regardless, I think
New rule: D&D sourcebooks can only be referred to by emoji.
Dude just check winky-face heart smirk, it's on page 112.
@Rubiksmoose 🍌thar's Guide to 🙌
@Axoren XD
I can't find a "kosher" way to emojify Volo's Guide to Monster Women, unfortunately.
Mine definitely included an eggplant somewhere
The following games are free on Steam if you get them now:
Drawful 2: https://store.steampowered.com/app/442070/Drawful_2/
Headsnatchers: https://store.steampowered.com/app/797410/Headsnatchers/
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris: https://store.steampowered.com/app/289690/LARA_CROFT_AND_THE_TEMPLE_OF_OSIRIS/
Tomb Raider (2013): https://store.steampowered.com/app/203160/Tomb_Raider/
Deiland: https://store.steampowered.com/app/760620/Deiland/
Any ideas on D&D characters designed to let other characters shine RP-wise?
@NeutralTax Like... a wing-man?
Things like Enhance Ability on Charisma would be really good at making someone an impromptu face.
Theatre class is doing D&D. We have to stay in character all the time.
The best way to help other characters shine is to be a supportive Face who encourages their friends to get into their element and experiment outside of their comfort zone.
As for mechanically helping that along, anything that will help your friends accomplish their RP goals
At the end of the day, stuff like that comes down to how the Player plays, not how the Character is statted.
Q: Can the Chronurgy wizard's Convergent Future feature result in a die roll above 20?

David CoffronIn the new Explorer's Guide to Wildemount, we are introduced to a new wizard Arcane Tradition called Chronurgy Magic, whose 14th-level feature Convergent Future says: You can peer through possible futures and magically pull one of them into events around you, ensuring a particular outcome. Wh...

Q: Discern Realities — are players supposed to ask their questions before or after dice roll?

enkryptorThe book is pretty clear on this subject: When you closely study a situation or person, roll+Wis. ✴On a 10+, ask the GM 3 questions from the list below. ✴On a 7–9, ask 1. So, first you roll dice, then you ask questions from the list. Why do I ask, is because there were talks in the com...

@Axoren I think these are called Aarakocra

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