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01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@goodguy5 Fried rice
@goodguy5 I don't have a formal rigor, if that's what you're asking.
"The plurality of side dishes sold in this restaurant are fried rice" is acceptable to me
@Xirema I think you need a mortice for that... which makes for good joints.
I mean like.... if 300/1000 things are X and no other thing has more than 20-30, fine.

But if it's 300,250,250,200, then I feel like "generally" is misleading.
Blowguns are one-handed weapons. You can dual-wield one-handed weapons. Could you hold two blowguns to your nostrils and sneeze to fire two blowguns at once?
@goodguy5 That's my general sense as well.
@goodguy5 "The plurality of food sold in this joint includes rice" avoids adding 's' and includes the rigor mortice that @Xirema was asked about.
@Yuuki +1d2-1 poison damage
@Yuuki Reverse netti-pots ?
@goodguy5 Maybe some more poison damage from accompanying snot.
that's the added damage I was referring to.

regular damage, plus 1d2-1 poison damage
btw, baby owners.

So much
@Yuuki Is "indignity" and a damage type?
goodbaby5 is almost a year and he's sooooooooooo snotty
working on tooth 8
@goodguy5 Have you used the swedish nose sucker yet?
@JohnP yea. one day, I felt like I was having rib/lung cramps we'd done it so much. He hates it
Watching them figure out how to blow their nose is pretty cute, tho
@goodguy5 I put a sweater sized for a 0-3 months on a cat recently. Not much snot, but an amazing amount of claws.
@NautArch please, how soon is that?
@goodguy5 Yeah, our younger boy took both of us holding him to use it. That's probably the seeds of insanity planted... :p
@goodguy5 4-5? ish?
@goodguy5 I'm trying to remember, but can't. Its definitely soonish, tho.
@JohnP Bring them to this channel. We'll water those.
Figuring out how to blow out the nose is tough.
@JohnP I found a pretty reliable strategy, for now, anyway
We are fighting potty training regression currently. Yay what fun.
oh no
Ohno, we thankfully never dealt with that
I'm so very much hoping that goodbaby5 is one of those kids that's all "I'm tired of pooping in my pants"

They say cloth diapers help (which we use)
You're a better man than I
I've always thought so ;)
My son potty trained himself in about a day when a friend was staying with us and their kid was doing it.
@NautArch Eh, he just gets so focused on what he's doing that he ignores it.
Daughter took longer
@JohnP peer pressure, man
Son #1 took about a week. Esp when we did some fun stuff, and then he found out he couldn't keep doing it until he was trained.
I'm friends with someone that her and her parents claim she wanted to wear cute underwear at like 18 months and declared she was done with diapers so that she could wear the cuter underwear (in simpler words)
My daughter was like that
Whatever works
I'm going to buy myself a bunch of cute underwear and parade around the house.
Son #1 is scary smart, not sure about son #2 yet. He might be more scheme-y. First one is about 5 1/3, and reading at probably a 2nd grade level.
That's the book that I got him over the weekend. He's already read it twice cover to cover and spouts the fish facts to anyone that sits still for more than 5 seconds.
"Thank you for subscribing to fish facts"
we (the adults in our house) love Octonauts. so informational.

