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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

If your walnuts will be around a long time, freeze them in an airtight container so they don't go rancid as quickly.
@nitsua60 If I can offer you any "crotchety old man pointers" (in re your discussion about familiars) you have but to ask. :) There is no additional charge beyond the usual.
hey there @KorvinStarmast, how're things going?
@Shalvenay All is well, AC fixed today so Mrs Starmast is again happy.
@KorvinStarmast good. I'm pondering just how rotten the weather would have to get to ground a dragon
We each got 112 xp, salty gets 114 since we are nice to newcomers
Dragons are smart enough not to fly in bad weather. :)
Like most birds
@KorvinStarmast yeah, that's my line of thinking, but there are those that argue that a determined (and large/old) dragon would be able to pretty much ignore most storms
@Shalvenay Hmm, an ancient dragon would be experienced enough with flying to make the best use of air currents as found ...
I can see a blue dragon coming down out of a thunderstorm to wreak havoc being thematically awesome
@KorvinStarmast yeah, it's just a matter of "will they overwhelm said dragon?" XD
@KorvinStarmast that would be kinda cool thematically, although rough on the dragon XD
Dragons know when to come in out of the rain ...
unlike humans
@KorvinStarmast heheheh
@Shalvenay If you can find an inspired moment, your recollections of the stirge battle would be good. On the r20 campaign forum. (And glad we finally got a map ...)
@KorvinStarmast yeah, we'll see what happens with that :)
Looking forward to saturday night, the possibilities are opening up more ...
OK, off to clean up some stuff, be well. :)
@Shalvenay Are you considering dragons to be cold blooded here?
Also, hey there!
@JoelHarmon I suspect that D&D treats them as warm-blooded, at least
Otherwise, the mid to high altitude flights would get.. interesting.
@JoelHarmon yeah, which also raises the question of a dragon's flight ceiling
Can the cold-immune ones go higher?
Is excess CO2 considered to be poison?
@JoelHarmon maybe? and CO2 wouldn't be an issue, lack of ppO2 would be one limit, and aerodynamics would be the other
Dragons are magic blooded and can survive in hot and cold climates
due to the midichlorians, and stuff
6 hours later…
Improbable character concept of the day: The Fairy God-Mother of Military Bio-tech.
The Fairly God-Mother can't turn a pumpkin into a carriage or rags into a fancy dress, but she can work miracles with Photoshop on your Tinder profile picture.
Since we're still about : a young white wagtail has been showing up on my balcony from time to time :) a cute lil' thing.
1 hour later…
A good Meta.SE post on being nice in comments.
It's a bit... superficial, I think? It probably works for sites where there's pushback against any comment moderation at all, but Stack's underlying problem with its niceness policy (focusing on superficial civility) is still very much a reef on which genuine kindness runs aground here.
...Sorry, I've been thinking a lot about how words like "nice" and "polite" and "civil" tend to get used where "deference" and "non-confrontational" or "permissive" are really meant, and how true kindness is an active and uncomfortable virtue to cultivate.
I'm increasingly suspecting that a sign the Stack owners are genuinely interested in a welcoming, tolerant, kind site, will be that they find something other than "nice" to describe the behavior they want to see in the community they oversee.
[hums a bar of Malvina Reynolds]
@RibbisRabbiAndMore Hi!
@BESW that's a really fair point too
@doppelgreener There's a history behind those words which I won't get into here, but... yeah. It's not a particularly useful phrase to lean on because it's about presentation rather than content.
1 hour later…
@BESW These are (as I've come to expect) really good points. Do you mind if I point them out to SE staff?
Sure, I don't have a monopoly on these points. The role of the Call For Civility in response to dissident discourse is a pretty hot topic in American media right now.
I'mo drop a few links and notions in Discord for you.
@nitsua60 I've raised some of it in TL. o/
@BESW This is a really good point, IMO
It's something that's been nagging me for a while but I only just... earlier today... figured out quite what was bothering me.
Still sorting it out.
Figuring out what it means about how I need to change.
The good thing about "Be Nice" is that while it's vague, it's also rather hard to twist to something entirely unpleasant.
