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Did they make him darker?
@BESW neat!
@Rubiksmoose I still struggle with them sometimes
I'm easily overwhelmed, though
@Rubiksmoose Well, put it this way: in Jaime's first origin story, as soon as he possibly could he told his parents all about his superpowers and how he got them. They laid down ground rules like "If it's a natural disaster you can just go, but you have to ask us first if you're fighting a supervillain."
That's awesome
In the New 52, he was just another superpowered kid hiding his identity from his parents.
@Ash You might like the animated Batman the Brave and the Bold TV show. Brings back the campy silver age feel.
@Rubiksmoose I second this!
Original-flavor Jaime was one of the only DC heroes who really feels like his human identity is more definitional than his superhero identity.
@BESW Thats...pretty boring and completely uninspired.
I know in YJ his parents must have known because the JL makes it a policy to ask parental permission before allowing kids on The Team. But it never really comes up as a conflict in the show.
Like, there's a confrontation where he challenges a witch into a duel-by-proxy for the life of a baby. The only ally he can tap is his best friend, an unpowered human teenager. For her proxy combatant, the witch summons the embodiment of his deepest teenage wish-fulfillment fantasy.
@BESW I really love the humor in that show. There's nothing quite like it.
This is the result:
@Rubiksmoose You might like The Middleman.
@BESW that is amazing!
@BESW That looks very entertaining. I'll have to check it out.
I love it. Jaime is a ridiculously well-adjusted Latinx teenager and it's so heartwarming.
There's an issue where his family goes to visit their extended family in Mexico, and the whole issue is in Spanish, no subtitles.
And even if you don't know Spanish, you know the characters and the artist is skilled enough that you can follow it anyway.
@BESW That is actually incredibly cool. I love authentic use of language in a comic. Even just using made-up language "authentically".
Jaime's superpowers come from being melded with a sapient alien superweapon, and one of the major plot arcs is Jaime teaching the superweapon about compassion and justice and friendship.
@BESW I do like the beetle dynamic Jaime has. He could take out most things in a single blast if he let it, but at the cost of collateral it is usually too much. The struggle is compelling and intersting.
@Rubiksmoose The superweapon has its own substitution cipher alphabet for what it says, giving Jaime a kind of Han/Chewie dialogue thing going on with it, but you can figure out the cipher and translate the beetle's dialogue if you want.
@BESW Oh that is really cool. All we get in the shows is clicking or nothing at all.
The original run also has great arcs about being a Latinx superhero in America and getting everything you do translated through that political lens.
And also there's an arc early on about how his little sister is scared by his costume.
Very cool. I might have to pick those up. Maybe I'll get lucky and they'll be included in DC Universe right at launch.
Straight up, the original run of Jaime Reyes as the Blue Beetle is probably the only DC series I've ever read where I didn't think it was just fun or clever, but I felt like I was better for having read them.
Well I certainly have to read them.
I hope I haven't overhyped, but it really was great to read them.
I doubt it :)
The opening issue or two is a little rough because his origin is actually part of an event crossover where he gets his powers and is immediately kidnapped by the superhero teamup for a save-the-world mission that winds up with him lost in space for a year and presumed dead: the Blue Beetle series starts with his unceremonious return to earth.
So there's a lot of "as you know, dear reader" implication but don't worry it's not important.
@BESW I always give a series a least 3 issues to judge unless it really turns me off.
And the final arc is a bit hasty because they got canceled.
But it's not like it doesn't wrap up or anything, I think it's still satisfying. Just a bit rushed compared to the other arcs.
Thats a shame :(
There's also a teamup series with Jaime and Booster Gold that's above average, but doesn't have as much of what I loved about the Blue Beetle series.
@BESW Oh Booster...
Basically it's "Having taught Scarab the Meaning of Friendship, Jaime and Scarab must now teach Booster the same lesson."
@BESW I must imagine that it was far easier to teach the alien superweapon than Booster lol.