But I also like DinoTrux, because it doesn't try to teach me anything.
@goodguy5 Wild Kratts is awesome when he gets a little older. Avoid Power Rangers, that sucks IQ right out the back of your head.
then you should watch with the front of your head
@JohnP Was not expecting to see Wild Kratts when I joined the chat
@NeutralTax Both my kids are insane for it. They'd sit there all day if we let them.
I used to like it as kid
@JohnP Use Power Rangers sparingly.
@goodguy5 creature report!
@Yuuki zomg, and there are 18 zillion versions. Dino rangers, dino power rangers, extreme dino rangers...
@JohnP Zoboomafoo is one of their earlier creations which is also good.
@NautArch bree!
@NautArch the christmas vegimal episode is really endearing
@Yuuki Oh yeah, that was them! I remember that show.
@JohnP Super Sentai (the original Japanese from which Power Rangers is adapted) is actually pretty good once your kids get older and if they're willing to read subtitles.
So do you guys use grids/maps or no maps?
But still kinda more guilty pleasure with little to no educational value.
But hey, maybe enforce reading skills through subtitles?
@Powerdork If we just look at the PHB spells, it's 149 duration concentration and 126 duration no concentration.
@NeutralTax I'm a no-map guy, generally.
If you can get some episodes of Between The Lions, that's also some great educational TV.
@NeutralTax Yes. All of the above.
@Yuuki Love that show
@NeutralTax I use GPS tags plotted on google earth to keep track of the imps.
@goodguy5 I don't use a map when I run, but I have them place a dice where there characters are.
@NeutralTax Mostly maps/grids
On occasion I'll do totm, but most of the time it's a grid.
oh, we weren't talking about kids. Maps on a erasable player mat, but only really for battles or extensive exploration underground.
@JohnP There was this series of picture books I used to love when I was a kid.
What was that picture? wouldn't load for me
Well, I suppose it was less "picture book" and more "visual guide".
@Powerdork For the PHB set of spells, 45 of the 149 concentration spells target self. For the non-concentration spells with a duration, 24 of 126 target self.
@NeutralTax "Feeling Guilty about your kid watching too much television? Just mute it and turn on captions. Boom. Now they're reading. <chapel meme> Modern problems require modern solutions</chapel meme>
Oh thats an idea
Oh, I finally found it.
Eyewitness Books (or Eyewitness Guides) is a series of nonfiction books intended for children and young adults. They were first published in England by Dorling Kindersley in 1988. The series now has over one hundred titles on a variety of subjects, such as dinosaurs, Ancient Egypt, flags, chemistry, music, the solar system, film, and William Shakespeare. According to Dorling Kindersley, over 50 million copies have been sold in 36 languages. The books are often noted for their numerous photographs and detailed illustrations, which are always set against a white background. Describing the series...
plus you can get them into anime
I had one on ecology and it was really great. Very visual but also didn't skimp on text descriptions.
I know those books
Has anyone seen George Shrinks?
@Yuuki Oh, I've read some of those.
@NeutralTax No, he got too small to notice.
So speaking of kids, anything you saw as a kid that you were definitely too young for?
@NeutralTax Terminator
Don't expose children to time travel sci-fi too early. It's rarely good story telling.
@NeutralTax Conan the Barbarian.
@NeutralTax The news.
(Interestingly, another Arnold movie)
@NeutralTax Jaws and The Blob.
I know thats supposed to be two separate movies, but I like the idea of a cross over between the two
@GcL I grew up watching Dr. Who with my dad...
But nay, not really I think. There was a few things my parents thought I was too young for, eg. South Park, and some of the series I watched in my teens were quite close to being thinly disguised smut.
@kviiri ah, you also watched Miss America
@NautArch Peter Davison? I liked him better in All Creatures Great and Small
I've read that
@goodguy5 I was thinking more like Rescue Me or Rome or such.
@NeutralTax Twister.
@kviiri I've always found the term "smut" funny. It just sounds funny. Smut.
Heck, I giggle just typing it.
Okay well, Rome had quite good production values in addition to the taboos too. Rescue Me, on the other hand, was so obviously a "soap opera except for blokes" that even my teenage self noticed.
@GcL Tom Baker is the one I remember most
@GcL It is quite funny, yes
I mean, looking back it seems kinda innocuous. But watching Twister in theatres when I was like 7 or something gave me a fear of suddenly being sucked through the rear windshield for years.
@GcL smutsig is Swedish for "dirty". Might be a cognate. It's also a funny word.
Oh and I had a weird aversion to ball bearings for awhile.
Learn to pronounce

