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Ah, right. No pressure. If not ToA, it may be a prime opportunity for someone (probably trogdor) to run a GSS one-shot, or maybe I run one of my own horrendous one-shot ideas.
@MikeQ I'm up for it but if you want to run something you can too
I would definitely love to run a GSS game
@SirCinnamon And they don't have the luxury of operating on Jeremy Bearimy time, because syncing to the real timeline is part of the point.
I'm working on the layout design for an English composition training manual. My design references are Basic Reading Inventory, The Dissertation Journey, Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, ... Fate Core, Bubblegumshoe, and Atomic Robo.
@MikeQ Either is great. GSS I can get ready for now that i've reviewed the pdf again.
@nitsua60 I was gonna ask "DM's left" or "players's left" but I see that you gave it a viking burial.
@BESW why are RPG's in the list for that?
Because good RPG manuals are a masterclass in how to design a book as a tool.
Ah ok
That makes a lot of sense
An RPG manual needs to be an instruction manual AND a reference guide AND a resource tool.
Yeah that's true
A really good one helps a heck of a lot and a really bad one is extremely confusing and prohibitive
@KorvinStarmast Yeah--and wound up coming up with a better distribution anyway. It's still bugging me that I can't think of a way to fold 1/N into an Nd6 roll =\
@nitsua60 The only way to do that is if you do the %dice thing where you discard&reroll results outside the range.
Like, if you wanted to simulate an exact 1/37 chance of something happening, you could roll %d, and reroll any time you roll a 38 or higher.
It's the same system for d6's: roll 1d216 (Ordered 3d6) and discard results above 38.
No, that's not what I'm getting at. I'm not saying I want to get OP's exact thing. It's bugging me that I can't think of the simple roll-mechanic that would produce (1/6)*(1/N) as its outcome.
Well, it's the same kind of roll. You can approximate something, but you can't get exact fractions/ratios without being willing to discard outcomes.
@trogdor Amen, amen, amen
I've experienced both for sure
It's a product of trying all the different systems our group has
I recommend the experience, but it comes with the fact that sometimes a system writer will assume you know what's what rather than explaining
Even for small stuff that can be a problem
Even GSS, on the whole it was actually well translated and written, but the part about spending dreams was a little ambiguous
@MarkWells you were right. I screwed up my math. Answer deleted
@DavidCoffron I like yours on that one. I'd like to remember to bounty it when the question ages enough--can you help remind me?
@KorvinStarmast resurrected
@nitsua60 Mine is wrong
The chances actually increase
N = 2 becomes 25%, N = 3 becomes 29% (I forgot to account for the second die being the only 1 (or the 1 that makes it exceed 6)
Makes one wonder if I really should be administering a probability exam tomorrow.
(N = 4 becomes 32.8%)
@DavidCoffron Unfortunate, I was hoping I'd made a mistake. It's a really elegant idea.
I had an idea that worked on the basis of the first die being the special fumble die, but it was just too weird and clunky.
Interestingly n=5 goes down to 32%
But from there the discrete calculations get too messy. I might work up a model for my idea later, but I'm too tired rn
(too messy to do in excel that is, I could run up some python some other time as well)
Easy to do in MATLAB. (Which is how I just verified that my second submission is, yes, incorrect.)
@MarkWells how does your idea compare to my third swing at it?
@nitsua60 Take a look.
@nitsua60 As long as you know more than they do, yes. :)
@MarkWells TIL I can upvote a deleted post =)
(Now that you laid out the bullets it makes sense.)
It's kind of a brute force solution but it does what they want.
Yours is clever, though.
3 hours later…
anyone online willing to talk 3.5e crafting?
I don't know much about 3.5e but I can offer generic game design pointers if you have an idea what you want to achieve with such a system
@ConnorClarke Probably not well enough to be useful.
4 hours later…
3 hours later…
Looks like I should leave my non-dnd questions open for more than one day.
Just accepted an answer as a new one came in. doh!
1 hour later…
@NautArch I asked Crawford on twitter in case he decides it's worth putting in SageAdvice
@DavidCoffron noice
@DavidCoffron that question is really tough and your answers are both really convincing lol
as a side note we can no longer ping Naut from chat because it has been too long since he popped in here.
yeah :(
@DavidCoffron I just glanced at your twitter posts, the vast majority are just rules questions at JC.
@GreySage wait does Twitter have some other purpose?
@GreySage I don't really use it for much else.
A while ago I did some MtG puzzles and a long time ago I made some jokes but that's it
@Rubiksmoose Just that and public figures making idiot PR blunders.
@Rubiksmoose memes
The @DnDBeyond team is growing, and I'm giving so much thought to what's to come these days. One small thing we're improving is our main nav - the top of the image is the "before" and the bottom is the "after" that will go live soon. (thread)
further explanation in replies
tl;dr the previous menu had too many submenus requiring fiddly tiny mouse movements, and the new menu addresses that while also making room for new upcoming features
Yeah, the little hover over top menu -> hover over entry until submenu pops out to the side -> select process was a pain. Still have that muscle memory trained though. Seems overall better, maybe a teensy bit slower just for sources that aren't in the first 5, but I think that's an acceptable trade off.
Yeah that is a good improvement.
If anyone ever doubted that Randall Munroe's a gamer, just check the alt-text:
@V2Blast OMG yes it did. I can't tell you how many times I got three menus deep and lost the whole stack just before hitting my destination.
@nitsua60 lol
@nitsua60 me too!
Q: Why is Agricola named as such?

