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@nitsua60 Just under a third of RPG questions end up a HNQ, interesting.
Who likes Brainstorming?
I need to come up with a resistance-style "once per day" power
You know what just occurred to me? The reason why the Archery fighting style (in 5e) gives +2 to attack rolls with ranged weapons (and specifically +2) is to counteract the +2 to AC from half-cover, because the designers assume people play by the cover rules and so any creature (including allies) between you and the enemy you're attacking gives the enemy half-cover against your attack. And so the Archery fighting style is designed to cancel that out.
(Of course, I very rarely see people apply that aspect of the cover rules...)
whaddya mean "resistance style"
Yeah, gonna need more details on what you mean
(also what system? 5e? something else, judging from the word "power"?)
it's weird to me how little i see cover mentioned in 5e play, given how simple it is
Well, I've got my three forms of Corruption - Bloodlust, Madness, and Decay. Bloodlust grants a healing ability, Madness grants an "ask the GM" ability.
I need one for Decay, and currently I'm stumped. lol
I was thinking I could go for a powerful resistance-type ability... but if you have a suggestion that works with the "decay" theme, I'm open to that too
@V2Blast That's a really good insight! I forget to throw things in that could be used as cover a lot as a GM.
Or actually... that might be something. "Once per day, you can deal an additional d6 necrotic damage to any attack you make"
I got a general question for some of the more experienced GM's out there: how do you approach downtime and/or town sessions? (5E)
Do you mean, how do you announce it? Or like, what do you need to prepare? Or something else?
Preparing and running a session that's mostly going to be downtime. I recently ran a session like this after the end of a long arc and the session went awfully.
hey there @Viishnahn, how're things going?
I didn't really know what to prep for and school took a lot of my time, so I went into the session without much prepped except for what I knew a few of the players wanted to do and accomplish while they weren't killing things.
@Shalvenay Finals week next week. Tensions are high.
Thanks for asking though :D How are you?
@Viishnahn doing well here
Well, this is mostly going to be when players are going to restock all their gear, possibly find better stuff, maybe look around for some information about a current quest, sell some stuff/make some money.
All that should be fairly easy to manage. However there might be one or two players that don't want to do any of that stuff, so you can set up something for them to do, like a "mini adventure". Finding the rascal kid that stole some apples from a vendor, or maybe dealing with a tavern brawl.
I'll give you a little synopsis of my party: 5 level 6 characters, a warlock whose player really doesn't like RP that much and spends most of his downtime trying to research alchemical breakthroughs (something I came up with for him), a monk who's working on some "burdens" his order sets before him in order to learn new abilities, a paladin whose player enjoys RP but is inexperienced and didn't have much to do while everyone else was RP'ing their stuff, and a cleric and ranger that were absent.
All in all downtime should be just that - regrouping and recovering after a hard slog, having some harmless fun, and setting up for the next adventure
It's probably my fault for not having enough stuff prepared and available for them in the fairly large city they're in, but I feel like none of them want to take the initiative to do anything that isn't a strictly mechanical activity (e.g., I work on researching Alchemy stuff), and I don't know how to keep them all involved without ramming a plot hook down their throats in the middle of what's supposed to be downtime
I tend to do it one-on-one between sessions and either incorporate "downtime reports" at the beginning of a session or plan (with the player) what would be a reasonable trigger to in-session say "funny thing: a few months back Alice did X while you-all were recuperating. Can you tell us about it, Alice?"
@nitsua60 Oh man, I love the sound of that. Especially since most of my players seem to not enjoy downtime at the table as much as I would like them to.
@Ben Those are decent ideas! I'll keep them in mind, thanks
@nitsua60 Do you have different levels of prepared content for different players during downtime, if you've got players that have differing tastes or preferences?
You might be talking to the wrong sheep... I rarely have anything prepared. I've run a year-long campaign off of a single sheet* of paper, excluding ephemera (notes, maps, sketches) that I whip up to give to the players.
(* - both sides, of course. I'm not trying to shortchange my players, after all!)
Sounds like maybe part of your challenge can be addressed by embracing time zooming.
@BESW Probably true
In D&D most things happen at a pretty standard round-by-round pace, but that's totally optional outside formal combat.
