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@Rubiksmoose Besides defacing my usual handle, I'm also considering to invent something new, because it's not like I attribute much more meaning to it than it being a nice handle that is unoccupied nearly everywhere.
@Rubiksmoose Can I get a 2nd set of eyes on the comment i just left?
@NautArch What about it?
@NautArch Looks fine to me. I'm not sure if he was asking about asking homebrew here or just developing. But what you said is at least accurate.
@Rubiksmoose Cool. Trying to be helpful but also push him in the direction of balance. Gave him an upvote just because it seems like they're learning and trying :)
Specifically, please check How can I ask a good homebrew review question? section 2 -- iterate in new questions, not via updating the question. — doppelgreener ♦ 50 secs ago
I left this one as well
@doppelgreener Excellent
The only bit i got worried about is when they said they weren't concerned about balance
if they were concerned about balance they wouldn't be playing d&d ZING
that's unfair i'm kidding
@doppelgreener D is perfectly balanced with the other D
@doppelgreener There is a bit of truth to that (especially for earlier editions. 4e and 5e are much closer to balanced).
@NautArch I like that comment, but you may want to make it more clear next time that we still allow those questions. I.e. "FYI, [dandwiki is not a great resource](link). You're welcome to ask questions about the homebrew on that site, but be wary since the website is not vetted for balance and allows anyone to post their ideas." (or something like that)
@DavidCoffron Hopefully I made it clear with my comment because I just noticed the same isue.
@DavidCoffron Good point. I tried to suggest that with the link to Meta, but I could be clearer.
I guess "we can assess balance when you're ready"
wasn't clear?
@NautArch I think what happened was that OP took your first comment to mean that it was bad for them to ask a question about dandwiki. So then they asked if it was ok to ask about homebrew they made themselves.
That is my take now anyways.
@Rubiksmoose Ah. I had read that as "dandwiki links bad, but can I post it as my own and it would be better?" WHich didn't make a lot of sense :)
Yeah lol. Luckily between the 3-4 comments we should have all contingencies covered.
That first comment was really just a warning on the resource and didn't mention anything about the question - but I could see how it could be interpreted as that.
It looks like this Eberron release is something kind of weird and confusing.
Lot of people asking about this for Eberron - not until the content is 100% sealed. Mechanics will run through UA and be updated in the PDF. Once those are done - and artificer added - we'll turn on POD. https://twitter.com/MasterTheGameRP/status/1021479956684189696
This is 100% official content for Eberron. Since it is an ebook, that also means we can update content with comments based on UA playtests of the races and the artificer. If we do an Eberron print product, we will design it to complement as much as possible what the PDF presents. https://twitter.com/Tw1zt84/status/1021495380226334720
Some things, like the artificer, races, and basic world info, will be picked up for a print book, but we want fans to be happy owning both.
@NautArch I'm tired of answering balance questions on obviouslt overpowered and system-non-conforming homebrews (im thinking of a select few races).They have increased in frequency recently.
@DavidCoffron Yeah, i've noticed that as well :(
@Rubiksmoose so it's an official document that may be updated? I like that for video games but for tbt games it just seems lazy
Constant balance updates don't really fit and it seems like they just haven't done enough playtesting (and they should have finish the product before release)
"The game mechanics are in draft form, usable in your campaign but not refined by final game design and editing. They aren’t officially part of the game and aren’t permitted in D&D Adventurers League events. If Wizards of the Coast decides to make this material official, it will be refined based on your feedback and then appear in a D&D book."
^From the intro to WGE
So it's published UA =?
What I'm especially confused by is why are they charging for this? I assumed that everything was done and official when they start charging for content. It was certainly not clear that this was playtest material from the description when I went to buy it.
@NautArch I just really don't know. I'm really really super confused.
I"m really trying to be helpful to the Warlock Invocation poster, but i fear i'm borderline not helpful?
@NautArch You may as well write all of the comment content (e.g. compare the thing to similar existing things) in an answer
@MikeQ Sort of a frame challenge answer about how to post a balance question?
