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How am I having the same argument in two different comment threads. Ugh JC stop giving me issues today lol
@KorvinStarmast =)
@goodguy5 Yeah--it wasn't clear to me that you were saying to lay it out in front of the players explicitly. Skill challenges are great, IMO, if the GM pulls back the curtain and gives the players the details of the challenge. (So the players can game it.) When GMs don't and it just becomes a "game" of "uh, let's just keep trying things until the GM finally tells us what we want or that we should move on, I guess..." I don't find that very fun.
@nitsua60 can we move this to chat?
@nitsua60 My experience agrees... I think our initial frustration with skill challenges was due to our unformed insistence on maintaining a black box, or a facade of such.
Come on folks, we're all grown ups here, I get that it's from a high rep user and has quite a few upvotes but surely this isn't an answer: rpg.stackexchange.com/a/138693/49360
@RyanfaeScotland I definitely see your point. That particualr user tends to value conciseness very highly and often can come across as terse. I can agree with the sentiment in the answer but it doesn't seem to fully answer the question at all.
I mean, strip out the question, his preference for his players, the blurb which I think is meant to be about it being an acceptable play style or possible back up for what remains and all we have left is a comment about DM'ing.
Cheers @Rubiksmoose, my last line was for those that don't. :D
And yes, I can see the appeal of being concise and have nothing against short answers that get to the point, but this is beyond that imho.
I've seen a lot of relatively short answers from Dale that get downvoted pretty quickly
it honestly confused me that he had so much rep the first several times I saw any of his answers
I'm going to guess that this Q hit HNQ
@RyanfaeScotland I like that answer. I think it could be worded a bit better, but it does address the fundamental underlying issue in the OP's question that is "I felt frustrated"
@Carcer I think it is a solid guess. Though it no longer is.
@ColinGross But doesn't express what to do in the future.
the relative scores given it's not even a day old is a bit of a giveaway
@Rubiksmoose You find a black sphere filled with blue liquid, then you shake it, then you flip it over and read the message that appears. Same procedure as always.
anyway, hometime
The question is essentially, "how can I fight a group using range with a melee monster" and he answers "let it die"
@ColinGross lol
@Rubiksmoose I think it could be made explicit with the addition of "embrace the clever solutions of your players now and in the future."
Maybe with a gentle wording of "don't force your players"
@ColinGross Sure, but a clever solution isn't clever if it happens every time. Then you have a problem with encounter design. Which is what they are asking for help with.
I'm not saying the answer is terrible. Just very incomplete.
@Rubiksmoose I read the question as "how can I force my players into melee combat"
with the reasoning stated as "because I felt frustrated when I couldn't"
@ColinGross That seems like a bit of an unfair reading IMO.
They don't seem to suggest forcing melee combat as a solution, I think that might be reading something into that.
@Rubiksmoose The DM clearly identifies with the enemies.
Which is probably the real problem.
@ColinGross It certainly is a problem there. Not the only one though I think.
We can certainly agree to disagree though
@Rubiksmoose In the future, don't exclusively use solo, slow, melee monsters. While the answer would benefit from including that, stating that doing the exact same thing will get the same results is kind of unnecessary.
@GreySage OP already implies they know that repeating the mistake will result in the same thing, hence the Q. They just don't seem to understand exactly where the mistake was.
Saying what you said (with some bullk) would make that a complete answer IMO
To be fair there are lots of things that can be done to correct the mistakes
@Rekesoft : They had a lot of time, and the pool was relatively small — Justin 2 hours ago
How about not giving the PC infinite time for one thing.
@Rubiksmoose True
Also a DM should know the abilities of their players and, while not making them useless should plan encounters that will challenge them despite them.
So tunnels and that sort of thing are a good idea.
But yeah it seems people have given those answers.
Too broad non-stackable-question: (How) does the CR of the Dybbuk change if I place corpses in thr chamber with it? Does the CR of those corpses matter?
What's up?