Broadly speaking, in-game stuff should occupy table time in proportion to how interesting it is to the people at the table.
@nitsua60 That sounds...intimidating, to say the least. I'm running my own homebrew world, so that would make me more than a little nervous.
There's no need to act out a boring conversation with the shopkeeper about buying supplies.
@BESW It's usually not that mundane, unless it's not about shopping or they're meeting a recurring shopkeep with more than just a bland personality for the first time.
@nitsua60 Ouch
@Viishnahn I can just imagine the shopkeeper, in Terry Jones' "woman-voice": "Glaives are off!!!"
I've watched too many streams where the players like to get into shenanigans during downtime, I guess. I keep expecting that from my players who clearly are not interested.
@Viishnahn What about it looks enjoyable to you?
I've had some very memorable moments with people trying things in town that they'd never think of doing in a dungeon or out in the wilderness.
(It may be that your players just don't find the same thing enjoyable, but it may be that they're not seeing the possibility in downtime that you are, or that they feel deer-in-headlights at the wide-openness of a downtime scene....)
@nitsua60 I think it's all of the above. A number of them are very non-social introverts, but some are fairly extroverted. Those extroverts are usually the ones trying memorable, screwball stuff.
You might consider integrating some other systems' social mechanics.
I know some games use D&D mechanics for combat scenes, and Fate mechanics for social scenes.
Because D&D doesn't really encourage or support that sort of thing--it just gets out of the way and expects the table to handle social scenes mostly free-form.
A personality-driven system like Fate, or a relationship-driven system like Bubblegumshoe, might bring some much-needed structure and encouragement.
@BESW I've seen Fate referenced a dozen times across this network - how does that system structure something like this?
@BESW Or even just gaining some experience playing/running other systems--without ever bringing a different mechanic to bear at the table one can transform one "pillar" of one's GMing =)
I've been investigating Dungeon World for a little while now
@nitsua60 Absolutely! That's also great.
feel free to have a read - feedback is welcome. Numbers at this stage are just placeholders.
I don't know enough people who would want to drop 5E and have to pick up a whole entire new system
@Viishnahn You'd start by having your players write down some short phrases that describe their characters: maybe they're a Sucker for a Pretty Face who was Educated at the Academy of Blades and wields My Father’s Bloodstained Sword but is In League with the Twisting Hand and there's A Price on My Head.
@Viishnahn Then seek out some other games to play. My "regular" group is largely resistant to anything other than 5e, so I step out on them all the time =)
That defines them as someone with a personality whose goals, allegiances, and relationships give them a place in the world.
For Fate, they then earn "fate points" when those phrases make trouble for the character, and they can spend fate points to declare that things are true about the situation or to get bonuses on rolls.
This pushes the players toward interacting with NPCs in interesting ways that create little stories about getting into and out of trouble, rather than D&D's resource-management approach to downtime which places value on NOT getting into pointless side adventures because they aren't efficient.
@BESW I'll see what I can do - one of my players is...slow to develop his character. I don't know why exactly, but perhaps he just doesn't like RP.
@BESW Good point
@Viishnahn I like versions of Fate where you're prompted very specifically to write phrases that push your character into the kind of story the game is trying to tell.
@nitsua60 I'm moving for an internship soon. Maybe I can find a group in my new location that's more open to trying new things.
Masters of Umdaar, for example, is about a team of adventurers who risk their lives braving wilderness, traps, tombs, and rival adventurers in order to find ancient artifacts of power.
So it asks you things like "What's your motivation for doing this ridiculously dangerous job?" and "What's your relationship with someone else on the team?"
@BESW Always wondered about the "declare a truth" part of those systems (5E has an optional play method where points like these exist). Are there any limits on these declarations?
@Viishnahn party consensus as to what belongs in the game, basically
it's what makes phrasal systems so flexible
@Shalvenay Ok, like the jailed PC can't simply spend their fate point to state that their shackles suddenly unlock or something.
@Viishnahn It has to make sense in the narrative and be accepted by the group as reasonable. Usually you have to point at some story thing that's already been established and say "Because this is true, it makes sense that this other thing would be true too."