I felt really uncomfortable about how Booster treated Jaime, partly because of the age difference.
@BESW I actually wondered if they had de-aged him.
And partly because the writers didn't really seem to get how much of a [snip] Booster's really being. Abusive behavior played for laughs too much.
I think maybe they wanted it to be like Deadpool and Cable? But that teamup worked because they're both unkillable [snips] who totally deserve each other and teach each other the Meaning of Friendship.
But watching Booster mess with Jaime just made me want to punch Booster in the nose and give Jaime a hug.
I can see that being an issue for sure.
Booster's existence makes people want to punch him in the nose!
Yeah, and I get that that's sort of the point of the character.
But Blue Beetle spent its whole run making us care a LOT about Jaime's emotional well-being, while Booster's usual targets are characters who just shrug him off.
@BESW That makes sense. Seems like an...interesting team-up.
It could've worked, but I never got the impression that the writers understood where Jaime was coming from, tonally. They were treating him more like a Peter Parker, whose emotional vulnerability is hinted at but never really explored too deeply.
("I deal with fear by making jokes" is not exploring a character's emotional well-being. It's retroactively justifying a popular gimmick.)
I also recommend Marvel's "Ms Marvel" series with Kamala Khan. Especially the first couple arcs before the execs started forcing her to have a never-ending series of gimmick teamups and event crossovers.
@BESW So good! I love it.
I think I'm all caught up with it actually.
I feel like Jaime helped make space in the Big Two for Kamala.
That was actually the first comic I ever read.
Outside the Big Two, read Lumberjanes.
Tonally, Lumberjanes is like if Steven Universe went camping outside Gravity Falls.
[adds to list]
I also like Paper Girls, which is about tweenage paper girls in the 1980s who get swept up in a time-traveling war from the future.
It's more brutal, but still compassionate.
@BESW Well if that isn't a catchy premise I don't know what is.
There's a Dark Crystal comic that looks beautiful.
I'm digging the art style of PG.
So good.
Oh wow that is really pretty.
The premise of the Dark Crystal comic is that someone from an alternate dimension shows up and says "Hi, my world is going to be completely destroyed unless you do the thing that sent your entire world into a dark age and you spent that entire movie fixing."
That sounds like a pretty fun premise to play around with.
And meanwhile the world of the Dark Crystal has turned into a bureaucratic dystopia run by priests in charge of supervising the worship of the film's two main characters.
And, you know. Pretty.
That art. Wow.
Stop making me want to read comics when I have real superhero campaign work to prep ;)
(just kidding of course)
Oh, and there's Goldie Vance, a completely mundane comic about a teenager whose dad manages a hotel in Florida, and she wants to be a private investigator.
I want to say I've heard of this one before, but I have no idea where that would have been.
That seems like the likely culprit then!
I mentioned The Middleman earlier.
Not all of its humor has aged well from the early 2000s, but it's a fun loving-homage-satire romp through superhero and secret agent tropes.
It seems pretty fun. I wonder if my wife would be interested.
(as well)
The Middleman is "Fighting Evil So You Don't Have To," and works for O2STK, the Organization Too Secret To Know. His antagonists have included superintelligent mafioso gorillas, and a league of luchadore wrestlers with a blood vendetta against his sensei.
There's a TV show which is pretty good low-budget cheese.
...and the final comic issue is a crossover between the comic universe and the TV universe.
The main character is a cynical, embittered art school graduate who lives in an unreasonably spacious loft with her unreasonably photogenic roommate, and becomes the Middleman's apprentice after impressing him with her instincts during an attack by a tentacular horror at her temp job.
They are assisted by a cranky cyborg receptionist whose personality is stuck on "domineering schoolmarm."
oh my word. It sounds fantastically campy.
The first volume is called The Middleman: The Trade Paperback Imperative, and the second is The Middleman: The Second Volume Inevitability.
In the very first panel, we see that Wendy's temp job is at A.N.D Laboratories: "Rescrambling Your DNA."