@DavidCoffron What is a Dybbuk?
Oh its a mordenkainnen monster
@GreySage a demon from MToF that possesses corpses. I think it could be a really cool boss encounter for my level 3s, with jumping from corpse to corpse, but I'm not sure if the difficulty becomes sub stantially higher.
Maybe I'll jist do some simulations to test it a bit
@Rubiksmoose Bang
@kviiri Nice. that was fast lol
@Rubiksmoose <tips hat>
oh no!!! I didn't get to see it
what'd it say?
@goodguy5 It was superb. It said "vhf gxghxtydfj cvfcrcdgrjcjf yuc c HE!"
@goodguy5 it was too well-encrypted to say
oh, i did vtd that
@goodguy5 lol
before it was cool
@DavidCoffron If you look at the stats, the Dybbuk is almost helpless on its own. Low AC, low HP, low damage (although it does have that max HP reducing part). If you don't give it a corpse, it'd be like CR 1.
The possession ability recharges on a 6, so they won't jump more than once after losing their initial corpse I think.
Hmm, looking into the Dybbuk, I'd say my number one fear is accidentally coming up with an encounter that's too tedious (I mean, it does have an effectively unbounded supply of health if it gets lucky with possession rolls)
But it could be interesting to base some twist around this type of creature, eg. provide a means to destroy corpses present and encourage players to do so
I think a stackable question would be: What CR and quantity of available corpses make the Dybbuk a CR4 encounter
also, dybbuk can't reenter the same corpse, right?
@goodguy5 Has to be intact, if you force it out of a corpse you probably made it not intact.
Otherwise it can.
I did mean "can't reenter a corpse you "forced" it out of"
@GreySage You outtact it.
*doesn't star, but wants you to know that I considered it
Makes me think of a weird symbiotic society where some sort of mages keep mending corpses for dybbuks to inhabit.
@goodguy5 There's no hard restriction apart from the ability's recharge (1/6 per round)
And the less well-defined "intact" clause.
Q: What does "intact corpse" mean in the Dybbuk Possess Corpse ability?

Alex MilletteMordenkainen's Tome of Foes introduced the Dybbuk, a neat CR 4 Medium fiend (demon) with a peculiar ability: Possess Corpse (Recharge 6). The dybbuk disappears into an intact corpse it can see within 5 feet of it. The corpse must be Large or smaller and be that of a beast or a humanoid. The d...

The Dybbuk is weird, it obviously changes difficulty if it has 1 commoner coprse (CR 0), or 20 Warlord corpses (CR 12).
Dybbuk: like a more macabre Paradroid
how small can it be?
Large or smaller
I mean, bugs are beasts, right?

So, if there are dead ants on the ground...
is minuscule still a thing?
@Carcer I lied btw, that Q is still a HNQ.
downvoted for lying
@goodguy5 You should know, that downvotes only make me stronger.
Imaginary downvotes doubly so.
Fine, then I double-dog downvote you
Thanks for the Dybbuk help guys
@goodguy5 Basically corpses that you're not rude to.
@goodguy5 ouch now that stings
Cheers for the discussion folks, was on the bus so couldn't partake but really just wanted to see other people's thoughts anyway. Not to drag discussion back to it but yes, it was on HNQ, and I won't share my views as the pretty much mirror Rubiksmoose's comments already. As you've noted a lot of the existing answers address it in a manner more in keeping with how I'd expect acceptable answers to be posted.
"I won't share my views" - meaning I won't say them all again, not that they are secret or anything.
Q: Does a Dybbuk's Possession ability recharge while it possesses a corpse?

GreySageMordenkainen's Tome of Foes contains the Dybbuk, a CR 4 demon with the ability: Possess Corpse (Recharge 6): The dybbuk disappears into an intact corpse it can see within 5 feet of it. The corpse must be Large or smaller and be that of a beast or a humanoid. The dybbuk is now effectively the ...

I feel like the answer to this question would change how strong the Dybbuk is a lot.
