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@MageintheBarrel It can be tough when your income doesn't match up with cost of living. I would have never moved out without the extra income from my gf.
I eat just enough to keep my body fully fuctional and still don't make enough becuase of my insane medical expenses (nothing to due with my eating habits)
@NautArch not counting my would-eventually-be-wife, I've never done the roommate thing, and I kind of wish I had. not a lot, but kinda.
You can try to find roommates online, but that is a risky endeavor (I speak off of my brother's experience)
@MageintheBarrel And here we see the American Healthcare system at its finest. /s
@goodguy5 Huh. America has a health system? /s
@MageintheBarrel Many many people need roommates. They don't need to be your friends and lots of times they aren't (or aren't before you move in.) You may not live in the nicest place, but i've known lots of folks who've put up with strangers are roommates in not-great apartments just so they could be on their own.
@DavidCoffron I mean, "don't get sick" is technically a system.
@DavidCoffron I know lots of folks who have done that. Sometimes it's worked out, sometimes it hasn't. But honestly, the same can be said with friends :)
I eat 1 meal a day and survive on salty snacks otherwise Usually a small box or twos worth
"swords worth"?
still waking up lol
Yeah don't know that phrase. Swords were historically pretty pricey. A swords worth of food is probably pretty elite xD
And you should try to eat better. Salt can be a problem, especially among African Americans (heart disease).
I try to use my energy effectively so I don't tire myself out
Not saying that's anything to do with your current situation, just as an addendum
@goodguy5 heck, eating a small box or two of salty snacks isn't great for anyone! THe problem is that eating healthy is usually more expensive than eating unhealthy. 'merica!
It's so annoying.
@goodguy5 But they're also cheaper. I have some issue with that statistic as it might fall to a lurking variable. It could be: African Americans have lower income on average and as such, resort to cheaper, but not as healthy foods, which increases risk of heart disease.
I eat about 2-6 usd worth of food a day
Though, I've found a fairly inexpensive lunch of baby carrots, hummus, and either radishes or those little sweet peppers.

I think it's 10 bucks for 3-5 meals (depending on how much I ration the hummus)
That's possible, but I think that there's enough science for even comparable income African American communities.

We know that a lot of cholesterol and Heart Health is genetic.
But you raise an excellent point about the national socio economic impacts of systemic racial poverty
I have to pay around 100 bucks a month on medication and buy 40 bucks of groceries a weak spend 80 dollars per month on copay to my therapist so 320 a month on medical expenses and food
@MageintheBarrel Honestly, from my level of privilege, I can't even begin to fathom that level of poverty. It sucks that Americans have to live with that situation, and I hope we can get above that as a society as soon as possible (such as living wage laws).
@DavidCoffron Universal Basic Income, please.
the towns taxes are middle ages level of bull****
they charge us 1k per month
on just property tax
we have to take money from savings because we make less than they charge
And I figured out how to "sell" it to the right.
"Tax Credits"

Give everyone 50k (or whatever) in "Tax Credits"
@MageintheBarrel holy smokes. Where do you live?! I think my property taxes are under $600?
we all know we poor folks don't matter to the Bourgeoisie
And I live on .3 acres near the city.
in the suburbs
Okay, this conversation isn't going to happen here. We've already got four letter words and accusations spilling around the edges, it's not going to get better. Take it to meta, or at least a side chat.
:50808335 A family friend always says (southern drawl) "There's only three kinds of lies in the world.
Da....ng Lies
And Statistics"
nearly 28 minutes from f***** boston
@MageintheBarrel classic bean town
@goodguy5 The Athens of America
The City of Notions
Boston has many nicknames, inspired by various historical contexts. They include: The City a term used by residents of Greater Boston to refer to the downtown core of Boston. The City on a Hill came from governor John Winthrop's goal, of the original Massachusetts Bay Colony, to create the biblical "City on a Hill." It also refers to the original three hills of Boston. The Hub is a shortened form of a phrase recorded by writer Oliver Wendell Holmes, The Hub of the Solar System. This has since developed into The Hub of the Universe. The Athens of America is a title given by William Tudor, co-founder...
Hmm... I'm probably overreaching here but should I talk a friend who's DMing their first campaign about level of details? They've been quasi-griping about the amount of work they have to do, chief example being generating loot for each monster.
@Yuuki how is that overreaching?
@Yuuki I think helping them out would be...helpful.
And one of the players isn't particularly helpful, mentioning that they'd have to take into account which loot would be revealed by Investigation checks.
yikes lmao
@goodguy5 Mainly because I'm not the DM and am only peripherally involved in this campaign.
@SirCinnamon phew buddy. I misread "Titletown" and boy was I confused.
@Yuuki How good of friends are you with this person? Do they value your input? etc?
I would, personally, tell anyone that I talked to, but I also don't feel shame.
A: How can I determine how much of the loot the PCs find?

goodguy5Loot/treasure should be the reward of another task, not a task itself. You've already decided what the maximum amount of treasure you're comfortable with them getting. What is the point of "Well, I allocated 1000gp, but you only rolled 14 instead of 15, so you get 300gp instead"? The players d...

