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boooo decency
@goodguy5 Cultivar is a relevant term. Which of coarse brings up the fact that cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, and kale are different cultivars (essentially breeds) of the same plant
@Someone_Evil I considered cultivar, and I don't know enough about how varieties of hemp work. I don't know if they're actually the exact same plant, or if they're different species of the same genus. I guess I could joojle it.
@Someone_Evil what. I knew broccoli and cauliflower were the same species but not sprouts and cabbages too
Btw this reminds me, how old is the meme that broccoli is THE bad-tasting veggie?
It always weirded me out because I always found broccoli mild but pleasant in taste. Apparently it tastes very different to different people
Similar to eg. coriander
@kviiri did not know that.
I like broccoli okay. obviously, the "leaves" are the best part.
I like broccoli, cauliflower, brusselsprouts and well, pretty much everything related to them. Although I've eaten too much cabbage this one time and it was quite weird
I always thought cabbage tastes mild, like salad or something. WRONG. Overindulge in raw cabbage and it's like one's mouth becomes a vat of acid
oh yea, my wife and I have a running joke that if I eat too many 'sprouts, it's because I'm mad at her.
I'm not even referring to the other digestive aspects, but it literally starts causing a burning sensation in one's mouth, at least for me, if I eat too much cabbage at once.
or maybe astringent? It's been a while since I tried.
@goodguy5 They are cultivars (industrial is one (or more) and the medical/recreational are a set of different cultivars. You can find lists of which cultivars are approved for growing in canada, for instance). Strains is sometimes used for cultivars that "come true from seeds" is far as I could find, and/or is the traditional term used within the recreational community
@kviiri interesting. I hadn't had that and I don't care to eat enough cabbage to test it.
Though, kiwi fruit does that to me. If I eat too much kiwi fruit, it makes my mouth feel funny.
@goodguy5 I don't get symptoms from eating it, but kiwi juice on my hands makes me wish I was dead. It's one of the worst feelings

Can you explain further?
@goodguy5 When I was in the army, the signal corps to be precise, I developed some sort of non-contagious skin condition that causes tiny itchy blisters and that still recurs ten years later. I suppose it started due to a combination of stress and the really fine annoying dust that accumulates on cables and the like as they're laid on the forest floor a few dozen times.
There are a few things that aggravate the rash, which is nowadays really manageable most of the time. Fine dust is one, washing my hands too often is another... but kiwi juice is so far by far the worst.
Do things like Working Hands help keep it away?
@kviiri maybe stop killing new zealanders? Or at least wear gloves?
@goodguy5 Lotions do help, cortison in particular makes the symptoms go away in a few days without going into the worst phases
Cortisone shouldn't be overused though, it can cause permanent weakness of the skin
crazy. no information from dermotologists?
Side note: Anyone cloth diaper their babies?

The waterproofing is going out on our diapers and I'd like to reapply it.
(tping a question on the parenting stack)
@goodguy5 heck to the no. Way more than I was willing to deal with.
@NautArch It's really not that much more trouble, except for this one thing.
@goodguy5 well, we're all done with the babies. But i'd had friends who tried...and switched back to disposables.
@NautArch Really? Weird. different folks, I guess.
And it's cheaper!
Hey, if it's working for you, that's awesome. I still try not to think about the waste we produced.
@kviiri is it not the hairs?
@goodguy5 do you also have a no meat and diary diet to avoid estrogen?
@goodguy5 Dermatologists only guess x) I mean there's some catch-all diagnosis like "atopic eczema" they usually go with
Skin conditions are not as well understood as one'd hope, maybe because the symptoms are usually easy to alleviate and they're seldom deadly in the wealthier parts of the world like this
@Akixkisu I don't avoid it entirely, I avoid some sources where it's easy for me to.
And it's not like the skin is the one organ you don't have to cut open to inspe--- oh wait
@goodguy5 so no medical reasons?
@Akixkisu anecdotally, I get hormonal, but not tested by any bloodwork or something scientific.
@goodguy5 if it is an issue, you might want to avoid chicken and beef entirely as the estrogen level tends to be high due to the feed.
I'll consider that, thanks
@goodguy5 you should probably get tested to make sure there isn't something else going on and to see what the docs say.
which reminds me...i need to take some vitamin D.
@NautArch Yea, when I don't have to pay for that, I'll consider it.
until then, I'll take the good ol' American "It doesn't seem like it's killing me" approach.
@goodguy5 murrica :(
Health loans tend to be a bad deal - that is us-health care.
RE: estrogen in Soy. This article implies that soy actually lowers estrogen in the body. Hrm....
@goodguy5 pretty much what my clinic also told me to do; Since I'm part of the very high risk group for breast cancer.
and possibly the specific phytoestrogen in hops may help with osteo perosis....
@goodguy5 beer is horrible either way.
then you're not drinking the right beer.