@BESW Gotcha. Clearer now.
@Viishnahn You can say "Because I'm An experienced thief I've been working on my shackles for this whole scene. I spend a fate point to reveal that I've finally unlocked them!"
@BESW Right, with some form of realistic explanation or reference to back it up.
Not necessarily realistic, just reasonable within the story--many stories aren't realistic and that's part of the fun.
It would make less sense for the Priestess of the Law to spend a fate point to unlock her shackles.
I can already imagine my table's reaction to this. Two or three players will be all for it and the other couple of players will be mostly against it.
Detriments of gaming with close friends; you can't really just have them leave if they disagree about certain elements of the game
The nice thing about Fate, compared to most other personality-focused systems I know, is that it's fast and easy to convert characters from any other system into Fate provided they have personalities to start with.
@BESW That does sound really nice.
@Viishnahn Hope that's a good thing--good luck!
@Viishnahn Beware the Geek Social Fallacies. Not every activity has to involve every friend every time.
And most activities involve some compromise and negotiation to find something that the participants are all okay with even if it's not exactly what everyone wanted.
I've seen a lot of RPG groups go down in flames because they thought being friends replaced negotiating for a mutually beneficial shared experience.
Correction of the fallacy: when gaming with close friends, it's a different and perhaps less-practiced skill to resolve disagreement about game elements without just leaving.
@BESW I've got a really large spread when it comes to changing up things about the game. Some people agree with me and want to try new things after I present my point of view. Others don't want the game system that they're familiar with touched. The former ones happen to mostly be fellow GM's.
I'd also suggest that if at all possible, you DO try to introduce some other game systems. There are tiny, fast, easy, free games that can be tried for just an hour or so with minimal sunk costs.
And just the act of playing different things is, in my experience, dramatically good for a group.
@BESW I'm thinking either Bubblegumshoe or Dungeon World. Which is less complex?
Probably Dungeon World. But I was thinking, since your group is resistant to new games, of something much much simpler.
They're all free, a handful or pages or less to read, and very satisfying as single-shot games that take two hours or less to play a session from "Let's play this game you've never heard of" to finish.
Fascinating. Ever heard of Skyfarer? failbettergames.com/skyfarer-a-sunless-skies-rpg
(not sure how to format links)
Hadn't heard of it. Not a massive fan of Fallen London, but for Grant Howitt I'll read the system!
One of my players and I enjoy Sunless Sea, and he mentioned this system to me. It looks interesting enough.
I'm not big on resource management in any of my games, tabletop or computer.
Closest I've come to enjoying that sort of thing is InSpectres, where it's super abstract and silly.
@Viishnahn I think markdown works here? testing
[descriptive text](http://www.linkgoeshere.com/)
@V2Blast Thanks. I've used enough systems that I couldn't remember this particular one. Here you go, Skyfarer
@MikeQ @KorvinStarmast [wave]
g'day mate
Done up a first draft of my corruption system :D
For my Diablo game
Posted a link aboive
Hm... first impressions... seems biased to STR, CON, WIS based characters
Players don't really get to "choose" which one they get though
So a Warlock or a Sorcerer might get Bloodlust, for example
Is there any tradeoff or detriment to taking corruption?
@MikeQ The ending
Don't want to spoil that just yet though lol
So... no penalties or tradeoffs until the very end of the campaign?
I did originally have detriments... and I kinda want to have some, but I need to make it all balanced.
Originally bloodlust was +str, -cha, Madness +wis, -int, and decay was +con, -dex
Why ability scores and not types of rolls? e.g. bloodlust is +1 attack, -1 AC; that would affect all classes roughly evenly
But that was worse than what it is currently
That's a good idea actually
IF I said "Increase your attack proficiency" would that make sense?
Unsure. I know 5e does bonuses sometimes but I can't remember if penalties are supposed to be a thing.
I went with "Increase atk and dmg mod by 1"
So, +1 to attack and damage.
Another possible tradeoff is +1 on save DCs for -1 on saving throws, or vice versa
I'm not sure I follow on that one...