@NautArch Both. They're asking if the thing they describe is balanced - while their justification/rationale would be convenient, the question is answerable without it.
@MikeQ Kind of, the meta Qs I linked to recommend including that info in the question.
I guess it's about being an answerable question with upvotes vs an answerable question with downvotes.
I'm honestly more interested in trying to get folks to put good questions up than provide answers to bad questions.
Well, any reason why you can't edit the question to include what the user said in the comments?
@MikeQ Not a good reason. But I've got a couple bad ones.
I reckon it would be more useful for an established user (such as you) to do the edit, clean up the comments, then comment that you edited their question with the information they added, and next time they should include all information in the question
compared to having 5+ separate users fill the comments with variations of "You're not asking correctly", which just prompts the asker to respond with even more comments
Gotcha - but that only solves the issue of adding some bits and doesn't really solve the larger issue of throwing an untested or analyzed up to the Stack.
@NautArch That seems like the type of problem that naturally occurs with homebrew content questions
@MikeQ yup, and answering them I think says "keep asking like this"
Hm. In that case, then the lack of analysis is kind of equivalent to a poorly-researched question, and it will likely be downvoted.
Or, open up a meta suggesting some kind of standardized expectations for homebrew questions
There is one. I linked to them.
Im back!!
@Mustachachu Hi back, I'm Mike.
what did I miss
Did yall like my wizard
@Mustachachu The academy wizard who had their magic stripped away by a rival wizard, that one?
Is there a way to PM on here? Sorry, I'm new. I don't have enough reputation to do the chats. — Luke Sommers 16 mins ago
Can someone shoot them an upvote maybe so they can pop into chat?
@LukeSommers o/ You can join this chat to discuss things in realtime with your fellow users, as they mentioned in a comment.
Oh wait --
@LukeSommers Ok now you can chat.
(If you still can't, please refresh the page.)
Thank you.
welcome! @LukeSommers
The system hadn't yet caught up with your reputation change, so I forced it to update.
The summoning is complete. (thunderclap in distance)
@LukeSommers is there anything we can clear up for you? I know you've had a bit of a confusing second question probably with a lot of people telling you things.
Someone had told me to update the question rather than commenting, but in the link @doppelgreener provided, it said not to edit the the same question and I panicked.
I'm kind of going through ideas in a google doc but I haven't a clue how to balance.
Rule of thumb is you can do minor corrections on legitimate errors and stuff, or edit to clarify things to readers, but avoid doing a material update/fix to the homebrew
RoLM has always been slightly OP, going back to its introduction in its initial form. Why change that now? It's not like that item can be bought at Target(TM) ... then again, maybe that was an oops.
(Sometimes those are hard to distinguish and we're still working out a good way to articulate where the line sits)
But we get a lot of homebrew feedback requests where someone gives feedback, then the question updates to incorporate all of it, which means the answer is no longer relevant and by our content guidelines must be deleted... which is bad. That needs to be iterated instead.
@LukeSommers That's understandably confusing. Basically, what was expected was that you edit to include your justification (why you think it's balanced), but don't edit the homebrew content itself based on feedback (otherwise any answers would be out-of-sync with the question)
Got it, thank you.
@Rubiksmoose A lot of DM's Guild material is not balanced. They published Eberron for the usual reason, I deem, and that is money/revenue. To exploit Eberron fans.
@LukeSommers As very much not a D&D player, neither do I, but there are several people around here who do, and there are some questions that do explain the thought process quite well in principle, I thought.
I'm re-reading my post and comparing it to other damage-buffing invocations, and realizing it is overpowered. Perhaps being able to do that once per combat?
@LukeSommers That might be closer to balanced, something like the Gloom Stalker Ranger's "during the first turn of combat" thing at level 3.
@Rubiksmoose So are the races in it just the ones from the UA article, and it's actually $20 just for dragonmarks?