Unless you don't like alcohol at all, in which case, I rescind my statement.
@goodguy5 talking about alcoholic beer, should specify that ;)
I'm a fan of the Kaliber N/A
@Akixkisu imo, it's not beer otherwise.
Well, this has been a fascinating dive into the internet. thanks, team
Now, I need to run a bunch of pseudo scientific tests on myself based on soy consumption.
@goodguy5 Ah pseudo-science, helping sell magical weight loss products since the 1900's!
The only reliable weight loss "magic" I've found is to have a baby in daycare.

You're tired and sick all the time (read: eat less) and you go out drinking less.
@goodguy5 I've heard that cocaine can help with weight loss too.
@goodguy5 bad digestion caused/catalyzed by onion worked wonders for me
@goodguy5 I hate IPAs.
@Yuuki RIGHT?!
I don't get the craze. Some of the ones that are more fruity than just aggressively bitter, I can kind of get, but overall tastes bad to me.
I have yet to come across a single IPA that I've enjoyed.
It's just. Too. Hoppy.
I like IPAs, the taste of hops works quite well for me
I like porters though.
There are ones that go a bit overboard in my opinion too
Stouts are also good.
I feel like this is a duplicate discussion :)
When I drank, I was a stout/porter guy. But I stopped before the double/triple IPAs became popular.
I do find it kinda funny that the sweeter/fruitier beers have become massively popular amongst the craft beer aficionados.
I drank quite much at one point, not in like raw amounts but I had some reason to down about a single beer many times a week. So often, not much at a time
Release party at work? Beer. RPGs? Beer. Everyone else has one too. Sauna? Beer. Mopped up floors? Reward thyself with beer. Etc etc
Comrades, beer is for overweight Germans. A true mans drink is pure distilled Vodka
Eventually decided that I'll just lose routines that involve beer.
One ration of the potato water every night keeps one strong and fit
I mean, not the routines themselves but the beer part :P
I'm a teetotaler. I've had exactly two drinks in the last ten years: once, back in college, when I went out with a friend to a bar and had a large glass of hard cider, and once, about two months ago, when I was making a Tiramisu and poured myself a shot of the rum I was using to make the Tiramisu just to sample it.

I'm not sure if it was the fact that the rum was only like $10 or if it's just my unfamiliarity with drinking alcohol, but I... did not like it. =P
You do not believe? Just look at Comrade Rasputin. He drank the Vodka every night, and was become invicible
likely both. it's a little harsh when cheap, and rum is a lot of flavor if you're not used to it.

Put together, cheap rum does not taste great by itself.
@Xirema Well I'm sure the $10 price point didn't help :p
@RevenantBacon I think you are either missing an n or should replace the c with an s
I don't drink a lot but I like going to cocktail bars with recipes I find just to see what they taste like.
@Someone_Evil Ssshhhhhhhhh
@Yuuki big fan of the mocktail.
I also like making stuff at home but it's more about the making than the drinking.
I still have yet to finish the clarified milk punch that I made a couple weeks ago.
I do, however, keep Kirschwasser on tap in my pantry for baking certain kinds of cakes. I suggested it for the players meeting at my apartment next weekend: they weren't fans.
There's a good episode of the "Ologies" (sp?) podcast about mixology
@Xirema they don't like brandy?
(I've actually never drank Kirschwasser directly; my brother has though and he said he actually really liked it. Too expensive to drink regularly though)
@goodguy5 Apparently not!
I keep a bottle of Jeppson's Malört in my supplies for trolling people.
I found a relatively inexpensive scotch I really like. Lemme find it.
My primary drink was Jamison's.
@Yuuki Oh, I remember you talking about that when you made it. Try a glass with a splash of grenadine mixed in