Longer codes of conduct can be net beneficial, but can come at the additional problem of rules lawyering.
The problem with "Be Nice" is that it's also a handy cudgel for anything that makes the folks with authority uncomfortable.
There's a whole section of sociolinguistics about politeness and face which goes into this sort of thing.
Obviously not all calls for civility are toxic! But a policy like "Be Nice" is easy to use that way, and so it is.
Yeah, but so are many other policies. And some people, unfortunately, will get inspired by more bullet points...
(see how many people use freedom of speech as an excuse for slander, threats or such)
Aye. I'm certainly not saying I have any specific solutions here.
Just, calls for civility are fraught and the Stack isn't very thoughtful about that end of its design.
A change to the behavior policy could indicate more thoughtfulness on the part of our Stack Overlords regarding the nature and value of emotional labor and how to cultivate it.
Right now Be Nice is mostly focused on "social face," which is.... incomplete, if not a red herring altogether.
The Stack's in a position where it COULD be on the cutting edge of new thought and praxis for online community-building. Instead it's... ah, not.
mornin folks
@SirCinnamon howdy howdy
my 3d print file I bought from heroforge didn't work :(
I think I need to edit in struts for the overhangs.
kind of annoying
@NautArch Oh?
didnt work in what way
@SirCinnamon The print worked up until it got to a point where an overhang was starting and then i had a nice angel hair filament collection on top of the boots of the mini.
I wonder if they require some setting on the printer...
I've never personally operated one so I don't know all the details
They can be tricky when there's lots of overhanging parts, yep.
@kviiri Sort of annoying that heroforge doesn't include those and makes you edit them in.
Here, you can print this, but you can't really.
@DavidCoffron ?
Eagle Whistle implies that the average person can blow a whistle for 30 seconds... That is certainly not the case.
I'm a trained vocalist and I can barely get there (if I warm up)
[I know real world stuff is meaningless, but that is so easy to check that I don't know why they didn't make it 3+con]
@DavidCoffron I just tried to exhale a full breath slowly and got up to 45 seconds
@NautArch Now try it with your lips pursed and exhaling enough to cause a whistle to make noise. The different aperture and force makes a difference
@DavidCoffron I can try it on my clarinet at home, but I'm guessing I can do it for 30 seconds.
But that's nnot doing anything else that is physically demanding
but i'm also not a D&D hero (or am I?)
@NautArch Meh. Maybe I'm just not warmed up as much as I thought I was this morning (I was tooting lightly on my recorder)
Keep in mind that a 20 CON character can also hold their breath for 6 minutes.
@DavidCoffron and vibrating a reed is likely more effort than a whistle (depending on what type of whistle)
@DavidCoffron jiminy christmas!
> The current non-oxygen aided records stand at 11 minutes, 35 seconds for men (Stéphane Mifsud, 2009) and 8 minutes, 23 seconds for women (Natalia Molchanova, 2011).
I can definitely see a 20 CON character pulling 6 minutes while swimming, etc.
@DavidCoffron yup, my mind has been changed!
@NautArch I think they literally made the PHB numbers based on a 20 being just under the world records (Standing high jump world record is about 5 feet, you can get 4 with 20 STR)
Standing long jump is 12 feet, you can get 10 feet with 20 STR
The eaglet is getting closer and closer to flight
It's flapping enough to bounce the branch it's on
It's obscured by the smudge :(
@SirCinnamon but does it have an eagle whistle?
@NautArch Can't blow a whistle with a beak!
my second batch of ginger ale, this time aiming towards ginger beer territory, has carbonated excellently
@SirCinnamon You sure?
thats a BILL
not a BEAK
You got me there
@DavidCoffron Ah, the Tweety Defense
rpg.stackexchange.com/q/125214/43856 - Okay chat, I'm confused on these heavy down-votes there. -6 for me is like "wow this is the worst question ever such a garbage" and the question doesn't seem that bad
@HellSaint I didn't downvote, but I'm guessing is that it's based off of Purple Monkeys comment.
