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@nitsua60 Thanks for the suggestions, but we didn't like much the idea of M&M, I'm not exactly sure why, but even after playing so little D&D I get bounded with it. I mean, it's D&D, even if you don't know what is a TTRPG you have heard about it, also, it has a lot of stuff! About the UA content, it was interesting but my brother will refuse to play a class without the spellcasting ability. Also, he is quite prejudiced, just mentioning Rogue or Fighter (ie: non-magicians classes) he gets upset.
Also, We didn't understand something about the revenant. Why would someone care to complete its goal? That means an literally a suicide.
Death is before me today:
like the recovery of a sick man,
like going forth into a garden after sickness.
Death is before me today:
like the odor of myrrh,
like sitting under a sail in a good wind.
Death is before me today:
like the course of a stream;
like the return of a man from the war-galley to his house.
Death is before me today:
like the home that a man longs to see,
after years spent as a captive.
@EnderLook I don't know if we're looking at the same things... I was talking about the sidebar in D&D's Monster Manual (MM) about playing vampire PCs. Also the revenant isn't a class, it's a racial template that can be overlaid. (Properly, a race-agnostic subrace: "the revenant subrace can be applied to any race that has a subrace.) I wouldn't suggest that you-all play revenants, but that maybe the revenant UA could help you organize thoughts for a similar vampire subrace you could write.
@nitsua60 Oh, you have right, I thought that with MM you were talking about M&M... sorry. About the revenant I know it was a class, I just mention that I didn't understand the why of its goal. I'll look to the DM MM
@nitsua60 That sidebar is very interesting. Thanks!
@EnderLook But it's not a class. Lemme make sure we're talking about the same thing: dnd.wizards.com/sites/default/files/media/upload/articles/…
@nitsua60 The Revenant is a race. The Monster Hunter and Inquisitive are Fighter and Rogue subclasses
@EnderLook Right. I'm suggesting that the revenant subrace could be a model for designing your own vampire subrace. Then your players could choose any standard race/class, but all have the vampire subrace.
Apparently the demilich section of the MM says this:
"Undead Nature. A demilich doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep. So great is a demilich’s will to survive that it always has the maximum number of hit points for its Hit Dice, instead of average hit points."
product page: http://dnd.wizards.com/products/tabletop-games/rpg-products/dungeons-dragons-tactical-maps-reincarnated
"Release Date: 19 February, 2019"
"Twenty maps from D&D’s heyday are coming to 5th Edition in one easily collectable set. Get your grids ready and revisit classic adventure locales with D&D’s Tactical Maps: Reincarnated. Third and Fourth edition D&D had some amazing adventures, and the best of them had battlemaps that were designed to run the combats you’d find hidden within.
3rd and 4th Edition were designed to run on a grid with minis and drawn out areas and everything. 5th Edition doesn’t require that (though it still works off of that premise) but if you’re the sort that uses them, here’s a chance to revisit some of the best maps from D&D’s past, with 20 maps from some fairly iconic 3rd and 4th Edition adventures."
1 hour later…
Howdy @trogdor
anything going on currently?
Like, in my life? The site? In general?
The site's quiet, so we must be due for one of those spammy posts about shamans who solve marital problems
I haven't seen any you-can-be-a-vampire-ask-me-how spam recently.
@BESW If I wanted to run a TTRPG game where the players are modern shamans who solve relationship problems, what systems would fit?
re-skin of Pilgrims of the Flying Temple?
Depends on the focus. Any game that's about a startup company should look at InSpectres for system ideas.
The Fate adventure setting Good Neighbours might be a good place to look for ideas about stories that center mortal/supernatural interrelationships.
It would be hilarious to do a Trenchcoats & Katanas hack for that purpose.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer, pattern-matching email in answer (346): Liberation domain and suppressing condition effects by Mecca Holmes on rpg.SE
@SmokeDetector Ha! Exactly on schedule!
Ok, so no "Doctors of the Spell Temple". Why would using Trenchkoats & Katanas be better?
@MikeQ I just assumed maybe there was something you had wanted to talk about
if not, no biggie XD
There are always somethings that I want to talk about! RPG-wise I'm assembling a mistake 5e gestalt one-shot and trying to put together some ideas for a premise.
@MikeQ Well, it'd be a very specific kind of game, because K&T (I got the name backwards) is about self-important supernatural characters battling each other for exclusive dominion (think Highlander) and it'd be really funny to have them doing that in the context of therapy sessions.
haha that would be brilliant
Would the major errata release warrant a post on meta to let people know? If so, how should it be formatted?
just something that occurred to me
For a slightly more serious but equally "very specifically its own kind of game" option, maybe... ah, I had it and lost it. [thinks]
@V2Blast That question itself could warrant its own meta question. What do we do about answers that may be updated by errata (related), and how do we inform users about it.
Oh, right. The Princes' Kingdom / Dogs in the Vineyard.
@MikeQ lol
fair enough
I just don't always know if someone wants to converse about something when saying hi, and when they are just saying hi
@trogdor Me neither. The colloquial use of "How are you?" and "How's it goin?" always confuses me.
@MikeQ Metas about metas... It's metas all the way down.
1 hour later…
....Looks like Paradox Interactive finally noticed what White Wolf Publishing has been doing lately.
I was not aware of the original controversy, although the comments raise some interesting points
WWP (which is not the original creators, it's a totally different group that was given the license relatively recently to make new content) has been... well, it's complicated and I don't pretend to have all the pieces but: any vampire-focused franchise is going to attract some people who see them as an excellent metaphor for supremacist rhetoric. The original WW creators, for all their flaws, knew this and worked to the best of their ability to push back against it.
That pushback has not been visible in recent WWP marketing and releases, and there's been some content which indicates they were... not uncomfortable with the association.
From some quick googling and forum searching, it seems the controversy is because the book supernatural-ifies (?) a current event
WW (or WoD publishers if they're different?) had been supernatural-ifying other historical events in a similar manner, but there were fewer complaints, maybe...?
That's the specific thing referenced by their Paradox overcompany, yeah.
But it's clearly the way the WWP did it, and the current pop culture that's more aware of the problems with doing that sort of thing wrong. (Even the original WW folks admit they really shouldn't have done the "gypsy" thing back in the day.)
And I'm seeing the specific chapter being called out as problematic, as part of the conversation that's been going on since July about how WWP content seemed to be courting extremist players.
Paradox Interactive says,
> Horror should not be afraid to explore difficult or sensitive topics, but it should never do so without understanding who those topics are about and what it means to them. Real evil does exist in the world, and we can’t ever excuse its real perpetrators or cheapen the suffering of its real victims.
That's not saying "you shouldn't put real-life stuff in the games." It's saying "Putting real-life stuff in the games can be done well or badly and this was done badly enough that we're putting a lot of money and reputation on the line to pull it."
I'm being deliberately cagey about the context because it's an ongoing thing I don't understand fully, and has already escalated to doxxing and death threats which make me reluctant to dig into it more.
Oh ok. The chapter's written from the perspective of the bad guys and it is grossly insensitive. So if the players are supposed to be the vampires... uh... not good.
The conversation started with a well-intentioned blog post that failed to stick the landing about making it clear who was being accused of what, and wound up being used to justify GG-style attacks on marginalized parties.
Horror stories require a great deal of responsibility on the part of their creators, because they push very close to the edge of humanity.
I honestly have no idea about what that's about, but I'm glad Paradox has the courage to do things like that when it sees the need to do so
Gaming people can get really passionate about stuff like that. Sadly, it often manifests as completely unnecessary, counterproductive and even dehumanizing vitriol.
@ravery ahoy and welcome aboard
I have a question on the edit to this post rpg.stackexchange.com/a/135399/42354. V2Blast put brackets around the ellipsis. that doesn't seem right. brackets indicate a change made to the quote. ellipsis indicate text left out. thus, they don't go together.
Q: How are bracket ellipsis [...] used in quotations?