So, if you like the self-aware loving parody aspect of Brave and Bold, you'll like The Middleman in either comic or live-action form.
It definitely sounds like it. I'll have to check that one out as well
(Warning: the show was cancelled after the first-season cliffhanger.)
That is a very good warning.
@BESW oh gosh yes
But if you segue from the season 1 finale into the Sylvester Stallone movie Cliffhanger...
Nothing happens.
Except you get 2 hours older.
@Rubiksmoose Somewhere on YouTube you can find the actors doing a table read-through the unproduced season 2 first episode script at a convention panel.
That is amazing. I'll have to look that up once I'm through everything.
@nitsua60 XD
@BESW That's a kind way of summarizing it, and I think you are correct.
@BESW Sadly, I didn't have that pithy expression as I tried to make similar feedback on Meta regarding the new user experience. Thanks for how concisely you put that.
2 hours later…
I hate networking. In all its forms.
And I do mean both in conversational networking and IT networking.
I mean, I'm OK with networking that just happens during conversation "oh, hey I know a guy that is in that", as well as just plugging things in and setting IP settings...
But when I'm forced to do it... Going to meetings, or when the network doesn't want to work for no reason other than it simply doesn't want to.. Ugh.
Is the network making you mad as hell, and you're not going to take it anymore?
Anyone use the Chronicles of Darkness books? I am finding them very poorly arranged. It's frustrating.
(Just venting).
@BESW I have mixed feelings about this network
The Network can help you with that problem.
@KieranMullen Can't say I have
I need to watch that again
So after an hour and a half mucking around with one PC that was refusing to connect to the internet (turns out the NIC is busted) I swapped it out for the original PC (reported to have been totally fried), and there were no issues.
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist is live on DNDBeyond!
3 hours later…
Q: What answer should I accept if the rules are ambiguous on the matter?

AntiDrondertRecently I've posted this question and as a result received two contradicting answers, but since game rules are a slightly ambigious on this particular topic, arguments for each of the answers are partialy true (at least to the degree where the answer could not be discarded right away as a wrong ...

6 hours later…
Today's Finnish news spectacle: the polytech teetotaller society is trying to buy all the booze of a liquor store opened near their campus. National media is observing closely.
Their strategy of promoting absolutism is drinking everything themselves so no one else has to.
@kviiri They must be well funded.... what are they going to do with them?
supposing they succeed and its not a publicity stunt
@SirCinnamon Each member pays for their own share, apparently it's not sponsored in any way
And they're going to drink it to destroy it
@kviiri OH i misread your message - I thouhgt it said they were buying all the stores
that is... some strategy
but... how is it any different from normal college life?
Branding (:
The idea that news broadcasting stations are just filming college students getting drunk so other people can't get drunk seems really funny to me for some reason.
@DanielZastoupil it's a quiet news day
finland seems to have an interesting approach to teetotalism
It's just the polytechs
one of my colleagues has a finnish grandmother who apparently took the temperance pledge a few decades ago but worded it "I will never step through tehe doors of an Alko" to leave open the loophole of drinking from other places
Haha :D
Teenagers who hang outside Alkos or shops soliciting adults to get them booze are called "seagulls" here
No idea why
@kviiri how can the teetotaller society drink it?
teetotaller representative here, those kids are bs. I would believe it if they bought it and stored it or threw it away or something... But for drinking? Can't pull my leg with that clumsy maneouvre!
@Helwar they get to simultaneously deny alcohol to others and also be a cautionary tale about the dangers of excess for whatever happens to them afterwards
from a certain perspective, it's a very efficient approach
@NautArch It's their way of fighting alcohol
@kviiri That's like how i fight weight gain by eating all the cake I see - If I've eaten it I wont be tempted!
