I've been wanting to play a Great Old One Warlock, but my table is about to start Descent Into Avernus. My thoughts to tie it in is that the GOO has taken notice of what's going on in the Nine Hells and... etc.
But there is a question that poses an "in world / in-universe" conundrum: would they?...
The game that I was looking to recruit for on this terrible Discord server the other night is something I don't wish to run anymore, but in case anyone feels like it, here are the notes I prepared
I have accidentally misspelled pronunciation and created a meaningless [pronounciation] tag. I do not know how to (and probably do not have the privileges to) delete it.
Apologies to the moderators for increasing their load. :-(
I'm playing a fighter with the Two-Weapon Fighting fighting style. Several times in the game tonight, I killed my target with my first attack, and so I wanted to use my bonus attack to go at one of the other monsters in the room. Once, I hadn't moved yet and so I used my movement to close with th...
If I took an acid vial and threw it at a monster that had a very small amount of health, killing it, would I still get the experience even though it was the acid vial that killed it?
I came across a small animal, and then a lot of small animals, and I started throwing acid potions at them. And t...
There are several spells which ward against teleportation, planar travel, or divination spells. But as far as I've been able to find, there isn't anything that would stop the Sending spell from penetrating an area. Is there any magic, item, or other method that can achieve this?
Use case: A Wiza...
Finally had a session of Adventures in Middle-earth after several weeks without hearing from the DM (life had kept them busy, apparently). It was a lot of fun.
Going pretty well so far. Even before the break, a player was absent without notice for several weeks and didn't respond to messages so they were removed from the game. One existing player then invited someone they knew to join, but they also haven't really responded to messages much. But apparently the DM has now found a new player that will be joining us soon. :)
An apparent overview of what the character models are actually doing during "WooHoo": kotaku.com/… (SFW, but perhaps you will never view WooHoo the same way)