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@ColinGross hey everyone knows it's my job to downvote @goodguy5
Also howdy everyone!
@doppelgreener Yeah, that was my first impression, then I went AFK since this darned RL thing keeps happening to me. 8^p
Hey @Rubiksmoose
How's it going?
I'm good, another day another dollar. Just making the tough decision on what to do with my coffee that I ambitiously made with just 20min before my bus
Still got pretty much a full, piping hot cup
don't want to throw it out, don't want to take it with me
tough choices.
Will give the thrilling conclusion if on again tonight, just now I need to run for my bus, see yas!
@RyanfaeScotland Clearly you should put it in a thermos and take it with you
I probably shouldn't stack this Q about the scrying sensor
much as the crushing enlargement it would only be to point out a daft oversight in the rules
@Carcer I was going to do a copy replace of "D&D is not a physics geometry simulation"
@Yuuki Please, no, never that. Ever. I detest bot chat intrusions.
The Oracle is always welcome. It is the Oracle after all.
but it's controlled by the cult of kosmos
@doppelgreener Ugh... please, no more Oracle.
@ColinGross banned from chat
consider yourself to be let off lightly
ah, I've found a specific example of a creature without hands/fists that casts scrying: a couatl
@Carcer The PHB speaks to "you." That means "you" are a player. Players play PC. The PC's in the PHB are all medium or small sized creatures. Ergo, the fist is that of a medium or small creature. :) does also raise what happens if you don't have fist obviously, can't scry. 8^p
how big is a couatl's scrying sensor?
(i am kidding of course, nobody is banned)
(surely some people are banned)
@Carcer As big as it wants it to be, since a couatl can change shape
Are you suggesting a Couatl briefly turns into Trogdor to cast scry?
@doppelgreener How beefy is that arm? and are the V's the most consummate?
@doppelgreener It can, if it wants to. @trogdor @nitsua60 Doppel seems to thing that troggy is a couatl, but I thought he was a dragon, or a dragon born. Confused I am.
@doppelgreener troggy is playing a dragonborn paladin in our ToA game, hence my silly question.
Well I mean, if a couatl wants to cast scry, apparently it needs a fist, and that fist could probably do with an arm, so clearly the most efficient thing to do is for a couatl to grow a single beefy arm.
@KorvinStarmast oh, fabulous :D
I get it
A natural choice
Burninating the evils and protecting the countryside
@doppelgreener so... Trogdor with wings?
@GreySage trogdor already has wings!
the legs would be the difference really
something something consumate vees?
@KorvinStarmast hey korvin, I responded to your comment but forgot to tag. I'm not sure if editing in a tag will still tag you. Besides that, I'm not sure if my comments are too long. I want to be forthcoming with information so you and others don't have to guess, but I also don't want to bog the page with too much text or deviate the thread's purpose from its title for future readers. We can continue in the comments if you'd like, or move to a chat room, whichever you think is best.
@KorvinStarmast ah, the question in question: rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/139801/…
can you still create demiplanes with time dilation? (in 5e, compared to 3.x)
@GreySage That's where the shock reveal comes in, it was ALREADY in a thermos cup, that's why it ended up staying so warm for so long that I ended up having to...dun dun dun... take it with me.
Now the question is, will I remember to take my cup back to the office with me in the morning!?
Pretty dramatic stuff, this may make its way into my memiors.
@goodguy5 The only reference to demiplanes I can find is the spell demiplane, which just says a 30x30x30 wood or stone room.
I know we discussed this last week...
Falling in D&D doesn't use your movement. #DnD https://twitter.com/BigBonedBiker/status/1085338174501646336
@Carcer see above
(that's in response to a question about Slow Fall, but it's also generally true)
@GreySage I was trying to find another way to make tomes of power "age" faster....
Falling in love in D&D uses your heart. It might also use your movement if you need to run in slow motion toward your beloved. 💖 #DnD https://twitter.com/Alphastream/status/1088502625895469056
@doppelgreener @KorvinStarmast giving away my trade secrets again? shame on you
@V2Blast If it uses your heart, does it require a Con saving throw?