Zombie_GamerAgricola is a farming game that shares a name with a (mildly) famous Roman general. They have the same pronunciation, i.e. the game is not pronounced as agri-cola. Given that Agricola the general isn't super famous, especially not as a farmer, then why does the game share his name?

Hearing about Agricola the first time, I thought it was a word game in the vein of Scrabble or something, because my first association was Mikael Agricola
@Miniman the base 3.5e crafting system is not viable in my campaign, which has very little true down time. (takes several weeks to craft a simple no enhanced set of full plate). I'm trying to build a system similar to the variant craft points system. but with less restrictions on the amount of things they can make. ( i want to encourage experimentation and finding new combos of things.)
@kviiri I like that game.
@V2Blast Hopefully the site can be navigated with tab effectively. It always bothers me when I can't do that.
@ColinGross They've mentioned in the replies they're working with an accessibility team.
That's good news.
1 hour later…
@kviiri Agricola is a pretty fun game - and without looking at that Q i can tell you that the word means farmer in latin
that latin class I almost failed really paid off
cf agriculture.
@SirCinnamon Yep, I'm aware :)
The agr- stem for farmed land is very old and has reflections in most Indo-European languages. Latin ager, English acre, German Acker, they're all related
@nitsua60 its cool that the alt text is preserved in this chat window
A kangaroo word is a word that contains letters of another word, in order, with the same meaning. For example: the word masculine contains the word male, which is a synonym of the first word; similarly, the word observe contains its synonym see. == Etymology == The etymology of the phrase kangaroo word is from the fact that kangaroos carry their young (known as joeys) in a body pouch. Likewise, kangaroo words carry their joey words within themselves. Twin kangaroos are kangaroo words containing two joey words (for example: container features both tin and can). In contrast, an anti-kangaroo word...
English is weird.
humans are weird, but yes English is a very strange language
> Contact Other Plane