Amazon is having a big dnd book sale. $20 each. Guess I'm buying those hardcovers :)
@Ben as in, others effectively have a -1 against your save DCs, whereas you have a -1 on your own saving throw rolls
Oh right. Like, spell saves etc
Increase your passive perception could also be something?
Madness is along the lines of noticing/interacting with things that are(n't) there
Sure. It'd probably be most fair if these focused on things that most characters use - attacks, damage, AC, saves, save DCs, perception/initiative, CHA skills, INT skills, rolling hit dice during a short rest, ... the list goes on
It may also be nice if there's some way to remove or reduce corruption - maybe doing services or sidequests for the local temple, or something like that
@MikeQ Yeah, I am thinking of adding that too.
Certain quests have a couple of options. E.g. give the thing back vs keep it.
Hmmm.... hit die +1, healing spells -1?
I don't think that works
@Ben hola ben, I am gitping at the moment, brb
@NautArch I think I posted about it when they first went on sale :P
@KorvinStarmast Not sure if that's to do with GitHub or not, so I'll just let you do your thing haha
I think they've been on sale for a week or so now
@Ben github stuff is my son, the programming major. I was Giant In the Playground posting with a link to the adv/disadv Q&A here from 2012.
And an old answer of mine dealing with a cheesey method to boost AC ...
A lot of the GiTP forum back and forth is 3.5 and PF veterans dragging min/max approaches to 5e ... sometimes the discussions are useful, sometimes they are not ... other times the whinging about 'that's broken' gets a bit tiresome.
@KorvinStarmast I think my GM might have fun on there then haha. He likes to point out the flaws in some systems
Speaking of flaws, feel free to have a look at my Corruption system I'm working on.
Mike is giving me some tips too :)
2 hours ago, by Ben
Heck, each game system has some quirks. There are a few missed opportunities in 5e, IMO 4 elements monk "missed it by that much!" and wild magic sorcerer was almost great. (I still want to play one, but I need to be in the right group)
Each from of Corruption works in different ways should be form; in your bloodlust tier 1, Your aggression is you need to complete that sentence.
Consider adding additional "negative traits" to either tier 2 or 3.
You get this, but it costs you that. You did it in tier 1, but not the other tiers.
@KorvinStarmast Yes, Mike suggested that also. Originally there was no tradeoff, so I'm working that in
Ah that's a good point. Perhaps the penalty-to-benefit ratio could increase with higher tiers of corruption. So each tier is progressively more impactful.
One thing to look at is whom they benefit/harm. Bards, Sorcerers, and Warlocks are hit pretty hard: the only positive they can really look to is the CON-bumping things, but those cost them CHA-effects.
Rogues are pretty well screwed, with DEX, INT, and CHA being the three negatively-hit.
Monks, Paladins, Fighters are pushed toward WIS (monk) or STR (fighter, paladin) and away from DEX (monk, fighter) or CHA (paladin).
Wizards are alright--I suppose the +CON/-CHA thing is a mild benefit at likely no cost.
Now that-all may be fine. I don't know what mix of classes you expect playing.
But I feel like it's worth being aware of.
@nitsua60 Yes, it is something I keep thinking about. Thanks for clarifying tall that though, that'll definitely help make everything a little easier to balance out
And I'm serious when I say it's not necessarily bad. You're talking to a guy who starts by assuming only Fighter, Wizard, maybe Rogue, and maybe Cleric are on the table; everything else gets the "what's the reason to include this?" treatment.
(One of my favorite campaigns was a two-player where they named their characters "Sti-kye" and "Spark LeGui.")
(Stick guy and sparkle guy.)
Ugh; the PC lich debate never ends. Sometimes I think they should just make rules for it and be done with it. Oh well there's always TP into a lich when you really need one.
Yeah, I can see a lore argument that a PC lich would be, at least, very rare--liches tend not to care about being polite and compassionate.
@Joshua I've only ever allowed a PC to seek lichdom, with the explicit conversation with the player that they don't get to play the character once it's a lich. Liches are NPCs, period. (In the nitsuverse.)
Well, hmmm. True poly -> lich form isn't all that suited for combat anyway. One pesky little dispel magic ...