CoreyI see this type of syntax often, but I do not know how, when or where they should be used. "It is the case that [...] the inconvenience is altogether imaginary." Is it okay to use if I need to insert a quotation into an essay, but the quote is long and I want to omit the irrelevant parts? A...

The brackets help disambiguate from a quote that has ellipses in the original text
noted, but it's a given that the quoted text would not have ellipsis in it. I guess it doesn't hurt to leave it, Just seems odd to anything I have done/seen.
@MikeQ This answer english.stackexchange.com/a/298005/288348 is more inline with what I had been taught.
but then it's been 30 years since I've been in academic writing classes.
3 hours later…
A: Is there a style guide for posts?

SevenSidedDieWe don't have a local style guide. There are a few common practices that we inherit from a few different sources though: Because we are using HTML (which is a format designed to be both human- and machine-readable), which gives specific meanings to certain kinds of markup, we benefit from recog...

A: Standardization of English, etc.

BESW Some common reasons to edit are: to fix grammatical or spelling mistakes to clarify the meaning of a post without changing it to correct minor mistakes or add addendums / updates as the post ages to add related resources or hyperlinks Try to make the post substantively be...

2 hours later…
>errata realises that losing hit points when you level up is incredibly stupid
someone at WotC found their brain cells!
Q: How to vote on bad questions asked on someone else's behalf?

AndrásSometimes we see questions that have easily findable, non-ambiguous answers. What makes them interesting is being asked on someone else's behalf. If this were the whole question: Does the Dueling fighting style add 2 to every damage die you roll? I would just vote down, and move on. Howev...

(D&D5e). Which Artisan tool would someone advise me to be proficient? I already have Smith Tools proficency
@EnderLook Is this for your Forge Cleric?
@MikeQ Yes!
You rembember it! The DM asked me to complete the character sheet because it wasa missing some information
I'd suggest picking a tool that could help in the adventure, or pick a tool that you feel matches the style of the character.
I was thinking in Alchemist to make... potions? That sound fine. I also think in Cook, make food may be useful, but I think my DM doesn't take note on small stuff like food and that. Tinker, I'm not sure about the usage, but it's with metal and I am a Forge Cleric. What can I do with a tinker's tool?
Q: Is there a limit on what tinker tools can do?

