> Expanded Spell. When you cast a spell that produces an Area of Effect, you may spend 3 Sorcery Points to double the [radius, or volume?] of the spell.
> Reverberating Spell. You may spend X Sorcery Points to mark an ally. The next time you cast a spell, its effects will be repeated using your marked ally as the point of origin.
@Xirema The Pathfinder metamagic Widen Spell does exactly that, fwiw. (Well, it actually says something confusing about "all numeric measurements increase by 100%", but that's how it's commonly interpreted)
@Carcer "Unbeknownst to you, in a completely unrelated universe, a large retail store chain goes into bankruptcy, sending millions of people into unexpected unemployment."
> Shape Spell. When you cast a spell with an Area of Effect, you may spend 5 Sorcery Points to reshape the entire volume of the spell's effect into an entirely new shape. This reshaping must result in a new volume that is fully connected to itself; it cannot result in two or more distinct shapes. No portion of the new volume may have a cross-section whose average radius is less than 1 foot. No portion of the new volume may extend beyond the normal range of the spell.
(want to edit it to say "beyond the spell's range", so that it doesn't conflict with features that increase a spell's range)
@Xirema Hm? You can use Banach-Tarski to "reshape" a ball into two identical balls. If you let these two identical balls overlap such that their intersection has a radius >1 foot, which you can certainly do, you're golden
Alright. So a standard fireball, cast with this, can be reshaped into a lance of fire with an approx 17 ft. diameter extending the whole range of 150 ft.
@ACuriousMind Which is very powerful; but also, how often are you going to encounter an army of creatures that are all neatly lined up in a big line extending 150 feet?
@Xirema I was just thinking that lightning bolt is probably the "standard" beam alternative to fireball, and it's just a 100ft beam with a 5 ft diameter.
I.e. conservation of volume does not seem to have been a principle when considering spells power :P
@ACuriousMind I would counter, though, by saying that I don't know anyone who looks at Lightning Bolt and gets really excited by its power level. It has a niche use in the exact scenario where all your enemies are lined up in a narrow hallway leading 100feet back; and if your DM sets that up, they deserve to have their encounter gibbed.
@Xirema The 5ft width of lightning bolt gives you only a very narrow targeting window under the standard assumption that a single medium creature occupies a 5x5 space. 15ft, i.e. 3 squares, are considerably easier to target at enemies running down a wider hallway without neatly lining up.
@ACuriousMind Which is why you're spending the rough equivalent of 2 3rd level spells to gain that kind of power with Fireball.
> Artillery Spell Metamagic. When you cast a spell that does not have a range of Touch or Self, you may spend 5 Sorcery Points to give it a range of 5 miles. However, you may not target any point within 1 mile, and when cast this way, the spell will target a point equal to 250' x d20 away from the intended target, the direction chosen by rolling a d12 and treating each number as cardinal directions on a clock.
@Xirema Fair enough. Now all that's left to consider is how much GMs will hate you for making them adjudicate whether or not a particular shape a player describes has a cross section of "less than 1 foot radius" at any point ;)
I mean, you could do the 1ft diameter beam at 150 ft distance, and then do 1ft beams branching off of it
given that the total volume of a fireball is 33510 ft³, and 5ft of a 1ft radius beam are approx 16 ft³, you get 2133 5 ft squares filled with a fractal fireball tree :P
@Xirema Sure, but must the new volume fit into a sphere with a radius twice the side length of the cone, or into a cone with twice the radius of the base?
> Advanced Metamagic. Starting at level 15, you may spend 5 Sorcery Points to combine the effects of two Metamagics. You must also spend the corresponding Sorcery Point costs of those respective Metamagics.
@ACuriousMind A cone's height is the same as its base diameter, in 5e mechanics.
Which means the side length is equal to SQRT(5)/2 if you were to use it. Which I wouldn't. I'd just use the height or base diameter.
@ACuriousMind Which is why the sphere is twice the radius.
Which the cone definitely fits inside.
@ACuriousMind (actually, I'm pretty sure it does fit? Put the origin of the sphere at the center of the base of the cone, and the base of the cone carves out a circle with a radius half the radius of the sphere, and the tip of the cone is exactly on the edge of the sphere)
> Metamagic Spell. You may spend Sorcery Points to modify this spell using metamagic.
> Overloaded Spell. You may choose to spend all of your remaining Sorcery Points (minimum 1) to increase the save DC of a target spell by 1 for each metamagic effect applied to the target spell up to a maximum based on the number of Sorcery Points spent on this metamagic.