On the other hand, that lich isn't necessarily chaotic evil
@Joshua It's not C/E, it's "I do what I want, when I want, because I want to"
Yeah pretty much
But inclined in the death > life direction
I had a player character lich in one of my games--based on a Faerun expansion variant for leaders who thought their people would fall into chaos if they died.
Those liches were Good-aligned and had a slightly different list of supernatural/spell-like features.
@Ben well... for other people. (he he he)
I take it you've never seen a lich with prohibited school = necro
@nitsua60 Indeed lol
Ok so Tier 3 is sort of self deprecating... you have this cool ability, but the cost is that you automatically just become more and more corrupt.
So at that stage, you're really just on the tipping point of just completely losing it.
yeah that probably would happen if you made a deal with an evil power
I did have it so that you could only use it once per rest, but that doesn't quite seem dangerous enough... whereas if I remove it, then the only disincentive is just gaining more corruption... and I think that's too dangerous.
Maybe if I give the Town Healer the ability to remove (insert variable here) corruption per day?
Maybe holy water is relatively easy to make?
Before I got stupid powerful, we briefly played at "dislodge Joshua from the moon". A bunch of mages locked onto my lunar teleportation circle, knowing full well it was a vacuum. I unleashed dispel magic as my first action. It was bloody.
@Joshua ...wow
Ok... so I'm coming up with ways to remove Corruption. One method is to pray in front of a Holy Symbol, like a statuette.
I'm thinking this is more/less powerful depending on what Tier of corruption your on, but I'm not sure if it should be more powerful if you're less corrupted, or vice versa?
I'm thinking vice versa... since it'd be like "ok, so you're effectively hellspawn, yet you're actually willing to save yourself... kudos" vs "Oh yeah, George is praying again. Coolies."
I am curious to know what the "@SevenSidedDie - Creating content for existing RPGs" post was. Lol
Somebody was using the Ask A Question box to try to contact SSD for a private consultation.
Right. Intriguing.
I know some people might not initially grasp the concept of this site, but that's a whole new level, I think haha
@BESW do we know how or why they chose to pick SSD to give said consultation?
(Bafflingly, there's an undelete vote on it.)
@BESW A user can't vote on that, can they?
how odd
@Ben Users can vote to delete and undelete posts; that particular one was deleted by three user votes as normal.
Im just thinking the likelihood that the undelete vote is from the OP
Ah, I'm not sure.
I know you can vote to undelete your own post if you deleted it, but it'll take another two votes to make it happen like with any other post.
Q: Interface problem with disabled side bar?

LexibleI have disabled the side bay by checking the "Hide left navigation" button in my settings. However, when I do this the [Questions] [Tags] [Users] [Unanswered] navigation buttons are missing from where I would expect them to be (around the red circle below) along the top (although the [Ask Questio...

1 hour later…
While adding the tags to that meta post, I noticed something interesting... What's the difference between [design] and [site-design]? (And the difference between those and [user-interface]?) All on meta, of course.
5 hours later…
@V2Blast I missed it your post about it :* But I still bought the books :)
@Rubiksmoose hope you don't mind the edit, I thought that needed some clarification. Revert if you no like, of course. (Summoning creatures answer)
@KorvinStarmast Actually much the opposite I thought it was a great edit and was actually going to jump in here to specifically tell you that (and then promptly got distracted). So, thanks!
Good, glad it was helpful.
@BESW (liches tend not to care about being polite and compassionate) That makes the garden variety murder hobo a fine candidate for a lich-hood
Hi all
@KorvinStarmast No matter how you cut it, a lich hood sounds really gross.
@kviiri o/
Waiting to get home so I can try out the new Stellaris patch
I have mild regrets about coming into work today...
Excitement is present
@goodguy5 Feeling sick?
@kviiri I'm unreasonably pumped for Smash.
Company parties right before public holidays is also a good idea
@kviiri Except when they interfere with my Smash-playing time ;)
@Rubiksmoose yea, I had (have, I guess) a sinus infection.
I started feeling bad Friday. Went to the Dr. Monday.
Started feeling human again last night.
@goodguy5 oh dear! :( Thought it was over but not quite as over as you thought?
eh, kinda.