It's definitely a low-effort/no research question
Even though sure, theres a logic to sound-boost spell increases sound based damage, it's pretty plainly not in the purview of the spell
@HellSaint two different ways to think about downvotes: one is to evaluate one's own vote regardless of context, and downvote a question if it's not useful or has poor research effort or etc. Another way is to evaluate a score it "should" have based on how bad it is, and not downvote if it is at or lower than that score already.
We don't manage the score except indirectly through individual votes.
@SirCinnamon yeah, but "spells only do what they say" it not a concept that spread and well-internalized by everyone that not knowing it is worth -6 imo, but welp, community does what community does
the user has enough rep to not feel bad about it, hopefully
@HellSaint It doesnt justify mass downvotes, but I can see it justifying single downvotes
which a less attentive user might not notice are adding up i guess
I just don't like the idea of someone feeling their question is "dumb" and feeling scared to ask something later, if you know what I mean
Yeah I'm not sure it deserves that low of vote (also didn't downvote). I agree with the logic though, it is very low effort. When written it also initially had cap/grammar issues that had to be cleaned up which is also pretty galling on a question this short.
@SirCinnamon @HellSaint Also, while many folks ask for downvote explanations, that really isn't something that we necessarily want to encourage.
It's not bad to explain, but it can easily get into a debate on the explanation - and that's not what comments are for.
@NautArch Yeah, usually for 1 downvote I agree. When a question gets -6, though, I really think the asker deserves that. That's on me though and I'm not feeling bad if my comment is flagged and deleted.
@NautArch TOO REAL
@BESW Thanks!
@NautArch Can your printer software rotate the model? "Lying on its back" might be a better orientation?
@nitsua60 oooh, it can. It turns out I forgot to select "generate supports", so it printed out completely on the 2nd try.
but sadly, the detail isn't there on the Lulzbot Mini (that, and I need some superglue after snapping it in two and knocking off the halberd blade while removing those supports)
I definitely should have tested it out before buying 4 STL files :(
@NautArch I've sustained notes on the french horn for over two minutes. A lot easier while sitting and having hyperventilated in preparation than while swimming, though!
@NautArch This perfectly describes why I seem to never have free time
Recently I built a couple characters as applications to a play-by-post campaign wherein the players will be playing as Norse/Egyptian/Greek Gods (big G) that just woke up in the middle ages.

Pathfinder level 6, Tristalt with 1 mythic rank and high-quality 3pp allowed. It was brutal to build characters but if either gets in it'll be great (might still do a third, but haven't been inspired by any Greek ones)
@nitsua60 I think lying 'flat' may be worse (because of the incorporated stand raising the whole thing up)
@Delioth Pathfinder tristalt... jiminy crickets
One of the characters literally has 7 daily resources
@BESW Hmm, you have captured in a concise statement what was behind my comments back and forth with SSD in my appeal to treat new users better, which you and doppel encouraged me to post. but Stack's underlying problem with its niceness policy (focusing on superficial civility) is still very much a reef on which genuine kindness runs aground Thank you for that.
@Delioth I do a lot of DM campaign prep so I don't deal with tristalts, but I deal with NPC team synergy
(Bloodrager Spells, Rounds of Rage, Mythic Power, Psionic Power Points, Kineticist Burn, Path of War Maneuvers, and Animus); I guess 2 of those aren't really "per day", they're only relevant in the context of "an encounter"... but still
Yeah, team synergy even among us PC's will probably be complex or awkward... because we will all have tons of options on what to do but might not have good combos of stuff (group vs team)
@Delioth Genuinely curious here, what's the criteria used for 'high-quality' 3pp?
@Maximillian Well, it's GM discretion but initially Path of War and Psionics from Dreamscarred Press, along with Spheres of Power (don't recall publisher)
@DavidCoffron Champion Fighter with a 20 beats that, I am pretty sure. ;) Remarkable Athlete feature. Nvm, that's running jump.
@Maximillian Can you still understand the splatbook after a brownie?
@Yuuki Depends on if it's a normal brownie or a Denver brownie.