Agonizing blast is a constant +CHA, this would be once per combat. I changed it (On my Doc) to half Blast damage once per short rest and compared again, which would, I believe, be underpowered
@MikeQ I ballpark it at 2/3 hit probability, unless AC is way outside "range."
@Miniman The races I've looked at are actually all updated as far as I can tell with lots of new flavor text, images, and revamped (or at least tweaked) mechanics.
@nitsua60 My math is, most 1st level PCs have around +5 to hit, so if d20 averages to a 10, then they have roughly 50% to hit an enemy with AC 15, and hit for average damage. In the game I was in, the DM was expecting rolls like a dagger (1d4+0) equates to 4 damage per turn.
Would there be a way to not have disadvantage on the Blast roll? Could that be included in the Invocation?
@LukeSommers I am curious as to why you are making that homebrew invocation as opposed to having the warlock use Green Flame Blade, or Booming Blade cantrips. Is the point to do something neat with Blast, like Repelling Blast?
@Yuuki I miss level-titles from old editions of D&D.
@nitsua60 That's two of us. The first time I got to be a Thaumaturgist I had to go and look the word up. When I got to be a Magician at level 6, I was so excited.
@Rubiksmoose That's...weird. So they released 2 different versions of them on the same day, both of which are playtest material but one of them you have to pay for...I really have no idea what's going on over there.
@MikeQ Yeah, but I'd consider 15 on the high end of the range for L1 PCs. Skellies and goblins and wolves and such are all going to be down nearer 12.
@KorvinStarmast I had forgotten about those, but I suppose.
@KorvinStarmast I liked the "enforced" bit of setting mechanics that ended up in there. "There can only be seven $FOO in the world at any time," for instance.
@nitsua60 For monks it meant "Cage Match!" at sixth level. For druids you could wait a little longer.
"When a PC becomes a Duke they automatically attract 50+4d20 followers from the following six tables...."
(or whatever)
@nitsua60 Clerics got Turcopoles! Like 10-60 or something like that
@nitsua60 Oh, yes. Those numbers are definitely more appropriate for a 1st level party.
@nitsua60 At Patriarch Level, Finally, "faithful" men will come to such a castle, being fanatically loyal, and they will serve at no cost. There will be from 10-60 heavy cavalry, 10-60 horsed crossbowmen ("Turcopole"-type), and 30-180 heavy foot
> that was at level 8, if you survived that long
@DavidCoffron They didn't do a closed playtest for the Eberron stuff at all. Ravnica product, though, I'm excited to see the final version. Like the next hardcover adventure it's a book that at least tries some new things.
@nitsua60 The Plane Shift series didn't inspire me with confidence ... but tastes will differ. Hoping Ravnica got some play testing. (but bloat has been happening ... same as it ever was).
@KorvinStarmast Right. I found an old binder from elementary school days last month... I think a L5 fighter/cleric was the highest "power" character I found.
@KorvinStarmast It did and I (personally) liked a bunch of things about it, even though I had no experience with M:tG post Ice Age.
@nitsua60 One of my favorite campaigns ended due to me getting orders to a new location. Had a 5th level Ranger on the cusp of six. Ah, I never got into M:tG.
@KorvinStarmast I'd argue the bloat is very different this time around - no class bloat, very little feat bloat, but a ton of races, subclasses, and spells.
> I need to go and dig up my old 3x5 card with my original Magic User; he was ninth level as we all dispersed and headed for college.
By limiting the parts of character creation they made new things for, they've ended up in a very weird place.
@Miniman Sorry I misunderstood. It is an update from the old UA stuff. I haven't had a chance to see the new one that came out today.
@Miniman To me, Mord's Tome of Foes is monster bloat. But some people want that, so it's cool. Hexblade really stepped on blade pact, and XGtE Rangers are nice but original Rangers could have been given some domain spells ... but were not. Blah.
@Miniman The subclass bloat is starting to drive me nuts. We're almost at the point where each class has the subclasses in place to emulate each of the other classes.
@nitsua60 Yeah. There's that.
@Rubiksmoose Ah, right. If you do look over it, I'd love to hear if it's the same/different.