@Rubiksmoose It's not really unreasonable :) it's a fun game
I've been wfh all week, so I felt like I was good enough to come in.
@goodguy5 Hey, I go to Dr. Monday too
but everything is so...
not at home in my pajamas with my cats
I had a mild sinus infection earlier this year, it's a pain :(
He put me on TEN DAYS of antibiotics
@kviiri Yeah it is. I'm just very excited for it. They just better not have nerfed my main and I hope that some of the new characters are fun (Inkling especially). :D
@goodguy5 ooof.
@goodguy5 Heading to the doc today myself; maybe it's the phase of the moon.
@KorvinStarmast godspeed
@KorvinStarmast You also go to Dr. Moonday?
@goodguy5 Or in this case Thor speed?
I have a dentist appointment today, does that count?
@SirCinnamon only if it's Dr. Monday
@goodguy5 It's a clinic i've never been to so... it's possible
Nah clearly he is going to Dr. Tuethday.
How to i antistar a message
Ah, flag as offensive
Sadly they gave me an appointment at 3 and not 30 minutes earlier
@SirCinnamon hah! took me a minute.
@goodguy5 I call the doctor in this case "Slasher" (we go to the same church, he has a sense of humor about it) He is a dermatology / skin cancer guy. He's removed a few moles for me, all benign so far.
2 hours later…
Is there a feat or class ability that deals with two-handed weapons in 5e?
or is the classification "heavy weapon"?
Great weapon master?
@ColinGross Fighter has the Great Weapon Fighting, but it doesn't actually require the weapon to be two-handed inherently, just that it's held with two hands
Nah doesnt actually say 2 handed, just "melee attack with a heavy weapon that you are proficient with"
(GWM i mean, now GWF)
@ColinGross Hexblades specifically cannot use 2-handed weapons as their "Hexblade Weapon" (unless they take the Pact of the Blade later).
That technically counts as a feature that deals with the two-handed property, right?
@SirCinnamon huh, so if there was a heavy one-handed weapon.....
@Xirema Yes. Than and GWF are excellent examples.
@goodguy5 Yes, but GWM excludes versatile weapons. GWF includes them because of the use of the term "heavy" instead of "with two hands"
It's Finland's independence day so I'm going to share a modern classic song for y'all to enjoy: Hyvää puuta ("Good Wood") by Vesa-Matti Loiri.
@kviiri Do the late 70's still count as modern?
That's an interesting experience. Seems like it would go well with a jar of pickled shark.
@ColinGross As an amateur historian who also disfavors excessive linguistic prescriptionism, I have a variety of conflicting views on what "modern" actually means.
@kviiri So modern by modern standards ;-)
But I think this recording is less than ten years old --- it was a meme in the Finnish internet community because it's a kinda sad song with a slightly unusual twist of... well, praising wood a lot.
Funny juxtaposition, and people also liked to photoshop Loiri eating logs or somesuch x)
But now... Stellaris 2.2. See you later!
@kviiri It's when you juggle multiple jobs and are changing to your nurse uniform.
Mode: RN.
Does that make the transformers change noise?
@DavidCoffron @Xirema your answers were 13 seconds apart lol
@Rubiksmoose Literally the raw time required to look up the spell descriptions and physically type out the explanation. XD
@Rubiksmoose and we got misdirected by an unusual play style... Now I have to think of an alternative to replace my GM advice
@DavidCoffron Well that's quite a twist. I think "unusual" is an understatement!
@Rubiksmoose does dimension door work?
I mean can it go in a spell glyph? (Not if it can have a prefesignated destination)
@DavidCoffron right. It looks like it to me. Only one creature targeted.
@DavidCoffron oh shoot it's too high level
"You can also bring one willing creature of your size or smaller who is carrying gear up to its carrying capacity"
Unless you upcast the glyph
@Rubiksmoose well I mean so is teleport so if figure that would be the goal
@DavidCoffron Shoot then I don't think it works
Skipped right over that line when I read.
And only that line.
It targets one creature but you can bring along another. Not sure if it targets that other...
Teleportation Circle is a candidate, although there's a lot of dispute over whether targeting a "location" invalidates the "targets an area" requirement of Glyph of Warding.