Dreamscarred Press stuff is tried-and-true as a staple of 3pp, thus high quality. Spheres of Power is the same way. GM approving other stuff as-asked
@Maximillian "High-quality" would imply a Denver brownie, I think.
Ah, I see the wordplay you're going for now.
Though I'm not 100% if one would be able to parse Path of War (Tome of Battle if you're stuck in D&D 3.5e) or Psionics after a brownie... but that's another story
Usually that's just giggle fits and coming up with silly/stupid ways to torment goblins.
My tables tend to run sober.
@Maximillian My tables tend to sit but hey, whatever helps you burn those calories.
From a GM perspective, I'd say that you know "high quality" when you see it
@MikeQ Given recent history, I don't think GM would know anything about quality.
Either that, or they're looking for content with high STR and DEX and low INT/Faith/Endurance
I mean, even the lowest bar for quality is probably above "doesn't kill me".
@HellSaint OK, I gave a sympathy up-vote since I suspect that plenty of people might be thinking the same thing when one accounts for similarity, verisimilitude, and immersion approaches to the game.
@HellSaint When it comes to rules-confusion questions, I take the stance they use over in Skeptics.SE - the question has to have some basis or existing claim, or demonstrable ambiguity. Otherwise, it smells like the asker didn't bother researching the issue.
@MikeQ yes, the "how to ask a question" link might be a good thing to pop into a comment as a reminder if the question shows little research. I do that now and again here, and have dropped that in a lot at Christianity.SE in comments when welcoming a new user.
Likewise with the "how to write an answer" link. We get a lot of wall of text answers at Christianity.SE.
So it's official.
What's official?
I've befriended a Nothic/
His name is Gareth.
I also intimidated the local supplies store into providing him with 30 kilos of food every 12 hours for 2 gold provided by the Nothic per day.
This D&D campaign is wild.
Cool. Will you two be taking in some adventures together, a ball game, or just hanging out and drinking ale at the tavern?
Mainly just hanging in his cave. He doesn't like strangers.
Having weird social interactions with the weird monsters is one of my favorite parts of any tabletop game
But he likes you, I guess, since you are not a stranger anymore. :)
My party is terrified of him.
I'm in a 40k campaign where my character's sole mission is to befriend all of the eldritch horror beasts and convince them to join his fan club
And it's hilarious watching them roleplay being frightened (saving throw) when I'm shouting "OI GARETH, HOW ARE YOU?" when we get his cave.
Lol that sounds like a good time.
My character is a Dwarven Paladin 3. Question for y'all.
Are you really a dwarf if you don't roleplay with SOME sort of accent?
That seems to have been spread by a number of CRPG's, and then by LoTR movie.
IIRC, Warcraft 2 dwarves had accents along the Scottish side ....
@Anoplexian You can't call them that.
@Anoplexian absolutely okay. There shouldn't be any gatekeeping for RP.
LOL @Yuuki
I use a Scottish accent.
And that's great.
Which is hilarious, considering our DM is an accent sponge.
The table you play at sounds like a fun table.
It's my kitchen table so I hope so.
@Anoplexian He was able to infiltrate a cult of Dagon, the ancient sea terror, and forge a friendship pact by offering milk and cookies
That sounds epic.
My Paladin has excellent Charisma, and by excellent I mean a grand total of 6, so I try to play him a bit loud and inconsiderate. Never blatantly mean, but often a bit rude.
We also convinced a seven-headed spider monster to move in to the party's apartment and serve as an lookout for extradimensional anomalies, in exchange for access to the fridge and pantry
Is it a present day campaign?
Apocalyptic near-future, yeah
We couldn't pronounce the spider creature's name so we call it Steve
Nice. My DM wants to try a Star Wars campaign, but I'm not sure how well we'd do given how new we are to D&D in general. Our Nothic had no need for names, so being oblivious I gave him one.
@KorvinStarmast I think the best part about our table is our general knowledge of DND without experience. So we all know a bit about D&D, but we're all still new to actually playing it, so it's a table of newbies with a pretty good idea of how not to play characters.