> I'd like to see original Ranger given a slight update; domain spells for Hunter/Beast Master, and a slight reworking of Beast master.
@Miniman Sure thing. I'll probably take a look tonight and I'll ping you.
@nitsua60 Yeah. And when you compare the quality of Mystic and Artificer to some of the subclasses, it seems to me that they're running out of space in that...well, space.
Pretty excited to see if they do anythign to update the Artificer. And what happens to the Mystic if anything.
@nitsua60 Thanks for that link to the latest CoC draft, but I don't think the language is any less flabby. sigh not sure if I will offer any recommendations this time around. I'd need to rewrite the whole thing to make my point.
@KorvinStarmast I couldn't explain why, but I don't really see new monsters as bloat.
@Miniman Fair enough, I guess that's a matter of taste.
Some of the CR assignments had me scratching my head.
@KorvinStarmast This. Always this.
@Miniman 5e monsters seem to me to in a lot of cases have an excess of HD and / or artificially high Con, which has the knock on effect of making con saves for monsters nearly trivial. I think this was done to reduce the number of monsters in an encounter .. but I am not sure.
I guess my idea is useless since we have Booming Blade and Green-Flame Blade then?
Im back went in pool
@LukeSommers Not useless. But it looks like trying to shoehorn that particular cantrip into a boot of a different size.
@KorvinStarmast I assume it's to ensure monsters last long enough to feel significant - after my party turned a green dragon into pate without it ever getting a turn, I started to appreciate the value of large HP pools.
And yes @MikeQ far back in the chat I was talking about my wizard that had his magic stripped by a rival
Ah, thank you.
@LukeSommers Take a look again at the invocations, and see if you can pick up on what look like thematic consistency between them. (Do you have XGtE/Xanathar's Guide to Everything). Comparing those invocations to the originals might give you an inspiration.
I made a Bard earlier who doesn't believe in magic...
@Miniman what level party?
@KorvinStarmast I have a PDF, yes.
@KorvinStarmast Hmmm...9, I think? It was back in HotDQ, so a fair while ago.
@LukeSommers I am away from books, but I'll ask this: what is the intention behind your invocation? Improving the warlock's melee attacks?
Or, given the Warlocks limited spell/cantrip list, getting more mileage out of Eldritch Blast?
hey there @KorvinStarmast
@Shalvenay Howdy and how are things?
Kinda, yeah. I have a warlock that's heading towards Pact of the Tome, so I thought something like that might be useful. Also the spell list thing, and I had a post about combining it with the rogue's sneak attack
@KorvinStarmast fine here, as for you?
Did you take a look at that helicopter crash?
@KorvinStarmast uh, which one?
@LukeSommers I read it, and it confused me
@Shalvenay Surion, in Korea. Blade came off in flight.
> it didn't end well
How did it confuse you?
> why you were using an invocation to do what Green Flame blade does. :)
@KorvinStarmast ouch. :/ I had not heard. on a happier note: did you hear about the crazy stuff that went down at Farnborough this year?
Oh, because I had forgotten about GFB.
@LukeSommers But you seemed to be going for nova ... of a different kind.
@Shalvenay The C-130 loop was kind of neat.
@LukeSommers Lots of damage in one blow. (See also a Paladin's Smite using spell slots).
why does the chat in the top right corner say birds-apparently
Oh, yeah. I just thought it would be cool.
@LukeSommers I'd suggest looking at the UA Artificer's Thunder Monger for a similar idea.
Farewell to you all, off to another tasking from the lady of Starmast Manor.
I've actually played an Artificer before, and that's similar, but I'm trying to do it with a Warlock. Bye @KorvinStarmast
@KorvinStarmast bye
But basing it off Eldritch Blast is always going to be tricky, because the progression of EB isn't linked to your level as a Warlock.
It is, however, connected to total character level, so I can multiclass
Man, imagine the crap we could have avoided if they'd linked EB to the warlock properly.
@LukeSommers That's the problem.
Oh. Why's it a problem?