@goodguy5 We're good friends. The issue in this case is that this is a group that meets in-person and I am in another state. The plan has been that I'm part of a brain trust thing and also I'll guest star as the EGOTD when I come over to visit.
just to toot my own horn a bit
yea. def tell him then.

Also, I've never seen "Evil Guy of the Day" before, nor its acronym.
I almost never use the individual treasure rules and often only roll treasure HOARDS - is that weird?
@SirCinnamon I usually just pick stuff. The random treasure never really sat right with me.
@SirCinnamon It is weird that your treasure invades unsuspecting villages.
@Yuuki I haven't had my caffeine yet
well I've gotten way off topic so I'll leave it at 1 last lmessage
My town leadership is totally stupd first the old highschool becomes "no longer up to modern building standard" so they take a huge loan out to make a new one. Then while they are still paying it back and bleeding us dry with taxes, they decide to build a shopping center. Cause why not.
anyways why I came here
shopping center = more money
@NautArch I sort of half do this - roll for the monetary amount and then get what magic item table the item would come from and pick what is a good fit
ding ding ding
I almost died in the first campaine
oh yea! Tell us more, Mr 8hp
during sesion 1/2
@goodguy5 != more money for citizens U = more businesses that make money
so what happens is the dm has us do a puzzle
@MageintheBarrel that's par for the course. And 8HP at level 1 ain't bad. Level 1 is just ridiculously easy to die at.
@DavidCoffron means more tax revenue for the city
@DavidCoffron which then pay taxes. obviously, the money makes its way back into town. One could say that it "trickles down".
were in this weird mind control barrier and we have to break the spell
@MageintheBarrel Did you all start at level 1? That's fairly common at level 1 as the party members have very low HP.
@goodguy5 Unless the town doesn't invest back into the people. (which can be fairly common)
the spell seems to be centered around a brick so our fighter tries breaking and and it bounes back
so I'm like I know maybe magic works
uses firebolt
@DavidCoffron if it wasn't clear from my use of the phrase "trickle down", I'm being facetious and you and I are on the same page here.
Are shopping centers usually built by the local government?
the spell gets deflected
@MageintheBarrel as one does.
@goodguy5 /me facepalms in oops
@Someone_Evil Usually heavily subsidised i believe
@Someone_Evil I know my town funded the one I currently work in (not sure how common though)
if it it had hit me I would have been 1hkod by my own spell
@MageintheBarrel Yeah. Level 1 characters are very squishy
@MageintheBarrel but not killed!
Especially mage-types
if it had done two more damage I would've died
@MageintheBarrel Also please remember that dropping to 0 hp is not death, you then also have to fail some saving throws to die
two more damage and deflection would have killed me
A crit, however, would have been VERY dangerous
@Someone_Evil It's complicated. They're almost always built by a private developer, but often get tax breaks / infrastructure improvements / other support at the cost of the local government.
@MageintheBarrel you know that you don't die at 0 hp, right?
which is why I said it almost killed me
yeah i know
okay, good.
So, what is your concern here? Do you feel that the GM made the puzzle too dangerous?
you've been using "kill" and "ko" interchangeably. I was confused.
if it deflected and did two more damage it woudl've killed me
becuase 2x you hp is instant death right?
from full hp?
2x max hp
Ah so you mean if you rolll a 10 on the d10, you get instantly killed because you have 5 hp?
how did you deal 14 damage with 1d10
i did 10
i have 6 hp
something like "If the overflow from an attack equals or exceeds your Maximum HP, you die"
Oh I thought you said you had 8hp
yeah I calculated wrong ealier
ah. living that "zero con bonus" life
@MageintheBarrel To be fair, firebolt typically has a 10 damage maximum until level 5 or higher
Ah okay - checks out then!
oh thank god
Just a quick note. Took a walk around Vancouver BC yesterday. The public library is awesome. Weather beautiful two days in a row, very glad we visited.
I though it dealth more
@MageintheBarrel 1d10 fire damage. period
@MageintheBarrel yeah, it is just 1d10 (you don't add a modifier to spell damage unless you have a feature that does so)
Q: Does your spell modifier add to your spell damage?

BenSo I know how to calculate spell DC (8 + proficiency + modifier) and spell attack rolls (1d20 + proficiency + modifier), but I am not clear on spell damage. Namely, do you add your spell modifier (e.g. int for wizards) to spell damage? For example, burning hands does 3d6 fire damage or half a...