@Carcer If I drink half a cup I start to fild numb. A whole glass and I was on the verge of puking. And that's when I was 22, now I'm 32 and I don't think I would handle it that "well"
And yes, it's a joke really
they are gonna get laughed at when they have a coma ethilic with the second glass
@Helwar I have no idea how well I would handle alcohol - I suppose I would have to drink some to find out
but I've lived a straight-edge life from start to finish so far
@Carcer I'm a teetotaller because I simply don't like the beverages, nor their effects, not by any moral compulsion or anything. WHen friends insisted on me trying it I sometimes obliged
never found the taste agreeable, nor the consecuences so... meh
@Carcer what does that mean? The metaphor is lost in me
Liquor is certainly a very acquired taste
@Helwar "straight edge" comes from a punk subculture
@Helwar It's a term for staying drug, alchohol and tobacco free
I'm not really very punk but I don't do recreational drugs of any kind
Uh, I'm mostly that then! Tried some alcohol in my early twenties, didn't like it, haven't drinked since, and no drugs, no tobacoo whatsoever
@kviiri but teetotallers don't 'fight' alcohol...they don't drink it.
@NautArch I think it might be more of a temperance society thing?
@Carcer Temperance also against drinking.
my understanding is in Finland there's a quite strong link between the concept of teetotalism and the finnish version of the temperance society, more than in other places
@NautArch I know - but they're also more about encouraging other people to abstain from things as well
@NautArch These ones do
whereas we normally consider teetotalism as being about personal choice
I guess a better translation would be "Polytech Sobriety Society"
I think we've reached the conclusion they're not really a serious society, mind
Or yeah, "Temperance"
Society sound so vintage and weird. I assume a dark cult of cthulu would call themselves society, nowadays people use party, group, etc...
not a complain, just pointing it out :P
@Helwar still very common usage in British English at least
especially in the context of university/college extracurricular groups
I was a member of several societies at my university
hum, that may be I cannot argue with what I don't know
I was thinking of the usage the word gets in spanish
here we use the word "club" more often than not
"party" implies politics in english
@Carcer here too, mostly, but I've seen it used differently. I was struggling to find the words that I wanted when I wrote that, sorry
no need to apologise
your english is way better than my spanish
I hope so, I wasted so much effort in learning it! :P
I mean, I had to play all those un-translated games!
Blame my english to Final Fantasy Tactics and Breath of Fire IV
And to Stargate SG1. They played that on tv at random hours and I couldn't follow it, so a friend of mine lent me the whole series, in english. By the end of it I felt like I was a native english speaker
Interesting. I got stuck with Spanish speaking soap operas. Not nearly as compelling.
@ColinGross Not as much
it seems TWF rules are more contentious than I thought
Q: Should we give a reason why we are downvoting an answer

Matthew PerrymanI was wondering if we should have a small dialog box which is opened when you wish to downvote a question or answer, I feel that if people put in the reasoning for the downvote the community will have a better idea on what is considered a 'Good' Answer. For example I provided this an answer to t...

@Carcer I don't think I really understand what's going on in that question. It's combining extra attack and twf ?
The question wants the net result of Attack, Grapple, Offhand attack in the same round?
yes... are the comments Vylix and I left on your answer not helping?
Not really.
Is the bit that's missing that you've forgotten that a grapple attempt can be made in place of any individual attack made as part of an Attack action, and that if you have Extra Attack you can both make normal attacks and grapple attempts in a single Attack action?
Or is that more about taking the bonus before the action that gave it to you?
... no
I think we must have some more fundamental communication disconnect. The order of actions as described seems very clear to me - I'm honestly not sure how to explain it differently. Maybe someone else will be able to join the pieces.
Attack Action = 1 dagger attack, 1 grapple
Bonus Action = 1 Two Weapon Fighting attack
yes, that's the gist
Seems legal to me
yeah, it seemed legal to me at first blush too
it's turning out though that not everyone is on the same page about that though
there's questions about the timing of the TWF bonus action and the precise requirements of qualifying for it in the first place
The first attack is the main hand attack. That gets the TWF bonus for the offhand. Second action is grapple with main hand.
Bonus action is off hand attack?