Our DM is also super chill so he'll roleplay an evil character saying things like "You shut your filthy mouth infidel!" as a Dragon Cultist, and my character having no tact is just like, "No". The rest of the party is always like "excuse the loud, fat one, but no".
@Anoplexian As long as the players are getting along, and having fun, then the game is a success
If the players are new to the system, then the GM should be patient while running the game, and also avoid challenges that rely on prior system experience
@Anoplexian And knowing what not to do is certainly valuable, because it means they're learning. Heck, most of my player/GM ability is from witnessing or suffering the mistakes of other players/GMs, or making those mistakes myself and then learning from them
Does rolling a nat20 on an ability saving throw is an automatic success?
@MikeQ I concur that hands on experience is the most valuable, but having people with enthusiasm and interest runs a pretty close second.
@Vylix by RAW, no.
@Vylix I usually add narrative flair if it does succeed.
@Vylix Depends on the game and system. Are you referring to 5e?
@Vylix Short answer: no. But if the DM had you roll, and a nat 20 plus your various mods would not succeed, why did the DM bother to have you roll?
I have a player with a druid/monk. He burns ki points to cast pass without trace. His roll of a 1 is a 24. The character is a fart in the wind to attempt to detect in anything but open well lit places.
@Vylix The idea is only to roll if the outcome is uncertain.
@KorvinStarmast Some players like to roll dice. The aforementioned player likes to roll. I let him even though nothing has a passive perception of 24.
@KorvinStarmast Or to hide when the outcome is uncertain.
If the implicit metagaming that all players have is an issue.
@ColinGross OK, I can see how that can work. "I rolled a 20!" DM "Hmm, still didn't succeed." It's a way of learning "Hmm, I can't do that" in game.
@KorvinStarmast It's just a zombie getting 29 dmg. The DM I was playing with is not familiar with how Zombies' Undead Fortitude works.
@KorvinStarmast I agree
@KorvinStarmast I also have an inverted roll conversion. I pregenerate a binary list before each game. The 1's correspond to a regular 20 is high roll. The 0's correspond to an inverted roll.
@KorvinStarmast I have issues with the player that likes to roll everything playing in such a way that they know how well they rolled.
Although with stealth and that player it rarely ever matters. Only a few creatures have ever taken an action to detect them.
Use both. Some rolls the players can roll themselves, others the GM should roll secretly
@ColinGross Some of the best games I played in as a player had the least rolling; there were some DM's when I was first starting out who wanted the play/battle to move along to increase the sense of urgency, and the energy, of combat. It was a stark contrast to the crunchy games I played in. I was somewhere in between as a DM. As time went on, I tended to want the least rolls we could get away with. (And with new players, that seems to have been worthwhile)
Granted, combat is roll heavy.
@KorvinStarmast Depending on system. FATE's combat is less roll-y than 5e which is less roll-y than Pathfinder. FATE's isn't too bad for combat as far as I'm concerned
Nowadays it's just Fate
unless you're referring to the older versions specifically
Oh is it? I haven't actually looked at docs for fate anything like recently because the system is simple enough to explain and also because I don't have a group.
@Anoplexian Wonderful! How good of you to do that for the Nothic.
It's just my go-to rules-lite system
Yeah, at the start it was a cutesy acronym (F.A.T.E.) because all the hot games at the time had cutesy acronyms or contractions for names (G.U.R.P.S., WOD, DND)
A few years ago -- I'm not sure when, but very definitely by the time Fate Core came out -- they had dropped the idea of it being an acronym and now it is just a word: Fate.
Huh, I don't know if I ever even knew it while it was supposed to be an acronym then (Hell, when I looked it up there was Fate Core and Fate Accelerated). Must have picked it up from answers or other readings online
There's a lot of people still writing it in all-caps, which isn't helped by the logo presenting it in all-caps. :P
@Delioth I'm in the exact same boat. I have no idea how I learned the acronym form.
FATE used to stand for Fudge Adventures in Tabletop Entertainment, then later Fantastic Adventures in Tabletop Entertainment. The first of those names was referencing Fate being an implementation of the FUDGE system, itself an acronym for Freeform Universal DIY Gaming Engine then later just like Fate it stopped being an acronym and started just being a word: Fudge.