Makes a great Rusty Nail.
@goodguy5 I stepped on a rusty nail once.
I suggest against doing that, when possible.
@goodguy5 I concur. Sound advice, you hit it right on the head.
@Adeptus metamucil can help with that XD
@kviiri my wife just switched to oat milk from almond milk
@Xirema welcome to teetotal tabletop society
@KorvinStarmast Have you seen the reports on what almond milk is doing to bee populations?
@kviiri I think broccoli got a bad rap when President GHW Bush (back in the late 80's) made some off had remark about not liking broccoli .... I think that's where the meme started. I like broc.
broccoli is so easy to make good. blanch it, then stir-fry with some garlic
boom, it's delicious
@Yuuki I throw it on the grill wrapped in foil with butter and various spices.
@JohnP just got my propane grill hooked up to the house tank :)
The problem, I think, is that too many people boiled their broccoli until it became completely soft.
@NautArch Nice! I also like thick slices of cauliflower done like a steak...to go with my steak... :p
And a fair part of the goodness in broccoli is the crunchiness.
@Yuuki yeah, IPAs have been bad for beer.
@JohnP I prefer the portobello to go with the steak.
BUt super excited about easier year-round grilling.
@JohnP no, but I have heard a great uproar about how california is using too much water for almond production
@Xirema rum is an acquired taste, and IMO only slightly better than tequila, neither of which I use unless in a mix
@KorvinStarmast I wouldn't go so far as to say that IPAs have been bad for beer. They're clearly a large part of the craft brewing scene and a lot more people are paying attention to what beers they're drinking now instead of just whatever cheap six-pack of either Budweiser, Miller, or Coors they found on sale at the grocery store.
It's just that I'm personally not a fan of the whole IPA movement.
@KorvinStarmast Good tequila is goooood.
@KorvinStarmast It's not so much the almond trees as it is the pesticides and growing practices, and farmers converting over to almond farming because of how many are needed to produce milk.
@JohnP yeah, the spike in production has had side effects. :p
@NautArch Good tequila is an oxymoron. Even the expensive stuff tastes like (whoops, can't say that here)
But if you mix it into a margerita? Works.
So I took 3 levels of Magus to get Spell Blending to pick up the Hurricane Bow spell (changes bow damage dice from 1d8 to 2d6) and now I'm putting the rest of my levels into Fighter for bonus feats since archery is a pretty feat-intensive combat style.
I suppose we'll see how that goes.
I've tried about six different of the high end tequilas: all fail the taate bud test. I guess some folks have the same experience with Scotch.
@KorvinStarmast I beg to differ on that point, but I understand. I feel much the same way about scotch so far, but I keep trying new ones.
@JohnP I am back to Rye, and Irish, and a now and again Scotch. My brother is nutso about single malts, and only Oban does it for me.
Speaking of tequila, there was a nice sotol I tried a couple months ago.
@KorvinStarmast have you had dalwhinnie (sp?)
back to beer: ale, lager, and pilsner are what I prefer, but I find that among those the craft brews vary greatly in qualith.
@KorvinStarmast I have a hard time with almost all hard alcohols, unless they are mixed. Not sure why. Tequila is about the only one I can sip straight.
@NautArch yes. I had it at a celtic festival in Austin a few years ago. Drinkable, yes, but I'd not buy one at the store.
@KorvinStarmast Your presidents have way too much power ;)
@kviiri ROFL, eh, our media and stand up comics have too much ability to spread an inconsequential remark ...
I too dislike hard liquors, the only one I can stand is Jaloviina and even that's only because it's The student drink (hence, lots of practice opportunities)
@KorvinStarmast Dark beers for me, usually. Porters, stouts, red ales. But I have found that there are ones here and there among all the varieties that are good. I even found a sour that I liked the other day, which really surprised me.
Random question: When you DM, do you create your own story or use something someone else has made?
@James do you mean like preconstructed content?
Yeah, like a published module or whatever
Because I tend to pull ideas from campaign journals or books and adapt them and make them what i want to see
So no, not really
How much prep work do you do before starting a campaign?
I'm going to be DMing for the first time, and I'm really excited
That's my main flaw as a DM lol
I never do prep work
I have a VERY rough framework for the entire campaign, and then I make everything up as I go along
@James both
Multiple times I've had a party encounter a homebrew monster of mine, and I'm coming up with stats and attacks on the fly mid-battle
@James I build the world in broad strokes. I confine detailed work to the locale whre the PCs start. We can fill in the rest of the world as time goes on.
@Yuuki Wait, I'm confused. You took 3 levels of Magus, so that you could take the Arcana that gives you a Level 1 Wizard spell? Why not just 1-level dip Wizard (or better yet, Sorcerer)?
@Yuuki Also, did you mean Gravity Bow? Or is this an "inconsistent translations between language editions" thing?
@RevenantBacon Because weirdly enough, Hurricane Bow isn't on the Wizard spell list for the Kingmaker CRPG.