I'm seeing a lot of disagreement about whether a dagger has to be drawn which seems to be true, I think its possible you might already need the dagger drawn
@ColinGross Yeah
I think if you're holding both weapons on attack one, you get the two weapon fighting bonus attack, regardless of whether youve dropped it by the time you take the bonus action
I find the argument that you need to start with both weapons drawn compelling
which does mean I need to go back and edit an answer to another question from a while ago
@SirCinnamon Isn't drawing a weapon part of the attack action?
however there is the remaining issue of the timing of the bonus action
@Helwar You do get a draw as a single interaction
As part of your move I think.
@Helwar But this requires drawing two daggers... not sure how that plays out
@Carcer You can do a bonus action any time after the trigger. You could run a full mile and then take the bonus action if you had the speed
I've been letting one of my players draw and shoot daggers as part of the attack action
you definitely need to be holding two weapons to qualify for TWF. Is the question, "does the bonus action go away if you're no longer holding two weapons?"
@Helwar You can get one draw/stow per round as your free interaction.
@SirCinnamon "You choose when to take a bonus action during your turn, unless the bonus action's timing is specified"
I make my players keep track of that so they can't be walking armories.
@ColinGross I dont think that makes sense in an in universe way, and i dont see anything in the rules that indicates it
@SirCinnamon I have an example of when it could happen with shield push.
@Carcer Yes, exactly
Two attacks with the shield... the 2nd one breaks the shield. The bonus for push hasn't been used, but the shield is busted.
and the wording of twf is "When you take the Attack action and attack with a light melee weapon that you're holding in one hand, you can use a bonus action to attack with a different light melee weapon that you're holding in the other hand. "
Can you still shield push without a shield?
the question is does "When you do X" specify the timing of the bonus action
@ColinGross It has to be a different weapon right?
@Carcer Yeah. That seems to ignore what subsequently happens to the main hand. You've already qualified, yes?
currently the matter of active debate, I think
@ColinGross maybe technically that makes sense, but in universe, twf lets you attack with your offhand weapon, if you still have an offhand weapon, and had one in your main hand at some point... I don't see the impossibility of using it to attack
@Carcer IMO, no or else EVERY bonus action specifies being taken immediately
(i know there is no mainhand or offhand in 5e, it's just engrained in my brain)
@SirCinnamon I think that got errata'd. You can take the bonus any time after you qualify for it.
@ColinGross IMO, yes
@Helwar specifically you can TWF even if the first attack was throwing the weapon, so by definition by the time you make your bonus attack you would no longer be holding the first weapon
@Carcer Oooh very good point. For TWF to work with thrown weapons you MUST be able to take the bonus even without wielding the original
@Carcer You're holding two daggers. Main hand throw it... which is an attack.... that qualifies you for the offhand attack, but you're not holding two weapons when you make the offhand.
Seems reasonable.
But you do have to be holding two daggers to start, yes?
I find the argument that you need to make the first attack while holding both weapons, yes
I agree with the argument, rather
@ColinGross maybe not, if you can draw one for free, you might have one dagger in hand, throw it, then draw and throw another
I think it is demonstrably the case that by the time you take the bonus attack you don't need to be holding the first weapon anymore though
@Carcer True... if your offhand attack is another throw, you can throw two daggers a turn?
TWF allows you to make two ranged attacks per turn. Just a bandoleer of daggers.
That seems.... off to me. But maybe I'm just judging it offhandidly.
what's wrong with that
@ColinGross I agree with that :P
an archer fighter can conceivably nock and shoot several arrows in a given turn
Okay. Like the knife guy in Men in Tights.
@Carcer Only with Extra Attack.
yes. My point is that drawing and throwing a couple of daggers using different handles in a single round isn't wildly unreasonable
different hands
a fighter has 4 attacks per turn at high level, isn't it? you add the twf, and then make the thingy that letts you attack again (don't remember the name)
@Helwar action surge
with my ruling that would be a dagger machine gun
@Helwar Can't draw more than one per turn without the TWF feat.
might need to fix my ruling xD
Even then, you can only draw two per round without burning an action.