@KorvinStarmast and yes, I was referring to the upside down Herc :D
The Rogue and the Artificer both get amazing damage progressions on a single attack. That's ok, because they lose out on that progression if they multiclass.
Ah, that makes much more sense. Thank you.
But if you give the Warlock an ability to channel Eldritch Blast through a melee attack, or similar, people are just going to take how ever many levels of warlock they need to get that, then go Rogue, and combine both damage progressions.
There's also Magic Initiate, which wouldn't let you channel it through a melee attack, but they would have access to Eldritch Blast
This isn't your fault, btw. It's a flaw in design that has bugged 5e since the start, as evidenced by all the warlock 2/sorcerer X using EB twice a turn.
Yeah, I noticed a couple of those builds.
@LukeSommers That's not actually a problem, because it doesn't get Agonizing Blast, so it's just a 1/2/3/4d10 cantrip like all the others.
True, but you still get at least one really powerful damage cantrip
You can also get Toll The Dead
And there are a lot of dead, so that's gonna be pretty lucrative.
raises dead Yeah that'll be 60 gold
What would it be like if I made a cleric that worshiped a evil god
There's the Grave Domain cleric in XGtE
Death Domain in DM's Guide
Yeah but that when I read it sounds more like the god isn't evil just in charge of life and death, and hate when the peace of the dead is desecrated. they just think its just apart of the multiverse
"The Death domain is concerned with the forces that cause death, as well as the negative energy that gives rise to undead creatures."
Ok thanks
Under Villanous class options
when I made the first comment it was targeted at the grave domain
AH, gotcha
I need to get the DM guide
I have the players handbook
and xanathars guide
also need volvo's guide
and lastly I have the monster manual
Try that
says it can't be used
Let me check around
did everybody else just leave
or are they listening
its loading but looks like it works
Those should be the 3 you need
I have xanathars guide but thanks for the other two
No problem
they so slow though....................................
Have literally everything
Yeah, but you can download them for later
Put them on OneDrive and they are faster, I think
well thanks
how come nobody else is talking
I dunno.
I think there is nobody else
There are
9 other people
yah but they are not as dim if they are talking and there
like if you hover over me I don't change in brightness
Hey did you see my wizard or warlock?
there really far back
Got here today
if you want you can load older messages to see them
unless you want me to tell you about them now
Not seeing anything so far
You can tell me about them
its pretty far back
well ok
I'm back to Friday
for my Tomelock drow his backstory is that he went on a stereotypical raid and he found what looked like a unicorn wand with the horn being the main part and having a handle that was his neck and head. when he went to bed he has a dream about a unicorn. the unicorn makes a deal with the drow, that if he went on a epic quest to attempt to reform himself, that the unicorn would grant him magical powers. the drow wanting to become all powerful very quickly agreed
when he woke up the horn part of the wands spiral was glowing yellow and pink.
He's a Fey one then?
celestial from xanathars guide
unicorn is one of the patron ex.
Wanna see my warlock's background? It probably sucks, but I'm bad at writing
and so the drow went to find a group of adventurers saying that his magic would be a great asset to the group
just a little more detail then you go ok
I want him to slowly through the campaign change from neutral evil to neutral good, because of the holy light he is exposed to
also he will protect the innocent but still be kinda selfish.
Makes sense. How are you dealing with sunlight sensitivity?
@Mustachachu Anti-hero kind of vibe?
Oh Im know its going to suck but I havent put him into play
and yes he is going to start out mostly anti-hero
but like I said he won't not help the party, he just selfish
Should I post mine now?
and he is in a thieves guild so I don't steal and derail the campaign
by getting the gaurds
@LukeSommers Now you go
also sorry for taking long
It's fine, Mine has to be in two parts
Makili Ambriel was a street performer turned conman. He had always been good at card games and tricks, so he used that to his advantage. One day, he was conning, or so he thought, a mysterious man that radiated power. The man gave Makili an old, leather-bound book with strange markings on it as a "prize" of sorts. Later that night, Makili opened the book.