late Middle English (in the sense ‘defile, corrupt, make obscene’): related to German schmutzen ; compare with smudge1. The noun dates from the mid 17th century.
And wild strawberry is "smultron". The times when -tron didn't mean something highly cyber or an angel.
dirty angel, I'm not not into it
@goodguy5 How about a battle angel?
lo, liten up
No but really, the only media work that really has scared me to my recollection was a creepy PSA about thin ice that they used to air sporadically and without prior announcement after the main children's entertainment show
@goodguy5 I disagree that it does, but that's covered by the two non-top answers ("creating dim light" doesn't mean it dims existing light).
Thin ice, black ice and alcohol are the holy trinity of creepy PSAs around here and only the first is directly relevant to kids
@kviiri makes "and i'll form the head" a lot creepier
@Yuuki I used to run from the bathroom afraid jaws would bite me on the butt when I flushed. And for years I was afraid to stick my arms over the edge of the bed because, you know, blob.
@JohnP But that's a legitimate fear. Limbs over the edge of the bed are fair game for all variety of nightmare fuel. This is a well known international convention. Also, under the covers is safe.
I still spook myself when I go up the stairs at night
Also, runner's sprint is an accepted starting position for turning off the light.
@Yuuki lol
I don't care about the lights just going up stairs
@goodguy5 I read "mist" as "mint" at first, which was far more entertaining.
I did have a few weird tastes for my age though, such as NetHack
I played it quite a lot in my early teens --- mind ye, this was a time when people were leaving Runescape for World of Warcraft :P
@goodguy5 Now you're just making me hungry.
@JohnP the Kratt brothers are great. I remember watching their older shows once upon a time. Watched a few episodes of Wild Kratts more recently too - their end-of-episode real-life segments are always great. :)
Q: Is re-skinning equipment a balanced approach for concept diversity?

T. SarSometimes, it is quite difficult to make that one concept you want for your character. My group quite often ends up in the situation that the concept one of them have in mind for their character doesn't quite fit the rules, and you can't really make that character work with what Pathfinder offer...

@V2Blast Yeah, I find myself getting sucked in when I'm supposed to by studying.
@NeutralTax Personally I basically always play (as a player) with maps, because I am terrible at keeping that stuff straight in my head. It's easier than constantly asking the DM where everyone is relative to me. ...That's specifically for combat, though. I can visualize other situations without a grid.
We just place dice on the table. We don't normally use maps tho
@Yuuki I had (have?) a few of those! I think there was also a Dorling Kindersley educational game based on one of those at some point :)
Hmm... how good is Netflix's Carmen Sandiego for edutainment?
@V2Blast It took me awhile to remember the name of the series because the only thing I could remember clearly was the DK logo.
@goodguy5 Heh, was looking that one up myself before scrolling down: etymonline.com/word/smut#etymonline_v_23749
@Yuuki Haha, I definitely wouldn't have remembered if you hadn't said it
@Yuuki I've heard it's meh, but also I haven't watched it (yet)
...apparently it has good reviews
dunno where I got "meh" from :P
Might just be because some people were iffy on the concept before it aired
I've watched a few episodes and I like it, I was more thinking about its value as an edutainment series.
@V2Blast People were weirdly against the idea of Carmen being a "good guy" (more Robin Hood than actual good guy).
@V2Blast I love that you bother to catch up through what you missed and reply to things
@V2Blast What's your avatar from?
Ignoring the fact that the premise of the games was that Carmen pulled a double-cross and therefore had to start off working for the good guys in the first place.
alright. quittin time. have a good night (or whatever) folks
Why, when I link to an answer, does my user number get tacked onto the end of the url?
@Medix2 Analytics, probably.
So people/algorithms can see "oh this is where this person found this thing".
But how am I where they found it? I copied the link and it just decides to add the information that I actually am the one who copied it. Hmmm, I'll try googling around again
@Medix2 There are badges for "sharing a link later visited by X unique IP addresses"
Ah found it
Q: Why do "share" links include user IDs?