@DavidCoffron That definitely gets into that hazy area where 5e hasn't defined "targeted" or "affected". There is a case to be made that they are the same though.
Given that spells like Fireball target a volume, not an area, yet are still considered valid for Glyph of Warding though...
@Rubiksmoose and I don't know whether dimension door would teleport the triggered or the original caster (what the OP wants to know) even if it can fit in a glyph. Not to mention deciding about destination in advance
@Xirema Is it though? Fireball specifically says it "targets" the creatures inside its radius.
@DavidCoffron It would have to target the triggerer right? Per the description of Glyph?
@Rubiksmoose Fireball targets a point and affects all creatures within a volume centered on that point.
@Rubiksmoose I think it's specific over general here. Fireball targets an area (which as a consequence targets the creatures) and is therefore valid for spell glyph
@Rubiksmoose yeah. You're right
@Xirema Right it literally also says those creatures are targets.
> Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 8d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
@Rubiksmoose added to my answer
@Rubiksmoose Bluh. If the precedent is that Fireball is invalid for use with Glyph of Warding, then a looooot of questions on this site have bad answers.
@Xirema I'm not saying it is the right answer mind you, but it is a completely valid reading IMO.
But the whole issue of targeting is so poorly done, it is mind-boggling.
A: Can a charmed person harm their charmer with Burning Hands?

RubiksmooseNo, burning hands targets the creatures in its AOE Burning hands is noted as having targets specifically in the DMG The DMG specifically calls out the creatures affected by burning hands to be targets in an example: For example, if a wizard directs burning hands (a 15-foot cone) at a near...

@Rubiksmoose Glyph of warding specifically allows for area effects though (separate from creature targeting)
@Xirema oh hey that's mine lol
@DavidCoffron ah yeah that is fair. it is an or statement. So yeah fireball would work no matter how you read it.
Target isn't a very well defined term, and it gets through around a lot in spells. Some spells target specific things, others target areas, and others target things in areas, pretty much arbitrarily.
And some aren't clear either way! Lovely!
And it wouldn't be such a big deal if they didn't use "target" as an important condition for a lot of things.
I'm not sure why your answers all got one downvote...
@Rubiksmoose umm... shrug someone disagrees with the interpretation of being able to glyph teleport but doesn't want to leave their own answer? Or just frustrated that we RAW'd it instead of RAF or RACS
Or heck it could be different people entirely
I try not to worry bout un-commented downvotes too much unless I get a lot
(Which usually means I missed something)
@DavidCoffron Agreed. I try not to either.
1 or 2 downvotes I consider noise basically.
@Rubiksmoose Are you asking me to make some noise?
I'll do it if that's what you really want
hahahaha I am requesting no such thing.
So. Thunder Step and Misty Step as spells placed inside a Glyph of Warding. Discuss.
@Xirema Well starting with MS, everything looks like it checks out as far as requirements. Doesn't even need an upcast.
Probably won't work for OP's use since they are trying to get them out of a building, but they could always put a window there I suppose.
@Xirema Sure, go for it, I'm sure the universe won't implode
@Rubiksmoose Well, I revised my answer to consider that exact situation, using Thunder Step since it has a longer range.
Same possible issue as Dimension Door, I think, w/r/t the "bring along 1 willing creature" part.
@Xirema Yeah I think that does techincally invalidate it (MS doesn't have that issue tough)
I also think it is an interesting discussion whether the parameters of the spell are preset by the caster or choosable by the activator.
They both have interesting pros and cons as far as use.
But the RAW don't speak to it at all that I can see.
My answer now uses Misty Step, since it's definitely a valid spell for Glyph of Warding.
I placed Thunder Step and Dimension Door as alternatives for a permissive DM.
@Xirema Good idea. I would allow it personally I think.
@Rubiksmoose I would allow it for the same reason I allow Twinning Dragon's Breath: the spell itself isn't "targeting" more than one creature, the creature affected is the one causing the spell to affect other creatures.
@Xirema Good reasoning. Even though I think a strict reading of RAW leans against that interpretation. But as RAW is clear as mud wrt these things who cares.