It looked like a legal contract of some kind. From what he read, it would give him great power for just the small price of his soul. After 3 sleepless nights, he signed it. Makilia felt something leave him, but then something else replacing it. When he woke up the next morning, he found that the flesh of his left arm had turned black, with red eldritch runes and symbols circling it. He kept the tome with him, in hopes it would grant him more power one day.
Nice binding mark
Thanls, it's the arm he casts with
also does he have levels in bard
No, why?
I just thought since he had been a performer
it was just a small detail I wanted to know about
Oh, nah. Meant that as like a street magician
well still pretty cool with the arm with runes
Thanks, I got bored and made that
Wish I could draw it
that would be awesome
Ever seen FMA?
can you explain
another nope
explain please
Guys, can we please not link to illegally hosted copyrighted material.
what are they, podcast
like TAZ
Full Metal Alchemist
pre00.deviantart.net/0a1b/th/pre/f/2013/322/f/e/… Figure the runes would be something like this
so they make rpg art
It's a show
about campaign adventures
No, look it up
also the volvo and DM guides are downloded
looks like ANIME
That's cause it is?
@MikeQ You doubt my laziness?
@MikeQ welcome back
As much as I enjoy pirates as a thing, let's be careful about what we link the in chat room, ok?
never watched it
but may look into it
Got it, won't do it again
Fullmetal Alchemist was a manga, then made into two animes.
hello @Ash
Hello! :)
I made a human Variant rogue with magic initiate
Im guessing by variant everyone means plus 2 to ability scores of choice, one feat, and a skill of choose
I might change my wizard from a gnome to a human variant
Why's that?
I could get higher stats for like constitution
@LukeSommers Probably because it means starting with a feat. Either is a good choice.
plus I get a feat like @MikeQ said
Yeah. I haven't played a Variant human before
neither have i
Any ideas for the name of my rogue?
ragnarok the rouge :D
Regarding character backstories - anything that doesn't encourage antagonistic behavior (e.g. "My patron wants me to kill the party paladin" or "I'm secretly working for the bad guy") is generally okay but also not very significant in D&D. There are systems were backstories are important, but what matters in D&D - and what matters to the other players - is how you play during the game itself.
@Mustachachu Monde Final? Ending World in French
that could work
stank mc gank
because why not
for my wizard someone far back said that I should make my wizard a variant human prodigy but Im not sure where it is or what benifits I get
is it in xanathars guide
Variant human as race, maybe prodigy is a background?
@Mustachachu Yes, Prodigy is a feat from XGtE. You gain a skill proficiency, a tool proficiency, a language, and expertise to a feat in which you were already proficient.
It doesn't really help with any of the wizard's class abilities or power. But I suppose it rounds them out a bit, considering they are low on proficient skills.
thanks and by expertise what do you mean
Double proficiency bonus
considering his back story which you know @MikeQ he is a prodigy
continuing on the topping of my wizards backstory how did you like him
Like I said in my previous messages, I am generally indifferent toward backstories
Wanna see my rogue?
What kind of stuff would the wizard do in game? For example, do they have a peculiar style or attitude or idiosyncrasy that makes them stand out?
Hopefully that works
I promise it's not a pirate link this time
@LukeSommers I went ahead and removed the links you posted to illegal copies of the D&D books. Please keel things "clean" in here, thanks.
@LukeSommers You are now chaotically aligned, and can no longer gain levels in 3.5 monk
my wizard would be more squirmish and uneasy most of the time with his magic removed from another student, constantly knowing his magic could be stripped at any time by his rival
(oh, sorry--I see now someone already mentioned it)
@Miniman Thanks.
plus he is usually not so weak considering he was a prodigy at his college
@Mustachachu Was he on the varsity Magicball team, or president of the Wizard Chess club? Or both?
hold on, what is that
@Mustachachu It is what we in the business call "humor"
is it like the ball game at hogwarts :D
@Mustachachu You tell me. You're the one writing the character.
I didn't think of it

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