Well, that is very informative TIL. Thanks!
Fudge brought up the idea of skills with small numbers and the iconic fudge dice with +/-/blanks.
so FATE should actually be FUDIYGEAITE ?
@MikeQ What's that one stand for? :P
oh now I get it
Exactly correct
Or "funk" for short, which is the sound your companion makes when you explain what it means and their forehead hits the table.
With the F at the start instead of TH because fate/fudge/fudiygeaite have that and that's just fashionable.
@doppelgreener Hmm, that's a new usage for the word funk so I'll try to file that in my lexicon. Free association now requires that I link to Lightnin' Licks and Thunder Thumbs ... and now that song is stuck in my head.
Serious doubt: is soccer/world cup that important in other countries? Here, Brazil playing = every business stops, it's almost holiday today.
I find this amusing and wrong at the same time :P
Soccer is pretty much a religion in Brazil.
I'm like 70% sure I saw a news article of someone in Brazil diagnosed with PTSD after their 7-1 loss to Germany.
@Yuuki I... don't even doubt it...
@HellSaint (Germany) Basically my whole department at work today instantly vanished to watch the game on a beamer in a meeting room when i began.
I'm not a fan of my having to explain every world cup again and again that I really don't care about soccer :P
Funny thing is: I'm trying to sleep, but I can't, because everyone is making SO MUCH NOISE
@ACuriousMind Yeah. Here, we're supposed to socially interact even if we don't care about it, simply because society.
It's a decent excuse to make a barbecue with friends, though, at least.
@HellSaint Yeah. It's mostly about shared experience or interest... which means you fake enough interest only because you're interested in interacting with other humans.
@Yuuki I remember during that game seeing a lot of people in the crowd crying
Just abjectly broken-hearted by what was happening
@HellSaint I concur. Any excuse for a BBQ.
Sports in general are a big deal in Australia, but the nation doesn't stop for FIFA.
We do stop for the state of origin. :)
@doppelgreener FIFA isn't deadly enough to make it on the radar?
The State of Origin series is the annual best-of-three rugby league football match series between two Australian state representative sides, the New South Wales Blues and the Queensland Maroons. Referred to as Australian sport's greatest rivalry, the State of Origin series is one of Australia's premier sporting events, attracting huge television audiences and usually selling out the stadiums in which the games are played. It is regularly described as being the pinnacle of rugby league, even in comparison with international competitions. Players are selected to represent the Australian state in...
@doppelgreener So the continental cup?
I'm not even watching
but I THINK brazil has just scored one...
@ColinGross Not nearly. Cricket, tennis, and rugby are more popular.
@HellSaint You just need to pretend your interested in watching so you can have a BBQ
@doppelgreener All of those are far more deadly.
Yeap, certainly a goal there.
@ACuriousMind Then don't. Just kinda hedge with "I watch a game every now and then".
@ColinGross A yearly rivalry game between two rival states with teams consisting of people born in those states. It is the best three games of NRL in the nation each year.
@HellSaint I like this plan. We should probably discuss it more at a BBQ.
@ColinGross Alternatively, do what we do in Midwest US: Have BBQ for the reason of "beer and beef with buddies"
@ColinGross Literally!
@Delioth Day ends in Y. Living on a continent that begins and ends with a vowel.
@Delioth That's a good one. Why we didn't think about it before?
@HellSaint We should probably brain storm more reasons over some BBQ.
@HellSaint We're a simple people, just try to avoid overthinking things.
@Delioth 'merica
@Yuuki Then they will inevitably try to strike up a conversation about whatever game I "watched last"
Or, worse, invite me to watch a game with them, leading to me having to come up with even more excuses
@ColinGross Specifically the Midwest/Iowa, where a major attraction at our state fair is a cow made of butter and the state sport is cornhole. Again, we're a simple people.