@GreySage ooh. Great question. I assumed yes, but now I'm not as sure
but it doesn't gain any features.
so your CR12 warlord is just a pile of hp with one attack.
no indominatble, no multiattack, no survivor, no legendary actions
not to imply that 227 hp, 18 ac, and +9 to hit isn't exciting
@goodguy5 That leads to the question, what counts as a "game statistic". Multiattack certainly isn't a class feature.
(I ould be imposing this, but) I thought the phb defined them as attributes, saves, proficiency and things derived from them
@GreySage IIRC there is a question on that
...then again maybe not
Though there are certainly answers that touch on it. It is all the stuff listed in the intro to the MM
Actions (including multiattack) are under the heading of "Statistics", so I think they are replaced.
yea. I was reading through the MM blurb
it looks like class features are the things between the attributes and actions
So, if a dybbuk was able to possess another dybbuk, for sake of argument, it could use posses or tendril, but not violate corpse
@goodguy5 Between Challenge and Actions are the Special Traits
yes, and I think those are the same as class features?
Class features are features from a class, which the (typical) Dybbuk wouldn't have.
I'm just going to avoid the little beasties, in general
side note, from what I could see all "large or smaller" beasts are CR3 or less, so that doesn't impose a CR increase inherently
oh, wait. duh.

I just realized the point of the class features comment....
killing pcs
The strongest "large" beast is the Giant Scorpion, CR 3. There is a swarm of cranium rats (CR 5), but I would disallow swarms on general principle.
@goodguy5 Heck yeah
this is a terrible answer, but I like the content:
I can't bare to downvote it.
I want penguin or ostrich based aarakocra
@goodguy5 I wouldn't say it's terrible per se. Certainly there is an enormous room for improvement though
I mean. it's both wrong and doesn't address the question directly, it's pretty bad.
There are canon non-eagles. Then they make a blind suggestion based on something they like the idea of.
I happen to also like the idea of the thing they said, but that doesn't address the OP's query
@goodguy5 ah yes. I did not read carefully enough.
So yeah, it is not great lol
eh. it's fine down there. I'll leave it alone
It always kind of boggles my mind that people don't at least even try to read other answers before posting their own. And not on the huge HNQ posts either. Sometimes in posts with only 1 or 2 other answers. Like, really?
oh boy that Teaching D&D Q hit HNQ already. Should be fun.
Read All Answers First
Read All Answers Before Answering Yourself
@Rubiksmoose it's a really good question but I can think of many really poor answers
I don't even trust myself to answer it adequately and I've been teaching new players for years now
@DavidCoffron I agree. It is something I have struggled with in the past. Introducing players to 5e is just not easy.
@Rubiksmoose even if they have prior edition D&D experience it can be tough (sometimes it's easier to teach people brand new to the hobby tbh)
@DavidCoffron oh yeah. Unteaching people stuff from previous editions (or even real plays and podcasts) is often way harder than teaching someone completely new.
Honestly, the thought of teaching someone new 5e kind of fills me with dread at this point.
Not because I think I might fail utterly (still a possibility) but because it is such a kind of tedious process. Also it often involves crushing newbies' mental picture of what playing is like with Rules.
I'm 100% on board with teaching someone Masks though, any day of the week.
@Rubiksmoose I second that last bit. Sometimes I want to recommend more rules-light systems, but then I remember how hard it is to find players for non-mainstream games
@DavidCoffron It really sucks as DM to a new player to have to keep saying "I'm sorry you can't really do that." no matter how much you want them to be able to.
Whereas with rules light systems I find myself being able to say yes to so many more requests which I love.
I mean, you set realistic expectations, right?
not YOU, anyone.
like that's the goal.

You're not thor, your bilbo baggins... more likely, you're sam
@goodguy5 Indeed. That is an essential first step. Also something none of the answers have gone into thus far on that Q (last I checked).
