Do creatures retain their type after they die (i.e. when they are a corpse)? This is for a fairly absurd situation in which a party member (the cleric) has died and neither of the others can resurrect him, but one of them is a wizard that can cast Simulacrum. The idea is to cast Simulacrum to create a simulacrum of the cleric (with "half the creature's hit point maximum" - which seems independent of its current HP) and then have the simulacrum resurrect the cleric.
The intent definitely doesn't seem to be that such a thing would be possible, but I'm curious whether it would work by RAW
I've seen some Crawford tweets that suggest it's not the case:
but the wording of stuff like Revivify seems inconsistent with that: "You touch a creature that has died within the last minute."
then there's stuff like Animate Dead, which doesn't specify either "creature" or "object", just "Choose a pile of bones or a corpse of a Medium or Small humanoid within range."
Targeting isn't listed as a separate line in the PHB, so the description is all we have to go off
Later in the Simulacrum description it says "It appears to be the same as the original, but it has half the creature's hit point maximum and is formed without any equipment. Otherwise, the illusion uses all the statistics of the creature it duplicates." - which suggests maybe the target should be a creature?
If someone casts true polymorph on a simulacrum in order to polymorph it into a creature, which part of the spell is used: "creature into creature" or "object into creature"?
@Axoren Not exactly, just at least once ever 6 seconds
> Certain spells (including spells cast as rituals) require more time to cast: minutes or even hours. When you cast a spell with a casting time longer than a single action or reaction, you must spend your action each turn casting the spell, and you must maintain your concentration while you do so.
It also says
> A spellcaster must have a hand free to access a spell's material components
"Well, I guess I'll take a nap on this dead body for a few hours while the snowman forms from some nail clippings I took previously for no particular reason."
Yes. There is nothing in the description that says that you can't use the created object as a material component. The only qualifiers are related to size and mass, and that the created object be nonmagical. Since material components are not typically magical, you can create them with ...
During a fight in a semi-flooded room, one of my players wanted to use Shocking Grasp on the water:
Lightning springs from your hand to deliver a shock to a creature you try to touch. Make a melee spell attack...On a hit, the target takes 1d8 lightning damage, and it can’t take reactions unti...
Shape Water needs to be used every 1 hour, the caster needs to be playing Duck Duck Goose, and we're still not sure whether or not the body is fair game
If you're the DM, I'd just allow it because it's interesting and inventive. If you're the player wanting to do it, I'd ask your DM for their take on it. If those don't apply to you, you don't need an answer soon, so Stack it.
But if you're the DM and you're feeling cheeky, then they've made a copy of a corpse >:)
That must be some pretty valuable had to fetch for more than 1,500 gp
After the players realize they've been bamboozled by the corpse copy, let them argue it out a bit and then have them roll for Intelligence. Which one was the copy again?
It has come up several times in the last couple days that people have told posters not to add to their answers because it would force anwerers to only uses RAW.
For example (from this question):
Person A: Might I suggest adding the 'rules-as-written' tag, just to make it clear that you a...
@Axoren imagine how many questions we'd have if that metamagic was actually real. also does create food create just fish meat or one whole fish or multiple fish? what does create water do if i use this metamagic on it? what happens with a fireball? do i create burning fish or fish hands?
what happens with flesh to stone? do i make a stone fish or more fish? what about polymorphing?