Still, that's four daggers in two attacks.
@ColinGross yeah yeah, as I've said, I misread that and thought that drawing could be a part of the attack always, I have to fix that
Actually, I'm thinking along the lines with @Carcer now. That doesn't seem too crazy.. and hatchet/dagger machine gun sounds kind of interesting.
@ColinGross it does
I dunno how efective it might be though
@Helwar Mechanically or thematically?
especially if you're wearing an actual bandolier of daggers in such a way as to make drawing them very easy
it's an Arthur (of Ghouls and Goblins) build, a throwing weapons build :P
I think it's not OP mechanically, except at L1-3, but after that it's on par.
@Helwar Three lives for the whole game... good luck.
@ColinGross mechanically. Thematically is fantastic
Never beat that before I had an emulator and could save state.
@ColinGross I think I never reached the third stage
I never made it past the jungle level in the Lion King.
Even at L2, it's not that OP. You get one additional ranged attack over the characters that would otherwise get 1 with a bow or crossbow, but meh.
@Carcer I completed that game, ONCE. In an actual super nintendo, so no savestates
nowadays, with savestates, I can't do the first adult stage
I'm going to run a one shot to test the dagger guy. I'll get one of my min/maxy players to play one guy and my most theatrical player to play another. One will be daggers the other hatchets.
I'll see how it goes.
what malleable players you have
@ColinGross oh I'm jealous now. You have willing test subjects
hometime for me. ttfn fellows
I'll put them on the edge of L2 so they'll be L3 after the first two easy encounters.
@Helwar Mixed boon. I've played D&D with some of them for more than 20 years. They know almost all of my tells and story techniques.
I'm really glad I found this chat. Yoinking ideas from you all have kept things interesting lately.
e.g. dagger man and hatchet man
@ColinGross I do too. I had noone to geek about rpgs, my players are not into the scheming /theoricrafting hobbies :P
well they do for MTG, but I tire quite fast of that... It always revolves around having or wanting to invest money in cards
@Helwar Haven't played since 3rd edition. I don't think any of my decks are even legal anymore.
I did inherit most of the collections of my friends when they stopped playing though.
@ColinGross ours never were, we play with all that's on the market
so we have our own weird meta
Hmm.... action surrge or extra attack only get you one extra dagger throw since you don't get more than one bonus action per round.
So Attack + Offhand to throw two daggers. Free action to draw two more. Extra attack only allows you to throw one of them.
Then you're starting the next round holding one dagger.
@ColinGross maybe tunnel defender to be able to attack whoever gets close?
it's broken, but fun
@Helwar that UA?
I think so
it's not on any book I think
I don't play with UA.
I do, but I'm getting more picky
My min/maxer really likes psionics and wanted to use the mystic UA. Tested that with a more sane player... we had some hella broken builds at 3rd level.
Nah, googling tunnel defender had it as the top result
I know the rules and the effects and everything, but the names of things? Impossible :P
that's actually insanely strong
At L3, one of the mystics was proficient with EVERY tool.
The other one could read EVERY language.
@SirCinnamon I think tunnel fighter lacks the words "use your reaction to" somethere in it's text
and then it would be good
Yeah. OA without burning a reaction breaks stuff early.
@Helwar It lets you use reaction to attack anything that moves near you
With sentinel or pole arm master, that's pretty busted.
@SirCinnamon you don't use it
At the very least, it should be activated with an action rather than a bonus action.
you just do the OA
"While in your defensive stance, you
can make opportunity attacks without using your
reaction, and you can use your reaction to make a
melee attack against a creature that moves more
than 5 feet while within your reach."
I played a one shot as a fighter with polearm master + tunnel fighter. My DM knew since weeks before
> While in your defensive stance, you can make opportunity attacks without using your reaction, and you can use your reaction to make a melee attack against a creature that moves more than 5 feet while within your reach.