Somehow, Sorcerers and Wizards have different spell lists in this game even though they're supposed to share one.
@Yuuki OOohhhhhh, I was thinking the actual P&P game
I'm tempted to just re-roll my character again and go through a cheat engine to drop one of my spells to replace with Hurricane/Gravity Bow.
@Yuuki According to the Wiki, it's a Sorcerer-only spell. You may want to respec into a single level of sorcerer then go to straight fighter or whatever after that.
I remember doing that but there was no Hurricane/Gravity Bow on my list.
Or at least I think I remember doing that.
@Yuuki I dunno, it says Lvl 1 Transmutation ¯|_(ツ)_/¯
Does a gunslinger also get all the same features that a fighter does?
@James It's 5e so I don't see why not.
@James it's the critical role gunslinger correct
@James Yes they do.
Cool, thanks
they're a fighter subclass so they get all of the base fighter features plus their subclass features
And since they're a subclass, they also get a swim speed and sonar.
I thought they just got proficiency in sandwich making
They're also proficient in leather armor and whips
just why
@goodguy5 heh, that's for after adventuring, right?
I mean, it'll be an adventure, for sure.
face desks repeatedly
@Gwideon Why do you have to keep facing your desk? Is your chair not staying centered?
not what I'm doing
traditionally it's hyphenated
@Gwideon Well, drawing faces on your desk counts as de-facing it, not recommended.
just wow
face facts, puns are a (great) part of life.
yes they are
but those puns were horrible
@Yuuki depending on how deep you want to get into the class, there could also be lot of pressure on this character.
Also, subclasses get disadvantage on saves against sound-based effects in a foreign language.
@Gwideon no such thing
@Gwideon The more groans a pun induces the better it is, actually.
@JohnP spoken like a true dad
As a dad, I support these comments
@Gwideon Do you need some tearable puns?
please no moore
@Gwideon roger that
clap clap clap
@RevenantBacon The shruggie being slightly off really got me, so here: ¯|_[ツ]_|¯
@Medix2 nice
Possibly a shopping question so I'll ask here: Are there any D&D modules based on Labyrinth?
@MikeQ The game or the movie? (or something else)
@MikeQ The David Bowie movie? Any specific edition or in general?
Yes the movie starring Bowie's tight pants and a squadron of muppets
I'm aware that certain modules are based on (or pay homage to) pop culture references. Haven't seen any obvious Labyrinth references in recent editions, and Labyrinth's large mazes and obscure challenges seem somewhat AD&D in style.
@MikeQ Unfortunately, all I know is a homebrew one-shot my GM ran
@Medix2 Tell me more pls
@MikeQ What is that, an overly friendly and excited ancient demon that existed before the Abyss?
@MikeQ i don't know about Labyrinth, but if you're looking for a module to run, I always like to suggest The Quest for the Heartstone
It's a very Hack'n'Slash style adventure though
Built on old AD&D
But it does have a nice collection of traps that all end up dumping you into the same hydra infested lake at the bottom of the dungeon.
@RevenantBacon ... Dark Souls?
@RevenantBacon Remembered the other reason why I went Magus instead of Wizard/Sorcerer. Magus negates spell failure on light armor and the CRPG doesn't have Still Spell metamagic.
Ah, yes, our old friend arcane spell failure.
no friend of mine
@goodguy5 So...not a bullfrog then?
might be a bullfrog, but certainly wasn't Jeramiah.
@goodguy5 Thank god 5e just has "are you proficient in that armor? you can cast in it".
@goodguy5 Nobody like Jeremiah. He was a total toady.
@Yuuki yea, I really don't miss all of the goofy rules that use percentage chance,
@JohnP We shouldn't speak ill of the dead.
@Yuuki I've always thought that "rule" was dumb, and if I recall correctly, it's taken out of context. *joojling*
@Yuuki Can we speak of Sean, then?
@goodguy5 Well, I was leading up to "I heard he recently croaked".
sure. I hate to derail a conversation with a rant, but If someone's a jerk, them dying shouldn't absolve them of being a jerk.

One shouldn't wait for death as an excuse to throw shade around, but a character boasting a lifetime of wickedness gains no remorse from me.
I just mistyped "kool" as a text response and my phone corrected it to kobold.
@JohnP your phone's name is Tucker, right?
I'm rep capped on that dice question, so save your votes for tomorrow!
@KorvinStarmast well played.
@goodguy5 I voted yesterday ...
@KorvinStarmast I just posted on social media about voting and I had a definite moment where I thought "wait, how do they know what I posted"
Q: Can a humanoid creature, specifically a player character, be born on the Astral Plane?

NathanSI've been looking at the "This is Your Life" tables from Xanathar's Guide to Everything, and in particular there's an entry on the Birthplace table on page 62:     98      On the Astral Plane or the Ethereal Plane However, the DMG says this about the Astral Plane on page 47: Creatures ...

3 hours later…
Q: Is it better to dash or dodge across an open field?

Ryan C. ThompsonSuppose I have to run 300 feet across an open field from one area of full cover to another. The entire time I'm in the open, I will be taking incoming ranged attacks, and I want to minimize the number of attacks that hit me as I cross the field. My speed is 30. I have 2 options: Take the dodge...

@HotRPGQuestions Burn the field.
Morning all
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