You can go insane whenever you want.
@Yuuki LOL
@Yuuki That is a very bizarre phenomenon to focus on and describe.
It's a weird thing to have happen
For my part I wonder if it has happened more on purpose or by accident
who's designing words to have that property on purpose?
english doesn't accumulate that way
Based on the Wikipedia article, it's more of a quirk of certain words.
> Kangaroo words were originally popularized as a word game by Ben O'Dell in an article for The American Magazine, volume 151, during the 1950s.
Nobody makes kangaroo words, you just sorta spot them and go "ooo".
oh i know a good one
@Carcer look I don't know, weirdos maybe XD
@SirCinnamon Inflammable means flammable? What a country!
@trogdor In the case of "masculine" and "male", it's just that both derive from Latin masculus. It will also often happen naturally for a word and its diminutive forms
But you are right that probably didn't happen
@ACuriousMind yeah that's fair too
@ACuriousMind Thats the other thing i was going to point out - it's not exactly a quirk if they have the same root word
but in the process of finding an example i thought of that joke instead
@Yuuki birdception
"noble from the latin gnobilis..." I didnt need to know that
I feel like this should be a simple coding exercise, find all the Kangaroo words in a list given a dictionary.
@Yuuki Aww no come on
I'm gnot a gnelf, i'm not a gnoblin
@SirCinnamon Funny thing is, that joke would also have worked in the original Latin - the use of in- as both a negating prefix (in privativum) and as a prefix expressing location (in-flammare - to put flames "into" something) goes way back
Both uses have very different etymologies, but some unfortunate shifts in pronounciation made them coincide
@Yuuki huh
I didn't even know that word
I knew it because guns
frangible slugs yo
Yeah never heard of those either
@Yuuki Same root word on that one as well
I realize that "fears" is a word, but I meant "f ears".
Because gunshots are loud.
frangible rounds are usually marketed as "safer" munitions
not because they hurt what they hit any less, but because they basically can't overpenetrate
@Carcer Aren't they the ones that break/collapse on contact?
Wouldn't that cause more internal damage if they splinter up while they're in you?
Oh so they aren't like the ones designed to break up inside you
so you don't hit the person behind the person you're actually shooting, missed shots can't go through thin walls and hit bystanders
no they break up basically in you and it's still very bad for you but because they fragment they lose their energy real fast
Wait that does sound like the same ones
less risk of collateral damage is the point.
But more horrible for the person you hit
Never mind, frangible bullets != expanding bullets.
And if they live definitely a nightmare for them and thier doctor
Expanding bullets, like hollow points, are prohibited for warfare for a reason.
doesn't really stop people from using them
well I mean, doesn't stop everyone
ah, never you fret, trogdor
I know that currently most military actions are states vs. non-state forces that don't feel any compulsion to follow things like the geneva convention
but give it a while and I'll bet we'll have the chance to have a proper, civilised fight against russia again
none of that makes me feel better :/
fisticuffs all the way? :-/
in fact, I feel like you weren't trying at all :P
@Carcer Expanding bullets were actually prohibited in the Hague Convention, which preceded the Geneva Convention.
I'm just generally grumpy about politics
@Yuuki ah, well, you see, I cunningly said "things like the geneva convention", not specifically just the geneva convention, so have pre-emptively protected myself against your informed correction
Incidentally, the British representatives tried to argue against the expanding bullet prohibition citing their use in putting down native rebellions.
@Carcer My desired to stay informed is at odds with my desire to remain sane.
@Yuuki my country proudly continuing its fine tradition of being bloody awful, of course
They were outvoted 22-2. The Americans sided with the British because they were considering using expanding bullets in the Philippines.
@Yuuki And, I assume, because we yanks just love shooting things so darned much.
[mutters about the will of the people]
[mutters about the last will and testament of the people]
What would be a version of my question about Armor Class ranges that isn't too opinion-based for this stack?
I had figured that I'd qualified the parameters enough to make it answerable, but I guess not. =/
@Xirema For borderline questions, never take the first few hours as definitive.
@Xirema Aren't all questions too opinion based for this stack /S
@Xirema Probably one that asks for the results, not the conclusion.
Give it some time for people to hash it out on meta.
@Xirema I think it would be the exact one you already asked.
Just a thing I've noticed but people get really touchy when you put the word "should" in a question for some reason. Yes, it can be an indicator of POB, but it often is not.
I'm voting to reopen as-is.
Gonna make a meta post anyways. Maybe solicit some feedback on the question's format itself.
@Rubiksmoose I'm voting to close your chat message.
I'd really recommend asking about the statistical distribution of AC values and drawing your own conclusions from that. It doesn't change the work required for a proper answer, but it does rule out answers along the lines of "probably 16".
@Xirema Isn't the answer to that whichever AC makes sense to the person writing the answer?
You could survey the accepted answers for DPR questions and take a look at the distribution of AC's mentioned in the answers.
@ColinGross A lot of those answers are mine though. I'm kind of a biased source. XD
That would at least get you some data about which AC's people seem to like to see in accepted answers.
@Xirema Sounds like you're the decider!
@Xirema That is always a solid idea. There is almost always room for improvement at the very least.
@Xirema Clearly you should just accept your role as the undisputed master of DPR calculations.
@Xirema One thing that popped out to me was that I really wish you could make the question a lot less wordy. Though I don't have any suggestions for what can be taken out.
@Rubiksmoose The words. Just use a picture for a sword and shield. It's worth 1000 words. I'm sure people will figure it out.
@Rubiksmoose Naut thought maybe the stuff about CR calculations was unnecessary. I figured a lot of answers would hedge on assertions that "all those creatures are CR0, so don't count those" and miss the point if I didn't include that.
@ColinGross heh I'm sure that would go over so well lol
@Rubiksmoose Heh, I did have that thought
Q: Workshopping my question about Armor Class ranges

XiremaI posted this question: Which Armor Class values should be used as Controls when making Damage Calculations? in an attempt to try to reify the Armor Class values I use when making DPR calculations for this stack. It was closed for being too opinion based, and I'd like to know what an answerable v...

Uh oh. Factorio just released its 0.17 beta.
RIP all my free time for the next month. XD
@Xirema What's new?
@Xirema Ohh, anyways I no longer play it ;)
So mostly changes to the enemy monsters.
Stuff I ignore because I play Factorio to mess around with assembly lines, not kill alien bugs.
Yeah the alien monsters part doesn't seem like the main draw of the game
I've been thinking of buying and playing it but the idea that all my work could go up in smoke because aliens chewed up all my machines and killed me isn't speeding up my decision
Im trying to write an RPG profile about a scientist who is working on something in the era of the New Republic. He does not believe in the Force. I just need something for him to be researching. It really isn’t that important to the story; it just has to sound cool and scientific. Also it can’t have already been done in Legends or Canon. I want a fresh idea.

It cannot be

- A time machine

-A teleporter

-A matter replicator

-A singularity Weapon

- Any type of droid

-Anything to do with holograms

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