This probably means you can use your reaction to hit enemies that try to Disengage.
the One shot was almost all in a labyrinth with 10' wide corridors...
Which is ridiculous.
@Yuuki yes
I think I would house-rule that this defensive stance must be activated with an action rather than a bonus action.
@SirCinnamon exactly, and with polearm master, you make oportunity attacks when someone enters your reach
@Yuuki Attack action not a move action.
@Helwar Ah, then that's very strong
And have it drop the speed to 0 while in the stance.
@Yuuki I would be ok with that, it's still strong
@Yuuki I think this might make it too weak
I guess it would depend on your DM
@SirCinnamon With pole-arm master, it's free attacks on anyone that moves within 10' ofyou.
@ColinGross It doesn't matter, you just do it at the end of your movement...
@SirCinnamon It might be too weak if you don't use it in addition to Sentinel and Polearm Master.
But this fighting style with those feats is really strong.
@Yuuki Yeah thats kind of the rub, it's too strong when paired with something but not enough without it
I would just house rule that those feats dont stack or something
Maybe not be able to use this fighting style with a polearm.
something like that
Makes sense thematically since polearms are large weapons and this fighting style is made for tight spaces.
@Yuuki That's a decent take on it.
@Yuuki wouldn't you use a shield and lance on a tunnel?
"When wielding a weapon with 5' reach"
spear is "Lanza" in spanish
Depends on the tunnel. I was also thinking about climbing battlements towers.
Oh I was not debating the mechanical benefit :) It was more of a thematic thingy
I have to go buy a present for today, before they close the store in 50 minutes...
so... BRB!
@Helwar Thematically, I think a polearm would be rather awkward in a tight space. Historically they were block formation weapons, no?
(I wish someone had told me before I left my work and came home... since I work 100m away from the store I have to go to now...)
My party had to go up against an opponent with a relatively high flight speed in last night's session. The only one of us that has a decent Dexterity Score is our Druid, who had no ranged weapons, and he also had no cantrips with a range greater than 30 feet.
It was a very long encounter.
Lots of held actions?
rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/131308/… this doesnt really seem like a dupe
(not of the linked qs at least)
@ColinGross I think this was mentioned earlier, but you seem to have misunderstood that TWF question. I think that answer might end up attracting a bit of downvotes unless you fix/remove it...
@Rubiksmoose Meh. More or fewer internet points. I've discovered the deadline for an abstract I'm writing is tomorrow. I'll delete the answer later. Thanks for the heads up
@SirCinnamon fixed
@ColinGross No worries no worries.
@Rubiksmoose Ah great!
@SirCinnamon I actually forgot that I could un-dupe hammer something.
@nitsua60 great, they can't stand a successful site design, so they have to fiddle with it. Progress, I suppose.
@KorvinStarmast I too hate change
@Carcer The base challenge to resist change is "Very hard", DC 25, with an additional +5 for every technology involved.
I wish there was a field on questions for related questions
I mean that you could actually populate, not just trust the inferior automatic search-ness of the stack
Q: Filtering duplicates when asking questions

YawusWhen I ask questions, I always look through the "Questions that may already have your answer" box to be sure that I'm not about to post a duplicate. I've started to work with different platforms and I would like to have filtering on the duplicate questions box so I can find questions that I may b...

Like that?
not quite - more like a manually curated list of questions related to the question, which may be helpful to those reading around it
we do this to some extent just with comments that say "this question is related"
but using comments isn't the most elegant solution
@Carcer I really dislike what they did to the Ask Question mothership.
Yes, it was in the name of standardization but I hope they fix it.
Or do something.
@Carcer You either incorporate them into the text of the question, which can be hard work, or stick them in a list at the end, which looks bad, or tack them on in a comment, which could be removed at any time for any reason.
@GreySage Yeah, exactly.
@GreySage One of our members actually made a meta feature request about this exact thing relatively recently.
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