ThenimbusmasterWhat I mean by this is can you make anything you can imagine within the reason of the world. This includes using materials to construct a plane or parachute. Because me as a player finds that amazing, but me as a DM would find that horrifying.

Q: What are the Alchemy and Tinkering crafts?

BlueMoon93The PHB lists many sets of tools and supplies for several crafts and trades: Alchemist’s supplies 50 gp 8 lb. Brewer’s supplies 20 gp 9 lb. ... Smith’s tools 20 gp 8 lb. Tinker’s tools 50 gp 10 lb. Weaver’s tools 1 gp 5 lb. Some of those are pretty self-explanatory. Woodcarver, leatherworker,...

There are a number of questions about using these tools in 5E, considering that the PHB doesn't really explain them
Ok, thanks!
Even though your Forge Cleric powers basically make them redundant, I think being proficient with smith's tools would be most appropriate flavor-wise.
@Yuuki My Smith proficiency comes from the Forge Cleric. I don't think is much redundant because I can transmute stuff into raw resources and with them craft stuff (smith's tool need half the price of the item in resources).
@EnderLook Oh whoops, completely missed this.
Hmmm… I wasn't expecting more errata (including stat changes!) after 5E has been out for many years. Do I just go pencil in changes throughout my books? just have a printout of the errata in the back of the book and hope I think to check it? Give up on my paper books and just buy digital instead?
@MikeQ: If you thought tinker tools were bad, then you haven't used marvelous pigments yet.
hilariously abuseable as written
@Yuuki that's sorta cool. ;) Played LoL once in the past two months.
Also, their errata needs errata. I'm guessing I shouldn't be writing "wizard spells" in the Rogue section.
@PeterCooperJr. yo dawg
Can a Lawful character has a Chaotic ideal? (D&D5e)
@EnderLook Probably. The alignments you see next to the ideals, those are just suggestions.
Ok, thanks
> "You can choose any ideals you like, but your character's alignment is a good place to start defining them."
As in, if you selected an alignment, but don't know which ideals to select, then you maybe want to use one that fits your alignment. But you don't need to.
@EnderLook If this is the same DM as before, they may have a different understanding of the rules and alignment. So you may want to ask your DM.
@MikeQ Yes, it's the same DM. But I'm afraid of asking him. I think I'll just choose the Chaotic ideal, and if the DM someday says it's wrong, I'll fix it.
Being able to communicate with your DM is crucial to playing D&D, and most other TTRPGs as well
You have right, I'll think in how to ask him about that. In 2:20 hours we will have the second session. (Yes, I'm finishing the personalities traits now and not in the session before because I couldn't decide which background use)
Discuss stuff with the DM before the game. That way, you have the same understanding of the character and the type of game the DM wants to run. Also, it means the other players don't lose play time because of a side argument.
@MikeQ He didn't let me :(
Huh. Anyway I would not worry about it too much. Personality, ideal, etc are hard to enforce in game anyway so they usually don't come up.
Yes. Anyway, in addition to that I also asked about another 4 stuff and he gives me some useful information. Now he is explaining another stuff, we are discussing if the alchemist kit can craft or not potions
Does the DM have access to Xanathar's Guide to Everything? There is a chapter about these items can or cannot do
Alchemist's supplies, with a long rest, can be used to craft: acid, alchemist's fire, antitoxin, oil, perfume, or soap.
@MikeQ I think he has. But it is in English so we aren't sure if concoctions count as potions. For been exactly, any of Alchemist or Herbarist says about potions.
The Herbalism Kit (PHB) explicitly says it can be used to make potions of healing
@MikeQ Perfume and soap?? Does we need soap??
For staying clean. Hygiene is important!
"Arcana. Your knowledge of the nature and uses of herbs can add insight to your magical studies that deal with plants and your attempts to identify potions."
"Arcana. Proficiency with alchemist's supplies allows you to unlock more information on Arcana checks involving potions and similar materials."
Both talk about identify potions, not make them. Is that the same?
Not necessarily. Identifying a potion is when you find a potion with no label, and you want to figure out what kind of effect it would have
So any of both can't?
Crafting a potion = start with ingredients and materials, spend some time to do magic and science, and then you turn those ingredients into a potion.
@MikeQ Found! Page 130 of XGE. Herbarist kit for healing potions
@MikeQ My goodness; recent PHB errata changed an answer as I was writing it. Call lightning seems to be a bit more deadly out of doors, and for that matter, indoors.
@KorvinStarmast eheheheh
"I saw that lightning bolt from orbit!"
@PeterCooperJr. Isn't that where AT gets their spells?
Does make me wonder if AT/wizard MC will function differently than an AT/Cleric MC, and if that's what was intended....
@nitsua60 Oh, probably. That'll teach me for trying to call them out.
I should have just stuck with the Bard's "Magical Secrets" change was on p. 54 instead of p. 50, in my book at least.
I just hadn't bothered actually adding the "<classname> spells" wording as I was penciling in the changes in my books.

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