Do my Glyph of Warding conditions all check out? I proposed them working like this:
> 1. On the First Person to enter this room, trigger when that creature sees that all their allies within 20 feet of the room have entered the room.
2. On the Second Person to enter this room, trigger when that creature sees that all their allies within 20 feet of the room have entered the room.
3. On the Third Person....
It has obvious loopholes, but I'm pretty sure it should result in a simultaneous trigger for all creatures.
can we get a vtc that crit fail question?
@goodguy5 What do you think is the issue with it? It seems fine to me.
looks like it needs a system to me
Some systems have very specific things that do or do not happen
@goodguy5 Oh, never mind, I was looking at the wrong question.
Oh that crit fail question
Q: Suggestions for interesting story explanations/punishments for crit fail on attack roll?

Kenny WylandI always like to come up with a good story explanation for what really happens when an attack roll is 1. Some of them are easy (e.g. dropping a sword which causes them a delay to retrieve it on the next round, or the archer who is firing over the halfling's head accidentally hits the halfling). ...

Good call. Closed.
Yeah, it definitely needs a system specified.
It was so quiet for the first part of today. Now we're getting slammed.
What a great day to have been repcapped before I woke up lol
@Rubiksmoose We went like half the day yesterday without any questions, probably just rollover from yesterday. XD
Well both your answers are good and I have updooted them accordingly.
Welcome to hombrewapalooza on RPG.se!
Well, some of the home brew questions are good and well prepared, and some are not. Sorta like most other questions.
@KorvinStarmast oh yeah I wasn't making a judgement on them. Just pointing out that we got a glut of them all the sudden.
I'm going to start posting some crazy homebrew!
Only if its crazy and zany.
"Is this homebrew dhampire balanced?"
"Is this homebrew monkey grip feat balanced for 5e?"
"is this homebrew beer balanced between hops and malt?"
@goodguy5 hahaha now that is some quality homebrew. I can tell already.
I like to make homebrew when I don't feel like being productive otherwise
My fav is a homebrew "tree" race that's just a regular tree
@MikeQ I feel like the quotes should have been around "race", then.
@MikeQ Wouldn't that be a tree "race"?
@goodguy5 Nice lol
i made a homebrew. very proud of myself. homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/S1bOgHbw1E
is it balanced?
@MikeQ Huge is very large. Is this a redwood? lol
Also can I put armor on my tree to increase its AC?
Is there a suggested loot per level chart somewhere?
@MikeQ Mike, the problem with that homebrew is that every table has a wiseacre playing a druid, who will of course cast Awaken on the tree PC. Then what? Hilarity ensues ...
... You may want to playtest this with your next 5e group ...
@KorvinStarmast For my next one-shot: Only homebrew races and (sub)classes
> Personality: Is a Tree.
> Ideals: To be a Tree.
> Bonds: Cares about other nearby Trees.
> Flaws: Is a Tree.
okay. on average, a creature cr0-5 has 5 gp.

for a party of 4, effective xp required to level is
2: 1200 (6 cr 1 encounters)
3: 2700 (~7 cr 2 encounters)
4: 10800 ( ~11 cr 3 encounters)

An encounter typically consists of about 4 enemy combatants.

so during level one, a party can expect to gain at least 120gp
establishing that level 2 is twice as good, second level can be expected to net 280gp
and finally third level can be expected to bring in around 660gp

totalling about 1k when they hit level 4
good lord, that is not much
@goodguy5 Every adventure I've read has lots of misc loot lying about too
@GreySage agreed, but I was looking for a definitive chart or guidelines in the dmg
pertaining to that plate mail question
@goodguy5 It's not a CRPG. If you look at the tables for loot in the DMG, there is a decent amount of variability.
and even looking at the "what to do when starting at higher levels"
it looks awfully low
levels 5-10 start with about 600gp
Yeppers, it's imprecise I think by design. A set of full plate as treasure at level 3 or 4 is a big deal. not magical, but a big deal.
@KorvinStarmast not if it's a party of wizards
Well, I supposed they could sell it, but I don't know which of them are going to lug it around
@goodguy5 Tenser's Floating Disc, cast as a ritual. Carries plate nicely. :)
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