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@JohnP Gaming with someone for so long... especially someone you work with. I'm impressed they haven't figured it out.
@ColinGross He's only been my boss since Aug. I'm a new hire(ish). The familiarity from playing D&D is a lot of what got me hired.
I thought it was pointy headed boss
no, pointy haired
I'm fairly certain that my last boss, affectionately used headed.... about himself,
can't account for local variation. Can assure you that the term PHB as coined by Scott Adams and generally understood is pointy-haired boss
Pointy-haired bosses and talking peanut butter? This is a weird conversation.
I can't believe I just had to type the words "sexual assault as a humorous narrative device" :|
(in a comment)
@BESW I had to really really dial back my judgmental tone while writing that comment.
It's a pretty typical case of "They're your friends, you need to talk to them instead of using game mechanics to punish table behavior."
But you're very correct, the specifics of the narrative situation are understandably likely to overshadow everything else.
@Rubiksmoose ಠ_ಠ
I get the impression from the question that it is not the nature of what they're doing that is troubling but that they won't let up and take anything seriously even for a moment.
@Rubiksmoose I read that and immediately came here to see if there were any discourse
@Carcer honestly, it is really unclear to me what problem OP is seeing. I think you may be right though. Personally, I see lots of issues.
like the guy seems concerned that they aren't engaging with the adventures he's written more so than he seems concerned about what they're doing instead.
There's that judgmental tone I wouldn't have trusted myself to keep out of a comment @Rubiksmoose
or at the very least I get the vibe that "casual rape and murder is hilarious sometimes but they're doing it even when that's totally inappropriate!"
@DavidCoffron Yeah it was very very tough
@Carcer Yeah exactly that. Like, the title says they are taking "fun" things too far then talks a lot about rape and STDs.
I'm a pretty terrible person, so "Dead Baby Humor" is generally something I can tolerate, but also like... Even what's being described there kind of goes way over the line, you know?
I know there are some dads in here. And the parenting stack is, ironically, not fully matured.

anyone else get frequent nausea while wife was pregnant?
are you having empathetic sickness?
Like, there's an art to telling raunchy stories, darn it!
that happens sometimes
That campaign sounds like the fantasy RPG version of the movie Pink Flamingos dialed up to 13 and run by teenage boys.
Couvade syndrome, also called sympathetic pregnancy, is a proposed condition in which a partner experiences some of the same symptoms and behavior as an expectant mother. These most often include minor weight gain, altered hormone levels, morning nausea, and disturbed sleep patterns. In more extreme cases, symptoms can include labor pains, fatigue, postpartum depression, and nosebleeds. The labor pain symptom is commonly known as sympathy pain. Couvade syndrome is not recognized as a real syndrome by many medical professionals. Its source is a matter of debate. Some believe it to be a psychosomatic...
@Carcer well, yes. "couvade" or som..... yep
there, BESW found it
but I was asking about anyone personally
@goodguy5 my dad claims he did when my mom was pregnent with me but he tells tales so I can't confirm or deny
I... have not had the opportunity to experience it yet?
@BESW TBH, if things like the Placebo/Nalcebo Effect are real (and they are), then this seems pretty textbook.
Honestly, I don't see how there's so much debate over it. seems 1. plausible, and 2. easily provable one way or the other.
I'm sure I remember a meta or chat discussion at some point in history the point of which being that we do take some responsibility for what content we allow to be present on the site. Like, it's not a given that you need to avoid expressing any judgement about that situation; it may well be better generally, as opposed to for that particular querent, for the community to express visible disapproval of the way they're playing their game
It's not so much that professionals don't believe it exists so much as they don't know what causes it.
@goodguy5 I'm not sure about how easily provable it is. Specifically eliminating other casues for said symptoms. However I'm not a doctor or anything.
But my wife's hormones have always gotten to me. I'm more likely to break out when my wife gets her period.
@Carcer I know we had a similar conversation around the time that Banishment question popped up.
@goodguy5 Well that's just because she's busy and can't reinforce the iron bars as often, I thought?
Western medicine is still pretty chary about pregnancy-related stuff, and also about anything psychological. This is a double whammy for "scientific" skepticism.
@Yuuki that took me about 10 seconds.... 9 seconds too long
@Yuuki [slow clap]
yeah but
@Carcer I mean I think that may be something that an answer can do. I wanted my comment to be focused on improving the question though and not commenting on it (though I sorely wanted to do that as well).
let's analyse that further
what is she busy doing, exactly
period things?