@Blaise Well, when asking about feat choices, clearing up details like that won't bog down the question, since your question isn't just about Alert ... it's the opportunity cost Alert represents versus other feats as much as it is about FF ... since you are not getting FF from MI feat ... all is well.
@trogdor Oops, I blame the caffeine.
I know this is an old question, but it also seems like a survey-based one with no way to choose a single "best" answer; it just asks "how do you (metric readers) deal with imperial measurements?":
Q: How do you deal with non-metric based systems?

user39036While this question is specifically about D&D fifth edition, I realise it can be relevant to any system which doesn't use the metric system. I live in Europe, and I have been playing D&D since my early teenage years. Thinking about it now, I've never really been able to work accurately with dist...

@GreySage fortitude. Fortitude is all about heart. :p
@JohnP Sure, but it's also about stomach, because that's how you get to it.
@ColinGross Inefficient. Best way is just under the xiphoid process with an upward grabbing motion.
If you go through the stomach you have to deal with acid damage.
What's the phrasing single "best" answer all about @V2Blast?
@RyanfaeScotland Essentially is a question answerable in such a way that you could rank the answers. As opposed to all answers are essentially equally good or valid.
Ah, I can see that, so you'd essentially end up voting for them all, and hence it would be rather meaningless.
@KorvinStarmast Do you think 14 con on a sword & board EK is too low? Gotta spend my other ASI on feats and strength maxing.
@RyanfaeScotland Or the criteria is entirely up to individual preference and the subjective isn't good enough to make a determination. e.g. "what's a good color for sword hilts?"
@ColinGross Black. Always black. Unless it's crimson. Or emerald green.
Obviously, it's aqua marine and all other answers are not scottish
Maybe a tasteful plaid?
+1 for all answers
Damn, you're right!
@RyanfaeScotland I got a kilt in the Air Force tartan schema for Xmas this year. Complete with sporran, hose and flash. Now I just need a skein dubh and I'm set.
@ColinGross The only acceptable color for a sword hilt is red with the blood of my enemies.
@Rubiksmoose Unless they are orcs.
Yea, I get the whole subjective thing, was curious what else was meant since if it was just subjective I imagine he'd have said so.
Excellent @JohnP! Can't beat having your own kilt, makes life so much easier come weddings.
@RyanfaeScotland Listen, V2 may or may not do that. He will edit your posts so they look nicer and have the tags that make him happy.
Important to note that we do allow opinion-based questions and answers. Just we need a way to have them sortable for voting.
@RyanfaeScotland Now I just need to validate my actual plaid, one of these days...
@ColinGross, what? He doesn't do that, there is no may or may not about it. And I have a general idea of how V2 conducts himself which is why I figured there was probably more to it, the phrasing didn't just happen, it was considered and selected which is what made me wonder how it came about.
the answer proof on the meld into stone question is really reaching now...
@JohnP I mean they aren't wrong though
I can't think of any valid argument against it except to say that it is up to the DM since it is unclear.
I'm not 100% sold on their logic but it also seems like really the most reasonable out of all the options by a long shot.
Unless I'm missing something.
@Rubiksmoose Apply the logic to a different spell - Breathe Underwater. By their logic, if another spell prevents you from surfacing, that spell takes precedence and you just continue to breathe underwater?
And ya @Rubiksmoose, opinion based but still backed by evidence / experience and the like.
@JohnP Well I think you may be overlooking the gist of their answer there. Do you agree up to that point?
To me, (esp since the original spell killed you with various destruction/wall damage), it is more feasible that you are expelled with damage, not just spat out.
Note that the original question wasn't asking about competing spell effects, just the spell ending naturally.
@JohnP But that is far less supported by the actual text of the spell. That might be a decent houserule, but I think it would be impossible to say that it is RAW
@Rubiksmoose I'm not sold, obviously. :) I did tweet to JC about it, we'll see what WoG says.
Can't say I've heard of validating plaid @JohnP,
If he sees/answers.
Something like this perhaps? tartanregister.gov.uk/aboutUs
@RyanfaeScotland Figuring out which clan I actually belong to.
Heritage wise, that is. Ancestry.com suggests 3 different ones, but that is a very soft evidence site.