Magic users: your going to have way less creative options than you think you will with your spells (but I'll do my best to allow what I feel comfortable with)
It's so easy to get things onto HNQ.
I don't claim to know the algorithm for it or anything, but whatever it is it is fairly broken.
@Rubiksmoose Aye
One issue is that many people --- including my original DnD party --- were really big on the "you can do ANYTHING you want, no engine limitations!" aspect.
It so turns out that six people who each is interested in doing whatever they want isn't a very good idea.
@goodguy5 I find myself suggesting higher level starts for those who want to be like thor from the get go. So many people want that level 1 start for some reason though
@DavidCoffron People love the 0 to hero story arc I think. Or at least they think they do.
@Rubiksmoose but then they get frustrated when it takes 11 months to reach level 17
(And that's being generous probably)
@DavidCoffron In my experience, VERY generous. Though we are extremely slow I think lol
Our group has taken 2.5 years to get to level 12
@Rubiksmoose Heh, I recall my first frustration with DnD 4e was how it expects you to start as a pretty notably powerful character
You folks ever tried having players start powerful but lose that pretty early on (because wizards...) so they spend the game rebuilding? I've wondered if that would work before, although not for new players.
Like uh. It's completely normal for a L1 ranger to have mastered the "loose two arrows at the same time" trick
@RyanfaeScotland Never tried it, but could definitely work. Though it would require players to have a very clear idea of what they want to become for it to work I think.
Not sure if it adds anything notable to the experience though.
Yea probably not.
@RyanfaeScotland You could just do FINAL STAGE: BLOODLINES like in Symphony of the Night or Rhapsody of Blood.
My longest running campaign was 8 months and we went from 3 to 13 SO I was extrapolating, but then I remembered we made some level jumps
@kviiri oh yeah that also. 5e also has a bit of that maybe? Not sure if it was worse in 4e though.
@DavidCoffron to be fair we've also had some large-ish breaks in there.
@Rubiksmoose I think it's been a part of DnD since the beginning, but it was probably more pronounced in 4e
(A prelude fight with higher-level characters the newbies will be some kind of successor to.)
Mechanically, it's largely because L1 characters usually start with two At-Will powers that are practically "basic attacks" of that class (not literally since IIRC the game reserves "basic attack" for another use), one Encounter power that's a cool special move and one Daily power that's supposed to feel like a limit break of sorts, to make up for the fact that it can only be used once between long rests.
@RyanfaeScotland I had a single player so that. He was playing a fallen God who was building up his power
In 5e, L1 casters have "limit breaks" in the form of spells
I personally find mechanical character advancement a tad boring, so schemes like E6 that limit it intrigue me
Sounds good.
@ColinGross Yes. good call.
@kviiri I like the games where character advancement tie into actual character development. To be fair I've only played one (Masks) but it felt really natural and fun and like your character was actually growing both in power and narratively.
@Rubiksmoose I've yet to play Masks, but it sounds appealing
I keep mentioning it on here not just because it was the only non-d20 system I've played (well, GMed) but also because I had a blast and it taught me so much. Some of the players have actually requested another short adventure in the same system.
I also kinda like the character progression in Apocalypse World even though I'm not sure if I would mind it gone
I highly recommend it for any party who is into the type of story and gameplay that it espouses.
@kviiri I have this book and I should really read through it at some point.
The best part of it is that the character starts out at or near the top of their primary area of expertise. Advancement gets you extra stuff instead of just piling stuff into what you're already good at
Eg. a Gunlugger doesn't become much better at combat by advancing --- but they might get a gang to command, or a move from another playbook, or such.
@kviiri That is really cool and very counterintuitive for D&D.
@Rubiksmoose It also removes the need to enforce any level parity :)
@kviiri ooo that is nice
@Rubiksmoose I really recommend reading the book, whether or not you have any intention of ever running the system. It's an educational read :)
@kviiri I'll put it on my priorities :)
I should peruse it again
I've been thinking of this swamp world setting for it
I've usually played a snow world, but with polar ice caps melting I'm more in the mood for a flooded world
@kviiri fantasy New Orleans?