Look, that's none of our business.
@Yuuki hahaha
"incapacitated by cramps" would be more likely in my experience, that's all I'm saying
at any rate, frequent nausea for me. excited for it to be over
yesterday, by Xirema
@KorvinStarmast I think clever puns are more @Yuuki's territory. =3
if popular media has taught me anything, you will be longing for the days where all you had to deal with was nausea by a month into life with baby
@Carcer generally speaking, I try not to get news from "popular media"
@goodguy5 No I never had nausea for any of my wife's 3 pregnancies, but then I don't really get nauseous ever. It confuses me that people do.
Assuming you're not quarantining yourself or your wife, it would make sense to me that some hormones could leech through to you.
If nothing else, my grandfather had a similar problem, so says my grandmother. Maybe it's genetic
@GreySage very very small, basically insignificant amounts though
@Carcer Hey, I'm not a doctor, what do I know?
That you're not a doctor, and that's a good start.
IMAGE: Book dedication in novel by Ben Philippe
you probably know a lot of things and have one or two fields in which your knowledge is above average
@BESW Indeed. Sometimes I wish more people knew that they weren't doctors instead of self-diagnosing or spreading "alternative" medicine.
@Carcer I am only above average in my knowledge of the field of D&D rules... that's why I'm here and not in other stacks lol
@Carcer Sometimes I wish I could get a PhD just so I could point and say, "This. This is what I am best at. There is noone in the world better at this than I am."
@GreySage Define "alternative medicine" because while some traditional Chinese medicine is definitely bogus, there's been a lot of scientific "re"-discovery in that area from what I recall.
@Yuuki Medicine that has not been proven to work or has been proven not to work. If something turns out to be helpful, great, but don't recommend it to me until we know.
How on earth would clinical trials work?
@Yuuki You get volunteers. Isn't that how they work now?
@Yuuki Generally they are done on animals first.
And even those need solid theoretical evidence and approvals.
@GreySage I see that there was some confusion on my part regarding scope.
Who needs alternative medicine? Or any medicine for that matter? Just let 'em die and cast raise dead
Zombies are better anyway
@DavidCoffron If only
@GreySage My wife likes to self diagnose, and she's not a doctor. This leads to what I call "internet-triggered hypochondria" and it is getting a bit worse as she gets older. sigh
@KorvinStarmast I'm not sure why WebMD has so many pages. They should have a single page and in massive bold letters, "IT'S CANCER.".
@Yuuki But what about when it's lupus?
@Rubiksmoose It's never Lupus, though.
@Rubiksmoose Either way, you're going to have to sell the house to pay for the treatment.
@Yuuki #Murica
@Xirema Ah yeah. See that is where I always go wrong.
Maybe WebMD should have two pages. The other to say that it is definitely not lupus.
IIRC, the reason why House would always ignore a lupus diagnosis in the TV show was that you couldn't do anything about lupus.
At least with another diagnosis, he could possibly find a treatment or solution.
And also lupus, like cancer, has a lot of non-specific symptoms which means it can be confused for a lot of other diseases.
@Yuuki I was happy to learn last week that, after they cut a few chunks out of my back, that "the margins are clear" translates into "that isn't cancer" when you press the PA for a plain english rendering of that phrase, and that "displastic nevus" is a great term to use when you want my wife to begin asking "so how soon is his other mole going to get some kind of noma attached to it?"
@Yuuki This link from NIH has her convinced that I will soon be in the noma zone. shrugs I can't stop her from worrying, she's my wife.
fyi, I just found this and it feels useful
@goodguy5 Pshh you mean you can't do CR calculations from scratch in your head? /s
I do mean that.
but the site also has other stuff
oh yeah. I would be very impressed by someone who could fluently create monsters and encounters and be able to calculate CR without any references.
I like their DM screen tool, cool for keeping useful info in 1 place, although I wonder if it is legally sourced.
@GreySage Am I seeing things or do they have full texts for campaigns as well?
@kviiri Yeah
yea. seems likely to get slapped, unless they found some loophole
I didn't even realize the depth of this thing. holy smokes
I love the bit near the start where he says "you are a parrot" to his parrot in a weird accent
@goodguy5 I would totally pay for an official tool like this, that lets you browse rules/content in an intelligent manner.
5etools is often down and to my knowledge does not have any legal right to disstriburte non SRD content.
ha, noted.