Nonny MooseI've noticed that the "share" links on answers and comments note that they not only include the answer ID, but the user's ID as well: Why does Stack Exchange do this? Obviously, it is tracking it, but for what purpose? Does this affect the user?

@Someone_Evil Announcer > Promoter Booster > Publicist IIRC
Promoter is the bounty badge.
Hmm.. looking at the Recent Badges column I found a prime example for Duplicates are useful: This question just earned Famous Question (10k views)
@Medix2 [visits] [clicks several times trying to dismiss the share popup i didn't open]
@doppelgreener Same!
@doppelgreener I had the same experience, and judging by the comment on that Q we aren't the first ones
I guess I'm immune to the effect since my text highlights red+yellow
Q: In D&D 5e, if you succeed on all of your death saving throws, what happens?

SpikyfishI have been DMing for my group for maybe a month or two, and we ruled that upon stabilizing your character with death saving rolls, you recover one HP and are unconscious. Is this right? Should you just be able to get up right after falling to 0 HP? Do you suffer any other conditions, such as b...

Q: How can I make use of the material that doesn't fall under the OGL?

DarthSettSo I am doing a side project to build a platform where different groups of people can play D&D 5e online. While looking for resources online, I stumbled across the OGL. Now the OGL has a lot of data but doesn't have the complete data (for eg, class archetypes are not present). Now I want to know ...

@Yuuki Ah, that may have been it
@goodguy5 :D
@NeutralTax Heiwajima Shizuo from the anime/light novel Durarara!!
Well, I did it. I ran my level zero D&D scenario at the con this weekend. Response was fairly positive. Out of five players, three had not played D&D 5e before, and none had played a zero-level funnel before, but it seemed like they all figured it out by the end of the first combat.
Level 0 5e-dnd... truly intriguing
looks much nicer than the excuse for a notification center that windows has right now
Q: What happens when an unconscious but stabilised character is hit?

NathanSAt the end of this answer to a different question ("If you succeed on all of your death saving throws, what happens?"), the answer states that: If an unconscious character is attacked, the attacker will have advantage on the attack (if melee) from the Prone condition; if it hits, it will be a...

RIP my Monday night Lancer campaign :(
@NeutralTax ...what is that?
That is a screenshot from the Windows 10x emulator
for dual screened devices.
hopefully, stuff like that will get backported to standard windows 10 (or at least modded in)
oh wait thats not a good link
I don't even know what "Windows 10x emulator" means XD
@Medix2 Sorry about that, windows 10x going to be used on microsofts dual screen devices, as well as some others companies. It
its not yet out on any hardware so they released an emulator so devs could start optimizing software for it.
OHHHH I guess they gave up incrementing the numbers and started adding letters. No need to apologise, I was mostly just laughing that the clarification left me more confused
Its not intended to be a sucessor to win10
think ipados
here's a better quality screenshot
welp looks like i can't actually upload it
There was a pretty interesting article about why the Romans didn't develop RPGs.
Think about it. Any technology RPGs require was available for at least thousands of years.
Papers, some form of pen, some dice.
Even less if you're playing freeform.
I mean, I feel like that's a pretty easy answer?
Is it? You're certainly welcome to try.
A lot of romans had millitary service to worry about, and the ones that weren't were rich enough to go watch gladiator matches, or were gladiators themselves already
@JinLong they did! It was called Gods and Heroes. A group of them became famous and countless Romans followed their adventures and made buildings in their honor
How do we know they didn't develop RPGs exactly?
...how many Romans you think were gladiators exactly? :)
@JinLong not very many
@JinLong At least one and up to all of them.
Great answers.
You ignored the rich people and the soldiers
Tons of Romans had quite enough leisure, and folks nowadays also can do other things.
(i know there were other jobs they had don't @ me XD)
Gladiator games didn't take all day every day.
So just like today some people choose to play RPGs rather than video games or chess or watch porn or whatever, it could have been the same back then.
Anyway it is an interesting idea
01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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