@Rubiksmoose You know that Eurhytmics song about second-hand swamps?
Some of them want to use you, some of them want to get used bayou
@kviiri I applaud
@kviiri [slow clap]
Is there a plural of bayou?
@DavidCoffron bay'all?
But yea --- not exactly full-blown ocean world, but a flooded, toxic, overgrown one. There's land to walk on, but it's mostly too muddy to build foundations on, and not very arable. There's plenty of water, but it's not easily navigable, and all kinds of weird fumes rise from the depths...
@kviiri That sounds amazing
@kviiri so.... less waterworld and more... uh... bayou world
dang, that joke's been made
where does all the land come from?
@goodguy5 Floating trashpiles lol
and what happened to the mountains?
...and the water's not potable unless you've got a death wish, not without really serious treatment. Clean water sources are at a premium, control of the few sturdy roadways and not-overgrown waterways is being fought over. Agriculture works, sorta, but most crops can't tolerate large amounts of untreated swamp water so it requires quite a lot of work and suitable land to set up
@goodguy5 They're still there, somewhere, probably being fought over like crazy. Nowhere immediately near the area the players start in, though
@Rubiksmoose Hold on let me find you something
@Rubiksmoose Apocalypse Fuel, a content generator for Apocalypse World.
(including a marshland mod!)
I don't particularly recommend using that to actually generate game content without vetting, but it's fun to toy around with. And helps me get inspired from time to time ;)
@kviiri oh man that is super fun. Love it.
@Rubiksmoose :) me too
Thanks for pointing me to it!
I must be going now, see you guys later or tomorrow at latest!
@Rubiksmoose No prob :)
for the record, hundreds of feet in water level rise wouldn't swampify (or worse) most of the US

that's super cool
@goodguy5 Awww ... only does the coasts. Chicago & Detroit will get super boned by sea level rise
@ColinGross Guess I should invest in a boat lol
@ColinGross depends on how much. they're pretty blocked off by it, so as long as the river can still flow south....
@goodguy5 the St Lawrence empties into the ocean. Rising levels there eventually propagate backwards. Cleveland suffers first, but they're used to that.
@Rubiksmoose Just make sure you're not dependent on your basement.
Maybe don't pick up one of those nice inexpensive houses on the east side?
life hack, fill your basement with buoyant materials so that your house floats when oceans rise
@goodguy5 hahaha. Do board games count? Becaus my basement is full of them and I'm going to be super angry if they don't cause my house to float when the water comes.
@goodguy5 This guy knows how to hack
@Rubiksmoose If you have a ticket to ride, you can just take the train out of town.
Maybe got settle in catan
Or Mars even.
Or truck your way across the galaxy. I feel like you have many options.
Once its terraformed of coure.
@Rubiksmoose you're going to want those upstairs so that you have something to do while floating in the vast emptiness of the north-american ocean.
alright. quitting time
@Rubiksmoose More like terror-formed! I've seen a lot of Mars documentaries about ghosts and stuff.
50' sea level rise means my mother in law's house is under water. Great, except then she'll want to come and live with us. :p
@goodguy5 Hey, now you can answer that miniatures question you were itching to do all day
@KorvinStarmast Maybe the water will find a convenient excuse to not stay for dinner and she'll be left without aquatic visitors? win-win
@ColinGross I hope the sharks find her ...
@KorvinStarmast Hey! Be fair to the sharks.
@ColinGross Yeah, they probably won't like her either.
@KorvinStarmast too salty?
@ColinGross Too ... I better stop, this is the mother of the lady I've been married to for 30 years.
@KorvinStarmast In that case, evidence indicates she did at least one thing right.