Maybe I can download the cr calculator page
I'm like 99% certain the only reason WotC hasn't DMCA'd them to heck is that they've gone unnoticed.
How, I don't understand.
welp, sorry I broke their cover
I was just checking our copyright laws to make sure my PDFs of 5e books are still legal (I mean, I don't think any change regarding them would make them illegal retroactively but y'know what I mean)
@goodguy5 Nah they are known lol. And, unless any of us are under-cover WotC employees I doubt they are going to find out through you lol
the lost lab of kwalish sounds like an awesome side adventure
@Rubiksmoose They are known?
The same law that permits making "a few" copies of a published work for personal use bans some specific art forms though... including constructions.
I might snag it to run.
@kviiri what do you mean?
@goodguy5 Tangentially related: My kids watched a show that taught them about "tree lobsters". I was excited, until I found out that is just another name for a stick bug. I was imagining tree-dwelling lobsters, complete with claws.
@Rubiksmoose Well, that's my thing. Like, WotC can't possible not know about the site. It's too ubiquitous. But they've never been shy to slap down DMCA violations before.
@ColinGross By me at least. I've also seen it mentioned in chat before.
@GreySage sounds like you need to make a new critter in your dnd world
@goodguy5 I would, but then I realized what I was imagining was basically just a Coconut Crab.
@Rubiksmoose Gotcha. I thought you were saying that Hasbro is aware. I'm going to go wget myself an archive of that site while it's up.
Which, by the way, are terrifying
As best as I can determine, it seems like they've found some kind of loophole, a'la MPMB's character sheet, where the sheet itself only contains public, SRD content, and then there are scripts that import everything else into the sheet, and the scripts themselves are what's copyright-violating.
Like a Copyright Firewall, or something.
@GreySage They can catch birds!
@goodguy5 In my jurisdiction, the law permits making copies of a published work for personal use, as long as I have access to that work legally and the copies are "few" in number, strictly for personal use and not of one of a set of excluded categories of works mainly relating to software.
I feel like they're related more to hermit crabs than actual crabs, but I'd have to look at a taxonomy chart
@goodguy5 They look it.
The joke being, the law forbids copying constructions for personal use, but I think the law is a pretty minor obstacle if I ever decided to do that.
what is a construction?
@goodguy5 Y'know, buildings. Or bridges, or stuff like that.
oh!, duh. gotcha
@kviiri How does one go about copying something like that? Like a big 3d printer?
@ColinGross I guess if the construction is some sort of architectural masterpiece, and I had lots of money to spare, I could copy its design. But the permissive bit wouldn't apply anyway unless it was really for personal use, anyway
I think there is a similar clause about copying things for personal use.

I don't know if I have to be able to prove that I copied my own content, or if they have to be able to prove that I didn't.

but if I were to buy a phb and digitize it myself, I am allowed to have and use that pdf
@nitsua60 it might be worth editing out that link to the aforementioned site? Or not. Thought it was worth a mention at least. I don't like driving traffic to sites who support copyright infringement (even if their tools are helpful).
@goodguy5 You can digitize books for your own backups and personal use as long as you're the one doing the digitizing. I don't think you can send that stuff out to be digitized for you. The vendor would be in trouble for doing that.
yea, but how do they prove you did or didn't do it?
@goodguy5 Well, getting in trouble is not the same as violating the law
@KorvinStarmast The mayo clinic's online resources are better than most. Written for reasonably educated lay people. Avoid webmd.
@goodguy5 In the case where you sent it out to be digitized, it's the vendor's fault for copying a work that they had no right to copy.
I'm not sure what jurisdiction @goodguy5 is in but I could legally have someone else digitize my DnD books. I couldn't do that for musical compositions, films, tools or sculptures. Art replicas in artistic methods are also not ok, probably because they tread close to forgery
@ColinGross is that even a crime inofitself? because they're not selling the copied work, they're selling the digitizing service.
@goodguy5 You're not allowed to copy things you do not have a right to do so. If you personally own a copy of the work, you can digitized it as a backup. That's kosher.
The vendor does not have the right to copy the work, and you do not have the right to grant it to them.
ah, fair
could they rent the digitizing equipment to you?
I'm so excited to play a character I've designed but I'm worried no groups (I primarily play online) will okay it. It's highly frustrating
There's a contract way of getting around this for academic and public libraries, because they do use vendors to digitize content. However, I think those entities are specifically called out in the statutes. Also, there's usually a bunch of contract boilerplate around that sort of work.
howso @DavidCoffron?