I get you
@JohnP Personally, I don't see any reason to apply damage at all under most circumstances. Where it gets weird is if there is another spell preventing you from unmerging (wall of force maybe)?
@Rubiksmoose I've gotta run go get my kids. I'll reply later, when I can formulate what I'm thinking.
Never tried to be honest.
@RyanfaeScotland Subjective questions can still be answered (see stackoverflow.blog/2010/09/29/good-subjective-bad-subjective) but there needs to be a way to choose a "correct" answer. If you ask a question like "How can I solve this problem?", it should be possible to choose one answer as being the "best" (notwithstanding situations where you think a bunch of different answers are helpful solutions to it).
But if you ask "What class do you play?", for instance, there's literally no correct or best answer. Those sorts of questions belong more on discussion forums than Q&A sites
"To prevent your question from being flagged and possibly removed, avoid asking subjective questions where …

every answer is equally valid: “What’s your favorite ______?”"
@V2Blast Probably 9mm, mostly because they're cheap(er than the rest).
These sorts of survey-style questions have no "right" or "best" answer; every answer is equally valid. I'm not sure whether this metric one is editable to be in a non-survey format. Right now it asks:
"For those of you who are accustomed to the metric system, how do you deal with this annoying aspect? Do you annotate your books? Have you developed a conversion method that works reliably and doesn't disturb the game's flow?"
@Yuuki ...wat
@V2Blast You asked me what's my favorite blank.
Blank (1740–1770) was a British Thoroughbred racehorse and sire. He only won one race, but became a very successful sire and was British Champion sire in 1762, 1764 and 1770. == Background == Blank was a bay colt bred by the 2nd Earl of Godolphin and foaled in 1740. He was sired by Godolphin Arabian, who was an Arabian horse and three-time Champion sire. Amongst Godolphin Arabian's other progeny were Lath, Cade, and Regulus. Blank's dam was Little Mare, also known as Amorett, who was a daughter of Flying Wigg. == Racing career == Blank made his racecourse debut aged six at Newmarket in April 1746...
Hahaha, that's good @Yuuki
Grosse Pointe Blank is a 1997 American crime comedy film directed by George Armitage, and starring John Cusack, Minnie Driver, Alan Arkin and Dan Aykroyd. Cusack plays a hitman who returns to his hometown to attend a high school reunion. The film received positive reviews from critics and grossed $31,070,412. == Plot == Hitman Martin Blank finds himself depressed and disillusioned with his work. Grocer, his chief rival, is attempting to "unionize" the hitman business but Martin refuses to join, putting the two at odds. Following a botched contract, Martin accepts an invitation to his high school...
Cheers @V2Blast, this looks like it's been pulled into me questioning subjectivity or that I've had the 'no questions with no "best" answer' comment posted to me, I assure you neither is the case, I was just curious after seeing it a few times.
Figured shooting the breeze about it in chat was as good as anywhere to find out.
@RyanfaeScotland I think this was just a case where everyone wanted to chip in their 0.02 and/or didn't read what anybody else had already said lol. You are good even if you did think that (though I certainly didn't read it that way).
Even in chat we can get "help piles" lol
All good @Rubiksmoose, piley on! Just making sure people aren't getting the wrong impression or the pile doesn't start tipping the wrong way!
@Blaise Tough call, I think you can live with 14 Con until the asi at 6. Maybe the one at 8.
@nitsua60, @Ben For prototype LLKM cards, I'm thinking of making them M:tG size because then people can print them on cheap thin paper and put them in card sleeves with a trading card back for support; but then I realized I should check with the playtesters to see if that's a thing in their lives.
hey there @Helwar
@Shalvenay Hey! I'm sorry for leaving you hanging all the time!! :(
@Helwar np, how're things going?
I just have like 20 tabs that open every time I open chrome and this is one of them, and I usually don't check this every time so... sorry
well... Not well. Kinda depressed and with anxiety attacks due to my job
so.... I'm looking for another. AN endeavor for what I need more luck than I have, I think
i guess you expected a "Fine!" as an answer but... it is what it is
how are you?
@BESW Depending on how lazy I was feeling, I was going to either glue them to some cardboard, or just print them out on card
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