There's nothing super special about the butter cow, and it's just made every year for a display (along with other butter-sculptures for a theme), it's really just a sculpted cow made out of butter. Full size too
@ACuriousMind Just watch the game. You can put off work for a bit and sit around. Watching sports isn't terrible if you're truly apathetic towards it.
@ACuriousMind Just play on your phone for 90 minutes
@Yuuki See, but that's time that we could be doing something else.
@Delioth Any time you do anything is time that you could be doing something else.
@Yuuki I'd much rather spend my time doing I actually like!
I like my work more than watching sports, really.
@Yuuki Therefore spending time doing something that I don't care for is wasted, while time spent doing something I enjoy is well spent
I don't follow a lot of sports myself, but it doesn't really bother me that much if everyone at work decides to spend part of an afternoon watching the World Cup or a birthday party or whatever.
Watching sports for me and those of similar care is throwing time out the window (and money too if you actually e.g. pay to get in or for overpriced beers)
@Delioth I'm in ice sculpture territory. The state sport is complaining about the state directly south of us.
@Delioth Eh, it's on company time. I get paid the same amount either way.
@Delioth What if you like wasting time?! dun dun dunnnnn
@Yuuki If everyone else just decided to do so and not bother me about not wanting to, I'd be perfectly fine with that
@Yuuki Yeah, but I actually enjoy the work I do. Also, for summer we can take off like 4 hours early on Friday if our work is on track, so I definitely prefer to do the work
@Yuuki Do you always poo while at work? aka pooping on the clock?
Maybe I'm too laid back but I don't really bothered when people ask me if I want to do something that I'm not particularly interested in.
@Yuuki Would you like to go to a BBQ?
@ColinGross Eh, going to poo everyday at a regular time is good for your body regardless of whether you're getting paid for it.
@Yuuki Is it better to be paid for it?
I certainly don't care if the rest of the office screws around for a while (we developers do it daily; we've been playing mini-golf in the office). Mind, Midwest is laid back and doesn't really need an excuse for not going to something
@ColinGross How long do you smoke your brisket?
@Delioth Sometimes I miss compiling
@Yuuki umm..... 7?
Plus, it's not always about watching sports. Your co-workers ask to do things with you typically because they either like you or want to get know you better and watching sports together is a way of doing that.
@ColinGross Yeah, we're working on moving some things to microservices because our main app takes like 25 minutes to build and deploy to QA servers.
@Yuuki It's not "Do you want to come?" - "Nope, but have fun!" - "Okay". It's "Are you coming?" - "No" - "Huh? Something urgent to do?" - "Nope" - "You don't like football?!?!" -...
@ACuriousMind "You're exactly right!"
@ACuriousMind Yeah, I get that. Still doesn't bother me.
@Yuuki Then you have more patience than I could ever muster :P
I can't decide if I should delete my answer on this question
@ACuriousMind Always pass the muster.
Mind, I don't have to deal with it since we're a very techy company and everyone's a nerd like me, it's way more likely for someone to ask to vidya-game with them rather than watching sports
@NautArch No. I like that question.
@ColinGross The question I like, I"m not sure I like my answer
@NautArch That's just a list of questions tagged .
@NautArch I liked your answer before you added the waffling statements.
@NautArch That link is busted
@NautArch (Just so you're aware... you appear to have linked "Questions Tagged dnd-5e", not a question)
@ColinGross Waffles are the best, everyone loves waffles
@GreySage Damn it. I concur with that.
@Delioth argh! too late to delete
Actually, it not making sense isn't a waffling statement. I retract my previous assertion.
@ColinGross This is definitely a case where I don't agree with the RAW
@NautArch Sometimes RAW does seem less than half baked.
I like the RAW on this because it's simple. Did you attack? they know where you are unless you hide again. Also, every time you attack you have to re-hide because you shifted around a bit.
@NautArch I think you should keep it, the RAW makes no sense here and your answer is explaining all that already. The "making an attack" exception would probably be waived by any reasonable DM (I know I would waive it here)
Since it's a bonus, anyone could take the hide action in the same round.
You can attack and remain hidden, but you have to burn an action to do it.
Seems fine to have to actively remain hidden while whacking an enemy. No hides for free
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