@DavidCoffron How come?
@goodguy5 it uses material from 3 different planes...
@goodguy5 Yes. FedEx Kinko's
@DavidCoffron when you say planes....
An Warforged Warlock (Eberron) with the Hexblade Patron (Realms), and the Orzhov Representative background (Ravnica)
@goodguy5 His character speaks volumes.
like boeing, airbus, and embraer?
@DavidCoffron Sopwith Eindecker Harrier?
o i c
daymn, @goodguy5 beat me to it and did it better too
@DavidCoffron Well uh... I'm not sure about your group of course, but I expected far worse :)
what does the orzhov do?
@DavidCoffron hey! I may also be playing a warforged soonish!
Specifically using this concept
Though I hope to go Artificer.
I mean, when someone says "I'm afraid no one will want this character in their game" my first impression is Chaotic Neutral My Guy who relies on a ton of houserules to get a suitably lolrandom playstyle or such.
@goodguy5 ravnica guilds give expanded spell list and Orzhov has really fitting lore for my character
and ah. I see.
Auto corrected twice for some reason
@kviiri Sometimes it's that but then sometimes it's something completely innocuous so you think it's fine but then the player turns out to have a lot of social anxieties, retreats into themselves during games, and ends up making things un-fun for both themselves and the other players.
I'm definitely not talking about myself, guys.
@Yuuki Well yeah, that happens but I mean character concepts that are likely to get veto'd here
Sometimes, I want to play a character that runs a business (or some means of production like a smithy, farm, or workshop of some kind) and the progression of the narrative is around building the town and relationships with other people.
Then I realize that I can go play Harvest Moon or something.
@Yuuki Heck yeah
@ColinGross nih is no slouch, but I do agree that mayo clinic stuff is pretty good.
@Yuuki Stardew Valley?
I'm actually playing My Time At Portia right now.
@Yuuki I tried to do that in Apocalypse World once, it worked quite well for a while but we didn't same page it enough
It's a similar game but you run a workshop (engineering-esque) instead of a farm.
I like it just because every other game in this genre has been farming-centric.
It's not fun being the one social/mercantile hero when everyone else wants to go out there and loot stuff
@Yuuki So it's like a... lighter and softer Factorio?
@kviiri Be like Recette. You're the one who hires everyone else to guide you through the dungeon as you gather resources.
@kviiri Kinda sorta. Much less optimization though.
@Yuuki Yeah, a large part of the problem was that I made my character a bit too averse to problem-solving and a bit too bonded with a group of people (her employees) that involved zero other PCs.
Averse to direct problem-solving I mean... I tried to run her as a sort of vicious but squeamish schemer, who doesn't have problems screwing up people to protect her own but doesn't like doing it herself.
@kviiri So your one character hires your second character to go do stuff, problem solved
@GreySage Ideally, my character would've hired other PCs to do it and that actually worked out quite well... with the main problem being, hiring other people to do everything for you isn't exactly that interesting way to solve most problems.
@kviiri Then your character spends all his new-found free time playing a TTRPG, and you just recurse from there.
@GreySage Brilliant
@Rubiksmoose Sorry--I haven't been at the computer most of the day. What link?
@goodguy5 This one. It was linked in good faith and that particular tool is legit, but the same site has copyright infringing material
Do we have a question about whether you can move between scorching ray or eldritch blast attacks?
@nitsua60 ^
eg they host full texts to 5e campaigns
@nitsua60 Yup that's the one. No need to apologize of course. I pinged you since I happened to see your icon at the time but of course I knew that you were likely busy. :) I just also didn't want to flag goodguy of course because as mentioned it was a good faith link.
(and of course if you're still busy there really is no rush)
Huh, Star Trek Discovery's second season is coming out
@Rubiksmoose Purge away ye' corporate shills! /S I've already archived the site!
@ColinGross Truly you are an anarchist of the highest order
@GreySage Better than being called an anachronism
I really want to build a Polearm-focused Spores Druid.
Biggest issue is the lack of Extra Attack in their features.
@Xirema Interesting choice. Making a melee character from a caster class does have disadvantages. Is haste in the spell list for that circle of druid?