Welcome the amazing cast of Fate of the Appliance Wars! Join us starting January 16th for a 4-week campaign using FATE Core to tell the story of 5 appliances finding their way in a post-human world. http://twitch.tv/little_red_dot #ttrpg #rpg #FateCore
@goodguy5 Finland is pretty flat and swampy to begin with tho
Older etymologic theories associate even the Finnish name of Finland ("Suomi") with swamps ("suo")
The rest of the world can suffer some other form of societal collapse
@ColinGross Just the coasts. The places where most people tend to live.
And all those people will have to... go somewhere.
@BESW Like Brave Little Toaster?
Even if rising water level was the only thing happening (for example, if we weren't also contending with changing weather that challenges agricultural infrastructure on a global scale), simply displacing that many people would be hugely disruptive on both a practical and psychological level.
@Ash I was hoping for a Hardware Wars homage, but you're probably more accurate.
(For climate apocalypse worldbuilding, I recommend Blackfish City and Trail of Lightning, with a side order of the Broken Earth trilogy.)
@BESW I can't remember but something like 70-80% of the world's population lives within 100 miles of an ocean/coastline?
@Yuuki Sounds likely.
@BESW This reminds me I need to read Trail of Lightning, it's even on my ereader
Water's a good thing to live near, if you can manage it. Large bodies of water mitigate extreme temperatures and provide travel routes, in addition to being a resource themselves.
@Ash Dooo iiiiittttt.
Yay, that answer was revised. :)
Maybe when I finish Last Chance Llama Ranch because I needed something kinda light and silly.
That's reasonable.
(I am reading it purely because I liked the title. It's okay, in that like over hte top sily chick lit romance kind of way?)
@Ash "because I liked the title" led me to some awesome things like The Big Kerplop, and some... less great things like The Trouble with Explosives.
@BESW Does that book just consist of a single page in giant block letters containing "THEY EXPLODE."?
@Yuuki Correct, but I think that the figure used in the US Navy's strategic doctrine document was something like "80% of the planet's population live within 100 miles of a coast." I'll get you a reference when I can dig it up.
@BESW laughs Now I feel like I gotta look up The Big Kerplop
@Yuuki Unfortunately, it's about a girl who stutters ("explosives" are a kind of mouth-noise that some people who stutter struggle with), and it was kinda... cringy.
@BESW Oh, I think I remember you telling me about that one.
@Ash A 70s "boys adventure" story about kids in a small town who are convinced they can help the military recover a nuclear bomb which was accidentally dropped in the local lake, because they know SCIENCE! It's a "how we met" prequel to episodic The Mad Scientists' Club book, which was a collection of short stories about their wacky SCIENCE! hijinks.
@BESW lol
@BESW I am intrigued!
Morning all
oh,... it's about stuttering, great I just thought it was a bad book about actual bombs
@trogdor So a bomb about bombs.
that would have been great
@Ash It's kiiinda like Henry Reed, except the wild hijinks are totally their fault.
@BESW Unlike Henry, who just kinda has things happen around him
@Ash Yeah, probably. It seemed like one of those "helping normal children feel bad about how hard other children have it" stories.
@Ash Of course. He's totally innocent.
So my gf was told by her friends that she needed to show me High School Musical, since I'd never seen it. We were going to watch it last night, but the internet apparently had other plans. It was slow and jittery, and very poor quality, so we gave up.
Instead, I showed her this:
@Ben You got lucky. HSM is awful.
@BESW eeergh. I will admit to reading a GIANT PILE of Lurlene McDaniel books in my teens, although thinking of reading them now kinda horrifies me
I'll see your mashup and raise you Bill and Ted's Excellent Inception.
@BESW Totally.
@Ash XD
@BESW I think you have shown this to me before but it' really good
@BESW Not quite a mash-up, but I feel that this one is probably my favourite Star Wars Trailer.
Hey Blades in the Dark Kickstarter backers, check your inbox! Last week (update #65) we released Grifters by @rdonoghue. Today (update #66) includes City of Red Waters by @acegiak!
I always forget what effect dim light has on perception.
Lowered color and contrast detection.
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