@MageintheBarrel to be honest, seeing one attack bounce back would immediately have been an indicator to not attack it again :)
'luckily my dm was nice enough to have it deflect instead of reflect
"nice enough"
I can't really complain cause that was stupid of me
so no i'm not upset
I'm curious what guidance the Dungeon Master's Guide provides to traps vs level 1 characters. rummages
i just felt like sharing the most memorable part
Looks like 1d10 is actually exactly right. xD
we were trying to get past checkpoints and we have a noble in our party so I sneak up behind him and claim I was with it saying i'm his "servant" to try to apeal to his ego
(although, as usual level 1 is much higher risk than level 2-4 proportionally)
didn't work
2d10 is more than dangerous to a 1st level character
@MageintheBarrel Did you roll deception against an insight?
nope he didn't play along
@Someone_Evil not to a level 1 tough barbarian with 16 con
@Someone_Evil It's 11 damage on average, they categorize it as:
> a dangerous trap is likely to seriously injure (and potentially kill) characters of the indicated levels.
So I think it is about right
so what I do next is go to the merchant line
remember my pet is an owlbear
albiet a cub
@MageintheBarrel Pet? Are you a Beastmaster Ranger?
so i'm like "hey I'm a merchant who sells exotic pets and wanted to sell this owlbear to the highest bidding noble"
I think they found it
i'm a custom class based on the summoner from pathfinder
needless to say to guy was a bit nervous
he's like "where's you papers"
@DavidCoffron It's this DMsguild homebrew eidolist
I'm sorry I got robbed on the way here (which was true) and my papers were stolen
@MageintheBarrel so you also homebrewed the avatar?
yeah it was a watered down owlbear using blackbear stats
@MageintheBarrel was this all via roleplay, or were you rolling ability checks/contested checks?
I was rolling deception checks
@MageintheBarrel Oh right. Got my users mixed up
the thing is I do have a bag with me
@MageintheBarrel against a DC or against an insight or something?
the stuff I stole off the bandits that attacked me
so I'm tottally bullshiting the guy at this point
and i'm like oh this stuff another group of bandits robbed me so I took their stuff
tried to*
so the dm rolled deception against insight
I got a lucky roll
so I got through
(that guard is so fired)
(This GM probably would've given you disadvantage because that story is a little silly)
(but that's because I usually involve my players role play in the roll play)
not sure what it looks like to give a disadvantage on roll20
(Or more accurately, I would've used a hard DC instead of a contested check, but if I was going to use a contested check I would've given disadvantage)
@MageintheBarrel There are a couple options
it was 17 | 12
Yeah, so if you had disadvantage you would have gotten the 12
i'm level 1 btw
You can make it always roll 2d20, or you can enable a toggle-able advantage/normal/disadvantage thing
Hrm. I don't think he is interpreting that correctly:
my character has 15 int and 17 wis
> A wizard may know any number of spells
she's from a forest so her people skills aren't to hot
That doesn't mean that a 1st level wizard can have two spells from every school in their spellbook, does it? Or am I interpreting that wrong?
@MageintheBarrel what's your charisma?
Deception is based on charisma.
hence why charisma is my lowest stat at 10
I rolled really good
Ah, so then your d20 has no modifiers.
@JohnP If they had a lot of gold and time they could
17 16 15 15 15 10
@JohnP Context?
And i'm assuming you didn't pick Deception as a proficiency?
was my roll
(and access to a larger spellbook)
Yeah, so then it's just the straight d20 for your deception rolls.
yeah i got a 17
plus I rolled my avatars hp stat and got 26
@SirCinnamon (there are 100 vellum pages in the standard spellbook IIRC, I think you have plenty of space)
@Someone_Evil This question about retraining
@DavidCoffron as in a larger volume of spells to copy from
28 was the highest possible roll
Ah pathfinder - ignore me then!
@JohnP Ah... so Pathfinder, well, can't really help you
I keep thinking the answer is no, but I'm not convinced.
Ok. I'm out of my depths. Not a pathfinder player
the things with me and rng is I either get abyssmal or amazing rolls
This is why we need to know what system people are playing/referring to
@MageintheBarrel You rolled 3d8 and got 20? Are you rerolling every time you create it?
we did 4d6 drop the lowest rerolls 1s
oh i thought you meant ability scores
@MageintheBarrel Whoops. I misinterpreted
@MageintheBarrel no, the black bear's HP. It's HP is 3d8+6. Which means you had to roll 20 to get it 26 HP.
also the 3d8 was my first shot
@MageintheBarrel So you're rerolling HP whenever you have to recreate it?
and yes i got 26 on my first shot
I havent had to recreate it yet
since it hasn't died
@MageintheBarrel Which, if you are curious, is a 6.8% chance to get 20 or higher on 3d8
@MageintheBarrel you should probably work out these mechanics with your DM :)
But allowing that roll forever while you are still summoning the blackbear/owlbear cub is questionnable. It's easier to allow it because you rolled high, but imagine if you didn't. I'd recommend either taking the average or agreeing to reroll each time it returns.
@MageintheBarrel And if you are curious for how your ability scores stack up, I use this system to judge rolled ability scores for my groups, and while the average I surmise is 19 points, your rolls land between 35 (if you rolled all 15s and then racial abilities bumped them up) and 40 (if you bumped a 8 and 14 up)

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