@ColinGross I don't believe so. Their main gimmick is gaining access to Animate Dead, and gaining an archetype feature that also lets them as a Reaction raise the dead. The two things that make them theoretically equipped for Melee combat is their +Poison Damage on Melee Hits (Level 2 Archetype Feature) and Their Shelleighleicantspellit Spell
@Xirema Doesn't shillelagh only work with a club or staff?
@ColinGross Quarterstaff. Which is valid for Polearm Mastery. =3
> Polearm Master
You can keep your enemies at bay with reach weapons. You gain the following benefits:
When you take the Attack action and attack with only a glaive, halberd, /quarterstaff/, or spear, you can use a bonus action to make a melee attack with the opposite end of the weapon; this attack uses the same ability modifier as the primary attack. The weapon's damage die for this attack is a d4, and the attack deals bludgeoning damage.
While you are wielding a glaive, halberd, pike, /quarterstaff/, or spear, other creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you when they enter your reach.
> Shillelagh
The wood of a club or /quarterstaff/ you are holding is imbued with nature's power. For the duration, you can use your spellcasting ability instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of melee attacks using that weapon, and the weapon's damage die becomes a d8. The weapon also becomes magical, if it isn't already. The spell ends if you cast it again or if you let go of the weapon.
> Druid
Weapon Proficiencies: clubs, daggers, darts, javelins, maces, /quarterstaffs/, scimitars, sickles, slings, spears
It's pretty great when things all just sort of line up!
@Xirema dual wielding clubs is also a good way to use that poison damage (two attacks), but you need warcaster to get two shillelagh clubs
@DavidCoffron Doesn't the spell end if you cast it again?
You'd need to be a sorcerer to Twin it to get 2.
@GreySage That's an interesting use of twinned spell
@GreySage oh yeah. I forgot that part of that build I made. It's been a while (I made it back when Spores came out in UA to see how well you could make use of the poison damage)
Hi everyone!
I just realized that's a person waving. My mind is blown
(I always guessed it was some internet greeting in like wingdings or something, and never took the time to look it up)
oh no, he's drowning
someone help him!
o7 this being a salute took me a long time
me laughing but also raising my hands up
There are arms are out of proportion. \○/ looks better
But requires unicode so way too much effort
Also kind of looks like a dinner plate
I can tell when I've been working on a single piece of code for too long when the key-word highlighting starts forming pictures
@GreySage I get that when I work too long on a spreadsheet
Q: Does the [immediate-reaction] tag describe something substantially different from the [reactions] tag?

V2BlastThe immediate-reaction tag currently has no tag info, but there are seven D&D 4e questions with the tag. reactions is currently used on 92 questions, all but one of which are apparently for D&D 5e. (The only other one is about Mutants & Masterminds. I recently found another M&M question it might...

Can I ask a question? Which is better (D&D5e) a Warlock/Sorcerer or a Sorcerer/Warlock?
I mean, which one shall I choose first (for the saving throws and proficencies) and which one should have the highest level?
Hey @Rubiksmoose, what's the driver behind your comment on rpg.stackexchange.com/q/139246/49360 about what game they are playing? Surely it doesn't matter or what the expectations of the game are, they could be a problem player regardless and are looking to find out how to tell?
@DavidCoffron First time I thought something similar, but I assumed it was kind-of the ‘o’ in ‘Hello’ with the ‘/’ abbreviation, like in ‘N/A’.
Folks, see Shape Water, - "You instantaneously move or otherwise change the flow of the water as you direct, up to 5 feet in any direction. This movement doesn’t have enough force to cause damage." - Does this mean I can defy gravity with water and make it flow upwards?
Also, does it need to be flowing at the time of change? So I have a bottle of water, I go to pour it down a pipe and sure enough it flows down, so I cast Shape Water on the next bottle of water and pour it down the pipe, only this time it should flow up because I changed the flow...
These don't feel meaty enough for their own question
@RyanfaeScotland I think it's been asked before, and basically the RAW is vague, and applying real-world physics doesn't make any sense, so whatever seems like a good idea should work.
Cheers @GreySage, I'll search around a bit. The question on using it for cheating has piqued my interest. :)
Well, "Warcerer" sounds sillier than "Sorlock."
Can I be a silliomancer?
Or wait maybe a ridiculouisisisisisisceror
More seriously we’ve got a lot of old, slow-moving stock that we need to throw out before the end of the year (tax reasons, yay). We’d much rather it end up on your game shelves tho, so, check it: https://www.evilhat.com/home/diamonds-in-the-rough-our-big-inventory-clearance-sale/
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