@mustard Hello! The toll for hanging out here is to submit an obviously unbalanced and poorly thought-out Metamagic to add to 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons. What's your tithe?
> Clown Car Spell. You may choose to spend X Sorcery Points to cast X spells in addition to your current spell. On each successive round, you may use your action to apply the effects of one of the additional spells to your target.
> Drunk Spell. You may spend 1 Sorcery Point per target to make the targets of this spell intoxicated. Lasts until they take a Long Rest or are hit by a spell modified by the Coffee Spell metamagic.
Enervated Spell. You may choose to regain 2 Sorcery Points when you cast a spell that normally used your Bonus Action to instead use your Standard Action.
> Cross-class Spell. You may spend 2 Sorcery Points and select another spellcasting class to make this spell count as though cast by that class. You use that class's spellcasting ability score modifier in place of your Charisma modifier for this spell.
> Schrödinger's Spell. You may spend 3 Sorcery Points to cast this spell without expending a spell slot immediately. The next time someone interacts with a target, flip a coin. If heads, you expend the spell slot and the spell retroactively takes effect as if it had been cast normally. If tails, nothing happens.
> Postmodern Spell Metamagic. When you cast a spell, you may spend 2 Sorcery Points to form a thesis regarding why you think the conventional understanding of this spell's behavior is wrong. This won't help you get a job.
> Procrastinating Spell. You may expend X Sorcery Points to stop time for X rounds. During those rounds, you cannot do anything productive, you absolute mung bean.
> Schrödinger's Spell. You may spend 2 Sorcery Points to give an inaccurate and confusing analogy explaining this spells behavior. If any target attempts to understand that analogy, the DC for them to resist this spell increased by 5.
> Improvised Spell. You may spend 1 Sorcery Point to make a melee attack in place of this spell's normal effects. If the attack succeeds it deals 1d4 + STR bludgeoning damage.
When an effect created by Schrödinger's Spell needs to be resolved, flip a coin. Heads, use ACursiousMinds version of the metamagic, tails, use GreySage's version.
> Bolded Words Spell. You may spend 1 Sorcery Point to drop your voice by one octave and increase its volume when you speak the verbal components of the spell.
@GreySage That's nice because we used different amounts of Sorcery Points, so until the spell is resolved, you may not even know if you had enough points to cast it :D
> Sleeping Spell. You may spend all remaining Sorcery Points to cast this spell while you are awake. After casting, fall asleep for a number of hours equal to the number of Sorcery Points spent.
> Mean Spell. You may spend 1 or more Sorcery points to select many dice that would be rolled as part of this spell's effects. Instead of rolling those dice, use their average values, rounding down the total.
> Flipped Spell. You may spend 3 Sorcery Points to make the target of this spell become its caster, and you become the spell's target. Casting this spell consumes the caster's spell slot instead of yours.
> Acid Spray - A concentrated ball of acid ejects from your handbutt to a point you choose within range and explodes upon impact. Each creature in a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 3d8 acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
> Shocking Grasp - Lightning springs from your hand to deliver a shock to a creature you try to touch. Make a melee spell Attack against the target. You have advantage on the Attack roll if the target is wearing armor made of metal. On a hit, the target takes 1d8200000 lightning damage, and it can't take reactions until the start of its next turn.
> Eldritch Blast - A beamturnip of crackling energy streaks toward a creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 force damage.
> True Strike - You extend your hand and point a finger at a target in range. Your magic grants you a brief Insight into the target's defenses. On youreach next turn, you gain advantage on your first Attack roll against the target, provided that this spell hasn't ended.
> Fireball - A bright streak flashes from your pointing finger to a point you choose within range then blossoms with a low roar into an explosion of flame. Each creature in a 20- footmile radius Sphere centered on that point must make a Dexterity saving throw.
I am an Arcane Trickster. I just hit level 3, and I have Ritual Caster. My team has a very weak front line and I might find myself being a part of it from time to time. What spells do you recommend?
Utility spells won't go to waste either. I just stole our first magic item, and I'll probably be the source of a lot of my team's profits in the future.
But I just don't know what I can get that'll help me do both.
From 0 to 10, when 0 is extremely awful, 5 is normal and 10 is OP, ¿How much are this stats rolls for D&D5e -> 18, 15, 15, 14, 11, 10? A what this anothers -> 15, 15, 15, 14, 10, 9? And what about 18, 15, 13, 11, 11, 11?